const puppy = window.puppy const pup = do(ns,...params) if ns.match(/^spec/) and puppy puppy(ns,params) return # return if puppy await puppy(ns,params) class PupKeyboard def type text, options = {} await puppy('keyboard.type',[text,options]) def down text, options = {} await puppy('keyboard.down',[text,options]) def up text, options = {} await puppy('keyboard.up',[text,options]) def press text, options = {} await puppy('',[text,options]) class PupMouse def type text, options puppy('keyboard.type',[text,options]) const TERMINAL_COLOR_CODES = bold: 1 underline: 4 reverse: 7 black: 30 red: 31 green: 32 yellow: 33 blue: 34 magenta: 35 cyan: 36 white: 37 const fmt = do(code,string) return string.toString! if code = TERMINAL_COLOR_CODES[code] let resetStr = "\x1B[0m" let resetRegex = /\x1B\[0m/g let codeRegex = /\x1B\[\d+m/g let tagRegex = /(<\w+>|)|(<\/\w+>|)/i let numRegex = /\d+/ let str = ('' + string).replace(resetRegex, "{resetStr}\x1B[{code}m") # allow nesting str = "\x1B[{code}m{str}{resetStr}" return str class SpecComponent def log ...params root.console.log(*params) def emit ev, pars imba.emit(self,ev,pars) get root parent ? parent.root : self global class Spec < SpecComponent get keyboard _keyboard ||= new PupKeyboard get mouse _mouse ||= new PupMouse def click sel, trusted = yes if puppy and trusted console.log "click with puppeteer!!",sel try await puppy('click',[sel]) catch e console.log 'error from pup click!' else let el = document.querySelector(sel) el &&! await tick! def tick commit = true imba.commit! if commit await imba.scheduler.promise observer.takeRecords! def wait time = 100 new Promise(do(resolve) setTimeout(resolve,time)) def constructor super() console = console blocks = [] assertions = [] stack = [context = self] tests = [] warnings = [] state = {info: [], mutations: [], log: [], commits: 0} observer = new MutationObserver do(muts) context.state.mutations.push(...muts) self get fullName "" def eval block, ctx stack.push(context = ctx) let res = block(context.state) let after = do stack.pop! context = stack[stack.length - 1] observer.takeRecords! self let err = do(e) ctx.error = e after! if res and res.then return res.then(after,err) else after! return Promise.resolve(self) def describe name, blk blocks.push new SpecGroup(name, blk, self) def test name, blk if name isa Function blk = name name = context.blocks.length + 1 context.blocks.push new SpecExample(name, blk, context) def eq actual, expected, options new SpecAssert(context, actual,expected, options) def step i = 0, &blk Spec.CURRENT = self let block = blocks[i] return self.finish! unless block imba.once(block,'done') do self.step(i+1)! def run new Promise do(resolve,reject) pup("spec:start",{}) let prevInfo = let fn = do context.state.commits++ imba.scheduler.on('commit',fn) observer.observe(document.body,{ attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }) console.log 'running spec' = do(...params) context.state.log.push(params[0]) imba.once(self,'done') do observer.disconnect! = prevInfo imba.scheduler.un('commit',fn) resolve! await tick! self.step(0) def finish let ok = [] let failed = [] for test in tests test.failed ? failed.push(test) : ok.push(test) let logs = [ fmt('green',"{ok.length} OK") fmt('red',"{failed.length} FAILED") "{tests.length} TOTAL" ] console.log logs.join(" | ") let exitCode = (failed.length == 0 ? 0 : 1) emit('done', [exitCode]) pup("spec:done",{ failed: failed.length, passed: ok.length, warnings: warnings.length }) global class SpecGroup < SpecComponent def constructor name, blk, parent super() parent = parent name = name blocks = [] SPEC.eval(blk,self) if blk self get fullName "{parent.fullName}{name} > " def describe name, blk blocks.push new SpecGroup(name, blk, self) def test name, blk blocks.push new SpecExample(name, blk, self) def run i = 0 start! if i == 0 let block = blocks[i] return finish! unless block imba.once(block,'done') do run(i+1)! # this is where we wan to await? def start emit('start', [self]) if else console.log "\n-------- {name} --------" def finish console.groupEnd(name) if console.groupEnd emit('done', [self]) global class SpecExample < SpecComponent def constructor name, block, parent super() parent = parent evaluated = no name = name block = block assertions = [] root.tests.push(self) state = {info: [], mutations: [], log: []} self get fullName "{parent.fullName}{name}" def run start! # does a block really need to run here? try let promise = (block ? SPEC.eval(block, self) : Promise.resolve({})) let res = await promise catch e console.log "error from run!",e error = e evaluated = yes finish! def start emit('start') def finish failed ? fail! : pass! let fails = assertions.filter do $1.critical pup("spec:test", name: fullName, failed: failed, messages: $1.toString!), error: error && error.message ) for ass in assertions if ass.failed if ass.options.warn pup("spec:warn",message: ass.toString!) else pup("spec:fail",message: ass.toString!) console.groupEnd(fullName) emit('done',[self]) def fail console.log("%c✘ {fullName}", "color:orangered",state) def pass console.log("%c✔ {fullName}", "color:forestgreen") get failed error or assertions.some do(ass) ass.critical get passed !failed! global class SpecAssert < SpecComponent def constructor parent,actual,expected,options = {} super() parent = parent expected = expected actual = actual options = options message = (options.message || options.warn) || "expected %2 - got %1" parent.assertions.push(self),actual) ? pass! : fail! self def compare a,b if a === b return true if a isa Array and b isa Array return false if a.length != b.length for item,i in a return false unless,b[i]) return JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b) return false get critical failed && !options.warn def fail failed = yes if options.warn root.warnings.push(self) self def pass passed = yes self def toString if failed and message isa String let str = message str = str.replace('%1',actual) str = str.replace('%2',expected) return str else "failed" window.spec = global.SPEC = new Spec # global def p do console.log(*arguments) global def describe name, blk do SPEC.context.describe(name,blk) global def test name, blk do SPEC.test(name,blk) global def eq actual, expected, o do SPEC.eq(actual, expected, o) global def ok actual, o do SPEC.eq(!!actual, true, o) global def eqcss el, match,sel,msg if typeof el == 'string' el = document.querySelector(el) elif el isa Element and !el.parentNode document.body.appendChild(el) if typeof sel == 'string' el = el.querySelector(sel) elif typeof sel == 'number' el = el.children[sel] let style = window.getComputedStyle(el) if typeof match == 'number' match = {fontWeight: String(match)} for own k,expected of match let real = style[k] if expected isa RegExp global.ok real.match(expected) unless real.match(expected) console.log real,'did no match',expected else global.eq(real,expected) return window.onerror = do(e) console.log('page:error',{message: (e.message or e)}) window.onunhandledrejection = do(e) console.log('page:error',{message: e.reason.message})