import * as Prometheus from 'prom-client' import { AccountInfo } from '../types/accounts' function mergeAccountLabels (account: { accountId: string, accountInfo: AccountInfo }, labels: Prometheus.labelValues): Prometheus.labelValues { labels['account'] = account.accountId labels['asset'] = account.accountInfo.assetCode labels['scale'] = account.accountInfo.assetScale return labels } export class AccountCounter extends Prometheus.Counter { constructor (configuration: Prometheus.CounterConfiguration) { configuration.labelNames = (configuration.labelNames || []) configuration.labelNames.push('account', 'asset', 'scale') super(configuration) } increment (account: { accountId: string, accountInfo: AccountInfo }, labels: Prometheus.labelValues, value?: number) { return, labels), value) } } export class AccountGauge extends Prometheus.Gauge { constructor (configuration: Prometheus.GaugeConfiguration) { configuration.labelNames = (configuration.labelNames || []) configuration.labelNames.push('account', 'asset', 'scale') super(configuration) } setValue (account: { accountId: string, accountInfo: AccountInfo }, labels: Prometheus.labelValues, value: number) { return this.set(mergeAccountLabels(account, labels), value) } } export default class Stats { public incomingDataPackets: AccountCounter public incomingDataPacketValue: AccountCounter public outgoingDataPackets: AccountCounter public outgoingDataPacketValue: AccountCounter public incomingMoney: AccountGauge public outgoingMoney: AccountGauge public rateLimitedPackets: AccountCounter public rateLimitedMoney: AccountCounter public balance: AccountGauge private registry: Prometheus.Registry constructor () { this.registry = new (Prometheus.Registry)() this.incomingDataPackets = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_incoming_ilp_packets', help: 'Total number of incoming ILP packets', labelNames: [ 'result', 'code'], registers: [this.registry] }) this.incomingDataPacketValue = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_incoming_ilp_packet_value', help: 'Total value of incoming ILP packets', labelNames: [ 'result', 'code'], registers: [this.registry] }) this.outgoingDataPackets = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_outgoing_ilp_packets', help: 'Total number of outgoing ILP packets', labelNames: [ 'result', 'code' ], registers: [this.registry] }) this.outgoingDataPacketValue = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_outgoing_ilp_packet_value', help: 'Total value of outgoing ILP packets', labelNames: [ 'result', 'code' ], registers: [this.registry] }) this.incomingMoney = new AccountGauge({ name: 'ilp_connector_incoming_money', help: 'Total of incoming money', labelNames: [ 'result' ], registers: [this.registry] }) this.outgoingMoney = new AccountGauge({ name: 'ilp_connector_outgoing_money', help: 'Total of outgoing money', labelNames: [ 'result' ], registers: [this.registry] }) this.rateLimitedPackets = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_rate_limited_ilp_packets', help: 'Total of rate limited ILP packets', registers: [this.registry] }) this.rateLimitedMoney = new AccountCounter({ name: 'ilp_connector_rate_limited_money', help: 'Total of rate limited money requests', registers: [this.registry] }) this.balance = new AccountGauge({ name: 'ilp_connector_balance', help: 'Balances on peer account', registers: [this.registry] }) } getStatus () { return this.registry.getMetricsAsJSON() } getRegistry () { return this.registry } }