/// /// import * as bunyan from 'bunyan'; export declare abstract class Logger { /** * Returns a boolean: is the `trace` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isTraceEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(TRACE)` in log4j. */ abstract trace(): boolean; /** * The first field can optionally be a "fields" object, which * is merged into the log record. * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract trace(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract trace(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `debug` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isDebugEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(DEBUG)` in log4j. */ abstract debug(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract debug(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract debug(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `info` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isInfoEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(INFO)` in log4j. */ abstract info(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract info(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract info(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `warn` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isWarnEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(WARN)` in log4j. */ abstract warn(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract warn(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract warn(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `error` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isErrorEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(ERROR)` in log4j. */ abstract error(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract error(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract error(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Returns a boolean: is the `fatal` level enabled? * This is equivalent to `log.isFatalEnabled()` or `log.isEnabledFor(FATAL)` in log4j. */ abstract fatal(): boolean; /** * Special case to log an `Error` instance to the record. * This adds an `err` field with exception details * (including the stack) and sets `msg` to the exception * message or you can specify the `msg`. */ abstract fatal(error: Error | Buffer | Object, format?: any, ...params: any[]): void; /** * Uses `util.format` for msg formatting. */ abstract fatal(format: string | number, ...params: any[]): void; } export declare class LogManagerInternal { static setAppName: any; static getLogger: any; private static beSmartOnThePath(thePath); private static getEffectiveLevel(loggerName, streamName, configuredLevel); private static mkdirpSync(thePath, mode); private static getRedisStream(redisConfig); private static resolvePath(thePath); private streamCache; private appName; getLogger(filePath?: string): Logger; scheduleShutdown(): void; closeStreams(): void; setAppName(appName: string): void; getAppName(): string; getLoggerInternal(loggerPath: string): Logger; getStreamConfig(streamName: string, level: bunyan.LogLevel): { stream: bunyan.Stream; level: bunyan.LogLevel; name: any; } | { type: string; stream: bunyan.Stream; closeOnExit: boolean; level: bunyan.LogLevel; } | { type: string; level: bunyan.LogLevel; stream: bunyan.Stream; }; getUnderlyingStream(streamName: string): bunyan.Stream; } export declare const LogManager: LogManagerInternal;