import fs from 'fs-extra' import { ActionResult, RunnerConfig } from './types' import params from './params' const engine = async ( argv: string[], config: RunnerConfig, ): Promise => { const { cwd, templates, logger } = config const args = Object.assign(await params(config, argv), { cwd }) const { generator, action, actionfolder } = args if (['-h', '--help'].includes(argv[0])) { logger.log(` Usage: hygen [option] GENERATOR ACTION [--name NAME] [data-options] Options: -h, --help # Show this message and quit --dry # Perform a dry run. Files will be generated but not saved.`) process.exit(0) } logger.log(args.dry ? '(dry mode)' : '') if (!generator) { throw new Error('please specify a generator.') } if (!action) { throw new Error(`please specify an action for ${generator}.`) } logger.log(`Loaded templates: ${templates.replace(`${cwd}/`, '')}`) if (!(await fs.exists(actionfolder))) { throw new Error(`I can't find action '${action}' for generator '${generator}'. You can try: 1. 'hygen init self' to initialize your project, and 2. 'hygen generator new --name ${generator}' to build the generator you wanted. Check out the quickstart for more: `) } // lazy loading these dependencies gives a better feel once // a user is exploring hygen (not specifying what to execute) const execute = require('./execute') const render = require('./render') return execute(await render(args, config), args, config) } export default engine