import * as riverpig from 'riverpig' import * as debug from 'debug' import through2 = require('through2') const logStream = through2() logStream.pipe(process.stdout) export class ConnectorLogger { river: any tracer: any constructor (namespace: string, config0?: riverpig.LoggerConfig) { this.river = riverpig(namespace, config0) this.tracer = this.river.trace || debug(namespace + ':trace') } // The logging functions being called have the signature function(format, ...args), so they require at least one argument. info (msg: any, ...elements: any[]): void {, ...elements) } warn (msg: any, ...elements: any[]): void { this.river.warn(msg, ...elements) } error (msg: any, ...elements: any[]): void { this.river.error(msg, ...elements) } debug (msg: any, ...elements: any[]): void { this.river.debug(msg, ...elements) } trace (msg: any, ...elements: any[]): void { this.tracer(msg, ...elements) } } export const createRaw = (namespace: string): ConnectorLogger => { return new ConnectorLogger(namespace, { stream: logStream }) } export const create = (namespace: string) => createRaw('connector:' + namespace) let outputStream = process.stdout export const setOutputStream = (newOutputStream: NodeJS.WriteStream) => { logStream.unpipe(outputStream) logStream.pipe(newOutputStream) outputStream = newOutputStream }