import { File } from "gulp-util";
* Creates a Gulp plugin stream that performs a user-defined transformation
* on file contents.
* @param encoding A character encoding used to convert the file contents to a string, or
* null to invoke the callback with a Buffer. Defaults to null.
* @param callback A callback describing the transformation. Invoked with (0) the file
* contents and (1) the File object. Returns either the new contents or a
* Promise for the new contents.
* @return Returns a Gulp plugin stream.
declare function gulpTransform(encoding: gulpTransform.Encoding, callback: (contents: string, file: File) => string | PromiseLike): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
* Creates a Gulp plugin stream that performs a user-defined transformation
* on file contents.
* @param encoding A character encoding used to convert the file contents to a string, or
* null to invoke the callback with a Buffer. Defaults to null.
* @param callback A callback describing the transformation. Invoked with (0) the file
* contents and (1) the File object. Returns either the new contents or a
* Promise for the new contents.
* @return Returns a Gulp plugin stream.
declare function gulpTransform(encoding: null, callback: (contents: Buffer, file: File) => Buffer | PromiseLike): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
* Creates a Gulp plugin stream that performs a user-defined transformation
* on file contents.
* @param options An object that accepts the following options:
* - encoding: A character encoding used to convert the file contents to
* a string, or null to invoke the callback with a Buffer. Defaults to
* null.
* - thisArg: The value of this within the callback. Defaults to
* undefined.
* @param callback A callback describing the transformation. Invoked with (0) the file
* contents and (1) the File object. Returns either the new contents or a
* Promise for the new contents.
* @return Returns a Gulp plugin stream.
declare function gulpTransform(options: {
encoding: gulpTransform.Encoding;
thisArg?: any;
}, callback: (contents: string, file: File) => string | PromiseLike): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
* Creates a Gulp plugin stream that performs a user-defined transformation
* on file contents.
* @param options An object that accepts the following options:
* - encoding: A character encoding used to convert the file contents to
* a string, or null to invoke the callback with a Buffer. Defaults to
* null.
* - thisArg: The value of this within the callback. Defaults to
* undefined.
* @param callback A callback describing the transformation. Invoked with (0) the file
* contents and (1) the File object. Returns either the new contents or a
* Promise for the new contents.
* @return Returns a Gulp plugin stream.
declare function gulpTransform(options: {
encoding?: null;
thisArg?: any;
}, callback: (contents: Buffer, file: File) => Buffer | PromiseLike): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
* Creates a Gulp plugin stream that performs a user-defined transformation
* on file contents.
* @param callback A callback describing the transformation. Invoked with (0) the file
* contents and (1) the File object. Returns either the new contents or a
* Promise for the new contents.
* @return Returns a Gulp plugin stream.
declare function gulpTransform(callback: (contents: Buffer, file: File) => Buffer | PromiseLike): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
declare namespace gulpTransform {
* A character encoding supported by Node.js.
type Encoding = "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "base64" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex";
export = gulpTransform;