import { Kind, print, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, NonNullTypeNode, DirectiveNode, NameNode, OperationTypeNode, FieldDefinitionNode, NamedTypeNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, ValueNode, OperationTypeDefinitionNode, SchemaDefinitionNode, ArgumentNode, ListValueNode, StringValueNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, DocumentNode, } from 'graphql'; const intTypes = [`INTEGER`, `INT`, `SMALLINT`, `TINYINT`, `MEDIUMINT`, `BIGINT`, `BIT`]; const floatTypes = [`FLOAT`, `DOUBLE`, `REAL`, `REAL_AS_FLOAT`, `DOUBLE PRECISION`, `DEC`, `DECIMAL`, `FIXED`, `NUMERIC`]; /** * Creates a non-null type, which is a node wrapped around another type that simply defines it is non-nullable. * * @param typeNode the type to be marked as non-nullable. * @returns a non-null wrapper around the provided type. */ export function getNonNullType(typeNode: NamedTypeNode): NonNullTypeNode { return { kind: Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE, type: typeNode, }; } /** * Creates a named type for the schema. * * @param name the name of the type. * @returns a named type with the provided name. */ export function getNamedType(name: string): NamedTypeNode { return { kind: Kind.NAMED_TYPE, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: name, }, }; } /** * Creates an input value definition for the schema. * * @param typeNode the type of the input node. * @param name the name of the input. * @returns an input value definition node with the provided type and name. */ export function getInputValueDefinition(typeNode: NamedTypeNode | NonNullTypeNode, name: string): InputValueDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: name, }, type: typeNode, }; } /** * Creates an operation field definition for the schema. * * @param name the name of the operation. * @param args the arguments for the operation. * @param type the type of the operation. * @param directives the directives (if any) applied to this field. In this context, only subscriptions will have this. * @returns an operation field definition with the provided name, args, type, and optionally directives. */ export function getOperationFieldDefinition( name: string, args: InputValueDefinitionNode[], type: NamedTypeNode, directives: ReadonlyArray ): FieldDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: name, }, arguments: args, type: type, directives: directives, }; } /** * Creates a field definition node for the schema. * * @param fieldName the name of the field to be created. * @param type the type of the field to be created. * @returns a field definition node with the provided name and type. */ export function getFieldDefinition(fieldName: string, type: NonNullTypeNode | NamedTypeNode): FieldDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: fieldName, }, type, }; } /** * Creates a type definition node for the schema. * * @param fields the field set to be included in the type. * @param typeName the name of the type. * @returns a type definition node defined by the provided fields and name. */ export function getTypeDefinition(fields: ReadonlyArray, typeName: string): ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: typeName, }, fields: fields, }; } /** * Creates an input type definition node for the schema. * * @param fields the fields in the input type. * @param typeName the name of the input type * @returns an input type definition node defined by the provided fields and */ export function getInputTypeDefinition(fields: ReadonlyArray, typeName: string): InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: typeName, }, fields: fields, }; } /** * Creates a name node for the schema. * * @param name the name of the name node. * @returns the name node defined by the provided name. */ export function getNameNode(name: string): NameNode { return { kind: Kind.NAME, value: name, }; } /** * Creates a list value node for the schema. * * @param values the list of values to be in the list node. * @returns a list value node containing the provided values. */ export function getListValueNode(values: ReadonlyArray): ListValueNode { return { kind: Kind.LIST, values: values, }; } /** * Creates a simple string value node for the schema. * * @param value the value to be set in the string value node. * @returns a fleshed-out string value node. */ export function getStringValueNode(value: string): StringValueNode { return { kind: Kind.STRING, value: value, }; } /** * Creates a directive node for a subscription in the schema. * * @param mutationName the name of the mutation the subscription directive is for. * @returns a directive node defining the subscription. */ export function getDirectiveNode(mutationName: string): DirectiveNode { return { kind: Kind.DIRECTIVE, name: this.getNameNode('aws_subscribe'), arguments: [this.getArgumentNode(mutationName)], }; } /** * Creates an operation type definition (subscription, query, mutation) for the schema. * * @param operationType the type node defining the operation type. * @param operation the named type node defining the operation type. */ export function getOperationTypeDefinition(operationType: OperationTypeNode, operation: NamedTypeNode): OperationTypeDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION, operation: operationType, type: operation, }; } /** * Creates an argument node for a subscription directive within the schema. * * @param argument the argument string. * @returns the argument node. */ export function getArgumentNode(argument: string): ArgumentNode { return { kind: Kind.ARGUMENT, name: this.getNameNode('mutations'), value: this.getListValueNode([this.getStringValueNode(argument)]), }; } /** * Given the DB type for a column, make a best effort to select the appropriate GraphQL type for * the corresponding field. * * @param dbType the SQL column type. * @returns the GraphQL field type. */ export function getGraphQLTypeFromMySQLType(dbType: string): string { const normalizedType = dbType.toUpperCase().split('(')[0]; if (`BOOL` == normalizedType) { return `Boolean`; } else if (`JSON` == normalizedType) { return `AWSJSON`; } else if (`TIME` == normalizedType) { return `AWSTime`; } else if (`DATE` == normalizedType) { return `AWSDate`; } else if (`DATETIME` == normalizedType) { return `AWSDateTime`; } else if (`TIMESTAMP` == normalizedType) { return `AWSTimestamp`; } else if (intTypes.indexOf(normalizedType) > -1) { return `Int`; } else if (floatTypes.indexOf(normalizedType) > -1) { return `Float`; } return `String`; }