import { Accessory, Bridge, CharacteristicWarning, InterfaceName, IPAddress, MacAddress, MDNSAdvertiser } from "hap-nodejs"; import { AccessoryIdentifier, AccessoryName, AccessoryPlugin, HomebridgeAPI, PlatformIdentifier, PlatformName, PluginIdentifier, StaticPlatformPlugin } from "./api"; import { ExternalPortService, ExternalPortsConfiguration } from "./externalPortService"; import { Logging } from "./logger"; import { PlatformAccessory } from "./platformAccessory"; import { Plugin } from "./plugin"; import { PluginManager } from "./pluginManager"; import { HomebridgeOptions } from "./server"; export interface BridgeConfiguration { name: string; username: MacAddress; pin: string; advertiser?: MDNSAdvertiser; port?: number; bind?: (InterfaceName | IPAddress) | (InterfaceName | IPAddress)[]; setupID?: string[4]; manufacturer?: string; model?: string; disableIpc?: boolean; firmwareRevision?: string; env?: { DEBUG?: string; NODE_OPTIONS?: string; }; } export interface AccessoryConfig extends Record { accessory: AccessoryName | AccessoryIdentifier; name: string; uuid_base?: string; _bridge?: BridgeConfiguration; } export interface PlatformConfig extends Record { platform: PlatformName | PlatformIdentifier; name?: string; _bridge?: BridgeConfiguration; } export interface HomebridgeConfig { bridge: BridgeConfiguration; /** * @deprecated */ mdns?: any; accessories: AccessoryConfig[]; platforms: PlatformConfig[]; plugins?: PluginIdentifier[]; /** * Array of disabled plugins. * Unlike the plugins[] config which prevents plugins from being initialised at all, disabled plugins still have their alias loaded, so * we can match config blocks of disabled plugins and show an appropriate message in the logs. */ disabledPlugins?: PluginIdentifier[]; ports?: ExternalPortsConfiguration; } export interface BridgeOptions extends HomebridgeOptions { cachedAccessoriesDir: string; cachedAccessoriesItemName: string; } export interface CharacteristicWarningOpts { ignoreSlow?: boolean; } export declare class BridgeService { private api; private pluginManager; private externalPortService; private bridgeOptions; private bridgeConfig; private config; bridge: Bridge; private storageService; private readonly allowInsecureAccess; private cachedPlatformAccessories; private cachedAccessoriesFileLoaded; private readonly publishedExternalAccessories; constructor(api: HomebridgeAPI, pluginManager: PluginManager, externalPortService: ExternalPortService, bridgeOptions: BridgeOptions, bridgeConfig: BridgeConfiguration, config: HomebridgeConfig); static printCharacteristicWriteWarning(plugin: Plugin, accessory: Accessory, opts: CharacteristicWarningOpts, warning: CharacteristicWarning): void; publishBridge(): void; /** * Attempt to load the cached accessories from disk. */ loadCachedPlatformAccessoriesFromDisk(): Promise; /** * Return the name of the backup cache file */ private get backupCacheFileName(); /** * Create a backup of the cached file * This is used if we ever have trouble reading the main cache file */ private createCachedAccessoriesBackup; /** * Restore a cached accessories backup * This is used if the main cache file has a JSON syntax error / is corrupted */ private restoreCachedAccessoriesBackup; restoreCachedPlatformAccessories(): void; /** * Save the cached accessories back to disk. */ saveCachedPlatformAccessoriesOnDisk(): void; handleRegisterPlatformAccessories(accessories: PlatformAccessory[]): void; handleUpdatePlatformAccessories(accessories: PlatformAccessory[]): void; handleUnregisterPlatformAccessories(accessories: PlatformAccessory[]): void; handlePublishExternalAccessories(accessories: PlatformAccessory[]): Promise; createHAPAccessory(plugin: Plugin, accessoryInstance: AccessoryPlugin, displayName: string, accessoryType: AccessoryName | AccessoryIdentifier, uuidBase?: string): Accessory | undefined; loadPlatformAccessories(plugin: Plugin, platformInstance: StaticPlatformPlugin, platformType: PlatformName | PlatformIdentifier, logger: Logging): Promise; teardown(): void; private static strippingPinCode; } //#