import { RenderedAction, RunnerConfig } from './types' const fs = require('fs-extra') const ejs = require('ejs') const fm = require('front-matter') const path = require('path') const walk = require('ignore-walk') const context = require('./context') // for some reason lodash/fp takes 90ms to load. // inline what we use here with the regular lodash. const map = f => arr => const filter = f => arr => arr.filter(f) const ignores = [ 'prompt.js', 'index.js', '.hygenignore', '.DS_Store', '.Spotlight-V100', '.Trashes', 'ehthumbs.db', 'Thumbs.db', ] const renderTemplate = (tmpl, locals, config) => typeof tmpl === 'string' ? ejs.render(tmpl, context(locals, config)) : tmpl async function getFiles(dir) { const files = walk .sync({ path: dir, ignoreFiles: ['.hygenignore'] }) .map(f => path.join(dir, f)) return files } const render = async ( args: any, config: RunnerConfig, ): Promise => getFiles(args.actionfolder) .then(things => things.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))) // TODO: add a test to verify this sort .then(filter(f => !ignores.find(ig => f.endsWith(ig)))) // TODO: add a // test for ignoring prompt.js and index.js .then(filter(file => (args.subaction ? file.match(args.subaction) : true))) .then( map(file => fs.readFile(file).then(text => ({ file, text: text.toString() })), ), ) .then(_ => Promise.all(_)) .then(map(({ file, text }) => Object.assign({ file }, fm(text)))) .then( map(({ file, attributes, body }) => ({ file, attributes: Object.entries(attributes).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => { return { ...obj, [key]: renderTemplate(value, args, config), } }, {}), body: renderTemplate(body, args, config), })), ) module.exports = render