import np from 'path' import nfs from 'fs' import {createHash} from 'crypto' import {idGenerator} from './utils' const hashedKeyCache = { } const keyPathCache = { } import log from '../utils/logger' export default class Cache def constructor options #key = Symbol! o = options dir = o.cachedir # or np.resolve(program.cwd,'.cache') # file.absdir # np.dirname() nodefs = options.volume or nfs aliaspath = dir and np.resolve(dir,'.imba-aliases') aliasmap = [] aliascache = {} data = { aliases: {} cache: {} } mintime = o.mtime or 0 persistToDisk = !!dir idFaucet = idGenerator! preload! def preload return unless persistToDisk unless nodefs.existsSync(dir) nodefs.mkdirSync(dir) let entries = nodefs.readdirSync(dir) for entry in entries cache[entry] = {exists: 1} unless nodefs.existsSync(aliaspath) nodefs.appendFileSync(aliaspath,"") refreshAliasMap! log.ts "cache loaded" self def setup yes def save self def deserialize self def serialize self get cache data.cache ||= {} get aliases data.aliases ||= {} def alias src unless aliases[src] let nr = Object.keys(aliases).length aliases[src] = idFaucet(nr) + "0" return aliases[src] def normalizeKey key if hashedKeyCache[key] return hashedKeyCache[key] let hash = createHash('sha1') hash.update(key) hashedKeyCache[key] = hash.digest('hex') # '_' + hash.digest('hex').slice(0,-1) def fullKeyPath key keyPathCache[key] ||= np.resolve(dir,key) def getKeyTime key let cached = cache[key] if cached and cached.time return cached.time if cached and cached.exists and persistToDisk let path = fullKeyPath(key) nodefs.statSync(path).mtimeMs else 0 def refreshAliasMap aliasmap = nodefs.readFileSync(aliaspath,'utf8').split(/\r?\n/) def getPathAlias path getKeyAlias(path) def getKeyAlias key if aliascache[key] return aliascache[key] # should be a standard length # let exists = nfs.existsSync(aliaspath) # let stat = nfs.statSync(aliaspath) let index = aliasmap.indexOf(key) if index == -1 # append to the aliasmap now # we need to read to get the new index since # another process might have written to the # same path at the same time # if we read stats before and stats after - we can know for sure if persistToDisk nodefs.appendFileSync(aliaspath,key + '\n','utf8') refreshAliasMap! else aliasmap.push(key) index = aliasmap.indexOf(key) if index >= 0 # unless index % 40 == 0 # console.log "key not correctly aligned in file",index,key # throw "error" return aliascache[key] = idFaucet(index) # idFaucet(index / 40) else console.log "key not added?",key,aliasmap throw "could not add key to aliasmap" def getKeyValue key let path = fullKeyPath(key) let val = await nodefs.promises.readFile(path,'utf8') JSON.parse(val) def setKeyValue key, value return unless persistToDisk # dont use if in-memory let path = fullKeyPath(key) let json = JSON.stringify(value) nodefs.promises.writeFile(path,json) def memo name, time, cb let key = normalizeKey(name) time = mintime if mintime > time let cached = cache[key] if cached and cached.time >= time return cached.promise let keytime = getKeyTime(key) # check for file on disk # let file = program.fs.lookup(np.resolve(dir,key)) # let mtime = file.mtimesync # console.log 'memo',dir,key,keytime,cached && cached.exists if keytime > time cached = cache[key] = { time:! promise: getKeyValue(key) } else cached = cache[key] = { time:! promise: cb! } cached.promise.then do(val) setKeyValue(key,val) return cached.promise