/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, no-underscore-dangle */ import get from "lodash/get"; import has from "lodash/has"; import merge from "lodash/merge"; import { DateTime, Dict, FormatNumberOptions, I18nOptions, MissingPlaceholderHandler, NullPlaceholderHandler, NumberToCurrencyOptions, NumberToDelimitedOptions, NumberToHumanOptions, NumberToHumanSizeOptions, NumberToPercentageOptions, NumberToRoundedOptions, Numeric, OnChangeHandler, Scope, StrftimeOptions, TimeAgoInWordsOptions, ToSentenceOptions, TranslateOptions, } from "./typing"; import { Locales } from "./Locales"; import { Pluralization } from "./Pluralization"; import { MissingTranslation } from "./MissingTranslation"; import { camelCaseKeys, createTranslationOptions, formatNumber, getFullScope, inferType, interpolate, isSet, lookup, numberToDelimited, numberToHuman, numberToHumanSize, parseDate, pluralize, strftime, timeAgoInWords, } from "./helpers"; const DEFAULT_I18N_OPTIONS: I18nOptions = { defaultLocale: "en", locale: "en", defaultSeparator: ".", placeholder: /(?:\{\{|%\{)(.*?)(?:\}\}?)/gm, enableFallback: false, missingBehavior: "message", missingTranslationPrefix: "", missingPlaceholder: (_i18n: I18n, placeholder: string): string => `[missing "${placeholder}" value]`, nullPlaceholder: ( i18n: I18n, placeholder, message: string, options: Dict, ): string => i18n.missingPlaceholder(i18n, placeholder, message, options), transformKey: (key: string): string => key, }; export class I18n { private _locale: string = DEFAULT_I18N_OPTIONS.locale; private _defaultLocale: string = DEFAULT_I18N_OPTIONS.defaultLocale; private _version = 0; /** * List of all onChange handlers. * * @type {OnChangeHandler[]} */ public onChangeHandlers: OnChangeHandler[] = []; /** * Set the default string separator. Defaults to `.`, as in * `scope.translation`. * * @type {string} */ public defaultSeparator: string; /** * Set if engine should fallback to the default locale when a translation is * missing. Defaults to `false`. * * When enabled, missing translations will first be looked for in less * specific versions of the requested locale and if that fails by taking them * from your `I18n#defaultLocale`. * * @type {boolean} */ public enableFallback: boolean; /** * The locale resolver registry. * * @see {@link Locales} * * @type {Locales} */ public locales: Locales; /** * The pluralization behavior registry. * * @see {@link Pluralization} * * @type {Pluralization} */ public pluralization: Pluralization; /** * Set missing translation behavior. * * - `message` will display a message that the translation is missing. * - `guess` will try to guess the string. * - `error` will raise an exception whenever a translation is not defined. * * See {@link MissingTranslation.register} for instructions on how to define * your own behavior. * * @type {MissingBehavior} */ public missingBehavior: string; /** * Return a missing placeholder message for given parameters. * * @type {MissingPlaceholderHandler} */ public missingPlaceholder: MissingPlaceholderHandler; /** * If you use missingBehavior with 'message', but want to know that the string * is actually missing for testing purposes, you can prefix the guessed string * by setting the value here. By default, no prefix is used. * * @type {string} */ public missingTranslationPrefix: string; /** * Return a placeholder message for null values. Defaults to the same behavior * as `I18n.missingPlaceholder`. * * @type {NullPlaceholderHandler} */ public nullPlaceholder: NullPlaceholderHandler; /** * The missing translation behavior registry. * * @see {@link MissingTranslation} * * @type {MissingTranslation} */ public missingTranslation: MissingTranslation; /** * Set the placeholder format. Accepts `{{placeholder}}` and `%{placeholder}`. * * @type {RegExp} */ public placeholder: RegExp; /** * Set the registered translations. The root key must always be the locale * (and its variations with region). * * Remember that no events will be triggered if you change this object * directly. To trigger `onchange` events, you must perform updates either * using `I18n#store` or `I18n#update`. * * @type {Dict} */ public translations: Dict = {}; /** * Transform keys. By default, it returns the key as it is, but allows for * overriding. For instance, you can set a function to receive the camelcase * key, and convert it to snake case. * * @type {(key: string) => string} */ public transformKey: (key: string) => string; /** * Override the interpolation function. For the default implementation, see * * @type {(i18n: I18n, message: string, options: TranslateOptions) => string} */ public interpolate: typeof interpolate; constructor(translations: Dict = {}, options: Partial = {}) { const { locale, enableFallback, missingBehavior, missingTranslationPrefix, missingPlaceholder, nullPlaceholder, defaultLocale, defaultSeparator, placeholder, transformKey, }: I18nOptions = { ...DEFAULT_I18N_OPTIONS, ...options, }; this.locale = locale; this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale; this.defaultSeparator = defaultSeparator; this.enableFallback = enableFallback; this.locale = locale; this.missingBehavior = missingBehavior; this.missingTranslationPrefix = missingTranslationPrefix; this.missingPlaceholder = missingPlaceholder; this.nullPlaceholder = nullPlaceholder; this.placeholder = placeholder; this.pluralization = new Pluralization(this); this.locales = new Locales(this); this.missingTranslation = new MissingTranslation(this); this.transformKey = transformKey; this.interpolate = interpolate; this.store(translations); } /** * Update translations by merging them. Newest translations will override * existing ones. * * @param {Dict} translations An object containing the translations that will * be merged into existing translations. * * @returns {void} */ public store(translations: Dict): void { merge(this.translations, translations); this.hasChanged(); } /** * Return the current locale, using a explicit locale set using * `i18n.locale = newLocale`, the default locale set using * `i18n.defaultLocale` or the fallback, which is `en`. * * @returns {string} The current locale. */ public get locale(): string { return this._locale || this.defaultLocale || "en"; } /** * Set the current locale explicitly. * * @param {string} newLocale The new locale. */ public set locale(newLocale: string) { if (typeof newLocale !== "string") { throw new Error( `Expected newLocale to be a string; got ${inferType(newLocale)}`, ); } const changed = this._locale !== newLocale; this._locale = newLocale; if (changed) { this.hasChanged(); } } /** * Return the default locale, using a explicit locale set using * `i18n.defaultLocale = locale`, the default locale set using * `i18n.defaultLocale` or the fallback, which is `en`. * * @returns {string} The current locale. */ public get defaultLocale(): string { return this._defaultLocale || "en"; } /** * Set the default locale explicitly. * * @param {string} newLocale The new locale. */ public set defaultLocale(newLocale: string) { if (typeof newLocale !== "string") { throw new Error( `Expected newLocale to be a string; got ${inferType(newLocale)}`, ); } const changed = this._defaultLocale !== newLocale; this._defaultLocale = newLocale; if (changed) { this.hasChanged(); } } /** * Translate the given scope with the provided options. * * @param {string|array} scope The scope that will be used. * * @param {TranslateOptions} options The options that will be used on the * translation. Can include some special options like `defaultValue`, `count`, * and `scope`. Everything else will be treated as replacement values. * * @param {number} options.count Enable pluralization. The returned * translation will depend on the detected pluralizer. * * @param {any} options.defaultValue The default value that will used in case * the translation defined by `scope` cannot be found. Can be a function that * returns a string; the signature is * `(i18n:I18n, options: TranslateOptions): string`. * * @param {MissingBehavior|string} options.missingBehavior The missing * behavior that will be used instead of the default one. * * @param {Dict[]} options.defaults An array of hashs where the key is the * type of translation desired, a `scope` or a `message`. The translation * returned will be either the first scope recognized, or the first message * defined. * * @returns {T | string} The translated string. */ public translate( scope: Scope, options?: TranslateOptions, ): string | T { options = { ...options }; const translationOptions: TranslateOptions[] = createTranslationOptions( this, scope, options, ) as TranslateOptions[]; let translation: string | Dict | undefined; // Iterate through the translation options until a translation // or message is found. const hasFoundTranslation = translationOptions.some( (translationOption: TranslateOptions) => { if (isSet(translationOption.scope)) { translation = lookup(this, translationOption.scope as Scope, options); } else if (isSet(translationOption.message)) { translation = translationOption.message; } return translation !== undefined && translation !== null; }, ); if (!hasFoundTranslation) { return this.missingTranslation.get(scope, options); } if (typeof translation === "string") { translation = this.interpolate(this, translation, options); } else if ( typeof translation === "object" && translation && isSet(options.count) ) { translation = pluralize({ i18n: this, count: options.count || 0, scope: translation as unknown as string, options, baseScope: getFullScope(this, scope, options), }); } if (options && translation instanceof Array) { translation = translation.map((entry) => typeof entry === "string" ? interpolate(this, entry, options as TranslateOptions) : entry, ); } return translation as string | T; } /** * @alias {@link translate} */ public t = this.translate; /** * Pluralize the given scope using the `count` value. The pluralized * translation may have other placeholders, which will be retrieved from * `options`. * * @param {number} count The counting number. * * @param {Scope} scope The translation scope. * * @param {TranslateOptions} options The translation options. * * @returns {string} The translated string. */ public pluralize( count: number, scope: Scope, options?: TranslateOptions, ): string { return pluralize({ i18n: this, count, scope, options: { ...options }, baseScope: getFullScope(this, scope, options ?? {}), }); } /** * @alias {@link pluralize} */ public p = this.pluralize; /** * Localize several values. * * You can provide the following scopes: `currency`, `number`, or * `percentage`. If you provide a scope that matches the `/^(date|time)/` * regular expression then the `value` will be converted by using the * `I18n.toTime` function. It will default to the value's `toString` function. * * If value is either `null` or `undefined` then an empty string will be * returned, regardless of what localization type has been used. * * @param {string} type The localization type. * * @param {string|number|Date} value The value that must be localized. * * @param {Dict} options The localization options. * * @returns {string} The localized string. */ public localize( type: string, value: string | number | Date | null | undefined, options?: Dict, ): string { options = { ...options }; if (value === undefined || value === null) { return ""; } switch (type) { case "currency": return this.numberToCurrency(value as number); case "number": return formatNumber(value as number, { delimiter: ",", precision: 3, separator: ".", significant: false, stripInsignificantZeros: false, ...lookup(this, "number.format"), }); case "percentage": return this.numberToPercentage(value as number); default: { let localizedValue: string; if (type.match(/^(date|time)/)) { localizedValue = this.toTime(type, value as DateTime); } else { localizedValue = (value as string | number | Date).toString(); } return interpolate(this, localizedValue, options); } } } /** * @alias {@link localize} */ public l = this.localize; /** * Convert the given dateString into a formatted date. * * @param {scope} scope The formatting scope. * * @param {DateTime} input The string that must be parsed into a Date object. * * @returns {string} The formatted date. */ public toTime(scope: Scope, input: DateTime): string { const date = parseDate(input); const format: string = lookup(this, scope); if (date.toString().match(/invalid/i)) { return date.toString(); } if (!format) { return date.toString(); } return this.strftime(date, format); } /** * Formats a `number` into a currency string (e.g., $13.65). You can customize * the format in the using an `options` object. * * The currency unit and number formatting of the current locale will be used * unless otherwise specified in the provided options. No currency conversion * is performed. If the user is given a way to change their locale, they will * also be able to change the relative value of the currency displayed with * this helper. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.5); * // => "$1,234,567,890.50" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.506); * // => "$1,234,567,890.51" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.506, { precision: 3 }); * // => "$1,234,567,890.506" * * i18n.numberToCurrency("123a456"); * // => "$123a456" * * i18n.numberToCurrency("123a456", { raise: true }); * // => raises exception ("123a456" is not a valid numeric value) * * i18n.numberToCurrency(-0.456789, { precision: 0 }); * // => "$0" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(-1234567890.5, { negativeFormat: "(%u%n)" }); * // => "($1,234,567,890.50)" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.5, { * unit: "£", * separator: ",", * delimiter: "", * }); * // => "£1234567890,50" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.5, { * unit: "£", * separator: ",", * delimiter: "", * format: "%n %u", * }); * // => "1234567890,50 £" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.5, { stripInsignificantZeros: true }); * // => "$1,234,567,890.5" * * i18n.numberToCurrency(1234567890.5, { precision: 0, roundMode: "up" }); * // => "$1,234,567,891" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The number to be formatted. * * @param {NumberToCurrencyOptions} options The formatting options. When * defined, supersedes the default options defined by `number.format` and * `number.currency.*`. * * @param {number} options.precision Sets the level of precision (defaults to * 2). * * @param {RoundingMode} options.roundMode Determine how rounding is performed * (defaults to `default`.) * * @param {string} options.unit Sets the denomination of the currency * (defaults to "$"). * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the units * (defaults to "."). * * @param {string} options.delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter * (defaults to ","). * * @param {string} options.format Sets the format for non-negative numbers * (defaults to "%u%n"). Fields are `%u` for the currency, and `%n` for the * number. * * @param {string} options.negativeFormat Sets the format for negative numbers * (defaults to prepending a hyphen to the formatted number given by * `format`). Accepts the same fields than `format`, except `%n` is here the * absolute value of the number. * * @param {boolean} options.stripInsignificantZeros If `true` removes * insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to `false`). * * @param {boolean} options.raise If `true`, raises exception for non-numeric * values like `NaN` and infinite values. * * @returns {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToCurrency( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return formatNumber(input, { delimiter: ",", format: "%u%n", precision: 2, separator: ".", significant: false, stripInsignificantZeros: false, unit: "$", ...camelCaseKeys>(this.get("number.format")), ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.currency.format"), ), ...options, } as FormatNumberOptions); } /** * Convert a number into a formatted percentage value. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToPercentage(100); * // => "100.000%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage("98"); * // => "98.000%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(100, { precision: 0 }); * // => "100%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(1000, { delimiter: ".", separator: "," }); * // => "1.000,000%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(302.24398923423, { precision: 5 }); * // => "302.24399%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(1000, { precision: null }); * // => "1000%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage("98a"); * // => "98a%" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(100, { format: "%n %" }); * // => "100.000 %" * * i18n.numberToPercentage(302.24398923423, { precision: 5, roundMode: "down" }); * // => "302.24398%" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The number to be formatted. * * @param {NumberToPercentageOptions} options The formatting options. When * defined, supersedes the default options stored at `number.format` and * `number.percentage.*`. * * @param {number} options.precision Sets the level of precision (defaults to * 3). * * @param {RoundingMode} options.roundMode Determine how rounding is performed * (defaults to `default`.) * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the units * (defaults to "."). * * @param {string} options.delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to * ""). * * @param {string} options.format Sets the format for non-negative numbers * (defaults to "%n%"). The number field is represented by `%n`. * * @param {string} options.negativeFormat Sets the format for negative numbers * (defaults to prepending a hyphen to the formatted number given by * `format`). Accepts the same fields than `format`, except `%n` is here the * absolute value of the number. * * @param {boolean} options.stripInsignificantZeros If `true` removes * insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to `false`). * * @returns {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToPercentage( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return formatNumber(input, { delimiter: "", format: "%n%", precision: 3, stripInsignificantZeros: false, separator: ".", significant: false, ...camelCaseKeys>(this.get("number.format")), ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.percentage.format"), ), ...options, } as FormatNumberOptions); } /** * Convert a number into a readable size representation. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToHumanSize(123) * // => "123 Bytes" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234) * // => "1.21 KB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(12345) * // => "12.1 KB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567) * // => "1.18 MB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567890) * // => "1.15 GB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567890123) * // => "1.12 TB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567890123456) * // => "1.1 PB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567890123456789) * // => "1.07 EB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567, {precision: 2}) * // => "1.2 MB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(483989, precision: 2) * // => "470 KB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(483989, {precision: 2, roundMode: "up"}) * // => "480 KB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567, {precision: 2, separator: ","}) * // => "1,2 MB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(1234567890123, {precision: 5}) * // => "1.1228 TB" * * i18n.numberToHumanSize(524288000, {precision: 5}) * // => "500 MB" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The number that will be formatted. * * @param {NumberToHumanSizeOptions} options The formatting options. When * defined, supersedes the default options stored at * `number.human.storage_units.*` and `number.human.format`. * * @param {number} options.precision Sets the precision of the number * (defaults to 3). * * @param {RoundingMode} options.roundMode Determine how rounding is performed * (defaults to `default`) * * @param {boolean} options.significant If `true`, precision will be the * number of significant digits. If `false`, the number of fractional digits * (defaults to `true`). * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the fractional * and integer digits (defaults to "."). * * @param {string} options.delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults * to ""). * * @param {boolean} options.stripInsignificantZeros If `true` removes * insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to `true`). * * @returns {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToHumanSize( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return numberToHumanSize(this, input, { delimiter: "", precision: 3, significant: true, stripInsignificantZeros: true, units: { billion: "Billion", million: "Million", quadrillion: "Quadrillion", thousand: "Thousand", trillion: "Trillion", unit: "", }, ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.human.format"), ), ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.human.storage_units"), ), ...options, } as NumberToHumanSizeOptions); } /** * Convert a number into a readable representation. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToHuman(123); * // => "123" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234); * // => "1.23 Thousand" * * i18n.numberToHuman(12345); * // => "12.3 Thousand" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567); * // => "1.23 Million" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567890); * // => "1.23 Billion" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567890123); * // => "1.23 Trillion" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567890123456); * // => "1.23 Quadrillion" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567890123456789); * // => "1230 Quadrillion" * * i18n.numberToHuman(489939, { precision: 2 }); * // => "490 Thousand" * * i18n.numberToHuman(489939, { precision: 4 }); * // => "489.9 Thousand" * * i18n.numberToHuman(489939, { precision: 2, roundMode: "down" }); * // => "480 Thousand" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567, { precision: 4, significant: false }); * // => "1.2346 Million" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1234567, { * precision: 1, * separator: ",", * significant: false, * }); * // => "1,2 Million" * * i18n.numberToHuman(500000000, { precision: 5 }); * // => "500 Million" * * i18n.numberToHuman(12345012345, { significant: false }); * // => "12.345 Billion" * ``` * * Non-significant zeros after the decimal separator are stripped out by default * (set `stripInsignificantZeros` to `false` to change that): * * ```js * i18n.numberToHuman(12.00001); * // => "12" * * i18n.numberToHuman(12.00001, { stripInsignificantZeros: false }); * // => "12.0" * ``` * * You can also use your own custom unit quantifiers: * * ```js * i18n.numberToHuman(500000, units: { unit: "ml", thousand: "lt" }); * // => "500 lt" * ``` * * If in your I18n locale you have: * * ```yaml * --- * en: * distance: * centi: * one: "centimeter" * other: "centimeters" * unit: * one: "meter" * other: "meters" * thousand: * one: "kilometer" * other: "kilometers" * billion: "gazillion-distance" * ``` * * Then you could do: * * ```js * i18n.numberToHuman(543934, { units: "distance" }); * // => "544 kilometers" * * i18n.numberToHuman(54393498, { units: "distance" }); * // => "54400 kilometers" * * i18n.numberToHuman(54393498000, { units: "distance" }); * // => "54.4 gazillion-distance" * * i18n.numberToHuman(343, { units: "distance", precision: 1 }); * // => "300 meters" * * i18n.numberToHuman(1, { units: "distance" }); * // => "1 meter" * * i18n.numberToHuman(0.34, { units: "distance" }); * // => "34 centimeters" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The number that will be formatted. * * @param {NumberToHumanOptions} options The formatting options. When * defined, supersedes the default options stored at `number.human.format.*` * and `number.human.storage_units.*`. * * @param {number} options.precision Sets the precision of the number * (defaults to 3). * * @param {RoundingMode} options.roundMode Determine how rounding is performed * (defaults to `default`). * * @param {boolean} options.significant If `true`, precision will be the * number of significant_digits. If `false`, the number of fractional digits * (defaults to `true`) * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the fractional * and integer digits (defaults to "."). * * @param {string} options.delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter * (defaults to ""). * * @param {boolean} options.stripInsignificantZeros If `true` removes * insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to `true`). * * @param {Dict} options.units A Hash of unit quantifier names. Or a string * containing an I18n scope where to find this object. It might have the * following keys: * * - _integers_: `unit`, `ten`, `hundred`, `thousand`, `million`, `billion`, * `trillion`, `quadrillion` * - _fractionals_: `deci`, `centi`, `mili`, `micro`, `nano`, `pico`, `femto` * * @param {string} options.format Sets the format of the output string * (defaults to "%n %u"). The field types are: * * - `%u` - The quantifier (ex.: 'thousand') * - `%n` - The number * * @returns {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToHuman( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return numberToHuman(this, input, { delimiter: "", separator: ".", precision: 3, significant: true, stripInsignificantZeros: true, format: "%n %u", roundMode: "default", units: { billion: "Billion", million: "Million", quadrillion: "Quadrillion", thousand: "Thousand", trillion: "Trillion", unit: "", }, ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.human.format"), ), ...camelCaseKeys>( this.get("number.human.decimal_units"), ), ...options, } as NumberToHumanOptions); } /** * Convert number to a formatted rounded value. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToRounded(111.2345); * // => "111.235" * * i18n.numberToRounded(111.2345, { precision: 2 }); * // => "111.23" * * i18n.numberToRounded(13, { precision: 5 }); * // => "13.00000" * * i18n.numberToRounded(389.32314, { precision: 0 }); * // => "389" * * i18n.numberToRounded(111.2345, { significant: true }); * // => "111" * * i18n.numberToRounded(111.2345, { precision: 1, significant: true }); * // => "100" * * i18n.numberToRounded(13, { precision: 5, significant: true }); * // => "13.000" * * i18n.numberToRounded(13, { precision: null }); * // => "13" * * i18n.numberToRounded(389.32314, { precision: 0, roundMode: "up" }); * // => "390" * * i18n.numberToRounded(13, { * precision: 5, * significant: true, * stripInsignificantZeros: true, * }); * // => "13" * * i18n.numberToRounded(389.32314, { precision: 4, significant: true }); * // => "389.3" * * i18n.numberToRounded(1111.2345, { * precision: 2, * separator: ",", * delimiter: ".", * }); * // => "1.111,23" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The number to be formatted. * * @param {NumberToRoundedOptions} options The formatting options. * * @param {number} options.precision Sets the precision of the number * (defaults to 3). * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the * fractional and integer digits (defaults to "."). * * @param {RoundingMode} options.roundMode Determine how rounding is * performed. * * @param {boolean} options.significant If `true`, precision will be the * number of significant_digits. If `false`, the number of fractional digits * (defaults to `false`). * * @param {boolean} options.stripInsignificantZeros If `true` removes * insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to `false`). * * @returns {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToRounded( input: Numeric, options?: Partial, ): string { return formatNumber(input, { unit: "", precision: 3, significant: false, separator: ".", delimiter: "", stripInsignificantZeros: false, ...options, } as FormatNumberOptions); } /** * Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using `delimiter` (e.g., 12,324). * You can customize the format in the `options` parameter. * * @example * ```js * i18n.numberToDelimited(12345678); * // => "12,345,678" * * i18n.numberToDelimited("123456"); * // => "123,456" * * i18n.numberToDelimited(12345678.05); * // => "12,345,678.05" * * i18n.numberToDelimited(12345678, { delimiter: "." }); * // => "12.345.678" * * i18n.numberToDelimited(12345678, { delimiter: "," }); * // => "12,345,678" * * i18n.numberToDelimited(12345678.05, { separator: " " }); * // => "12,345,678 05" * * i18n.numberToDelimited("112a"); * // => "112a" * * i18n.numberToDelimited(98765432.98, { delimiter: " ", separator: "," }); * // => "98 765 432,98" * * i18n.numberToDelimited("123456.78", { * delimiterPattern: /(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))/g, * }); * // => "1,23,456.78" * ``` * * @param {Numeric} input The numeric value that will be formatted. * * @param {NumberToDelimitedOptions} options The formatting options. * * @param {string} options.delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to * ","). * * @param {string} options.separator Sets the separator between the fractional * and integer digits (defaults to "."). * * @param {RegExp} options.delimiterPattern Sets a custom regular expression * used for deriving the placement of delimiter. Helpful when using currency * formats like INR. * * @return {string} The formatted number. */ public numberToDelimited( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return numberToDelimited(input, { delimiterPattern: /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, delimiter: ",", separator: ".", ...options, } as NumberToDelimitedOptions); } /** * Executes function with given locale set. The locale will be changed only * during the `callback`'s execution, switching back to the previous value * once it finishes (with or without errors). * * This is an asynchronous call, which means you must use `await` or you may * end up with a race condition. * * @example * ```js * await i18n.withLocale("pt", () => { * console.log(i18n.t("hello")); * }); * ``` * * @param {string} locale The temporary locale that will be set during the * function's execution. * * @param {Function} callback The function that will be executed with a * temporary locale set. * * @returns {void} */ public async withLocale(locale: string, callback: () => void): Promise { const originalLocale = this.locale; try { this.locale = locale; await callback(); } finally { this.locale = originalLocale; } } /** * Formats time according to the directives in the given format string. * The directives begins with a percent (`%`) character. Any text not listed * as a directive will be passed through to the output string. * * @see strftime * * @param {Date} date The date that will be formatted. * * @param {string} format The formatting string. * * @param {StrftimeOptions} options The formatting options. * * @returns {string} The formatted date. */ public strftime( date: Date, format: string, options: Partial = {}, ): string { return strftime(date, format, { ...camelCaseKeys(lookup(this, "date")), meridian: { am: lookup(this, "time.am") || "AM", pm: lookup(this, "time.pm") || "PM", }, ...options, }); } /** * You may want to update a part of your translations. This is a public * interface for doing it so. * * If the provided path exists, it'll be replaced. Otherwise, a new node will * be created. When running in strict mode, paths that doesn't already exist * will raise an exception. * * Strict mode will also raise an exception if the override type differs from * previous node type. * * @example * ```js * i18n.update("en.number.format", {unit: "%n %u"}); * i18n.update("en.number.format", {unit: "%n %u"}, true); * ``` * * @param {string} path The path that's going to be updated. It must * include the language, as in `en.messages`. * * @param {Dict} override The new translation node. * * @param {boolean} options Set options. * * @param {boolean} options.strict Raise an exception if path doesn't already * exist, or if previous node's type differs from new node's type. * * @returns {void} */ public update( path: string, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types override: any, options: { strict: boolean } = { strict: false }, ): void { if (options.strict && !has(this.translations, path)) { throw new Error(`The path "${path}" is not currently defined`); } const currentNode = get(this.translations, path); const currentType = inferType(currentNode); const overrideType = inferType(override); if (options.strict && currentType !== overrideType) { throw new Error( `The current type for "${path}" is "${currentType}", but you're trying to override it with "${overrideType}"`, ); } let newNode: unknown; if (overrideType === "object") { newNode = { ...currentNode, ...override }; } else { newNode = override; } const components = path.split(this.defaultSeparator); const prop = components.pop(); let buffer = this.translations; for (const component of components) { if (!buffer[component]) { buffer[component] = {}; } buffer = buffer[component]; } buffer[prop as keyof typeof buffer] = newNode; this.hasChanged(); } /** * Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence where the last element is * joined by the connector word. * * @example * ```js * i18n.toSentence(["apple", "banana", "pineapple"]); * //=> apple, banana, and pineapple. * ``` * * @param {any[]} items The list of items that will be joined. * * @param {ToSentenceOptions} options The options. * * @param {string} options.wordsConnector The sign or word used to join the * elements in arrays with two or more elements (default: ", "). * * @param {string} options.twoWordsConnector The sign or word used to join the * elements in arrays with two elements (default: " and "). * * @param {string} options.lastWordConnector The sign or word used to join the * last element in arrays with three or more elements (default: ", and "). * * @returns {string} The joined string. */ public toSentence( items: any[], options: Partial = {}, ): string { const { wordsConnector, twoWordsConnector, lastWordConnector } = { wordsConnector: ", ", twoWordsConnector: " and ", lastWordConnector: ", and ", ...camelCaseKeys>( lookup(this, "support.array"), ), ...options, } as ToSentenceOptions; const size = items.length; switch (size) { case 0: return ""; case 1: return `${items[0]}`; case 2: return items.join(twoWordsConnector); default: return [ items.slice(0, size - 1).join(wordsConnector), lastWordConnector, items[size - 1], ].join(""); } } /** * Reports the approximate distance in time between two time representations. * * @param {DateTime} fromTime The initial time. * * @param {DateTime} toTime The ending time. Defaults to `Date.now()`. * * @param {TimeAgoInWordsOptions} options The options. * * @param {boolean} options.includeSeconds Pass `{includeSeconds: true}` if * you want more detailed approximations when distance < 1 min, 29 secs. * * @param {Scope} options.scope With the scope option, you can define a custom * scope to look up the translation. * * @returns {string} The distance in time representation. */ public timeAgoInWords( fromTime: DateTime, toTime: DateTime, options: TimeAgoInWordsOptions = {}, ): string { return timeAgoInWords(this, fromTime, toTime, options); } /** * @alias {@link timeAgoInWords} */ public distanceOfTimeInWords = this.timeAgoInWords; /** * Add a callback that will be executed whenever locale/defaultLocale changes, * or `I18n#store` / `I18n#update` is called. * * @param {OnChangeHandler} callback The callback that will be executed. * * @returns {Function} Return a function that can be used to unsubscribe the * event handler. * */ public onChange(callback: OnChangeHandler): () => void { this.onChangeHandlers.push(callback); return () => { this.onChangeHandlers.splice(this.onChangeHandlers.indexOf(callback), 1); }; } /** * Return the change version. This value is incremented whenever `I18n#store` * or `I18n#update` is called, or when `I18n#locale`/`I18n#defaultLocale` is * set. */ public get version(): number { return this._version; } /** * Formats a number. * * @param {Numeric} input The numeric value that will be * formatted. * @param {FormatNumberOptions} options The formatting options. Defaults to: * `{ * delimiter: ",", * precision: 3, * separator: ".", * unit: "", * format: "%u%n", * significant: false, * stripInsignificantZeros: false, * }` * @return {string} The formatted number. */ public formatNumber( input: Numeric, options: Partial = {}, ): string { options = { delimiter: ",", precision: 3, separator: ".", unit: "", format: "%u%n", significant: false, stripInsignificantZeros: false, ...camelCaseKeys>(this.get("number.format")), ...options, }; return formatNumber(input, options as FormatNumberOptions); } /** * @param {Scope} scope The scope lookup path. * * @returns {any} The found scope. */ public get(scope: Scope): any { return lookup(this, scope); } /** * @private * * @returns {void} */ private runCallbacks(): void { this.onChangeHandlers.forEach((callback) => callback(this)); } /** * @private * * @returns {void} */ private hasChanged(): void { this._version += 1; this.runCallbacks(); } }