// Type definitions for i18next // Project: http://i18next.com // Definitions by: Michael Ledin // Budi Irawan // Giedrius Grabauskas // Silas Rech // Philipp Katz // Milan Konir // Takeo Kusama // Pierre Ortega declare namespace i18next { interface FallbackLngObjList { [language: string]: string[]; } type FallbackLng = string | string[] | FallbackLngObjList; type FormatFunction = (value: any, format?: string, lng?: string) => string; interface InterpolationOptions { /** * Format function see formatting for details * @default noop */ format?: FormatFunction; /** * Used to separate format from interpolation value * @default ',' */ formatSeparator?: string; /** * Escape function * @default str => str */ escape?(str: string): string; /** * Escape passed in values to avoid xss injection * @default true */ escapeValue?: boolean; /** * If true, then value passed into escape function is not casted to string, use with custom escape function that does its own type check * @default false */ useRawValueToEscape?: boolean; /** * Prefix for interpolation * @default '{{' */ prefix?: string; /** * Suffix for interpolation * @default '}}' */ suffix?: string; /** * Escaped prefix for interpolation (regexSafe) * @default undefined */ prefixEscaped?: string; /** * Escaped suffix for interpolation (regexSafe) * @default undefined */ suffixEscaped?: string; /** * Suffix to unescaped mode * @default undefined */ unescapeSuffix?: string; /** * Prefix to unescaped mode * @default '-' */ unescapePrefix?: string; /** * Prefix for nesting * @default '$t(' */ nestingPrefix?: string; /** * Suffix for nesting * @default ')' */ nestingSuffix?: string; /** * Escaped prefix for nesting (regexSafe) * @default undefined */ nestingPrefixEscaped?: string; /** * Escaped suffix for nesting (regexSafe) * @default undefined */ nestingSuffixEscaped?: string; /** * Global variables to use in interpolation replacements * @default undefined */ defaultVariables?: { [index: string]: any }; /** * After how many interpolation runs to break out before throwing a stack overflow * @default 1000 */ maxReplaces?: number; } interface ReactOptions { /** * Set to true if you like to wait for loaded in every translated hoc * @default false */ wait?: boolean; /** * Set it to fallback to let passed namespaces to translated hoc act as fallbacks * @default 'default' */ nsMode?: 'default' | 'fallback'; /** * Set it to the default parent element created by the Trans component. * @default 'div' */ defaultTransParent?: string; /** * Set which events trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events * @default 'languageChanged loaded' */ bindI18n?: string | false; /** * Set which events on store trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events * @default 'added removed' */ bindStore?: string | false; /** * Set fallback value for Trans components without children * @default undefined */ transEmptyNodeValue?: string; /** * Set it to false if you do not want to use Suspense * @default true */ useSuspense?: boolean; /** * Function to generate an i18nKey from the defaultValue (or Trans children) * when no key is provided. * By default, the defaultValue (Trans text) itself is used as the key. * If you want to require keys for all translations, supply a function * that always throws an error. * @default undefined */ hashTransKey?(defaultValue: TOptionsBase['defaultValue']): TOptionsBase['defaultValue']; /** * Convert eg.
found in translations to a react component of type br * @default true */ transSupportBasicHtmlNodes?: boolean; /** * Which nodes not to convert in defaultValue generation in the Trans component. * @default ['br', 'strong', 'i', 'p'] */ transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor?: string[]; } interface InitOptions { /** * Logs info level to console output. Helps finding issues with loading not working. * @default false */ debug?: boolean; /** * Resources to initialize with (if not using loading or not appending using addResourceBundle) * @default undefined */ resources?: Resource; /** * Allow initializing with bundled resources while using a backend to load non bundled ones. * @default false */ partialBundledLanguages?: boolean; /** * Language to use (overrides language detection) * @default undefined */ lng?: string; /** * Language to use if translations in user language are not available. * @default 'dev' */ fallbackLng?: false | FallbackLng; /** * Array of allowed languages * @default false */ whitelist?: false | string[]; /** * If true will pass eg. en-US if finding en in whitelist * @default false */ nonExplicitWhitelist?: boolean; /** * Language codes to lookup, given set language is * 'en-US': 'all' --> ['en-US', 'en', 'dev'], * 'currentOnly' --> 'en-US', * 'languageOnly' --> 'en' * @default 'all' */ load?: 'all' | 'currentOnly' | 'languageOnly'; /** * Array of languages to preload. Important on server-side to assert translations are loaded before rendering views. * @default false */ preload?: false | string[]; /** * Language will be lowercased eg. en-US --> en-us * @default false */ lowerCaseLng?: boolean; /** * String or array of namespaces to load * @default 'translation' */ ns?: string | string[]; /** * Default namespace used if not passed to translation function * @default 'translation' */ defaultNS?: string; /** * String or array of namespaces to lookup key if not found in given namespace. * @default false */ fallbackNS?: false | string | string[]; /** * Calls save missing key function on backend if key not found * @default false */ saveMissing?: boolean; /** * Experimental: enable to update default values using the saveMissing * (Works only if defaultValue different from translated value. * Only useful on initial development or when keeping code as source of truth not changing values outside of code. * Only supported if backend supports it already) * @default false */ updateMissing?: boolean; /** * @default 'fallback' */ saveMissingTo?: 'current' | 'all' | 'fallback'; /** * Used for custom missing key handling (needs saveMissing set to true!) * @default false */ missingKeyHandler?: | false | ((lngs: string[], ns: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string) => void); /** * Receives a key that was not found in `t()` and returns a value, that will be returned by `t()` * @default noop */ parseMissingKeyHandler?(key: string): any; /** * Appends namespace to missing key * @default false */ appendNamespaceToMissingKey?: boolean; /** * Gets called in case a interpolation value is undefined. This method will not be called if the value is empty string or null * @default noop */ missingInterpolationHandler?: (text: string, value: any, options: InitOptions) => any; /** * Will use 'plural' as suffix for languages only having 1 plural form, setting it to false will suffix all with numbers * @default true */ simplifyPluralSuffix?: boolean; /** * String or array of postProcessors to apply per default * @default false */ postProcess?: false | string | string[]; /** * Allows null values as valid translation * @default true */ returnNull?: boolean; /** * Allows empty string as valid translation * @default true */ returnEmptyString?: boolean; /** * Allows objects as valid translation result * @default false */ returnObjects?: boolean; /** * Gets called if object was passed in as key but returnObjects was set to false * @default noop */ returnedObjectHandler?(key: string, value: string, options: any): void; /** * Char, eg. '\n' that arrays will be joined by * @default false */ joinArrays?: false | string; /** * Sets defaultValue * @default args => ({ defaultValue: args[1] }) */ overloadTranslationOptionHandler?(args: string[]): TOptions; /** * @see https://www.i18next.com/interpolation.html */ interpolation?: InterpolationOptions; /** * Options for language detection - check documentation of plugin * @default undefined */ detection?: object; /** * Options for backend - check documentation of plugin * @default undefined */ backend?: object; /** * Options for cache layer - check documentation of plugin * @default undefined */ cache?: object; /** * Options for i18n message format - check documentation of plugin * @default undefined */ i18nFormat?: object; /** * Options for react - check documentation of plugin * @default undefined */ react?: ReactOptions; /** * Triggers resource loading in init function inside a setTimeout (default async behaviour). * Set it to false if your backend loads resources sync - that way calling i18next.t after * init is possible without relaying on the init callback. * @default true */ initImmediate?: boolean; /** * Char to separate keys * @default '.' */ keySeparator?: false | string; /** * Char to split namespace from key * @default ':' */ nsSeparator?: false | string; /** * Char to split plural from key * @default '_' */ pluralSeparator?: string; /** * Char to split context from key * @default '_' */ contextSeparator?: string; /** * Prefixes the namespace to the returned key when using `cimode` * @default false */ appendNamespaceToCIMode?: boolean; /** * Compatibility JSON version * @default 'v3' */ compatibilityJSON?: 'v1' | 'v2' | 'v3'; /** * Options for https://github.com/locize/locize-editor * @default undefined */ editor?: { /** * Enable on init without the need of adding querystring locize=true * @default false */ enabled?: boolean; /** * If set to false you will need to open the editor via API * @default true */ autoOpen?: boolean; /** * Enable by adding querystring locize=true; can be set to another value or turned off by setting to false * @default 'locize' */ enableByQS?: string | false; /** * Turn on/off by pressing key combination. Combine this with `toggleKeyCode` * @default 'ctrlKey' */ toggleKeyModifier?: 'ctrlKey' | 'metaKey' | 'altKey' | 'shiftKey'; /** * Turn on/off by pressing key combination. Combine this with `toggleKeyModifier` * @default 24 (x) */ toggleKeyCode?: number; /** * Use lng in editor taken from query string, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize) * @default 'useLng' */ lngOverrideQS?: string; /** * Use lng in editor, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize) * @default null */ lngOverride?: string | null; /** * How the editor will open. * Setting to window will open a new window/tab instead * @default 'iframe' */ mode?: 'iframe' | 'window'; /** * Styles to adapt layout in iframe mode to your website layout. * This will add a style to the `