********** Components ********** Components complement the top-level-apps of an **infrastructure-components**-based project. Components are children (direct or indirect) of the app, like::
Hello from a React Web App!
Note: Which components you can use and may depend on the top-level-app. :ref:`Webapp` ============== The WebApp-Component is available only in an :doc:`apps/isomorphic`. In this context, it creates a client-app with a custom html and Javascript code. See :doc:`components/webapp` for more details. :ref:`Service` ================== The Service-Components is available in :doc:`apps/soa` and :doc:`apps/isomorphic`. It specifies a server-side route to one or many :doc:`components/middleware`-components See :doc:`components/service` for more details. :ref:`Middleware` ================== The Middleware-Components is available only in an :doc:`apps/isomorphic`. In this context, it specifies a server-side function that runs whenever a user requests a page from the server. See :doc:`components/middleware` for more details. :ref:`Route` ============= A Route-Component specifies a custom path (at the domain of your app) that gets served by its render-function. This function lets you easily render your own React-components. See :doc:`components/route` for more details. :ref:`Environment` =================== An Environment-Component defines a runtime environment of your app. With environments you can distinguish your development-environments from your production-environment. An environment lets you attach a real domain to it, like www.your-domain.com. See :doc:`components/environment` for more details.