import * as esbuild from 'esbuild' import {startWorkers} from './pooler' import {createHash,diagnosticToESB,builtInModules,extendObject,replaceAll, normalizePath, relativePath, ImageRegex, FontRegex} from './utils' import {StyleTheme} from '../compiler/styler' import os from 'os' import np from 'path' import nfs from 'fs' import ncp from '../../vendor/ncp.js' import URL from 'url' import FileSystem from './fs' import Component from './component' import {SourceMapper} from '../compiler/sourcemapper' import * as smc from 'sourcemap-codec' import Watcher from './watcher' let BUNDLE_COUNTER = 0 import {LOADER_SUFFIXES, LOADER_EXTENSIONS, SUFFIX_TEMPLATES, NODE_BUILTINS} from './config' class Builder # prop previous - why not? prop startAt =! prop refs = {} prop inputs = {} prop outputs = new Set prop bundlers = {} prop meta = {} prop styles = {} prop entries = {} get elapsed! - startAt # TODO Check if outdir is inside of project-dir (closest package.json) # - when it is we can safely keep things external export default class Bundle < Component prop hasGlobStylesheet prop built? = no get o options get node? do platform == 'node' get nodeworker? do platform == 'nodeworker' get webworker? do platform == 'webworker' get worker? do webworker? or nodeworker? get nodeish? do node? or nodeworker? get web? do !nodeish? get webish? do web? or webworker? get esm? do !o.format or o.format == 'esm' get cjs? do o.format == 'cjs' get iife? do o.format == 'iife' get html? do o.format == 'html' get build? program.command == 'build' get watch? !! get serve? (program.command == 'serve') or (root.entryPoints[0].match(/\.html$/) and !build?) get run? !build? # Will bundle be run in fork mode (vs cluster)? get fork? ! and program.instances == 1 get standalone? !!program.bundle # are we building directly for web? get static? !!program.web or root.html? get minify? o.minify ?? program.minify get dev? program.mode == 'development' get production? program.mode == 'production' get hmr? program.hmr == yes or == yes get main? root == self get outdir program.outdir or fs.cwd get outbase o.outbase or fs.cwd get assetsDir o.assetsDir or program.assetsDir or 'assets' get pubdir build? and static? ? '.' : 'public' get distInsideRoot? #distInsideRoot ??= (/^(\.\/|\w)/).test(np.relative(fs.cwd,outdir)) def urlForOutputPath path let url = np.relative(np.resolve(program.cwd,program.outdir),path) if baseurl url = baseurl + url return url # optional prefix prepended to all asset url references get baseurl # TODO use base instead of baseurl #baseurl ||= ((program.baseurl or program.base or '') + '/').replace(/\/+/g,'/') get fs program.fs get outfs root.#outfs ||= new FileSystem(program.outdir,program) get imbaconfig program.config # or parent..imbaconfig get theme imbaconfig.#theme ||= new StyleTheme(imbaconfig) get root parent ? parent.root : self get buildcache root.#buildcache # this allows us to uniquely use this as a unique key in any object # useful for things like metadata[bundle] = {...} def [Symbol.toPrimitive] hint #_id_ ||= Symbol! def constructor up,o super() #bundles = {web: {}, node: {}} #watchedPaths = {} #buildcache = {} if up isa Bundle self.parent = up self.program = up.program else self.program = up nr = BUNDLE_COUNTER++ styles = {} options = o result = null firstBuild = null workers = null built = no meta = {} cwd = fs.cwd platform = o.platform or 'browser' entryPoints = o.entryPoints or [] builder = null # log.prefix = ["%d ","bundler"] if parent watcher = parent.watcher elif watcher ||= new Watcher(fs) let externals = [] let pkg = program.package or {} for ext in o.external # if ext[0] == '!' # externals.push(ext) if ext == "dependencies" let deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies or {}) externals.push(...deps) externals.push( ...Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies or {}) ) if run? if ext == "devDependencies" externals.push( ...Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies or {}) ) if ext == "builtins" externals.push(...Object.keys(builtInModules)) if ext == ".json" externals.push("*.json") externals.push(ext) externals = externals.filter do(src) !o.external or o.external.indexOf("!{src}") == -1 self.externals = externals # console.log "bundle externals",externals esoptions = { entryPoints: entryPoints bundle: o.bundle === false ? false : true define: o.define platform: nodeish? ? 'node' : 'browser' format: o.format or 'esm' outfile: o.outfile outdir: program.outdir globalName: o.globalName publicPath: baseurl or '/' assetNames: "{assetsDir}/[name].[hash]" chunkNames: "{assetsDir}/chunks/[name].[hash]" entryNames: "{assetsDir}/[name].[hash]" conditions: ["imba"] banner: {js: "//__HEAD__" + (o.banner ? '\n' + o.banner : '')} footer: {js: o.footer or "//__FOOT__"} splitting: o.splitting sourcemap: (program.sourcemap === false ? no : (web? ? yes : yes)) minifySyntax: true minifyWhitespace: minify? and o.format != 'html' minifyIdentifiers: minify? and o.format != 'html' incremental: !!watcher legalComments: 'inline' loader: Object.assign({},LOADER_EXTENSIONS,o.loader or {}) write: false charset: 'utf8' # Test real world performance metafile: true external: externals tsconfig: o.tsconfig nodePaths: (o.nodePaths or []).slice(0) # (np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills')) plugins: (o.plugins or []).concat({name: 'imba', setup: plugin.bind(self)}) pure: ['Symbol.for','Symbol'] treeShaking: o.treeShaking or true keepNames: true supported: { "for-await": true } resolveExtensions: ['.imba','.imba1','.ts','.mjs','.cjs','.js','.svg'] } esoptions.entryPoints..sort! # Don't include the sources content in production builds if esoptions.sourcemap and !dev? esoptions.sourcesContent = false if main? and !web? esoptions.entryNames = "[dir]/[name]" if main? # override the external resolution here esoptions.external = [] if web? and o.ref and !worker? # esoptions.entryNames = "{assetsDir}/[dir]/[name].[hash]" esoptions.entryNames = "{assetsDir}/[name].[hash]" if o.ref and o.format != 'html' and o.ref != 'web' esoptions.outbase = fs.cwd if o.esbuild extendObject(esoptions,o.esbuild,'esbuild') imbaoptions = { platform: o.platform css: 'external' hmr: program.hmr or false mode: program.mode } if o.sourcesContent !== undefined esoptions.sourcesContent = o.sourcesContent if o.platform == 'worker' imbaoptions.platform = 'node' if = if nodeish? and run? and let curr = process.version.replace(/^v(?=\d)/,'node') = [curr] # FIXME Are we using this still? if o.format == 'css' esoptions.format = 'esm' if html? esoptions.format = 'esm' esoptions.minify = false esoptions.sourcemap = false esoptions.entryNames = '[dir]/[name]' esoptions.loader[".json"] = 'file' if worker? esoptions.outExtension = {".js": ".worker.js"} elif iife? esoptions.outExtension = {".js": ".iife.js"} elif esoptions.format == 'esm' and nodeish? esoptions.outExtension = {".js": ".mjs"} # console.log esoptions let addExtensions = { webworker: ['.webworker.imba','.worker.imba'] serviceworker: ['.serviceworker.imba','.webworker.imba','.worker.imba'] nodeworker: ['.nodeworker.imba','.worker.imba','.node.imba'] worker: ['.imba.web-pkg.js','.worker.imba'] node: ['.node.imba'] browser: ['.web.imba'] } if addExtensions[o.platform] esoptions.resolveExtensions.unshift(...addExtensions[o.platform]) # TODO Clean up defines let defines = esoptions.define ||= {} defines["globalThis.DEBUG_IMBA"] ||= !production? if !nodeish? let env = o.env or (production? ? 'production' : 'development') defines["global"]="globalThis" defines["process.platform"]="'web'" defines["process.browser"]="true" # FIXME Buffer is no longer tree-shaken if not used esoptions.inject = [ np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills','buffer','index.js') np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills','__inject__.js') ] esoptions.inject = [] esoptions.nodePaths.push(np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'polyfills')) defines["globalThis.IMBA_HMR"] ||= String(hmr?) defines["globalThis.IMBA_DEV"] ||= String(hmr?) defines["globalThis.IMBA_RUN"] ||= String(run?) if o.bundle == false esoptions.bundle = false delete esoptions.external if o.splitting and esoptions.format != 'esm' log.error "code-splitting not allowed when format is not esm" if main? log.ts "created main bundle" manifest = {} def addEntrypoint src entryPoints.push(src) unless entryPoints.indexOf(src)>= 0 entryPoints.sort! self def setup self def watchPath path unless #watchedPaths[path] #watchedPaths[path] = 1 if parent parent.watchPath(path) elif watcher and path.indexOf(':') == -1 watcher.add path.slice(0,path.lastIndexOf('/')) self def resolveConfigPreset types = [] let ref = types.join('&') let key = Symbol.for(ref) let cacher = imbaconfig if cacher[key] return cacher[key] let base = {presets: [], ref: ref} let presets = imbaconfig.options for typ in types let pre = presets[typ] or {} base.presets.push(pre) let curr = pre let add = [pre] # extends need to be smarter than this flat assign while curr.extends and add.length < 10 add.unshift(curr = presets[curr.extends]) for item in add Object.assign(base,item) return cacher[key] = base # Object.create(base) def resolveTemplate name np.resolve(program.imbaPath,'src','templates',name) ### The main setup for our esbuild plugin. It installs a bunch of far-reaching onResolve and onLoad handlers to support nested entrypoints, style extraction from imba files and much more. ### def plugin esb let externs = self.externals or [] let imbaDir = program.imbaPath let isImba = do(f) (/\.imba$/).test(f) and f.indexOf('styles:') != 0 let toAssetJS = do(object) let json = JSON.stringify(object) return """ import \{asset\} from 'imba/src/imba/assets.imba'; export default asset({json}) """ let esresolve = do(args) let res = await esb.resolve(args.path,resolveDir: args.resolveDir, namespace: '') return res if o.resolve let regex = new RegExp("^({Object.keys(o.resolve).join('|')})$") esb.onResolve(filter: regex) do(args) # console.log 'onresolving',args.path let res = o.resolve[args.path] res = res and res[platform] or res return res # TODO convert to a single resolve function? Or at least one per namespace # TODO Images imported from imba files should resolve as special assets # importing metadata about the images and more if main? and serve? esb.onResolve(namespace: 'file', filter: /.*/) do(args) if args.kind == 'entry-point' let kind = args.path.split('.').pop! # TODO Support serving a regular js script as well - could be handy let tpl = resolveTemplate("serve-{kind}.imba") let abs = await esb.resolve(args.path,resolveDir: args.resolveDir) return {path: tpl, namespace: 'file', pluginData: { __ENTRYPOINT__: abs.path resolveDir: args.resolveDir }} if args.path == '__ENTRYPOINT__' let abs = await esb.resolve(entryPoints[0],resolveDir: fs.cwd) return { path: args.pluginData..__ENTRYPOINT__ or abs.path # fs.abs(entryPoints[0]) pluginData: { path: args.path asset: yes kind: args.kind } } return if main? esb.onResolve(filter: /\.html$/, namespace: 'file') do(args) # When we are targeting html files as entrypoint (building) # we compile it to js and then convert it back to html before # writing the final files if args.kind == 'entry-point' let res = await esresolve(args) return { path: res.path namespace: 'file' pluginData: { path: args.path kind: args.kind serve: !build? } } if args.kind == 'import-statement' let res = await esresolve(args) return { path: res.path pluginData: { asset: yes, path: args.path, kind: args.kind } } return # Special path referring to all styles referred from entrypoint esb.onResolve(filter: /^\*\?css$/) do(args) root.hasGlobStylesheet = yes return {path: "*?css", namespace: 'css'} # catch the potential entrypoints here esb.onResolve(filter: /\?(as=)?([\w\-\,\.\&]+)$/) do(args) # skip this when we are resolving via esb.resolve return if args.namespace == '' if o.format == 'css' return {path: "_", namespace: 'imba-raw'} let [path,q] = args.path.split('?') let formats = q.replace(/^as=/,'').split(/[&\-]/g) if q.match(/^(url|dataurl|binary|text|base64|file|copy|img|svg|styles|bundle|external)/) return let resolved # Could we do away with this entrypoint thing? if path == '__ENTRYPOINT__' resolved = {path: fs.resolve(entryPoints[0]), suffix: '?' + q} else resolved = await esresolve(args) if let tpl = SUFFIX_TEMPLATES[q] tpl = tpl[webish? ? 'web' : 'node'] if tpl and !args.pluginData return { namespace: 'wrap', suffix: resolved.suffix path: resolved.path pluginData: tpl } # if the path could not be resolved to an actual file on disk, skip it unless resolved return # If you import something as script?worker it will choose between # nodeworker and webworker depending on the platform you are importing let cfg = resolveConfigPreset(formats) let rel = fs.relative(resolved.path) # Why not resolve as suffix? let outpath = rel + resolved.suffix return { path: outpath, namespace: 'entry', pluginData: { config: cfg, path: rel } } esb.onResolve(filter: /^imba(\/|$)/) do(args) # TODO Let the esbuild resolver take over here if args.path == 'imba' if o.format == 'css' return {path: args.path, external: yes} let out = np.resolve(imbaDir,'index.imba') return {path: out, namespace: 'file'} # try to resolve imba files here? let rel = args.path.slice(args.path.indexOf('/') + 1) let path = np.resolve(imbaDir,rel) let exts = ['','.imba'] if rel == 'program' or rel == 'compiler' exts.unshift('.imba.js') for ext in exts if nfs.existsSync(path + ext) return {path: path + ext} return null # imba files import their stylesheets by including a plain # import '_styles_' line - which resolves to he path # of the importer itself, with a styles namespace esb.onResolve(filter: /^_styles_$/) do({importer}) # let path = fs.relative(importer) return {path: importer, suffix: '?styles', namespace: 'file'} # Main resolver for imba plugin. Checks for a bunch of different # conditions and returns accordingly esb.onResolve(namespace: 'file', filter: /.*/) do(args) return null if args.pluginData == 'skip' or args.path.indexOf('data:') == 0 let path = args.path let abs? = /^(\/|\w\:\/)/.test(path) let rel? = path[0] == '.' let pkg? = !abs? and !rel? let pkg = pkg? and path.match(/^(@[\w\.\-]+\/)?\w[\w\.\-]*/)[0] or null let external? = (externs.indexOf(path) >= 0) or (pkg? and externs.indexOf(pkg) >= 0) let q = (path.split('?')[1] or '') let pathname = q ? path.split('?')[0] : path if q == 'style' return null # console.log 'on resolve still',args if path.indexOf('node:') == 0 return {external: true} if NODE_BUILTINS.indexOf(path) >= 0 and !web? return {external: true, path: path} if q == 'bundle' let opts = { importer: args.importer resolveDir: args.resolveDir namespace: '' kind: esm? ? 'import-statement' : 'require-call' pluginData: 'skip' } let res = await esb.resolve(pathname,opts) return {path: res.path} if q == 'external' return {path: pathname, external: true} # should this be the default for all external modules? if pkg? and nodeish? and run? and !standalone? and !program.tmpdir if externs.indexOf("!{path}") >= 0 # console.log "don't externalize",path return null let reachable? = no let opts = { importer: args.importer resolveDir: args.resolveDir namespace: '' kind: esm? ? 'import-statement' : 'require-call' pluginData: 'skip' } let res = await esb.resolve(args.path,opts) if res.path let base = res.path.split('node_modules')[0] let inpath = np.relative(base,outdir) reachable? = yes if inpath.indexOf('../') != 0 if external? and reachable? return {external: true} if external? return {external: true, path: res.path} if external? if program.bundle return null return {external: true} # if this is an absolute path let esbuild resolve if abs? return null if q == 'img' let resolved = await esresolve(args) return {path: resolved.path} let img? = /(\.(svg|png|jpe?g|gif|tiff|webp))$/.test(path) if isImba(args.importer) and img? and args.kind != 'url-token' let resolved = await esresolve(args) if resolved..path # need more tests for this return {path: resolved.path, suffix: '?js'} # FIXME Formalize this behaviour if path.match(/\.json(\?copy)?$/) let res = await esresolve(args) if args.importer..match(/\.html$/) return {path: res.path, suffix: "?url"} if web? and esoptions.splitting # should still be treated as a watching dependency? return {path: res.path + '.js', suffix: "?external"} return null ### img namespace returns a js file for the image which includes image size and a url to the actual image ### esb.onLoad(namespace: 'img', filter: /.*/) do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} esb.onLoad(namespace: 'wrap', filter: /.*/) do(args) let cfg = args.pluginData let tpl = nfs.readFileSync(resolveTemplate(cfg),'utf-8') let body = tpl.replace('__ENTRYPOINT__?',args.path + '?') body = body.replace('__ENTRYPOINT__',args.path + (args.suffix or '')) return {loader: 'js', contents: body, resolveDir: np.dirname(args.path)} ### html namespace returns a js file that extracts imports and file references from the html. After esbuild is done we parse the resulting file, pull out the asset references and changed it back into html, with the correct urls to assets etc. ### esb.onLoad(namespace: 'html', filter: /.*/) do({path}) let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir, pluginData: {resolver: path}} # TODO Remove namespace esb.onLoad(namespace: 'js', filter: /.*/) do({path}) # TODO drop the js namespace - use suffix instead? let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) builder.meta[file.rel] = out return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir, pluginData: { importerFile: file.rel }} esb.onLoad(namespace: 'file', filter: /\.html$/) do(args) # console.log "load html file",args,o.format # when this is in a html if html? or args.pluginData..asset let file = fs.lookup(args.path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) builder.meta[file.rel] = out return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir, pluginData: { importerFile: file.rel }} return ### for all regular files we just intercept onLoad and check for specific suffixes like ?raw, ?copy, ?url, ?binary. ### esb.onLoad(namespace: 'file', filter: /.*/) do({path,suffix,pluginData}) if suffix let fmt = suffix.slice(1) let loader = LOADER_SUFFIXES[fmt] if fmt == 'external' # TODO Document external if web? and path.match(/\.json\.m?js$/) let real = path.replace(/\.m?js$/,'') let out = nfs.readFileSync(real,'utf-8') # maybe transform? return { loader: 'copy', contents: "export default " + out, resolveDir: np.dirname(path) } if loader let out = nfs.readFileSync(path) return {loader: loader, contents: out} elif fmt == 'js' let file = fs.lookup(path) let out = await file.compile({format: 'esm'},self) return {loader: 'js', contents: out.js, resolveDir: file.absdir} return null esb.onLoad(namespace: 'css', filter: /^\*\?css/) do return {loader: 'text', contents: '*?css'} if html? return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS('*?css'), resolveDir: fs.cwd } esb.onLoad(namespace: 'entry', filter:/.*/) do({path,pluginData}) if path == '__styles__' if html? return {loader: 'text', contents: '*?css'} return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS('*?css'), resolveDir: fs.cwd } # skip entrypoints if compiling for css only if o.format == 'css' return {loader: 'text', contents: ""} let meta = pluginData let cfg = meta.config let id = "entry:{meta.path}?{cfg.ref}" let file = fs.lookup(meta.path) # add this to something we want to resolve if cfg.splitting or (cfg.ref == 'html' and main?) # use multiple entrypoints when the ref is html as well? # I guess we could always use it from the server # wont work if we also include html from inside client? let bundle = cfg.#bundler ||= new Bundle(root,Object.create(cfg)) bundle.addEntrypoint(meta.path) root.builder.refs[id] = bundle builder.refs[id] = bundle # return {loader: 'text', contents: "" id} if html? return {loader: 'text', contents: id} return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS(id), resolveDir: np.dirname(path)} log.debug "lookup up bundle for id {id}" let bundler = root.#bundles[id] ||= new Bundle(root,Object.assign({entryPoints: [meta.path]},cfg)) builder.refs[id] = bundler unless cfg.format == 'css' # if we are in the web world we actually want to wait for the bundler let building = bundler.rebuild! # we can asynchronously start the rebundler if web? log.debug "rebuilt immediately - and maybe link directly to the asset?!" let res = await building try let asset = res.meta.entries[id] # or root.builder.entries[id] # let rootref = root.builder.entries[id] log.debug 'returned from iife',id if asset return {loader: 'text', contents: asset.url} catch e console.error e if html? return {loader: 'text', contents: id} return {loader: 'js', contents: toAssetJS(id), resolveDir: file.absdir } esb.onLoad(filter: /\.css$/) do(args) let content = nfs.readFileSync(args.path,'utf-8') content += "/*! @path {fs.relative(args.path)} */" return {loader: 'css', contents: content} esb.onLoad(namespace: 'imba-raw', filter: /.*/) do({path}) return {loader: 'text', contents: ""} esb.onLoad({namespace: 'styles', filter: /\.imba$/}) do({path,namespace}) if let res = builder.styles[path] return res else {loader: 'css', contents: ""} # The main loader that compiles and returns imba files, and their stylesheets esb.onLoad({ filter: /\.imba1?$/}) do({path,namespace,pluginData,suffix}) let src = fs.lookup(path) if suffix == '?styles' let res = builder.styles[src.rel] # console.log "ONLOAD {path}",arguments[0],Object.keys(builder.styles) return res or {loader: 'css', contents: ""} let t =! let res = await src.compile(imbaoptions,self) if res.css let style = theme.transformColors(SourceMapper.strip(res.css or ""),prefix: no) style += "/*! @path {fs.relative(path)}?styles */" builder.styles[src.rel] = { loader: 'css' contents: style resolveDir: src.absdir } let incStyles = res.css or o.format == 'css' let inc = incStyles ? "\nimport './{}?styles';" : "" inc = incStyles ? "\nimport '_styles_';" : "" let cached = res[self] ||= { loader: 'js', contents: SourceMapper.strip(res.js or "") + (inc) errors: (res.errors or []).map(do diagnosticToESB($1,file: src.abs, namespace: namespace)) warnings: (res.warnings or []).map(do diagnosticToESB($1,file: src.abs, namespace: namespace)) resolveDir: src.absdir, pluginData: pluginData } return cached def build force = no buildcache[self] ||= new Promise do(resolve) if (built =? true) or force if main? "starting to build in %path",program.outdir workers = await startWorkers! log.debug "build {entryPoints.join(',')} {o.format}|{o.platform} {nr}" try builder = new Builder(previous: builder) result = await firstBuild = result lastResult = result catch e result = e await transform(result) if main? await write(result) unless watcher workers.stop! workers = null # only add this once if watcher and main? and (#watching =? true) watcher.start! watcher.on('touch') do log.debug "watcher touch",$1 clearTimeout(#rebuildTimeout) #rebuildTimeout = setTimeout(&,100) do clearTimeout(#rebuildTimeout) log.debug 'try rebuild',!!buildcache[self], rebuild! #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) def rebuild {force = no} = {} unless built and result and result.rebuild isa Function return build(yes) buildcache[self] ||= new Promise do(resolve) if main? log.debug "starting rebuild!",!!watcher,force if watcher and !force let changes = watcher.sync(self) let dirty = no for [path,flags] in changes if #watchedPaths[path] or flags != 1 dirty = yes # console.log 'rebuild?!',entryPoints,changes,dirty,#watchedPaths if main? and dirty log.debug "changes demanding a resolve?",changes unless dirty #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) let prev = lastResult let failed = no try builder = new Builder(previous: builder) let rebuilt = await firstBuild.rebuild! result = rebuilt lastResult = result catch e log.debug "error when rebuilding",e failed = yes result = e await transform(result,prev) if main? await write(result,prev) #buildcache = {} return resolve(result) def collectStyleInputs(input, deep, matched = [], visited = []) if input isa Array for member in input collectStyleInputs(member,deep,matched,visited) return matched if visited.indexOf(input) >= 0 return matched visited.push(input) if input.path.match(/(^styles:)|(\.css$)|(\?styles?$)/) # or input.path.match(/^styles:/) if matched.indexOf(input) == -1 unless matched.find(do $1.path == input.path) matched.push(input) for item in input.imports continue if item.path.match(/\?css$/) collectStyleInputs(item,deep,matched,visited) if input.asset and deep collectStyleInputs(input.asset.source,deep,matched,visited) return matched def transformCompiledHTML asset,js,meta,manifest let mapping = {} let entryToUrlMap = {} let entries = manifest # need to wait until the paths are done, no?? js.replace(/(\w+_default\d*) = \"(.*)\"/g) do(m,name,path) # console.log 'get entry?!?',path,entries[path] if let entry = entries[path] return mapping[name] = entry.url or entry.path # to url mapping[name] = entryToUrlMap[path] or path let urls = js.match(/URLS = \[(.*)\]/)[1].split(/\,\s*/g).map do mapping[$1] if meta and meta.html let replaced = meta.html.replace(/ASSET_REF_(\d+)/g) do(m,nr) let url = urls[parseInt(nr)] return url # include module-preload return replaced return js ### Go through the generated files - create hashes for the file-contents and rewrite the paths and references for the bundle - ready to write to the file system. ### def transform result, prev let t =! if result isa Error # '',result for err in result.errors watchPath(err.location.file) result.rebuild = prev and prev.rebuild.bind(prev) result.meta = { inputs: {} outputs: {} urls: {} errors: result.errors warnings: result.warnings } return result let files = result.outputFiles or [] let meta = result.metafile # For debugging purposes, write out the original esbuild manifests, as is meta = result.meta = { ref: o.ref format: o.format platform: o.platform inputs: meta.inputs outputs: meta.outputs errors: [].concat(result.errors or []) warnings: [].concat(result.warnings or []) entries: {} urls: {} } if process.env.DEBUG or false let tmpsrc = np.resolve(fs.cwd,'dist') meta.entryPoints = esoptions.entryPoints let json = { entryPoints: meta.entryPoints files: do [$1.path,fs.relative($1.path)] outputs: Object.keys(meta.outputs) inputs: Object.keys(meta.inputs) full: meta } try nfs.mkdirSync(tmpsrc) nfs.writeFileSync(np.resolve(tmpsrc,"manifest.{nr}.json"),JSON.stringify(json,null,4)) let ins = meta.inputs let outs = meta.outputs # let reloutdir = fs.relative(esoptions.outdir) # expects a 1-to-1 mapping between inputs and outputs -- there is none? for file in files let path = fs.relative(file.path) if outs[path] outs[path].fullpath = file.path outs[path].#file = file outs[path].#contents = file.contents outs[path] file.#output = outs[path] else console.log 'could not map the file to anything!!',file.path,path,Object.keys(outs),fs.cwd,esoptions.outdir # console.log 'done here',Object.keys(ins),Object.keys(outs) for own path,output of meta.outputs # skip if this is not a relevant asset, like for css? root.builder.outputs.add(output) # link the source-maps to their sibling outputs if outs[path + '.map'] = outs[path + '.map'] # for the outputs that are entrypoints, set a shared reference if output.entryPoint let inpath = output.entryPoint let input = ins[inpath] if input output.source = input let kind = path.split('.').pop! if kind == 'mjs' or kind == 'js' input.output = input[kind] = output input.js ||= output if kind == 'css' input.css = output if o.ref let id = "entry:{output.entryPoint}?{o.ref}" output.entryId = id root.builder.entries[id] = builder.entries[id] = meta.entries[id] = output if main? and serve? output.main = yes # Add connections between inputs and outputs for own path,input of ins input.#type = input._ = 'input' input.path = path input.imports = do ins[$1.path] watchPath(path.replace('.json.js?external','.json').replace(/\?.+/,'')) let addOutputs = new Set let styleInputs = new Set for own path,dep of builder.refs let input = ins[path] let res = dep let rawpath = path.slice(path.indexOf(':') + 1).split('?')[0] if path and input and dep isa Bundle res = await dep.rebuild! let inp = res and res.meta and res.meta.inputs[rawpath] # find it via res.meta.entries instead? if dep isa Bundle Object.assign(#watchedPaths,dep.#watchedPaths) if inp input.asset = res.meta.format == 'css' ? inp.css : inp.js addOutputs.add(res.meta.outputs) if res and res.meta # just register on root - or push to parent? meta.errors.push(...res.meta.errors) meta.warnings.push(...res.meta.warnings) # Everything after this point (hashing etc) should be possible to do # in a separate step after after we know that all the nested outputs # have been generated? for own path,output of meta.outputs output.#type = output._ = 'output' output.path = path let kind = (np.extname(path) or '').slice(1) if kind == 'json' and Object.keys(output.inputs or {}).some(do $1.match(/\?url/)) output.public = yes # only when html is the entrypoint if output.source and output.source.path.match(/\.html$/) and output == output.source.js and (!main? or build?) output.public = yes output.path = path = path.replace(/\.m?js/,'.html') elif webish? or output.type == 'css' output.public = yes if nodeish? and path.match(/\.css(\.map)?$/) output.virtual ??= yes if output.public output.url = urlForOutputPath(output.path) output.type ??= (np.extname(path) or '').slice(1) let inputs = [] let dependencies = new Set for own src,m of output.inputs if src.indexOf('entry:') == 0 dependencies.add(ins[src]) inputs.push [ins[src],m.bytesInOutput] output.dependencies = Array.from(dependencies) output.inputs = inputs # due to bugs in esbuild we need to reorder the css chunks # the individual css files will likely be ordered correctly with # latest esbuild, but we still want to extract the chunks if output.type == 'css' and !output.#ordered # this step could easily be done at the very end? let body = output.#file.text let parts = body.split(/\/\*\! @path (.+?) \*\//g) let found = {} while parts.length let body = parts.shift! or '' let path = parts.shift! found[path] = body # setting the csschunk extracted from output on each # individual input file for [input,bytes] in inputs styleInputs.add(input) input.#csschunk = found[input.path] output.#ordered = yes if output.imports output.imports = do outs[$1.path] # no longer needed / relevant? if let m = path.match(/\.([A-Z\d]{8})(\.\w+)?\.\w+(\.map)?$/) output.hash = m[1] # Walk through all the outputs from esbuild metafile and skip outputting # certain items, while resolving the rest of the outputs and (sometimes) # rewrite the final paths let newouts = {} for own path,output of meta.outputs newouts[output.path] = output for outs of addOutputs Object.assign(newouts,outs) # TODO Move the public path re-resolution happen here # now update the paths in output outs = meta.outputs = newouts return result def copyPublicFiles let from = fs.resolve('public') let to = outfs.resolve(pubdir) if nfs.existsSync(from) new Promise do(resolve) ncp(from,to,{},resolve) ### Removes all files and folders inside the dist dir, without removing the dir itself. This is needed for cases where you have linked a folder to a branch with git worktree etc, which is useful for deploying to gh-pages ### def cleanOutDir return self unless nfs.existsSync(program.outdir) let items = nfs.readdirSync(program.outdir) for item in items continue if item.match(/^\.git/) nfs.rmSync(np.resolve(program.outdir,item),{recursive: yes}) self # Called at the top bundle after all nested entrypoints++ has been transformed # The inputs and outputs in the result are now deeply linked to inner bundled # entrypoints etc def write result # after write we can wipe the buildcache let relOutPath = np.relative(fs.cwd,outdir) let buildInside = (/^(\.\/|\w)/).test(relOutPath) let staticFilesPath = nfs.existsSync(fs.resolve('public')) and fs.resolve('public') let meta = result.meta let ins = meta.inputs let outs = meta.outputs let urls = meta.urls if meta.errors.length # emit errors - should be linked to the inputs from previous working manifest? log.error "failed with {meta.errors.length} errors" emit('errored',meta.errors) # if we are not watching we actually want to exit the process if !watch? process.exit(1) return # The new manifest - get rid of the old one let entryManifest = result.manifest = {} let manifest = { inputs: ins outputs: {} urls: urls mappings: {} hash: null path: null main: null assets: null pubdir: pubdir } let assets = manifest.assets = Object.values(outs) let main = null if serve? # main = Object.values(result.metafile.outputs)[0] main = assets.find do $1.main let mainEntry = try ins[entryPoints[0]].output main = mainEntry or main # result.manifest = entryManifest ### Starting at the server-side entrypoint, crawl through all the dependencies, into nested entrypoints, and collect all the styles imported anywhere, in order. Finally we will stitch together a shared css file containing all css chunks in the whole project. ### if hasGlobStylesheet let entries = do ins[$1] or main..source # console.log 'import css from',entries,Object.keys(ins),Object.keys(outs),entryPoints,!!main,main let cssinputs = collectStyleInputs(entries,true) # TODO Reuse previous sheet if we know that nothing has changed if cssinputs.length let body = "" # generating a rudimentary sourcemap for the generated thing let smap = { version: 3 sourceRoot: String(URL.pathToFileURL(fs.cwd)) sources: [] names: [] raw: [] mappings: "" } for item,i in cssinputs # console.log 'where is chunk from?',item let chunk = item.#csschunk if chunk let path = item.path.replace(/(^\w+\:)|(\?.+$)/g,'') unless smap.sources.indexOf(path) >= 0 smap.sources.push(path) let seg = [0,smap.sources.indexOf(path),0,0] # smap.raw.push [ [0,smap.sources.indexOf(path),0,0] ] let lines = chunk.split('\n') for line in lines smap.raw.push([seg.slice(0)]) body += chunk + '\n' # smap.raw.push([]) let hash = createHash(body) let name = "index.{hash}.css" let path = np.resolve(fs.cwd,esoptions.outdir,assetsDir or '.',name) smap.file = name body += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=./{name}.map */" let asset = { #type: 'output' _: 'output' type: 'css' public: yes path: path hash: hash fullpath: path virtual: no url: urlForOutputPath(path) entryId: '*?css' #contents: body } asset.asset = asset builder.entries['*?css'] = asset ins['*?css'] = asset assets.push(asset) if esoptions.sourcemap smap.mappings = smc.encode(smap.raw) delete smap.raw assets.push({ path: asset.path + '.map' fullpath: asset.fullpath + '.map' hash: hash public: yes #contents: JSON.stringify(smap,null,2) }) for asset in assets if asset.public and pubdir if asset.resolved =? yes let abs = np.resolve(fs.cwd,asset.path) let rel = np.relative(esoptions.outdir,abs) let newpath = np.resolve(esoptions.outdir,pubdir,rel) asset.fullpath = newpath asset.path = np.relative(fs.cwd,newpath) for asset in assets when asset.entryId entryManifest[asset.entryId] = { url: asset.url path: asset.fullpath } for asset in assets when asset.url and asset.imports continue if asset.type == 'map' let entry = entryManifest[asset.url] = {} let imports = $1.url) if imports.length entry.imports = imports log.ts "resolved public paths" # rewrite assets in html files for asset in assets # console.log asset.path,asset.type,asset.fullpath # go through html files, convert them back to html and replace path references if asset.type == 'html' let inpath = asset.entryPoint or '' let src = inpath.replace(/^\w+\:/,'') if let meta = builder.meta[src] let body = transformCompiledHTML(asset,asset.#file.text,meta,entryManifest) asset.#text = asset.#contents = body if asset.type == 'js' or asset.type == 'mjs' let body = asset.#text or asset.#file.text let head = "" unless asset.hash asset.hash ||= createHash(body) if !asset.public # only if it is the main entrypoint? let parts = ["globalThis.IMBA_MANIFEST={JSON.stringify(entryManifest)}"] if staticFilesPath and program.tmpdir parts.push("globalThis.IMBA_STATICDIR='{staticFilesPath}'") head = parts.join(';') if asset.public and hmr? head = "(globalThis.IMBA_LOADED || (globalThis.IMBA_LOADED=\{\}))['{asset.url}']=true;" if head body = body.replace('//__HEAD__',head) # replace all sourcemapping urls to be relative let replace = /\/([\/\*])# sourceMappingURL=([\/\w\.\-\%]+\.map)/g let name = np.basename(asset.path) body = body.replace(replace) do(m,pre,path) "/{pre}# sourceMappingURL=./{name}.map" asset.#text = asset.#contents = body log.ts "injected head in assets" for asset in assets if asset.type == 'map' and asset.public and asset.#file let body = asset.#file.text let orig = asset.#file.path let sourceRoot = URL.pathToFileURL(np.dirname(orig)) body = '{"sourceRoot": "' + sourceRoot + '",' + body.slice(1) asset.#contents = body log.ts "rewrote sourcemaps" manifest.path = 'manifest.json' entryManifest.main = outfs.relative(main.fullpath) result.main = main.fullpath result.hash = main.hash # a sorted list of all the output hashes is a fast way to # see if anything in the bundle has changed or not log.ts "ready to write" let mfile = outfs.lookup('manifest.json') for item in assets manifest.outputs[item.path] = item let hash = createHash( $1.hash ).sort!.join('-')) # update the build if #hash =? hash # "building in %path",program.outdir # we only clean the output directory on the first run, and if the # output dir exists inside of cwd - just as a safety mechanism if !built? and !program.keep and !program.tmpdir and buildInside cleanOutDir! if !built? and program.tmpdir and node? and program.nodeModulesPath try nfs.symlinkSync(program.nodeModulesPath,np.resolve(program.tmpdir,'node_modules'),'dir') catch e console.log 'error here',e # console.log 'ready to write', do $1.path for asset in assets let path = asset.path if build? and static? and !asset.public continue if asset.virtual continue let file = outfs.lookup(asset.fullpath) await file.write(asset.#contents,asset.hash) if staticFilesPath and !program.tmpdir await copyPublicFiles! # is this only really needed for hmr? await mfile.write(JSON.stringify(entryManifest,null,2),manifest.hash) if program.#listening "built %bold in %ms - %heap (%address)",entryPoints[0],builder.elapsed,program.#listening else "built %bold in %ms - %heap",entryPoints[0],builder.elapsed built? = yes emit('built',result) return result