# imba$inlineHelpers=1 # List of the token pairs that must be balanced. export var BALANCED_PAIRS = [ ['(', ')'] ['[', ']'] ['{', '}'] ['{{', '}}'] ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['CALL_START', 'CALL_END'] ['PARAM_START', 'PARAM_END'] ['INDEX_START', 'INDEX_END'] ['TAG_START','TAG_END'] ['STYLE_START','STYLE_END'] ['BLOCK_PARAM_START','BLOCK_PARAM_END'] ] # The inverse mappings of `BALANCED_PAIRS` we're trying to fix up, so we can # look things up from either end. export var INVERSES = {} # The tokens that signal the start/end of a balanced pair. # var EXPRESSION_START = [] # var EXPRESSION_END = [] for pair in BALANCED_PAIRS var left = pair[0] var rite = pair[1] INVERSES[rite] = left INVERSES[left] = rite BALANCED_PAIRS[left] = rite export var ALL_KEYWORDS = [ 'true', 'false', 'null', 'this', 'delete', 'typeof', 'in', 'instanceof', 'throw', 'break', 'continue', 'debugger', 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'for', 'while', 'do', 'try', 'catch', 'finally', 'class', 'extends', 'super', 'return', 'undefined', 'then', 'unless', 'until', 'loop', 'of', 'by', 'when','def','tag','do','elif','begin','var','let','self','await','import', 'and','or','is','isnt','not','yes','no','isa','case','nil','require' ] export var TOK = TERMINATOR: 'TERMINATOR' INDENT: 'INDENT' OUTDENT: 'OUTDENT' DEF_BODY: 'DEF_BODY' THEN: 'THEN' CATCH: 'CATCH' export var OPERATOR_ALIASES = and: '&&' or: '||' is: '==' isnt: '!=' isa: 'instanceof' export var HEREGEX_OMIT = /\s+(?:#.*)?/g export var HEREGEX = /// ^ /{3} ([\s\S]+?) /{3} ([a-z]{0,8}) (?!\w) /// export var TAG_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES = { itemid: 1 itemprop: 1 itemref: 1 itemscope: 1 itemtype: 1 enterkeyhint: 1 autofocus: 1 autocapitalize: 1 autocomplete: 1 accesskey: 1 inputmode: 1 spellcheck: 1 translate: 1 is: 1 } export var SYSVAR_PREFIX = { TAG: 'τ' FLIP: 'ω' VALUE: 'υ' CACHE: 'ρ' KEY: 'κ' ANY: 'φ' B: 'Θ' T: 'τ' C: 'ρ' V: 'υ' K: 'κ' D: 'Δ' } export var TAG_TYPES = { "": [-1,{id: 1,className: 'class',slot: 1,part: 1,elementTiming: 'elementtiming'}] HTML: 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[67,{x: 1,y: 1,width: 1,height: 1}] SVGView: [66,{viewBox: 1,preserveAspectRatio: 1}] } export var TAG_NAMES = { a:2 abbr:1 address:1 area:3 article:1 aside:1 audio:5 b:1 base:6 bdi:1 bdo:1 blockquote:7 body:8 br:9 button:10 canvas:11 caption:12 cite:1 code:1 col:13 colgroup:13 data:14 datalist:15 dd:1 del:16 details:17 dfn:1 dialog:18 div:19 dl:20 dt:1 em:1 embed:21 fieldset:22 figcaption:1 figure:1 footer:1 form:23 h1:24 h2:24 h3:24 h4:24 h5:24 h6:24 head:25 header:1 hgroup:1 hr:26 html:27 i:1 iframe:28 img:29 input:30 ins:16 kbd:1 label:31 legend:32 li:33 link:34 main:1 map:35 mark:1 menu:36 meta:37 meter:38 nav:1 noscript:1 object:39 ol:40 optgroup:41 option:42 output:43 p:44 param:45 picture:46 pre:47 progress:48 q:7 rp:1 rt:1 ruby:1 s:1 samp:1 script:49 section:1 select:50 slot:51 small:1 source:52 span:53 strike:1 strong:1 style:54 sub:1 summary:1 sup:1 table:55 tbody:56 td:57 template:58 textarea:59 tfoot:56 th:57 thead:56 time:60 title:61 tr:62 track:63 u:1 ul:64 'var': 1 video:65 wbr:1 svg_a:68 svg_animate:70 svg_animateMotion:71 svg_animateTransform:72 svg_audio:66 svg_canvas:66 svg_circle:74 svg_clipPath:75 svg_defs:76 svg_desc:77 svg_discard:78 svg_ellipse:79 svg_feBlend:80 svg_feColorMatrix:81 svg_feComponentTransfer:82 svg_feComposite:83 svg_feConvolveMatrix:84 svg_feDiffuseLighting:85 svg_feDisplacementMap:86 svg_feDistantLight:87 svg_feDropShadow:88 svg_feFlood:89 svg_feFuncA:91 svg_feFuncB:92 svg_feFuncG:93 svg_feFuncR:94 svg_feGaussianBlur:95 svg_feImage:96 svg_feMerge:97 svg_feMergeNode:98 svg_feMorphology:99 svg_feOffset:100 svg_fePointLight:101 svg_feSpecularLighting:102 svg_feSpotLight:103 svg_feTile:104 svg_feTurbulence:105 svg_filter:106 svg_foreignObject:107 svg_g:108 svg_iframe:66 svg_image:109 svg_line:110 svg_linearGradient:112 svg_marker:113 svg_mask:114 svg_metadata:115 svg_mpath:116 svg_path:117 svg_pattern:118 svg_polygon:119 svg_polyline:120 svg_radialGradient:121 svg_rect:122 svg_script:123 svg_set:124 svg_stop:125 svg_style:126 svg_svg:127 svg_switch:128 svg_symbol:129 svg_text:132 svg_textPath:133 svg_title:134 svg_tspan:135 svg_unknown:66 svg_use:136 svg_video:66 svg_view:137 } var keys = Object.keys(TAG_TYPES) for typ,i in keys let item = TAG_TYPES[typ] item:up = TAG_TYPES[keys[item[0]]] item:name = typ + 'Element' for own name,ref of TAG_NAMES TAG_NAMES[name] = TAG_TYPES[keys[ref]]