import * as esbuild from 'esbuild' import {startWorkers} from './pooler' import {pluck,createHash,diagnosticToESB,injectStringBefore,builtInModules,extendObject,replaceAll, normalizePath, relativePath, ImageRegex, FontRegex} from './utils' import {StyleTheme} from '../compiler/styler' import {serializeData,deserializeData} from '../imba/utils' import {Manifest} from '../imba/manifest' import os from 'os' import np from 'path' import nfs from 'fs' import {Module} from 'module' import FileSystem from './fs' import Component from './component' import ESResolver from './esresolver' import {SourceMapper} from '../compiler/sourcemapper' import Watcher from './watcher' const ASSETS_URL = '/_ASSET_PREFIX_PATH_/' let BUNDLE_COUNTER = 0 class Builder # prop previous prop startAt =! prop refs = {} prop inputs = {} prop outputs = new Set prop bundlers = {} prop meta = {} prop styles = {} get elapsed! - startAt export default class Bundle < Component get node? platform == 'node' get nodeworker? platform == 'nodeworker' get nodeish? node? or nodeworker? get web? !nodeish? get webworker? platform == 'webworker' # or platform == 'web' get worker webworker? or nodeworker? get webish? web? or webworker? get dev? program.mode == 'development' get hmr? program.hmr == yes # should generated files include hash of contents in filename? get hashing? (o.hashing !== false and program.hashing !== false) get o options get main? root == self get outdir program.outdir or fs.cwd get outbase o.outbase or fs.cwd get assetNames program.assetNames or 'assets/[dir]/[name]' get htmlNames program.htmlNames or '[dir]/[name]' get pubdir program.pubdir == false ? '.' : (program.pubdir or 'public') # optional prefix prepended to all asset url references get baseurl #baseurl ||= ((program.baseurl or '/') + '/').replace(/\/+/g,'/') get fs program.fs get imbaconfig program.config # or parent..imbaconfig get theme imbaconfig.#theme ||= new StyleTheme(imbaconfig) get root parent ? parent.root : self get buildcache root.#buildcache # this allows us to uniquely use this as a unique key in any object # useful for things like metadata[bundle] = {...} def [Symbol.toPrimitive] hint #_id_ ||= Symbol! def pathForAsset src, asset, tpl = assetNames, shouldHash = hashing? # "[kind]/[dir]/[name]-[hash]" let o = {} o.ext = np.extname(src) o.kind = o.ext.slice(1) if o.ext == '.map' o.ext = '' o.kind = 'js' = np.basename(src,o.ext) o.dir = np.dirname(src) o.hash = asset..hash or null if o.ext.match(FontRegex) o.kind = 'fonts' elif o.ext.match(ImageRegex) o.kind = 'img' elif o.ext == '.html' o.kind = '' tpl = htmlNames unless tpl.indexOf('[name]') >= 0 # add warning tpl += '/[name]' if tpl.indexOf('[hash]') == -1 and shouldHash tpl = tpl.replace('[name]','[name]-[hash]') if tpl.indexOf('[hash]') == -1 and tpl.indexOf('[dir]') == -1 # TODO warn about non-unique paths no let dest = tpl.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g) do(m,k) typeof o[k] == 'string' ? o[k] : m dest = normalizePath(dest).replace(/^\//,'') + o.ext if o.hash dest = dest.replace("{o.hash}-{o.hash}",o.hash) # dest = dest.replace("{o.hash}-{o.hash}",o.hash) return dest def constructor up,o super() #bundles = {web: {}, node: {}} #watchedPaths = {} #buildcache = {} if up isa Bundle self.parent = up self.program = up.program else self.program = up nr = BUNDLE_COUNTER++ styles = {} options = o result = null firstBuild = null workers = null built = no meta = {} cwd = fs.cwd platform = o.platform or 'browser' entryPoints = o.entryPoints or [] children = new Set builder = null if parent watcher = parent.watcher elif watcher ||= new Watcher(fs) let externals = [] let pkg = program.package or {} for ext in o.external continue if ext[0] == '!' if ext == "dependencies" let deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies or {}) externals.push(...deps) if ext == "devDependencies" externals.push( ...Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies or {}) ) if ext == "builtins" externals.push(...Object.keys(builtInModules)) if ext == ".json" externals.push("*.json") externals.push(ext) externals = externals.filter do(src) !o.external or o.external.indexOf("!{src}") == -1 esoptions = { entryPoints: o.stdin ? undefined : entryPoints bundle: o.bundle === false ? false : true define: o.define platform: nodeish? ? 'node' : 'browser' # o.platform == 'node' ? 'node' : 'browser' format: o.format or 'esm' outfile: o.outfile outbase: fs.cwd outdir: fs.cwd outExtension: { ".js": ".__dist__.js", ".css": ".__dist__.css" } globalName: o.globalName publicPath: o.publicPath or ASSETS_URL banner: { js: "//__HEAD__" + (o.banner ? '\n' + o.banner : '') } footer: {js: o.footer or "//__FOOT__"} splitting: o.splitting sourcemap: (program.sourcemap === false ? no : (web? ? yes : 'inline')) stdin: o.stdin minify: o.minify ?? program.minify incremental: !!watcher # charset: 'utf8' loader: Object.assign({ ".png": "file", ".bmp": "file", ".apng": "file", ".webp": "file", ".heif": "file", ".avif": "file", ".svg": "file", ".gif": "file", ".jpg": "file", ".jpeg": "file", ".ico": "file", ".woff2": "file", ".woff": "file", ".eot": "file", ".ttf": "file", ".otf": "file", ".html": "file", ".webm": "file", ".weba": "file", ".avi": "file", ".mp3": "file", ".mp4": "file", ".m4a": "file", ".mpeg": "file", ".wav": "file", ".ogg": "file", ".ogv": "file", ".oga": "file", ".opus": "file" },o.loader or {}) write: false metafile: true external: externals tsconfig: o.tsconfig nodePaths: (o.nodePaths or []).slice(0) # (np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills')) plugins: (o.plugins or []).concat({name: 'imba', setup: plugin.bind(self)}) pure: o.pure treeShaking: o.treeShaking resolveExtensions: ['.imba','.imba1','.ts','.mjs','.cjs','.js'] } if o.esbuild extendObject(esoptions,o.esbuild,'esbuild') # console.log 'esbuild config extended?!',o.esbuild imbaoptions = { platform: o.platform css: 'external' hmr: program.hmr or false mode: program.mode } if o.sourcesContent !== undefined esoptions.sourcesContent = o.sourcesContent if o.platform == 'worker' # quick hack imbaoptions.platform = 'node' if = if o.format == 'css' esoptions.format = 'esm' esoptions.outExtension[".js"] = ".SKIP.js" if o.format == 'html' esoptions.format = 'esm' esoptions.minify = false esoptions.sourcemap = false let addExtensions = { webworker: ['.webworker.imba','.worker.imba'] serviceworker: ['.serviceworker.imba','.webworker.imba','.worker.imba'] nodeworker: ['.nodeworker.imba','.worker.imba','.node.imba'] worker: ['.imba.web-pkg.js','.worker.imba'] node: ['.node.imba'] browser: ['.web.imba'] } if addExtensions[o.platform] esoptions.resolveExtensions.unshift(...addExtensions[o.platform]) let defines = esoptions.define ||= {} defines["globalThis.DEBUG_IMBA"] ||= !esoptions.minify if !nodeish? let env = o.env or process.env.NODE_ENV or (esoptions.minify ? 'production' : 'development') defines["global"]="globalThis" defines["process.platform"]="'web'" defines["process.browser"]="true" esoptions.inject = [ np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills','buffer','index.js'), # np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills','__inject__.js') ] defines["process.env.NODE_ENV"] ||= "'{env}'" defines["process.env"] ||= JSON.stringify(NODE_ENV: env) defines["ENV_DEBUG"] ||= "false" esoptions.nodePaths.push(np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills')) if o.bundle == false esoptions.bundle = false delete esoptions.external if o.splitting and esoptions.format != 'esm' log.error "code-splitting not allowed when format is not esm" # esoptions.format = 'esm' if main? # not if main entrypoint is web? log.ts "created main bundle" manifest = new Manifest(data: {}) def addEntrypoint src entryPoints.push(src) unless entryPoints.indexOf(src)>= 0 self def setup self def watchPath path unless #watchedPaths[path] #watchedPaths[path] = 1 if parent parent.watchPath(path) elif watcher and path.indexOf(':') == -1 watcher.add path.slice(0,path.lastIndexOf('/')) self def resolveConfigPreset types = [] let key = Symbol.for(types.join('+')) let cacher = imbaconfig # resolveConfigPreset if cacher[key] return cacher[key] let base = {presets: []} let presets = imbaconfig.options for typ in types let pre = presets[typ] or {} base.presets.push(pre) let curr = pre let add = [pre] # extends need to be smarter than this flat assign while curr.extends and add.length < 10 add.unshift(curr = presets[curr.extends]) for item in add Object.assign(base,item) return cacher[key] = base # Object.create(base) get esresolver #esresolver ||= new ESResolver(self,{ platform: esoptions.platform format: esoptions.format resolveExtensions: esoptions.resolveExtensions }) def plugin esb let externs = esoptions.external or [] let imbaDir = program.imbaPath let isCSS = do(f) (/^styles:/).test(f) or (/\.css$/).test(f) let isImba = do(f) (/\.imba$/).test(f) and f.indexOf('styles:') != 0 # (/^styles:/).test(f) or let pathMetadata = {} let toAssetJS = do(object) let json = JSON.stringify(object) let js = """ import \{asset\} from 'imba'; export default asset({json}) """ if o.resolve let regex = new RegExp("^({Object.keys(o.resolve).join('|')})$") esb.onResolve(filter: regex) do(args) let res = o.resolve[args.path] res = res and res[platform] or res return res # Images imported from imba files should resolve as special assets # importing metadata about the images and more esb.onResolve(filter: /(\.(svg|png|jpe?g|gif|tiff|webp)|\?as=img)$/) do(args) return unless isImba(args.importer) and args.namespace == 'file' if o.format == 'css' return {path: "_", namespace: 'imba-raw'} let ext = np.extname(args.path).slice(1) let res = fs.resolver.resolve(args) let out = {path: res.#rel or res.path, namespace: 'img'} # log.debug "resolved img {args.path} -> {out.path}" return out esb.onLoad(namespace: 'img', filter: /.*/) do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} # resolve html file esb.onResolve(filter: /\.html$/) do(args) if isImba(args.importer) and args.namespace == 'file' let cfg = resolveConfigPreset(['html']) let res = fs.resolver.resolve(path: args.path, resolveDir: args.resolveDir) let out = {path: res.#rel, namespace: 'entry'} pathMetadata[out.path] = {path: res.#rel, config: cfg} return out esb.onLoad(namespace: 'html', filter: /.*/) do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} esb.onLoad(filter: /\.html$/, namespace: 'file') do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) builder.meta[file.rel] = out return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} esb.onResolve(filter: /\?as=([\w\-\,\.]+)$/) do(args) # reference to _all_ styles referenced via main entrypoint if args.path == '*?as=css' return {path: "__styles__", namespace: 'entry'} if o.format == 'css' return {path: "_", namespace: 'imba-raw'} let [path,q] = args.path.split('?') let formats = q.slice(3).split(',') let wrkidx = formats.indexOf('worker') if wrkidx >= 0 formats[wrkidx] = nodeish? ? 'nodeworker' : 'webworker' q = 'as=' + formats.join(',') if q == 'as=file' or q == 'as=text' let res = fs.resolver.resolve(path: path, resolveDir: args.resolveDir) return {path: res.path, namespace: "raw{formats[0]}"} let cfg = resolveConfigPreset(formats) let res = fs.resolver.resolve(path: path, resolveDir: args.resolveDir) unless res let fallback = await esresolver.resolve(path,args.resolveDir) # console.log 'fallback!?',fallback res = {abs: fallback, #rel: fs.relative(fallback)} let out = {path: res.#rel + '?' + q, namespace: 'entry'} pathMetadata[out.path] = {path: res.#rel, config: cfg} return out esb.onLoad(namespace:'entry', filter:/^__styles__$/) do(args) if o.format == 'html' return {loader: 'text', contents: '__styles__'} return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS(input: '__styles__'), resolveDir: fs.cwd } esb.onLoad(namespace: 'entry', filter:/.*/) do({path}) # skip entrypoints if compiling for css only if o.format == 'css' return {loader: 'text', contents: ""} let id = "entry:{path}" let meta = pathMetadata[path] let cfg = meta.config # console.log 'onload custom entry',path,cfg.format,cfg.platform,cfg,meta let file = fs.lookup(meta.path) # add this to something we want to resolve if cfg.splitting let js = """ import \{asset\} from 'imba'; export default asset(\{input: '{id}'\}) """ let bundle = cfg.#bundler ||= new Bundle(root,Object.create(cfg)) bundle.addEntrypoint(meta.path) builder.refs[id] = bundle if o.format == 'html' return {loader: 'text', contents: id} return {loader: 'js', contents: js, resolveDir: np.dirname(path)} log.debug "lookup up bundle for id {id}" # adding it as a child of root is risky wrt correctly invalidating nested bundles let bundler = root.#bundles[id] ||= new Bundle(root,Object.assign({entryPoints: [meta.path]},cfg)) builder.refs[id] = bundler unless cfg.format == 'css' bundler.rebuild! # we can asynchronously start the rebundler if o.format == 'html' return {loader: 'text', contents: id} return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS(input: id), resolveDir: file.absdir } esb.onResolve(filter: /^\//) do(args) return if args.path.indexOf('?') > 0 return {path: args.path, external: yes} esb.onResolve(filter: /^imba(\/|$)/) do(args) if args.path == 'imba' if o.format == 'css' return {path: args.path, external: yes} let out = np.resolve(imbaDir,'index.imba') return {path: out, namespace: 'file'} # try to resolve imba files here? let rel = args.path.slice(args.path.indexOf('/') + 1) let path = np.resolve(imbaDir,rel) let exts = ['','.imba'] if rel == 'program' or rel == 'compiler' exts.unshift('.imba.js') for ext in exts if nfs.existsSync(path + ext) return {path: path + ext} return null # imba files import their stylesheets by including a plain # import '_styles_' line - which resolves to he path # of the importer itself, with a styles namespace esb.onResolve(filter: /^_styles_$/) do({importer}) let path = fs.relative(importer) return {path: path, namespace: 'styles'} # resolve any non-relative path to see if it should # be external. If importer is an imba file, try to # also resolve it via the imbaconfig.paths rules. esb.onResolve(filter: /^[\w\@\#]/) do(args) if args.path.indexOf('node:') == 0 return {external: true} if externs.indexOf(args.path) >= 0 return {external: true} if args.importer.indexOf('.imba') > 0 let out = fs.resolver.resolve(args) # could drop this until we have consistent paths support? return out return null esb.onLoad(filter: /.*/, namespace: 'imba-raw') do({path}) return {loader: 'text', contents: ""} # asset loader # a shared catch-all loader for all urls ending up in the asset namespce # where the paths may have additional details about esb.onLoad(filter: /.*/, namespace: 'asset') do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} esb.onLoad(filter: /.*/, namespace: 'rawfile') do({path}) return {loader: 'file', contents: nfs.readFileSync(path,'utf-8')} esb.onLoad(filter: /.*/, namespace: 'rawtext') do({path}) return {loader: 'text', contents: nfs.readFileSync(path,'utf-8')} esb.onLoad({ filter: /\.imba$/, namespace: 'styles'}) do({path,namespace}) if let res = builder.styles[path] # transform with theme return res else {loader: 'css', contents: ""} # The main loader that compiles and returns imba files, and their stylesheets esb.onLoad({ filter: /\.imba1?$/}) do({path,namespace}) let src = fs.lookup(path) let t =! let res = await src.compile(imbaoptions,self) if res.css builder.styles[src.rel] = { loader: 'css' contents: theme.transformColors(SourceMapper.strip(res.css or ""),prefix: yes) resolveDir: src.absdir } let incStyles = res.css or o.format == 'css' let cached = res[self] ||= { loader: 'js', contents: SourceMapper.strip(res.js or "") + (incStyles ? "\nimport '_styles_';" : "") errors: (res.errors or []).map(do diagnosticToESB($1,file: src.abs, namespace: namespace)) warnings: (res.warnings or []).map(do diagnosticToESB($1,file: src.abs, namespace: namespace)) resolveDir: src.absdir } return cached def build force = no buildcache[self] ||= new Promise do(resolve) if (built =? true) or force workers = await startWorkers! log.debug "build {entryPoints.join(',')} {o.format}|{o.platform} {nr}" if o.stdin and o.stdin.template let tpl = fs.lookup( np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'src','templates',o.stdin.template) ) let compiled = await tpl.compile({platform: 'node'},self) delete o.stdin.template let js = compiled.js let defs = o.stdin.define or {} js = js.replace(/\__([A-Z\_]+)__/g) do(m,name) defs[name] o.stdin.contents = js delete o.stdin.define try builder = new Builder(previous: builder) result = await firstBuild = result catch e result = e await transform(result) if main? await write(result) unless watcher workers.stop! workers = null if #esresolver #esresolver.stop! #esresolver = null # only add this once if watcher and main? and (#watching =? true) watcher.start! watcher.on('touch') do log.debug "watcher touch",$1 clearTimeout(#rebuildTimeout) #rebuildTimeout = setTimeout(&,100) do clearTimeout(#rebuildTimeout) log.debug 'try rebuild',!!buildcache[self], rebuild! #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) def rebuild {force = no} = {} unless built and result and result.rebuild isa Function return build(yes) buildcache[self] ||= new Promise do(resolve) # console.log 'start rebuild',force # let changes = fs.changelog.pull(self) # for the main one we need to look at all potential inputs if main? log.debug "starting rebuild!",!!watcher,force if watcher and !force let changes = watcher.sync(self) let dirty = no for [path,flags] in changes if #watchedPaths[path] or flags != 1 dirty = yes # console.log 'rebuild?!',entryPoints,changes,dirty,#watchedPaths if main? log.debug "changes demanding a resolve?",changes,dirty unless dirty #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) let prev = result try builder = new Builder(previous: builder) let rebuilt = await firstBuild.rebuild! result = rebuilt catch e log.debug "error when rebuilding",e result = e await transform(result,prev) if main? await write(result,prev) #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) def finalizeAsset asset, shouldHash = hashing? return asset if asset.#finalized asset.#finalized = yes let sub = '.' asset.hash ||= createHash(asset.#contents) if shouldHash asset.hashed = yes sub = ".{asset.hash}." let path = asset.originalPath = asset.path # now replace dist with hash or not path = path.replace('.__dist__.','.') # console.log path,sub path = pathForAsset(path,asset,assetNames,shouldHash) # console.log 'finalize asset',path,shouldHash,asset.hash if sub != '.' asset.ttl = 31536000 if asset.url # only if this is a public facing asset? asset.url = asset.url.replace('.__dist__.',sub) if sub == '.' and asset.hash and asset.type != 'map' yes asset.path = asset.path.replace('.__dist__.',sub) let url = baseurl + path if asset.public asset.path = path asset.url = url if pubdir != '.' asset.path = "{pubdir}/{asset.path}" # now replace link to sourcemap as well if asset.type == 'js' and let replace = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=[\/\w\.\-\%]+\.map/ asset.#contents = asset.#contents.replace(replace,"//# sourceMappingURL={asset.url}.map") # finalize the map inline? = asset.path + '.map' = asset.url + '.map' = yes # console.log 'finalized asset',asset.url,url,path # ,assetNames,asset.hash return asset def collectStyleInputs(input, deep, matched = [], visited = []) if visited.indexOf(input) >= 0 return matched visited.push(input) if input.path.match(/(^styles:)|(\.css$)/) # or input.path.match(/^styles:/) if matched.indexOf(input) == -1 unless matched.find(do $1.path == input.path) matched.push(input) for item in input.imports continue if item.path.match(/\?as=css$/) collectStyleInputs(item,deep,matched,visited) if input.asset and deep collectStyleInputs(input.asset.source,deep,matched,visited) return matched ### Go through the generated files - create hashes for the file-contents and rewrite the paths and references for the bundle - ready to write to the file system. Normalize the files and ### def transform result, prev # console.log 'transforming',result let t =! if result isa Error log.debug 'result is error!!',result for err in result.errors watchPath(err.location.file) result.rebuild = prev and prev.rebuild.bind(prev) result.meta = { inputs: {} outputs: {} urls: {} errors: result.errors warnings: result.warnings } return result let files = result.outputFiles or [] let meta = result.metafile # pluck(files) do $1.path.indexOf(esoptions.metafile) >= 0 # let meta = JSON.parse(metafile.text) # log.debug "paths",Object.keys(meta.inputs),Object.keys(meta.outputs) meta = result.meta = { format: o.format platform: o.platform inputs: meta.inputs outputs: meta.outputs errors: [].concat(result.errors or []) warnings: [].concat(result.warnings or []) urls: {} } let ins = meta.inputs let outs = meta.outputs let urls = meta.urls let reloutdir = fs.relative(esoptions.outdir) for file in files let path = fs.relative(file.path) if outs[path] outs[path].#file = file outs[path].#contents = file.contents file.#output = outs[path] else console.log 'could not map the file to anything!!',file.path,path,reloutdir,Object.keys(outs),fs.cwd,esoptions.outdir let tests = { js: ".__dist__.js" css: ".__dist__.css" map: "" } for own path,output of outs root.builder.outputs.add(output) if outs[path + '.map'] = outs[path + '.map'] for own path,input of ins input.#type = input._ = 'input' input.path = path input.imports = do ins[$1.path] watchPath(path) # what about sourcemaps? let outname = path.replace(/\.(imba1?|[cm]?jsx?|tsx?|html|css)$/,"") let jsout for own key,ext of tests let name = outname.replace(/\.\.\//g,"_.._/") + ext name = "{reloutdir}/{name}" if reloutdir # log.debug "looking for path {name}" if outs[name] # Hook into parent inputs here? input[key] = outs[name] outs[name].source = input if key == 'js' jsout = outs[name] elif jsout jsout[key] = outs[name] let urlOutputMap = {} let walker = {} let addOutputs = new Set let styleInputs = [] for own path,dep of builder.refs let input = ins[path] let res = dep let rawpath = path.slice(path.indexOf(':') + 1).split('?')[0] if path and input and dep isa Bundle res = await dep.rebuild! let inp = res and res.meta and res.meta.inputs[rawpath] if dep isa Bundle Object.assign(#watchedPaths,dep.#watchedPaths) if inp # console.log "FOUND THE RAW PATH AS WELL!!!",rawpath input.asset = res.meta.format == 'css' ? inp.css : inp.js # console.log 'should add asset to the output',inp.js addOutputs.add(res.meta.outputs) if res and res.meta # just register on root - or push to parent? meta.errors.push(...res.meta.errors) meta.warnings.push(...res.meta.warnings) # Everything after this point (hashing etc) should be possible to do # in a separate step after after we know that all the nested outputs # have been generated? walker.collectCSSInputs = do(input, matched = [], visited = []) if visited.indexOf(input) >= 0 return matched visited.push(input) if input.path.match(/(^styles:)|(\.css$)/) # or input.path.match(/^styles:/) matched.push(input) for item in input.imports walker.collectCSSInputs(item,matched,visited) return matched for own path,output of outs output.#type = output._ = 'output' output.path = path # only when html is the entrypoint if output.source and output.source.path.match(/\.html$/) and output == output.source.js urlOutputMap[path] = output output.public = yes output.path = path = path.replace('.js','.html') elif webish? or output.type == 'css' or path.match(FontRegex) or path.match(ImageRegex) urlOutputMap[path] = output output.public = yes output.url = "{baseurl}{path}" output.type = (np.extname(path) or '').slice(1) let inputs = [] let dependencies = new Set for own src,m of output.inputs if src.indexOf('entry:') == 0 dependencies.add(ins[src]) inputs.push [ins[src],m.bytesInOutput] output.dependencies = Array.from(dependencies) output.inputs = inputs # due to bugs in esbuild we need to reorder the css chunks if output.type == 'css' and !output.#ordered let origPaths = $1[0].path ) let corrPaths = [] if output.source walker.collectCSSInputs(output.source,corrPaths) let offset = 0 let body = output.#file.text let chunks = [] for [input,bytes],i in inputs let header = "/* {input.path} */\n" # check if the order is correct first? if !esoptions.minify offset += header.length let idx = body.indexOf(header) if idx >= 0 offset = idx + header.length let chunk = header + body.substr(offset,bytes).replace(/PREFIXhsl/g,'hsl') + '/* chunk:end */' input.#csschunk = chunk styleInputs.push(input) let index = corrPaths.indexOf(input) offset += bytes offset += 1 if !esoptions.minify chunks[index] = chunk let text = chunks.filter(do $1).join('\n') # console.log 'new text',text.length,body.length output.#ordered = yes output.#text = text if output.imports output.imports = do # Workaround for esbuild bug that has been fixed # let chunk = $1.path.indexOf("/chunk.") # $1.path = reloutdir + $1.path.slice(chunk) if chunk >= 0 outs[$1.path] if let m = path.match(/\.([A-Z\d]{8})\.\w+$/) output.hash = m[1] elif m = path.match(/\-([A-Z\d]{8})\.(\w{2,4})$/) output.hash = m[1] elif m = path.match(/chunk[\.\-]([A-Z\d]{8})\.\w+\.(js|css)(\.map)?$/) output.hash = m[1] if output.url urlOutputMap[output.url] = output ### Should probably use the original uint8 array rather than the text representation of body for performance reasons. ### walker.replacePaths = do(body,output) let start = 0 let end = 0 let delim let breaks = {"'": 1, '"':1, '(':1, ')':1} let path let useRelativePaths = no while true start = body.indexOf(ASSETS_URL,end) break if start == -1 delim = body[start - 1] end = start + 10 delim = ')' if delim == '(' let path = body.substr(start,300).match(/^[^\r\n\'\"\)]+/)[0] end = start + path.length path = body.slice(start,end) let origPath = path let cleanPath = path.replace(/\/\/\.\/\//g,'/').replace(/\/\//g,'/').replace(ASSETS_URL,'') let rePath = origPath.replace(ASSETS_URL,baseurl).replace(/\/\/\.\/\//g,'/').replace(/\/\//g,'/') let asset = urlOutputMap[path] or urlOutputMap[cleanPath] or urlOutputMap[rePath] # console.log "rename asset",cleanPath,pathForAsset(cleanPath),pathForAsset(cleanPath,null,'__assets__/[dir]/[name]-[hash]') # what if it is referencing itself? if asset and !origPath.match(/\.js\.map$/) await walker.resolveAsset(asset) path = asset.url else path = baseurl + cleanPath # .replace(ASSETS_URL,baseurl) # console.log 'asset not found',origPath,cleanPath,path,Object.keys(urlOutputMap) if useRelativePaths let rel = np.relative(np.dirname(output.url),path) rel = './' + rel unless rel.match(/^\.\.?\//) path = rel if path != origPath # TODO adjust whitespace to make path same length let pad = origPath.length - path.length let post = body[end] if pad > 0 post += " ".repeat(pad) body = body.slice(0,start) + path + post + body.slice(end + 1) let header = [] # web assets should not rely on an external manifest, so we loop through # the referenced assets / dependencies of this output and inject them # into a global asset map. We replace the first line (//BANNER) to make # sure sourcemaps are still valid (they are generated before we process outputs) if output.type == 'css' return body if o.format == 'html' try let mapping = {} let entryToUrlMap = {} for item in output.dependencies when item.asset let asset = await walker.resolveAsset(item.asset) entryToUrlMap[item.path] = asset.url body.replace(/(\w+_default\d*) = \"(.*)\"/g) do(m,name,path) mapping[name] = entryToUrlMap[path] or path let urls = body.match(/URLS = \[(.*)\]/)[1].split(/\,\s*/g).map do mapping[$1] if useRelativePaths # TODO fix relative paths yes let meta = builder.meta[output.source.path] if meta and meta.html let replaced = meta.html.replace(/ASSET_REF_(\d+)/g) do(m,nr) let url = urls[parseInt(nr)] return url # console.log 'html is',meta,replaced body = replaced if hmr? body = injectStringBefore(body,"",['','',' 0 await walker.resolveAsset(output) if !node? and output.url urls[output.url] = output newouts[output.path] = output for outs of addOutputs Object.assign(newouts,outs) # now update the paths in output outs = meta.outputs = newouts # log.debug "transformed",! - t return result def write result # after write we can wipe the buildcache #outfs ||= new FileSystem(program.outdir,program) let meta = result.meta let ins = meta.inputs let outs = meta.outputs let urls = meta.urls if meta.errors.length # emit errors - should be linked to the inputs from previous working manifest? log.error "failed with {meta.errors.length} errors",meta.errors emit('errored',meta.errors) return let manifest = result.manifest = { inputs: ins outputs: {} urls: urls mappings: {} hash: null srcdir: null outdir: null path: null main: null assets: null css: null } # console.log 'write',entryPoints,ins let main = manifest.main = ins[o.stdin ? o.stdin.sourcefile : entryPoints[0]].js let assets = manifest.assets = Object.values(outs) # walk the entrypoint for css let cssinputs = collectStyleInputs(main.source,true) let htmlassets = assets.filter do $1.type == 'html' if cssinputs.length or htmlassets.length let body = "" for item in cssinputs body += item.#csschunk + '\n' # console.log 'cssinputs', $1.path),body.length,!!main.source.css,main.path # now write this file as a separate asset? let asset = { #type: 'output' _: 'output' type: 'css' public: yes path: "all.__dist__.css" #contents: body } asset.asset = asset # should take hashing parameter from the web/css target instead? finalizeAsset(asset,program.hashing !== false) manifest.css = asset ins.__styles__ = asset assets.push(asset) for html in assets when html.type == 'html' # console.log "replace style reference {asset.url} {html.type}" html.#contents = replaceAll(html.#contents,"href='__styles__'","href='{asset.url}'") html.hash = createHash(html.#contents) # if main.source.css let writeFiles = {} let webEntries = [] manifest.path = main.path + '.manifest' for item in assets if item.url manifest.urls[item.url] = item # a sorted list of all the output hashes is a fast way to # see if anything in the bundle has changed or not log.ts "ready to write" let mfile = #outfs.lookup(manifest.path) # these are relative to the manifest file - should rather be relative # to the manifest dir?! manifest.srcdir = relativePath(mfile.absdir,outbase) or "." manifest.outdir = relativePath(mfile.absdir,#outfs.cwd) or "." # console.log "outdir!!",manifest.outdir,manifest.srcdir,mfile.abs,manifest.path,main.path if true # set output paths of html files - should not happen after resolving? let htmlFiles = assets.filter do $1.type == 'html' let htmlPaths = do $1.path.split('/') while htmlPaths[0] and htmlPaths[0].length > 1 let start = htmlPaths[0][0] let shared = htmlPaths.every do $1[0] == start break unless shared for item in htmlPaths item.shift! for item,i in htmlFiles item.path = htmlPaths[i].join('/') if pubdir != '.' item.path = "{pubdir}/{item.path}" for item in assets manifest.outputs[item.path] = item manifest.hash = createHash( $1.hash or $1.path).sort!.join('-')) log.debug("manifest hash: {manifest.hash}") if program.clean let rm = new Set # let op = self.manifest.outputs || {} let old = self.manifest.outputs || {} for own path,item of old unless outs[item.path] rm.add(#outfs.lookup(item.path)) for file of rm await file.unlink! let loaderData = nfs.readFileSync(np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'loader.imba.js'),'utf-8') let loader = #outfs.lookup(main.path.replace(/(\.js)?$/,'.loader.js')) # run through the asset inputs to generate a cleaner manifest with references if false let structure = {} for asset in assets when asset.type == 'js' and asset.source let source = asset.source let inp = structure[source.path] ||= { src: source.path file: asset.path url: asset.url imports: [] } for dep in asset.dependencies if dep.asset inp.imports.push(dep.asset.path) else console.log "could not find asset dependenc?!?",dep.path,dep._ manifest.mappings = structure if #hash =? manifest.hash "building in %path",program.outdir # console.log 'ready to write', do $1.path for asset in assets let path = asset.path let file = #outfs.lookup(path) await file.write(asset.#contents,asset.hash) let json = serializeData(manifest) if mfile await mfile.writeSync json, manifest.hash if nodeish? await loader.write(loaderData) self.manifest.path = mfile.abs self.manifest.update(json) try log.debug main.path,main.hash log.debug "memory used: %bold",process.memoryUsage!.heapUsed / 1024 / 1024 if program.#listening "built %bold in %ms - %heap (%address)",main.path,builder.elapsed,program.#listening else "finished %bold in %ms - %heap",main.path,builder.elapsed return result