import Hashids from '../lib/hashids' const hashids = new Hashids() describe('bad input', () => { test(`should throw an error when small alphabet`, () => { expect(() => { void new Hashids('', 0, '1234567890') }).toThrow() }) test(`should throw an error when alphabet not a string`, () => { expect(() => { // @ts-ignore void new Hashids('', 0, 7) }).toThrow(TypeError) }) test(`should not throw an error when alphabet has spaces`, () => { expect(() => { void new Hashids('', 0, 'a cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') }).not.toThrow() }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding nothing`, () => { const id = hashids.encode() expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding an empty array`, () => { const id = hashids.encode([]) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding a negative number`, () => { const id = hashids.encode(-1) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding a string with non-numeric characters`, () => { expect(hashids.encode('6B')).toEqual('') expect(hashids.encode('123a')).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding infinity`, () => { const id = hashids.encode(Infinity) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding a null`, () => { // @ts-ignore const id = hashids.encode(null) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding a NaN`, () => { const id = hashids.encode(NaN) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding an undefined`, () => { // @ts-ignore const id = hashids.encode(undefined) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding an array with non-numeric input`, () => { const id = hashids.encode(['z']) expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty array when decoding nothing`, () => { // @ts-ignore const numbers = hashids.decode() expect(numbers).toEqual([]) }) test(`should return an empty array when decoding an empty string`, () => { const numbers = hashids.decode('') expect(numbers).toEqual([]) }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding non-numeric input`, () => { const id = hashids.encode('z') expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty array when decoding invalid id`, () => { const numbers = hashids.decode('f') expect(numbers).toEqual([]) }) test(`should return an empty string when encoding non-hex input`, () => { const id = hashids.encodeHex('z') expect(id).toEqual('') }) test(`should return an empty string when hex-decoding invalid id`, () => { const hex = hashids.decodeHex('f') expect(hex).toEqual('') }) // reproduction from test(`should throw an error when an id to be decoded contains chars that do not exist in the alphabet (multiple)`, () => { const hashids = new Hashids('', 6, 'abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789') expect(hashids.isValidId('[object Object]')).toBe(false) expect(() => { hashids.decode('[object Object]') }).toThrow(Error) }) // reproduction from test(`should throw an error when an id to be decoded contains chars that do not exist in the alphabet (single)`, () => { const hashids = new Hashids('', 6, 'abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789') expect(hashids.isValidId('a1bcdef')).toBe(false) expect(() => { hashids.decode('a1bcdef') }).toThrow(Error) }) })