import { InfoAPI } from './rest/info'; import { ExchangeAPI } from './rest/exchange'; import { WebSocketClient } from './websocket/connection'; import { WebSocketSubscriptions } from './websocket/subscriptions'; import { RateLimiter } from './utils/rateLimiter'; import * as CONSTANTS from './types/constants'; import { CustomOperations } from './rest/custom'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import { SymbolConversion } from './utils/symbolConversion'; import { AuthenticationError } from './utils/errors'; export class Hyperliquid { public info: InfoAPI; public exchange: ExchangeAPI; public ws: WebSocketClient; public subscriptions: WebSocketSubscriptions; public custom: CustomOperations; private rateLimiter: RateLimiter; private symbolConversion: SymbolConversion; private isValidPrivateKey: boolean = false; private walletAddress: string | null = null; constructor(privateKey: string | null = null, testnet: boolean = false, walletAddress: string | null = null) { const baseURL = testnet ? CONSTANTS.BASE_URLS.TESTNET : CONSTANTS.BASE_URLS.PRODUCTION; this.rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(); this.symbolConversion = new SymbolConversion(baseURL, this.rateLimiter); = new InfoAPI(baseURL, this.rateLimiter, this.symbolConversion); = new WebSocketClient(testnet); this.subscriptions = new WebSocketSubscriptions(, this.symbolConversion); // Create proxy objects for exchange and custom = this.createAuthenticatedProxy(ExchangeAPI); this.custom = this.createAuthenticatedProxy(CustomOperations); this.walletAddress = walletAddress; if (privateKey) { this.initializeWithPrivateKey(privateKey, testnet); } } private createAuthenticatedProxy(Class: new (...args: any[]) => T): T { return new Proxy({} as T, { get: (target, prop) => { if (!this.isValidPrivateKey) { throw new AuthenticationError('Invalid or missing private key. This method requires authentication.'); } return target[prop as keyof T]; } }); } private initializeWithPrivateKey(privateKey: string, testnet: boolean = false): void { try { const formattedPrivateKey = privateKey.startsWith('0x') ? privateKey : `0x${privateKey}` as `0x${string}`; new ethers.Wallet(formattedPrivateKey); // Validate the private key = new ExchangeAPI(testnet, formattedPrivateKey,, this.rateLimiter, this.symbolConversion, this.walletAddress); this.custom = new CustomOperations(,, formattedPrivateKey, this.symbolConversion, this.walletAddress); this.isValidPrivateKey = true; } catch (error) { console.warn("Invalid private key provided. Some functionalities will be limited."); this.isValidPrivateKey = false; } } public isAuthenticated(): boolean { return this.isValidPrivateKey; } async connect(): Promise { await; if (!this.isValidPrivateKey) { console.warn("Not authenticated. Some WebSocket functionalities may be limited."); } } disconnect(): void {; } } export * from './types'; export * from './utils/signing';