// this must be imported to allow async-functions within an AWS lambda environment // see: https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/5085 import "@babel/polyfill"; import React, { ReactNode} from "react"; import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server"; import express from "express"; import serverless from "serverless-http"; // make the styled-components work with server-side rendering import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components'; // <-- importing ServerStyleSheet import { matchPath } from 'react-router'; import helmet from 'react-helmet'; import {createServerApp} from "./routed-app"; import Types from '../src/types'; import { extractObject, INFRASTRUCTURE_MODES, loadConfigurationFromModule } from '../src/libs/loader'; //import { getClientFilename } from '../types/app-config'; export const getClientFilename = (name: string): string => { return name+".bundle.js"; } //import {loadIsoConfigFromComponent, applyCustomComponents} from "../isolib"; //import { applyAppClientModules } from '../types/client-app-config'; const createServer = (assetsDir, resolvedAssetsPath, isomorphicId) => { // express is the web-framework that lets us configure the endpoints const app = express(); // in production, API-Gateway proxy redirects the request to S3 // serve static files - the async components of the server - only used of localhost app.use('/'+assetsDir, express.static(resolvedAssetsPath)); // load the IsomorphicComponent // we must load it directly from the module here, to enable the aliad of the config_file_path const isoConfig = loadConfigurationFromModule(require('__CONFIG_FILE_PATH__'), INFRASTRUCTURE_MODES.RUNTIME); // let's extract it from the root configuration const isoApp = extractObject( isoConfig, Types.INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, isomorphicId ) // connect the middlewares isoApp.middlewares.map(mw => app.use(mw.callback)); // split the clientApps here and define a function for each of the clientApps, with the right middleware isoApp.webApps //.filter(clientApp => clientApp.middlewares !== undefined) .map(clientApp => { const serveMiddleware = (req, res, next) => serve(req, res, next, clientApp, assetsDir); const routes = clientApp.routes.filter(route => route.middlewares !== undefined && route.middlewares.length > 0); if (clientApp.method.toUpperCase() == "GET") { app.get(clientApp.path, ...clientApp.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback)); routes.forEach(route => app.get(route.path, ...route.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback))); app.get(clientApp.path, serveMiddleware); } else if (clientApp.method.toUpperCase() == "POST") { app.post(clientApp.path, ...clientApp.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback)); routes.forEach(route => app.post(route.path, ...route.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback))); app.post(clientApp.path, serveMiddleware); } else if (clientApp.method.toUpperCase() == "PUT") { app.put(clientApp.path, ...clientApp.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback)); routes.forEach(route => app.put(route.path, ...route.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback))); app.put(clientApp.path, serveMiddleware); } else if (clientApp.method.toUpperCase() == "DELETE") { app.delete(clientApp.path, ...clientApp.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback)); routes.forEach(route => app.delete(route.path, ...route.middlewares.map(mw => mw.callback))); app.delete(clientApp.path, serveMiddleware); } return clientApp; }); return app; }; async function serve (req, res, next, clientApp, assetsDir) { //TODO use try catch depending on the environment //try { //context is used by react router, empty by default let context: any = {}; const basename = getBasename(); // creating the stylesheet const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet(); const parsedUrl = req.url.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? req.url.substring(0, req.url.indexOf("?")) : req.url; console.log("parsedUrl: ", parsedUrl); ////////// TODO refactor var foundPath = undefined; // match request url to our React Router paths and grab the path-params let matchResult = clientApp.routes.find( ({ path, exact }) => { foundPath = matchPath(parsedUrl, { path, exact, strict: false } ) return foundPath }) || {}; let { path } = matchResult; console.log("found: ", foundPath); console.log("params: ", foundPath ? foundPath.params : "---"); const routePath = foundPath ? ( foundPath.path.indexOf("/:") > 0 ? foundPath.path.substring(0, foundPath.path.indexOf("/:")) : foundPath.path ) : ""; console.log("routePath: ", routePath); ////////// END OF REFACTORING required //console.log("app data layer: ", clientApp.dataLayer); const connectWithDataLayer = clientApp.dataLayer !== undefined ? clientApp.dataLayer.type({infrastructureMode: "component"}).connectWithDataLayer : async function (app) { console.log("default dummy data layer") return {connectedApp: app, getState: () => ""}; }; // create the app and connect it with the DataAbstractionLayer await connectWithDataLayer( createServerApp( clientApp.routes, clientApp.redirects, basename, req.url, context, req) ).then(({connectedApp, getState}) => { console.log("resolved...") // collect the styles from the connected app const htmlData = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(sheet.collectStyles(connectedApp)); // getting all the tags from the sheet const styles = sheet.getStyleTags(); //render helmet data aka meta data in const helmetData = helmet.renderStatic(); // render a page with the state and return it in the response res.status(200).send( renderHtmlPage(htmlData, styles, getState(), helmetData, basename, routePath, clientApp, assetsDir) ).end(); }); } /** * * This functions puts together the whole Html * * - style as collected from the styled-components * - head-meta data: from helmet * - data state: from the DAL * - basename: to let the client know * * The html loads the script from the path where we find the assets. This is part of the config, thus load it * using `require('../config').pathToAssets(process.env.STAGE_PATH)` * * The script loading the app.bundle.js uses the window location in order to find out whether there is a slash * * //TODO the app.bundle.js depends on the name "app". Paramterize this! * * //TODO: apply the same base style as the client does * * when we are in a sub-route, e.g. when we have path parameters, we need to add ../ to the path to the assets * * Routing to the Assets * * entered url | basename==/ | basename==/dev * --------------------------------------------- * (none) / /dev * / / /dev * (dev)/ / / * (dev)/route / / * (dev)/route/ ../ ../ * (dev)/route/:var ../ ../ * TODO what happens with more than one path parameter? * * * @param host the host of the request * @param html * @param styles * @param preloadedState the state in form of a script * @param helmet */ function renderHtmlPage(html, styles, preloadedState, helmet, basename, routePath, clientApp, assetsDir) { // console.log(preloadedState); const path = require('path'); const calcBase = () => { return path.join(basename, routePath); } //For each"/" in the entered path after the basename, we need to add "../" to the assets-path //when there is a basename, it must be added console.log("calcBase: ", calcBase()); return ` ${helmet.title.toString()} ${helmet.meta.toString()} ${helmet.link.toString()} ${styles}
` } const getBasename = () => { return process.env.STAGE_PATH !== undefined && process.env.STAGE_PATH !== "undefined" ? "/"+process.env.STAGE_PATH : "/"; }; // we're exporting the handler-function as default, must match the sls-config! //export default (assetsDir, resolvedAssetsPath) => serverless(createServer(assetsDir, resolvedAssetsPath)); /* const serverIndexPath = path.join(serverPath, "index.js"); fs.writeFileSync(serverIndexPath, `const lib = require ('./server'); const server = lib.default('${ssrConfig.assetsPath}', '${resolveAssetsPath(ssrConfig)}'); exports.default = server;*/ // these variables are replaced during compilation export default serverless(createServer(__ASSETS_PATH__, __RESOLVED_ASSETS_PATH__, __ISOMORPHIC_ID__));