import webpackTestConfig from './webpack-test.config'; import { ConfigOptions } from 'karma'; export default (config) => { config.set({ // Base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude). basePath: './', // Frameworks to use. // Available frameworks: frameworks: ['jasmine'], // List of files to load in the browser. files: [ 'karma-test-entry.ts' ], // Preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser. // Available preprocessors: preprocessors: { 'karma-test-entry.ts': ['webpack', 'sourcemap'] }, webpack: webpackTestConfig, // Webpack please don't spam the console when running in karma! webpackMiddleware: { noInfo: true, // Use stats to turn off verbose output. stats: { chunks: false } }, mime: { 'text/x-typescript': [ 'ts' ] }, coverageIstanbulReporter: { reports: ['text-summary', 'html', 'lcovonly'], fixWebpackSourcePaths: true }, // Test results reporter to use. // Possible values: 'dots', 'progress'. // Available reporters: reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage-istanbul'], // Level of logging // Possible values: // - config.LOG_DISABLE // - config.LOG_ERROR // - config.LOG_WARN // - config.LOG_INFO // - config.LOG_DEBUG logLevel: config.LOG_WARN, // Start these browsers. // Available browser launchers: browsers: ['Chrome'], browserConsoleLogOptions: { terminal: true, level: 'log' }, singleRun: true, colors: true } as ConfigOptions); };