/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This module only exports 'compile' which compiles a JSON language definition * into a typed and checked ILexer definition. */ import * as monarchCommon from './common'; import { IMonarchLanguage, IMonarchLanguageBracket } from './types'; /* * Type helpers * * Note: this is just for sanity checks on the JSON description which is * helpful for the programmer. No checks are done anymore once the lexer is * already 'compiled and checked'. * */ function isArrayOf(elemType: (x: any) => boolean, obj: any): boolean { if (!obj) { return false; } if (!(Array.isArray(obj))) { return false; } for (const el of obj) { if (!(elemType(el))) { return false; } } return true; } function bool(prop: any, defValue: boolean): boolean { if (typeof prop === 'boolean') { return prop; } return defValue; } function string(prop: any, defValue: string): string { if (typeof (prop) === 'string') { return prop; } return defValue; } function arrayToHash(array: string[]): { [name: string]: true } { const result: any = {}; for (const e of array) { result[e] = true; } return result; } function createKeywordMatcher(arr: string[], caseInsensitive: boolean = false): (str: string) => boolean { if (caseInsensitive) { arr = arr.map(function (x) { return x.toLowerCase(); }); } const hash = arrayToHash(arr); if (caseInsensitive) { return function (word) { return hash[word.toLowerCase()] !== undefined && hash.hasOwnProperty(word.toLowerCase()); }; } else { return function (word) { return hash[word] !== undefined && hash.hasOwnProperty(word); }; } } // Lexer helpers /** * Compiles a regular expression string, adding the 'i' flag if 'ignoreCase' is set. * Also replaces @\w+ or sequences with the content of the specified attribute */ function compileRegExp(lexer: monarchCommon.ILexerMin, str: string): RegExp { let n = 0; while (str.indexOf('@') >= 0 && n < 5) { // at most 5 expansions n++; str = str.replace(/@(\w+)/g, function (s, attr?) { let sub = ''; if (typeof (lexer[attr]) === 'string') { sub = lexer[attr]; } else if (lexer[attr] && lexer[attr] instanceof RegExp) { sub = lexer[attr].source; } else { if (lexer[attr] === undefined) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'language definition does not contain attribute \'' + attr + '\', used at: ' + str); } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'attribute reference \'' + attr + '\' must be a string, used at: ' + str); } } return (monarchCommon.empty(sub) ? '' : '(?:' + sub + ')'); }); } return new RegExp(str, (lexer.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); } /** * Compiles guard functions for case matches. * This compiles 'cases' attributes into efficient match functions. * */ function selectScrutinee(id: string, matches: string[], state: string, num: number): string | null { if (num < 0) { return id; } if (num < matches.length) { return matches[num]; } if (num >= 100) { num = num - 100; let parts = state.split('.'); parts.unshift(state); if (num < parts.length) { return parts[num]; } } return null; } function createGuard(lexer: monarchCommon.ILexerMin, ruleName: string, tkey: string, val: monarchCommon.FuzzyAction): monarchCommon.IBranch { // get the scrutinee and pattern let scrut = -1; // -1: $!, 0-99: $n, 100+n: $Sn let oppat = tkey; let matches = tkey.match(/^\$(([sS]?)(\d\d?)|#)(.*)$/); if (matches) { if (matches[3]) { // if digits scrut = parseInt(matches[3]); if (matches[2]) { scrut = scrut + 100; // if [sS] present } } oppat = matches[4]; } // get operator let op = '~'; let pat = oppat; if (!oppat || oppat.length === 0) { op = '!='; pat = ''; } else if (/^\w*$/.test(pat)) { // just a word op = '=='; } else { matches = oppat.match(/^(@|!@|~|!~|==|!=)(.*)$/); if (matches) { op = matches[1]; pat = matches[2]; } } // set the tester function let tester: (s: string, id: string, matches: string[], state: string, eos: boolean) => boolean; // special case a regexp that matches just words if ((op === '~' || op === '!~') && /^(\w|\|)*$/.test(pat)) { let inWords = createKeywordMatcher(pat.split('|'), lexer.ignoreCase); tester = function (s) { return (op === '~' ? inWords(s) : !inWords(s)); }; } else if (op === '@' || op === '!@') { let words = lexer[pat]; if (!words) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'the @ match target \'' + pat + '\' is not defined, in rule: ' + ruleName); } if (!(isArrayOf(function (elem) { return (typeof (elem) === 'string'); }, words))) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'the @ match target \'' + pat + '\' must be an array of strings, in rule: ' + ruleName); } let inWords = createKeywordMatcher(words, lexer.ignoreCase); tester = function (s) { return (op === '@' ? inWords(s) : !inWords(s)); }; } else if (op === '~' || op === '!~') { if (pat.indexOf('$') < 0) { // precompile regular expression let re = compileRegExp(lexer, '^' + pat + '$'); tester = function (s) { return (op === '~' ? re.test(s) : !re.test(s)); }; } else { tester = function (s, id, matches, state) { let re = compileRegExp(lexer, '^' + monarchCommon.substituteMatches(lexer, pat, id, matches, state) + '$'); return re.test(s); }; } } else { // if (op==='==' || op==='!=') { if (pat.indexOf('$') < 0) { let patx = monarchCommon.fixCase(lexer, pat); tester = function (s) { return (op === '==' ? s === patx : s !== patx); }; } else { let patx = monarchCommon.fixCase(lexer, pat); tester = function (s, id, matches, state, eos) { let patexp = monarchCommon.substituteMatches(lexer, patx, id, matches, state); return (op === '==' ? s === patexp : s !== patexp); }; } } // return the branch object if (scrut === -1) { return { name: tkey, value: val, test: function (id, matches, state, eos) { return tester(id, id, matches, state, eos); } }; } else { return { name: tkey, value: val, test: function (id, matches, state, eos) { let scrutinee = selectScrutinee(id, matches, state, scrut); return tester(!scrutinee ? '' : scrutinee, id, matches, state, eos); } }; } } /** * Compiles an action: i.e. optimize regular expressions and case matches * and do many sanity checks. * * This is called only during compilation but if the lexer definition * contains user functions as actions (which is usually not allowed), then this * may be called during lexing. It is important therefore to compile common cases efficiently */ function compileAction(lexer: monarchCommon.ILexerMin, ruleName: string, action: any): monarchCommon.FuzzyAction { if (!action) { return { token: '' }; } else if (typeof (action) === 'string') { return action; // { token: action }; } else if (action.token || action.token === '') { if (typeof (action.token) !== 'string') { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'a \'token\' attribute must be of type string, in rule: ' + ruleName); } else { // only copy specific typed fields (only happens once during compile Lexer) let newAction: monarchCommon.IAction = { token: action.token }; if (action.token.indexOf('$') >= 0) { newAction.tokenSubst = true; // console.log('compiling sub',action.token,monarchCommon.compileSubstitution(action.token)); } if (typeof (action.bracket) === 'string') { if (action.bracket === '@open') { newAction.bracket = monarchCommon.MonarchBracket.Open; } else if (action.bracket === '@close') { newAction.bracket = monarchCommon.MonarchBracket.Close; } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'a \'bracket\' attribute must be either \'@open\' or \'@close\', in rule: ' + ruleName); } } if (action.next) { if (typeof (action.next) !== 'string') { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'the next state must be a string value in rule: ' + ruleName); } else { let next: string = action.next; if (!/^(@pop|@push|@popall)$/.test(next)) { if (next[0] === '@') { next = next.substr(1); // peel off starting @ sign } if (next.indexOf('$') < 0) { // no dollar substitution, we can check if the state exists if (!monarchCommon.stateExists(lexer, monarchCommon.substituteMatches(lexer, next, '', [], ''))) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'the next state \'' + action.next + '\' is not defined in rule: ' + ruleName); } } } newAction.next = next; } } if (typeof (action.goBack) === 'number') { newAction.goBack = action.goBack; } if (typeof (action.switchTo) === 'string') { newAction.switchTo = action.switchTo; } if (typeof (action.log) === 'string') { newAction.log = action.log; } if (typeof (action._push) === 'string') { newAction._push = action._push; } if (typeof (action._pop) === 'string') { newAction._pop = action._pop; } if (typeof (action.mark) === 'string') { newAction.mark = action.mark; } if (typeof (action.fn) === 'string') { newAction.fn = action.fn; } if (typeof (action.nextEmbedded) === 'string') { newAction.nextEmbedded = action.nextEmbedded; lexer.usesEmbedded = true; } return newAction; } } else if (Array.isArray(action)) { let results: monarchCommon.FuzzyAction[] = []; for (let i = 0, len = action.length; i < len; i++) { results[i] = compileAction(lexer, ruleName, action[i]); } return { group: results }; } else if (action.cases) { // build an array of test cases let cases: monarchCommon.IBranch[] = []; // for each case, push a test function and result value for (let tkey in action.cases) { if (action.cases.hasOwnProperty(tkey)) { const val = compileAction(lexer, ruleName, action.cases[tkey]); // what kind of case if (tkey === '@default' || tkey === '@' || tkey === '') { cases.push({ test: undefined, value: val, name: tkey }); } else if (tkey === '@eos') { cases.push({ test: function (id, matches, state, eos) { return eos; }, value: val, name: tkey }); } else { cases.push(createGuard(lexer, ruleName, tkey, val)); // call separate function to avoid local variable capture } } } // create a matching function const def = lexer.defaultToken; return { test: function (id, matches, state, eos) { for (const _case of cases) { const didmatch = (!_case.test || _case.test(id, matches, state, eos)); if (didmatch) { return _case.value; } } return def; } }; } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'an action must be a string, an object with a \'token\' or \'cases\' attribute, or an array of actions; in rule: ' + ruleName); } } /** * Helper class for creating matching rules */ class Rule implements monarchCommon.IRule { public regex: RegExp = new RegExp(''); public action: monarchCommon.FuzzyAction = { token: '' }; public matchOnlyAtLineStart: boolean = false; public name: string = ''; public stats: any; public string?: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name; this.stats = {time:0,count:0,hits:0}; } public setRegex(lexer: monarchCommon.ILexerMin, re: string | RegExp): void { let sregex: string; if (typeof (re) === 'string') { sregex = re; } else if (re instanceof RegExp) { sregex = (re).source; } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'rules must start with a match string or regular expression: ' + this.name); } if(sregex.length == 2 && sregex[0] == '\\' && (/[\{\}\(\)\[\]]/).test(sregex[1])){ this.string = sregex[1]; } this.matchOnlyAtLineStart = (sregex.length > 0 && sregex[0] === '^'); this.name = this.name + ': ' + sregex; this.regex = compileRegExp(lexer, '^(?:' + (this.matchOnlyAtLineStart ? sregex.substr(1) : sregex) + ')'); // this.regex = compileRegExp(lexer, '^' + (this.matchOnlyAtLineStart ? sregex.substr(1) : sregex) + ''); } public setAction(lexer: monarchCommon.ILexerMin, act: monarchCommon.IAction) { this.action = compileAction(lexer, this.name, act); } } /** * Compiles a json description function into json where all regular expressions, * case matches etc, are compiled and all include rules are expanded. * We also compile the bracket definitions, supply defaults, and do many sanity checks. * If the 'jsonStrict' parameter is 'false', we allow at certain locations * regular expression objects and functions that get called during lexing. * (Currently we have no samples that need this so perhaps we should always have * jsonStrict to true). */ export function compile(languageId: string, json: IMonarchLanguage): monarchCommon.ILexer { if (!json || typeof (json) !== 'object') { throw new Error('Monarch: expecting a language definition object'); } // Create our lexer let lexer: monarchCommon.ILexer = {}; lexer.languageId = languageId; lexer.noThrow = false; // raise exceptions during compilation lexer.maxStack = 100; // Set standard fields: be defensive about types lexer.start = (typeof json.start === 'string' ? json.start : null); lexer.ignoreCase = bool(json.ignoreCase, false); lexer.tokenPostfix = string(json.tokenPostfix, '.' + lexer.languageId); lexer.defaultToken = string(json.defaultToken, 'source'); lexer.usesEmbedded = false; // becomes true if we find a nextEmbedded action // For calling compileAction later on let lexerMin: monarchCommon.ILexerMin = json; lexerMin.languageId = languageId; lexerMin.ignoreCase = lexer.ignoreCase; lexerMin.noThrow = lexer.noThrow; lexerMin.usesEmbedded = lexer.usesEmbedded; lexerMin.stateNames = json.tokenizer; lexerMin.defaultToken = lexer.defaultToken; // Compile an array of rules into newrules where RegExp objects are created. function addRules(state: string, newrules: monarchCommon.IRule[], rules: any[]) { for (const rule of rules) { let include = rule.include; if (include) { if (typeof (include) !== 'string') { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'an \'include\' attribute must be a string at: ' + state); } if (include[0] === '@') { include = include.substr(1); // peel off starting @ } if (!json.tokenizer[include]) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'include target \'' + include + '\' is not defined at: ' + state); } addRules(state + '.' + include, newrules, json.tokenizer[include]); } else { const newrule = new Rule(state); // Set up new rule attributes if (Array.isArray(rule) && rule.length >= 1 && rule.length <= 3) { newrule.setRegex(lexerMin, rule[0]); if (rule.length >= 3) { if (typeof (rule[1]) === 'string') { newrule.setAction(lexerMin, { token: rule[1], next: rule[2] }); } else if (typeof (rule[1]) === 'object') { const rule1 = rule[1]; rule1.next = rule[2]; newrule.setAction(lexerMin, rule1); } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'a next state as the last element of a rule can only be given if the action is either an object or a string, at: ' + state); } } else { newrule.setAction(lexerMin, rule[1]); } } else { if (!rule.regex) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'a rule must either be an array, or an object with a \'regex\' or \'include\' field at: ' + state); } if (rule.name) { if (typeof rule.name === 'string') { newrule.name = rule.name; } } if (rule.matchOnlyAtStart) { newrule.matchOnlyAtLineStart = bool(rule.matchOnlyAtLineStart, false); } newrule.setRegex(lexerMin, rule.regex); newrule.setAction(lexerMin, rule.action); } newrules.push(newrule); } } } // compile the tokenizer rules if (!json.tokenizer || typeof (json.tokenizer) !== 'object') { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'a language definition must define the \'tokenizer\' attribute as an object'); } lexer.tokenizer = []; for (let key in json.tokenizer) { if (json.tokenizer.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!lexer.start) { lexer.start = key; } const rules = json.tokenizer[key]; lexer.tokenizer[key] = new Array(); addRules('tokenizer.' + key, lexer.tokenizer[key], rules); } } lexer.usesEmbedded = lexerMin.usesEmbedded; // can be set during compileAction // Set simple brackets if (json.brackets) { if (!(Array.isArray(json.brackets))) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'the \'brackets\' attribute must be defined as an array'); } } else { json.brackets = [ { open: '{', close: '}', token: 'delimiter.curly' }, { open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' }, { open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' }, { open: '<', close: '>', token: 'delimiter.angle' }]; } let brackets: IMonarchLanguageBracket[] = []; for (let el of json.brackets) { let desc: any = el; if (desc && Array.isArray(desc) && desc.length === 3) { desc = { token: desc[2], open: desc[0], close: desc[1] }; } if (desc.open === desc.close) { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'open and close brackets in a \'brackets\' attribute must be different: ' + desc.open + '\n hint: use the \'bracket\' attribute if matching on equal brackets is required.'); } if (typeof desc.open === 'string' && typeof desc.token === 'string' && typeof desc.close === 'string') { brackets.push({ token: desc.token + lexer.tokenPostfix, open: monarchCommon.fixCase(lexer, desc.open), close: monarchCommon.fixCase(lexer, desc.close) }); } else { throw monarchCommon.createError(lexer, 'every element in the \'brackets\' array must be a \'{open,close,token}\' object or array'); } } lexer.brackets = brackets; // Disable throw so the syntax highlighter goes, no matter what lexer.noThrow = true; return lexer; }