/// import { Agent, OutgoingHttpHeaders } from 'http'; import { UserOptions } from 'ibm-cloud-sdk-core'; import RecognizeStream = require('../lib/recognize-stream'); import GeneratedSpeechToTextV1 = require('./v1-generated'); declare class SpeechToTextV1 extends GeneratedSpeechToTextV1 { static ERR_NO_CORPORA: string; static ERR_TIMEOUT: string; constructor(options: UserOptions); /** * Waits while corpora analysis status is 'being_processes', fires callback once the status is 'analyzed' * * Note: the code will throw an error in case there in no corpus in the customization * * * @param {Object} params The parameters * @param {String} params.customization_id - The GUID of the custom language model * @param {Number} [params.interval=5000] - (milliseconds) - how long to wait between status checks * @param {Number} [params.times=30] - maximum number of attempts * @param {Function} callback */ whenCorporaAnalyzed(params: SpeechToTextV1.WhenCorporaAnalyzedParams): Promise; recognizeUsingWebSocket(params: SpeechToTextV1.RecognizeWebSocketParams): RecognizeStream; recognize(params: GeneratedSpeechToTextV1.RecognizeParams): Promise>; /** * Waits while a customization status is 'pending' or 'training', fires callback once the status is 'ready' or 'available'. * * Note: the customization will remain in 'pending' status until at least one word corpus is added. * * See http://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/speech-to-text/api/v1/#list_models for status details. * * @param {Object} params The parameters * @param {String} params.customization_id - The GUID of the custom language model * @param {Number} [params.interval=5000] - (milliseconds) - how log to wait between status checks * @param {Number} [params.times=30] - maximum number of attempts * @param {Function} callback */ whenCustomizationReady(params: SpeechToTextV1.WhenCustomizationReadyParams): Promise; } declare namespace SpeechToTextV1 { interface SpeechToTextError extends Error { message: string; code?: string; } interface CheckParams { /** How long to wait in milliseconds between status checks, defaults to 5000 milliseconds */ interval: number; /** maximum number of attempts to check, defaults to 30 */ times: number; } type WhenCorporaAnalyzedParams = GeneratedSpeechToTextV1.ListCorporaParams & CheckParams; interface WhenCorporaAnalyzedOptions extends WhenCorporaAnalyzedParams { errorFilter: (err: SpeechToTextError) => boolean; } type WhenCustomizationReadyParams = GeneratedSpeechToTextV1.GetLanguageModelParams & CheckParams; interface WhenCustomizationReadyOptions extends WhenCorporaAnalyzedParams { errorFilter: (err: SpeechToTextError) => boolean; } interface RecognizeWebSocketParams { headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders; readableObjectMode?: boolean; objectMode?: boolean; agent?: Agent; accessToken?: string; watsonToken?: string; model?: string; languageCustomizationId?: string; acousticCustomizationId?: string; baseModelVersion?: string; xWatsonLearningOptOut?: boolean; xWatsonMetadata?: string; contentType?: string; customizationWeight?: number; inactivityTimeout?: number; interimResults?: boolean; keywords?: string[]; keywordsThreshold?: number; maxAlternatives?: number; wordAlternativesThreshold?: number; wordConfidence?: boolean; timestamps?: boolean; profanityFilter?: boolean; smartFormatting?: boolean; speakerLabels?: boolean; grammarName?: string; redaction?: boolean; processingMetrics?: boolean; processingMetricsInterval?: number; audioMetrics?: boolean; endOfPhraseSilenceTime?: number; splitTranscriptAtPhraseEnd?: boolean; speechDetectorSensitivity?: number; backgroundAudioSuppression?: number; } } export = SpeechToTextV1;