import Hashids from '../lib/hashids' const minLength = 30 const hashids = new Hashids( 'this is my salt', minLength, 'xzal86grmb4jhysfoqp3we7291kuct5iv0nd', ) describe.each([ ['nej1m3d5a6yn875e7gr9kbwpqol02q', [0]], ['dw1nqdp92yrajvl9v6k3gl5mb0o8ea', [1]], ['onqr0bk58p642wldq14djmw21ygl39', [928728]], ['18apy3wlqkjvd5h1id7mn5ore2d06b', [1, 2, 3]], ['o60edky1ng3vl9hbfavwr5pa2q8mb9', [1, 0, 0]], ['o60edky1ng3vlqfbfp4wr5pa2q8mb9', [0, 0, 1]], ['qek2a08gpl575efrfd7yomj9dwbr63', [0, 0, 0]], ['m3d5a6yn875rae8y81a94gr9kbwpqo', [1000000000000]], ['1q3y98ln48w96kpo0wgk314w5mak2d', [9007199254740991]], ['op7qrcdc3cgc2c0cbcrcoc5clce4d6', [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]], ['5430bd2jo0lxyfkfjfyojej5adqdy4', [10000000000, 0, 0, 0, 999999999999999]], [ 'aa5kow86ano1pt3e1aqm239awkt9pk380w9l3q6', [9007199254740991, 9007199254740991, 9007199254740991], ], [ 'mmmykr5nuaabgwnohmml6dakt00jmo3ainnpy2mk', [1000000001, 1000000002, 1000000003, 1000000004, 1000000005], ], [ 'w1hwinuwt1cbs6xwzafmhdinuotpcosrxaz0fahl', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], ], // bigint format: ...(typeof BigInt === 'function' ? require('./bigint-test-cases').customParams : []), ] as [string, (number | bigint)[]][])( 'encode/decode using custom params', (id, numbers) => { test(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing array of numbers)`, () => { expect(id).toEqual(hashids.encode(numbers)) }) test(`should decode '${id}' to '${numbers.join(', ')}'`, () => { expect(hashids.decode(id)).toEqual(numbers) }) test(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing numbers)`, () => { expect(id).toEqual(hashids.encode(...numbers)) }) test(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' and decode back correctly`, () => { const encodedId = hashids.encode(numbers) const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(encodedId) expect(numbers).toEqual(decodedNumbers) }) test(`id length should be at least ${minLength}`, () => { expect(hashids.encode(numbers).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(minLength) }) }, )