v2.0.0: date: 2018-09-08 changes: - Update all dependencies. - Drop Node.js < 6 support. v1.1.0: date: 2017-04-12 changes: - Update grunt to 1.0.0. - Updates to docs and changelog. - Update internal modules. v1.0.0: date: 2016-02-15 changes: - Drop support for Node.js v0.8. - Grunt peer dependency tagged `>= 0.4.5`. - Dependency updates. v0.7.0: date: 2015-11-13 changes: - Dependency updates. v0.6.0: date: 2014-07-27 changes: - Less verbose output. - README updates. v0.5.0: date: 2013-07-15 changes: - Use rimraf directly, version 2.2.1 to fix issue on Windows. - Add `no-write` option to mimic `grunt.file.delete` behavior. v0.4.1: date: 2013-04-16 changes: - Check if file exists to avoid trying to delete a non-existent file. v0.4.0: date: 2013-02-15 changes: - First official release for Grunt 0.4.0. v0.4.0rc6: date: 2013-01-18 changes: - Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6. - Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions. v0.4.0rc5: date: 2013-01-09 changes: - Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. - Switching to `this.filesSrc` API. v0.4.0a: date: 2012-12-07 changes: - Conversion to grunt v0.4 conventions. - Remove Node.js v0.6 and grunt v0.3 support. - Add `force` option to bypass CWD check. v0.3.0: date: 2012-09-23 changes: - Options no longer accepted from global config key. v0.2.0: date: 2012-09-10 changes: - Refactored from grunt-contrib into individual repo.