import np from 'path' import nfs from 'fs' import {performance} from 'perf_hooks' import log from '../src/utils/logger' import {program as cli} from 'commander' import FileSystem from '../src/bundler/fs' import Runner from '../src/bundler/runner' import Bundler from '../src/bundler/bundle' import Cache from '../src/bundler/cache' import {resolveConfig,resolvePackage,getCacheDir, resolvePath} from '../src/bundler/utils' import {resolvePresets,merge as extendConfig} from '../src/bundler/config' import tmp from 'tmp' import getport from 'get-port' const fmt = { int: do(val) parseInt(val) i: do(val) val == 'max' ? 0 : parseInt(val) v: do(dummy,prev) prev + 1 } let imbapkg = resolvePackage(np.resolve(__dirname,'..')) or {} const overrides = {} let argv = process.argv.slice(0) const overrideAliases = { M: {minify: false} m: {minify: true} S: {sourcemap: false} s: {sourcemap: true} } const valueMap = { 'true': true 'false': false 'null': null 'undefined': undefined } for item,i in argv continue unless item if item.match(/^\-\-(\w+)(\.\w+)+$/) let val = argv[i+1] let path = item.slice(2).split('.') let cfg = overrides argv[i] = null while path[1] cfg = cfg[path[0]] ||= {} path.shift! let aliased = overrideAliases[path[0]] if aliased Object.assign(cfg,aliased) else if val.indexOf(' ') >= 0 val = val.split(/\,\s*|\s+/g) val = valueMap[val] or val cfg[path[0]] = val argv[i] = null argv[i+1] = null argv = argv.filter do $1 !== null def parseOptions options, extras = [] if options.#parsed return options let command = options._name options = options.opts! if options.opts isa Function let cwd = options.cwd ||= process.cwd! options.imbaPath ||= np.resolve(__dirname,'..') options.command = command options.extras = extras options.config = resolveConfig(cwd,options.config or 'imbaconfig.json') options.package = resolvePackage(cwd) or {} options.nodeModulesPath = resolvePath('node_modules',cwd) if options.esm ??= 'esm' if options.verbose > 1 options.loglevel ||= 'debug' elif options.verbose options.loglevel ||= 'info' if options.development options.minify ??= no options.sourcemap ??= yes ??= yes options.hmr = yes options.mode = 'development' if options.production options.minify ??= yes options.sourcemap ??= no options.hmr = no options.mode = 'production' if command == 'build' options.minify ??= yes options.mode ??= 'production' options.sourcemap ??= no options.loglevel ||= 'info' options.outdir ||= 'dist' if options.web and command != 'build' command = options.command = 'serve' # console.log 'changing to serve!!' if options.web and command != 'serve' # if we are serving - the entrypoint will be redirected to a server-script ??= 'browser' if command == 'serve' = yes options.hmr = yes if options.loglevel ||= 'info' if options.mode == 'development' options.hmr = yes if options.force options.mtime =! else let statFiles = [ __filename np.resolve(__dirname,'..','workers.imba.js') np.resolve(__dirname,'..','compiler.imba.js') ] # also check mtime of project? options.mtime = Math.max( nfs.statSync($1).mtimeMs)) options.loglevel ||= 'warning' options.cachedir = getCacheDir(options) global.#IMBA_OPTIONS = options options.#parsed = yes return options def run entry, o, extras return! unless o.args.length > 0 let [path,q] = entry.split('?') path = np.resolve(path) let prog = o = parseOptions(o,extras) o.cache = new Cache(o) o.fs = new FileSystem(o.cwd,o) # TODO support multiple entrypoints - especially for html extendConfig(prog.config.options,overrides) if !o.outdir if o.command == 'build' o.outdir = 'dist' else tmp.setGracefulCleanup! let tmpdir = tmp.dirSync(unsafeCleanup: yes) o.outdir = o.tmpdir = nfs.realpathSync( # fake loader let file = o.fs.lookup(path) if q = q.replace(/^as=/,'') elif file.ext == '.html' = 'html' unless o.command == 'build' = 'node' let params = resolvePresets(prog.config,{entryPoints: [file.rel]}, or 'node') unless o.command == 'build' o.port ||= await getport(port: getport.makeRange(3000, 3100)) let bundle = new Bundler(o,params) let out = await! if o.command == 'build' return let run = do(result) if let exec = result..main ||= entry let runner = new Runner(bundle,o) runner.start! if out..main run(out) elif bundle.once('built',run) return let binary = cli.storeOptionsAsProperties(false).version(imbapkg.version).name('imba') def common cmd cmd .option("-o, --outdir ", "Directory to output files") .option("-w, --watch", "Continously build and watch project") .option("-v, --verbose", "verbosity (repeat to increase)",fmt.v,0) .option("-s, --sourcemap", "verbosity (repeat to increase)",fmt.v,0) .option("-m, --minify", "Minify generated files") .option("-M, --no-minify", "Disable minifying") .option("-f, --force", "Disregard previously cached outputs") .option("-k, --keep", "Keep existing files in output directory") .option("-S, --no-sourcemap", "Omit sourcemaps") .option("-d, --development","Use defaults for development") .option("-p, --production","Use defaults for production") .option("--bundle", "Try to bundle all external dependencies") .option("--base ", "Base url for your generated site","/") .option("--web","Build entrypoints for the browser") .option("--esm","Output module files") common(cli.command('run [script]', { isDefault: true }).description('Imba')) .option("-i, --instances [count]", "Number of instances to start",fmt.i,1) .option("--inspect", "Debug") .action(run) common(cli.command('build