// @flow strict import inspect from '../jsutils/inspect'; import invariant from '../jsutils/invariant'; import { Kind } from '../language/kinds'; import { type NamedTypeNode, type ListTypeNode, type NonNullTypeNode, } from '../language/ast'; import { type GraphQLSchema } from '../type/schema'; import { type GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLList, GraphQLNonNull, } from '../type/definition'; /** * Given a Schema and an AST node describing a type, return a GraphQLType * definition which applies to that type. For example, if provided the parsed * AST node for `[User]`, a GraphQLList instance will be returned, containing * the type called "User" found in the schema. If a type called "User" is not * found in the schema, then undefined will be returned. */ /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */ declare function typeFromAST( schema: GraphQLSchema, typeNode: NamedTypeNode, ): GraphQLNamedType | void; declare function typeFromAST( schema: GraphQLSchema, typeNode: ListTypeNode, ): GraphQLList | void; declare function typeFromAST( schema: GraphQLSchema, typeNode: NonNullTypeNode, ): GraphQLNonNull | void; export function typeFromAST(schema, typeNode) { /* eslint-enable no-redeclare */ let innerType; if (typeNode.kind === Kind.LIST_TYPE) { innerType = typeFromAST(schema, typeNode.type); return innerType && GraphQLList(innerType); } if (typeNode.kind === Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE) { innerType = typeFromAST(schema, typeNode.type); return innerType && GraphQLNonNull(innerType); } if (typeNode.kind === Kind.NAMED_TYPE) { return schema.getType(typeNode.name.value); } // Not reachable. All possible type nodes have been considered. invariant(false, 'Unexpected type node: ' + inspect((typeNode: empty))); }