// @flow strict import objectValues from '../../polyfills/objectValues'; import keyMap from '../../jsutils/keyMap'; import inspect from '../../jsutils/inspect'; import isInvalid from '../../jsutils/isInvalid'; import didYouMean from '../../jsutils/didYouMean'; import suggestionList from '../../jsutils/suggestionList'; import { GraphQLError } from '../../error/GraphQLError'; import { type ValueNode } from '../../language/ast'; import { print } from '../../language/printer'; import { type ASTVisitor } from '../../language/visitor'; import { isScalarType, isEnumType, isInputObjectType, isListType, isNonNullType, isRequiredInputField, getNullableType, getNamedType, } from '../../type/definition'; import { type ValidationContext } from '../ValidationContext'; export function badValueMessage( typeName: string, valueName: string, message?: string, ): string { return ( `Expected type ${typeName}, found ${valueName}` + (message ? `; ${message}` : '.') ); } export function badEnumValueMessage( typeName: string, valueName: string, suggestedValues: $ReadOnlyArray, ) { return ( `Expected type ${typeName}, found ${valueName}.` + didYouMean('the enum value', suggestedValues) ); } export function requiredFieldMessage( typeName: string, fieldName: string, fieldTypeName: string, ): string { return `Field ${typeName}.${fieldName} of required type ${fieldTypeName} was not provided.`; } export function unknownFieldMessage( typeName: string, fieldName: string, suggestedFields: $ReadOnlyArray, ): string { return ( `Field "${fieldName}" is not defined by type ${typeName}.` + didYouMean(suggestedFields) ); } /** * Value literals of correct type * * A GraphQL document is only valid if all value literals are of the type * expected at their position. */ export function ValuesOfCorrectType(context: ValidationContext): ASTVisitor { return { NullValue(node) { const type = context.getInputType(); if (isNonNullType(type)) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError(badValueMessage(inspect(type), print(node)), node), ); } }, ListValue(node) { // Note: TypeInfo will traverse into a list's item type, so look to the // parent input type to check if it is a list. const type = getNullableType(context.getParentInputType()); if (!isListType(type)) { isValidScalar(context, node); return false; // Don't traverse further. } }, ObjectValue(node) { const type = getNamedType(context.getInputType()); if (!isInputObjectType(type)) { isValidScalar(context, node); return false; // Don't traverse further. } // Ensure every required field exists. const fieldNodeMap = keyMap(node.fields, field => field.name.value); for (const fieldDef of objectValues(type.getFields())) { const fieldNode = fieldNodeMap[fieldDef.name]; if (!fieldNode && isRequiredInputField(fieldDef)) { const typeStr = inspect(fieldDef.type); context.reportError( new GraphQLError( requiredFieldMessage(type.name, fieldDef.name, typeStr), node, ), ); } } }, ObjectField(node) { const parentType = getNamedType(context.getParentInputType()); const fieldType = context.getInputType(); if (!fieldType && isInputObjectType(parentType)) { const suggestions = suggestionList( node.name.value, Object.keys(parentType.getFields()), ); context.reportError( new GraphQLError( unknownFieldMessage(parentType.name, node.name.value, suggestions), node, ), ); } }, EnumValue(node) { const type = getNamedType(context.getInputType()); if (!isEnumType(type)) { isValidScalar(context, node); } else if (!type.getValue(node.value)) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( badEnumValueMessage( type.name, print(node), enumTypeSuggestion(type, node), ), node, ), ); } }, IntValue: node => isValidScalar(context, node), FloatValue: node => isValidScalar(context, node), StringValue: node => isValidScalar(context, node), BooleanValue: node => isValidScalar(context, node), }; } /** * Any value literal may be a valid representation of a Scalar, depending on * that scalar type. */ function isValidScalar(context: ValidationContext, node: ValueNode): void { // Report any error at the full type expected by the location. const locationType = context.getInputType(); if (!locationType) { return; } const type = getNamedType(locationType); if (!isScalarType(type)) { const message = isEnumType(type) ? badEnumValueMessage( inspect(locationType), print(node), enumTypeSuggestion(type, node), ) : badValueMessage(inspect(locationType), print(node)); context.reportError(new GraphQLError(message, node)); return; } // Scalars determine if a literal value is valid via parseLiteral() which // may throw or return an invalid value to indicate failure. try { const parseResult = type.parseLiteral(node, undefined /* variables */); if (isInvalid(parseResult)) { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( badValueMessage(inspect(locationType), print(node)), node, ), ); } } catch (error) { // Ensure a reference to the original error is maintained. context.reportError( new GraphQLError( badValueMessage(inspect(locationType), print(node), error.message), node, undefined, undefined, undefined, error, ), ); } } function enumTypeSuggestion(type, node) { const allNames = type.getValues().map(value => value.name); return suggestionList(print(node), allNames); }