.. _Environment: *********** Environment *********** An ````-component specifies a runtime environment of your app. With environments you can distinguish your development-environments from your production-environment. Parents ======= An ````-component is supported as a direct child of an app-component, i.e. either :doc:`apps/spa` or :doc:`apps/isomorphic`. Properties ========== The ````-component requires you to define the following properties: * ``name`` is the name of the environment that serves as literal in scripts that work with a certain environment, like ``deploy``. Thus, use short names, with no special characters other than hyphens. * ``domain`` (optional) is a valid domain, including subdomains (e.g. www) and top-level-domain (e.g. com) that this environment should be available at. Note: you need to have this domain registered and setup in your AWS account! * ``certArn`` (optional, required in an Single-Page-App-environment with a domain) specifies the ARN (identifier) of the`certificate that covers your domain, e.g. ``"arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:************:certificate/********-****-****-****-************"`, not required of an isomorphic app. * ``offlinePort`` (optional) specifies the port number when running your app locally, replaces the port ``:3000``. You can have multiple environments per app.