#!/usr/bin/env node var nodePath = require("path") var program = require("commander") var fse = require("fs-extra") var downloadRepo = require("download-github-repo") var pkg = require("../package.json") var helpers = require("../lib/helpers") var harp = require("../") var output = function(msg){ var v = pkg.version console.log("------------") console.log("Harp v" + v + " – Chloi Inc. 2012–2015") if(msg){ console.log(msg) console.log("Press Ctl+C to stop the server") } console.log("------------") } program .version(pkg.version) program .command("init [path]") .usage("initializes a new Harp project in the current directory.\n See available boilerplates at https://github.com/harp-boilerplates") .option("-b, --boilerplate ", "use a github repo as a boilerplate", "harp-boilerplates/default") .description("Initialize a new Harp project in current directory") .action(function(path, program){ var projectPath = nodePath.resolve(process.cwd(), path || "") var boilerplatePath = nodePath.resolve(__dirname, "..", "lib", "default_boilerplate") var repo = program.boilerplate // Assume `harp-boilerplates` github org if boilerplate doesn't contain a slash repo.match(/\//) || (repo = "harp-boilerplates/"+repo) var done = function() { console.log("Initialized project at", projectPath) } fse.mkdirp(projectPath, function(err){ if(err) return err fse.readdir(projectPath, function(err, contents){ if(err) return err if(contents.length !== 0){ console.log("Sorry,", projectPath, "must be empty.") return } console.log("Downloading boilerplate: https://github.com/"+repo) //fse.writeFileSync("/Desktop/harp-test-output.txt", repo + "::" + projectPath) downloadRepo(repo, projectPath, function(err) { if (!err) return done() if (require('util').isError(err) && err['code'] === 'ENOTFOUND') { console.error("You're not connected to the Internet, so we'll use the default boilerplate.") fse.copy(boilerplatePath, projectPath, function(err){ if (err) return err return done() }) } else { return console.error("Template not found:", "https://github.com/"+repo) } }) }) }) }) program .command("server [path]") .option("-i, --ip ", "Specify IP to bind to") .option("-p, --port ", "Specify a port to listen on") .usage("starts a Harp server in current directory, or in the specified directory.") .description("Start a Harp server in current directory") .action(function(path, program){ var projectPath = nodePath.resolve(process.cwd(), path || "") var ip = program.ip || '' var port = program.port || 9000 harp.server(projectPath, { ip: ip, port: port }, function(){ var address = '' if(ip == '' || ip == '') { address = 'localhost' } else { address = ip } var hostUrl = "http://" + address + ":" + port + "/" output("Your server is listening at " + hostUrl) }) }) program .command("multihost [path]") .option("-p, --port ", "Specify a port to listen on") .usage("starts a Harp server to host a directory of Harp projects.") .description("Start a Harp server to host a directory of Harp projects") .action(function(path, program){ var projectPath = nodePath.resolve(process.cwd(), path || "") var port = program.port || 9000 harp.multihost(projectPath, { port: port }, function(){ if(port == "80"){ var loc = "http://lvh.me" }else{ var loc = "http://lvh.me:" + port } output("Your server is hosting multiple projects at " + loc) }) }) program .command("compile [projectPath] [outputPath]") .option("-o, --output ", "Specify the output directory for compiled assets (relative to project path)") .usage("compile your project files to static assets (HTML, JS and CSS). \n Use this command if you want to host your application without using the Harp web server.") .description("Compile project to static assets (HTML, JS and CSS)") .action(function(projectPath, outputPath, program){ if(!program){ program = outputPath outputPath = null } projectPath = nodePath.resolve(process.cwd(), projectPath || "") /** * We deal with output path 3 different ways * * 1. second argument (relative to directory called in) * 2. `--output` argument (relative to project root) * 3. implicitly projectPath + "/www" * */ if(outputPath){ outputPath = nodePath.resolve(process.cwd(), (outputPath || program.output || '')) }else{ outputPath = nodePath.resolve(projectPath, (program.output || "www")) } harp.compile(projectPath, outputPath, function(errors, output){ if(errors) { console.log(JSON.stringify(errors, null, 2)) process.exit(1) } }) }) program.on("--help", function(){ console.log(" Use 'harp --help' to get more information or visit http://harpjs.com/ to learn more.") console.log('') }) program.parse(process.argv) if(program.args.length < 1){ program.help() }