Module: ifnode([options: Object]) Options: alias: String "Nice" name of application [optional] By default: equal to id project_folder: String Full path to application root project folder [optional] By default: equal to process.argv[1] environment: String Name of application config (folder ${project_folder}/config) [optional] projectFolder Alias of option .project_folder env: String Alias of option .environment Example: var app = ifnode({ project_folder: __dirname, alias: 'application', env: 'dev' }); Result of ifnode() (application instance): Constants: .config Application config .server Instance of http.createServer .listener Instance of express() .components Hash of application components .models Hash of application models .controllers Hash of application controllers .id Application id (is auto-generated by GUID function) .alias "Nice" name of application By default: equal to id .project_folder Full path to application root project folder By default: equal to process.argv[1] .backend_folder Full path to application backend folder (folder with all components) By default: ${project_folder}/protected .projectFolder Alias of .project_folder .backendFolder Alias of .backend_folder Methods: .load() Load of application components (models, components and controllers) .run([callback: Function]) Run application server. Invoke .load() method if not invoked early .down([callback: Function]) Stop application server .extension(name: String) Get application`s extension by name .register(name: String|module: Module|list_of_names: Array) Attach modules for ifnode application. Module must be added to /node_modules folder or extensions (own application independent modules) Example: ifnode-auth, ifnode-mongoose, etc Usage: var ifnode = require('ifnode'), app = ifnode(); app.register('ifnode-auth'); .ext() Alias of .extension() .require() Alias of .extension() Config: Description json object with all application options. Can contain any options (same of options parse by ifnode) Path to config`s folder ${project_folder}/config Example: module.exports = { site: { port: 1010 } }; ifnode options: site: Description of site url local: Local url (use for start server) host: [optional] By default: localhost port: [optional] By default: 8080 global: Global url ("nice" domain of site) host: [optional] By default: localhost port: [optional] By default: null ssl: SSL support (check key: Full or relative (at project_folder) path to key.pem (just path, not need read as file) cert: Full or relative (at project_folder) path to cert.pem (just path, not need read as file) pfx: Full or relative (at project_folder) path to pfx.pem (just path, not need read as file) Note: ifnode generate config option .site with options: .origin Equal to: http(s)://${host}[:${port}] (if set site.ssl - https, other - http) .url(pathname: String) Method for generate link Example: // config/dev.js site: local: port: 1010 global: host: '' ssl: key: 'ssl/key.pem', cert: 'ssl/cert.pem' // app.js var app = ifnode({ env: 'dev' }), site =; site.local.origin // https://localhost:1010 site.local.url('/u/1') // https://localhost:1010/u/1 //'u/1') // application: Application (and express()) settings environment: Name of environment. By default: name of config file (if config by file) or "local" express: Hash of express application settings (list: view engine: By default: jade views: By default: ${backend_folder}/views x-powered-by By default: false (sorry, express :) ) env: By default: name of config file (if config by file) or "local" folders: extensions: Folder of extensions. By default: ${backend_folder}/extensions components: Folder of components. By default: ${backend_folder}/components views: Folder of views. By default: ${backend_folder}/views controllers: Folder of controllers. By default: ${backend_folder}/controllers models: Folder of models. By default: ${backend_folder}/models middleware: External middleware modules (examples: connect-multiparty, cookie-parser etc) ifnode middlewares: body: Build on body-parser module '${parser}': options ${parser} - name of parser, options - hash of parser options. See here: statics: Build on serve-statics module. Three variants of initializing of static files path: String Options see here: variants: Object path1: options, path2: options, ... variant: Array path, path1, { path2: options }, ... db: Initialize options of databases (models schemas) name_of_db: Name of database connect schema: name of schema Schema name (for choose of schema) config: schema config Config of database connection components: Initialize options for components of ifnode name_of_component: options Controller: app.Controller([options: Object]) Controller can be extended by external plugins (example: ifnode-auth, ifnode-permissions etc) Default options: root: String Root path to request [optional] By default: /path/to/controller/ name: String Name of controller [optional] By default: path/to/controller router: Object express.Router options. [optional] By default: {} See here: map: Object Mapping system for describe controller [optional] By default: null ajax: null|Boolean AJAX settings of controller`s actions [optional] By default: undefined before: String|Function|Array Handlers which invoke before route handlers [optional] By default: [] Note: controller`s filename !.js or ~.js are special. Those filenames not participate in forming name and root options. !.js: always initialize first in folder. Next loaded controllers into folders, and next files ~.js: always initialize last in folder Example: /protected/controllers/api/v1/!.js var controller = app.Controller(); // api/v1 controller.root // /api/v1/ /protected/controllers/api/v1/user.js var controller = app.Controller({ root: '/user' ); // api/v1/user controller.root // /user Static methods (use for creating controller`s plugins): .process_config Add handler for controller`s config .populate Add route middleware for populate arguments own options .middleware Add route middleware for process request Example: see ifnode-auth plugin Constants: .id Application id (is auto-generated by GUID function) .root Controller`s root path .name Controller`s name .router express.Router() instance Instance methods: .param(param: String, handler: Function) Analog of express`s app.param. See here: .method(method: String [, path: String] [, options: Object], callback: Function [, callback: Function...]) Method for creating controller`s route. method Name of method. Current available: get, post, put, patch, delete path Next part of url. [optional] By default: / See here: Note: instead of express`s variant of set, cannot be regular expression options Special options for route [optional] By default: equal to controller`s options callback Handler(s) of request "Syntax sugar" for .method(): .get() .post() .put() .patch() .delete() .del() .end() End of controller (if request cannot have handler invoke response.not_found() method. By default go to next controller to find request handler) .use([path: String,] callback: Function [, callback: Function...]) See here: .error(handler: Function) Invoke .error() handler when any request handler`s next() method of controller get instance of Error class. By default try find parent error handler, and if not find throw error in node.js Note: All handlers request and response methods populated by same options. request: .data "Syntax sugar". Return request.body, or request.query or null response: .ok([data: String|Object]) Set status 200 and return data .fail([data: String|Object]) Set status 400 and return data or text "Bad Request" .error([data: String|Object]) Set status 500 and return data or text "Server Internal Error" .unauthorized([data: String|Object]) Set status 401 and return data .forbidden([data: String|Object]) Set status 403 and return data .not_found([data: String|Object]) Set status 404 and return data .bad_request() Alias of .fail() .badRequest() Alias of .fail() .err() Alias of .error() .notFound() Alias of .not_found() Model: app.Model(model_options: Object [, schema_options: Object]) All model`s schemas must be added by plugins model_options: Options to create model. Specified by model`s schema. Recommended options: .name: String Name of model .table: String Name of table (for SQL databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) .collection: String Name of collection (for NoSQL databases: mongodb, redis, etc) .columns: Object Describe table or collection columns (example: mongoose columns) schema_options: Options for build model`s schema. Specified by model`s schema. .db: String Name of database (from config.db) By default: first in config.db or "virtual" type .alias: String|Array Aliases of model (in app.models) Create own Schema for creating models: .schema Name of schema .driver(db_config: Object) Static method for initialize database driver. Add to Schema.fn returned driver [optional] .fn Alias of Schema.prototype .fn.initialize(model_config: Object) Create model instance by schema [optional] .fn.compile() Return final model instance (this model can access by app.models) .fn.init() Alias of .fn.initialize() Example: own-schema.js exports.schema = function(app, Schema) { Schema.schema = 'name-of-schema'; Schema.driver = function(db_config) { ... return driver; }; Schema.fn.initialize = function(model_config) { ... }; Schema.fn.compile = function() { ... return ifnode_model; }; }; knex.js var _ = require('lodash'), knex = require('knex'); exports.schema = function(app, Schema) { Schema.schema = 'knex'; Schema.driver = function(db_config) { return knex(db_config); }; Schema.fn.initialize = function(model_config) { this.table = model_config.table; this.driver = this._driver; this.all = function() { return this.driver(this.table); }; }; Schema.fn.compile = function() { return this; }; }; Components: app.Component([options: Object]) Special module for application. Initialize after models and can use them Default options: name: String Name of controller [optional] By default: id Methods: .initialize(config: Object) Function to initialize component (get config from ifnode config)