import React, {ReactNode} from 'react'; import {IComponent} from "../types/component"; import Types, { IInfrastructure } from "../types"; import createMiddleware, { isMiddleware } from '../middleware/middleware-component'; import createWebApp, { isWebApp } from '../webapp/webapp-component'; import { isSecuredRoute } from './securedroute-component'; import { isSecuredEntry } from './securedentry-component'; import createRoute, { ROUTE_INSTANCE_TYPE } from '../route/route-component'; import { getChildrenArray, findComponentRecursively } from '../libs'; import {getBasename} from '../libs/iso-libs'; import { createAuthMiddleware, createCallbackMiddleware, IUserData, EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_PARAM, EMAIL_PARAM, PASSWORD_PARAM, AUTH_STATUS } from "./auth-middleware"; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import {isSecuredService} from "./securedservice-component"; import {SERVICE_INSTANCE_TYPE} from "../service/service-component"; export const AUTHENTICATION_INSTANCE_TYPE = "AuthenticationComponent"; export const AuthenticationProvider = { EMAIL: "AUTH_EMAIL", GITHUB: "AUTH_GITHUB", // TODO Medium Auth only partly implemented!!! MEDIUM: "AUTH_MEDIUM" }; export const AUTH_RESPONSE = { EMAIL_INVALID: "EMAIL_INVALID", // the e-mail format is invalid NOT_IMPLEMENTED: "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" // the authCallback is not implemented for this provider }; export const getProviderKey = (provider) => { return provider+SUFFIX_SECRET; } export const getClientSecret = (provider) => { return process.env[getProviderKey(provider)]; } /** * This creates a customized middleware that catches an error when the user is not logged in, i.e. it forwards her * to the provider's login-page * * @param clientId as defined in the app of the provider * @param callbackUrl as defined in the app of the provider * @param provider to create the redirect Url for */ export const createRequestLoginMiddleware = (clientId: string, callbackUrl: string, provider: string, loginUrl: string) => (err, req, res, next) => { const path = require('path'); console.log("createRequestLoginMiddleware: ", err); if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.EMAIL) { console.log("request login from: ", loginUrl); const page = err && req.query && ? : req.url; res.redirect(`${path.join(getBasename(), loginUrl)}?page=${page}${err ? `&message=${err}` : "" }`); } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.GITHUB) { res.redirect(`${clientId}&redirect_uri=${callbackUrl}?page=${req.url}`); } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.MEDIUM) { res.redirect(`${clientId}&scope=basicProfile,listPublications,publishPost&state=${req.url}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${callbackUrl}`); } return; }; /** * Create a function that creates a function that fetches the AccessToken of the provider */ export const createFetchAccessTokenFunction = ( clientId: string, callbackUrl: string, provider: string, senderEmail?: string, getSubject?: (recipient: string) => string, getHtmlText?: (recipient: string, url: string) => string, ) => (req: any) => { if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.EMAIL) { console.log("this is the EMAIL - createFetchAccessTokenFunction middleware"); const { email, password, page } = req.query; if (email !== undefined && password !== undefined) { // the function fFetch must call a service that responds with a json. this json is fed into createGetUserFunction return { redirectPage: page, fFetch: async function () { const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4'); const access_token = uuidv4(); // TODO: here we call the service to send an email to the user // see: const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); // Create sendEmail params var params = { Destination: { /* required */ BccAddresses: [ senderEmail ], CcAddresses: [ ], ToAddresses: [ email ] }, Message: { /* required */ Body: { /* required */ Html: { Charset: "UTF-8", Data: getHtmlText(email, `${callbackUrl}?${EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_PARAM}=${access_token}&${EMAIL_PARAM}=${email}`) }, /*Text: { Charset: "UTF-8", Data: "TEXT_FORMAT_BODY" }*/ }, Subject: { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: getSubject(email) } }, Source: senderEmail, /* required */ ReplyToAddresses: [ senderEmail ], }; console.log("this is the fFetch of the mail-authentication"); // this is the response return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Create the promise and SES service object var sendPromise = new AWS.SES({apiVersion: '2010-12-01'}).sendEmail(params).promise(); // Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states sendPromise.then( function(data) { console.log(data.MessageId); resolve({ id: email, // we take the email - that should be unique name: "", username: "", imageUrl:"", access_token: access_token, email: email, encrypted_password: password, status: AUTH_STATUS.PENDING }) }).catch( function(err) { console.error(err, err.stack); reject(err); }); }); }/*fetch(callbackUrl,{ method: 'POST', body: `code=${code}&client_id=${clientId}&client_secret=${getClientSecret(provider)}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=${callbackUrl}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8" } })*/ } } } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.GITHUB) { // TODO check !!! // see docs: //console.log("request: ", req); const { state, code, error, page } = req.query; // session_code = request.env['rack.request.query_hash']['code'] if (error !== undefined) { // TODO handle an error, e.g. user does not authorize the app console.log(error); return; } else if (code !== undefined) { console.log("found redirect page: ", page) return { redirectPage: page, fFetch: async function () { return await fetch('',{ method: 'POST', body: `code=${code}&client_id=${clientId}&client_secret=${getClientSecret(provider)}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8" } }).then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) } } }; } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.MEDIUM) { console.log("Medium callback: ", req.query) const { state, code, error } = req.query; if (error !== undefined) { // TODO handle an error, e.g. user does not authorize the app console.log(error); return; } else if (code !== undefined) { return { redirectPage: state, fFetch: async function () { return await fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: `code=${code}&client_id=${clientId}&client_secret=${getClientSecret(provider)}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=${callbackUrl}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8" } }).then(function (response) { console.log("request data: ", response) return response.json(); }) } } } } }; export const createGetUserFunction = (provider: string) => async function (resJson: any): Promise { console.log("createGetUserFunction: ", resJson); if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.EMAIL) { // we just provide the response-json return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(resJson) }); } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.GITHUB) { const { token_type, access_token, /*refresh_token, scope, expires_at */ } = resJson; // try the freshly acquired token and get the user's id return await fetch('',{ method: 'GET', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8", "Authorization": token_type+" "+access_token } }).then(function(response) { // now parse the json return response.json(); }).then(function(data){ /* "login":"frankzickert", "id":10414265, "node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjEwNDE0MjY1", "avatar_url":"", "gravatar_id":"", "url":"", "html_url":"", "followers_url":"", "following_url":"{/other_user}", "gists_url":"{/gist_id}", "starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url":"", "organizations_url":"", "repos_url":"", "events_url":"{/privacy}", "received_events_url":"", "type":"User", "site_admin":false, "name":"Frank Zickert", "company":null, "blog":"", "location":"Germany", "email":"", "hireable":null, "bio":"I have been working as an IT professional for 15 years...", "public_repos":3, "public_gists":5, "followers":1, "following":0, "created_at":"2015-01-06T07:23:33Z", "updated_at":"2019-05-08T20:37:43Z"} */ return { id:, name:, username: data.login, imageUrl: data.avatar_url, email:, access_token: access_token, status: AUTH_STATUS.ACTIVE } }); } else if (provider === AuthenticationProvider.MEDIUM) { console.log("fetch user data of medium-user") const { token_type, access_token, refresh_token, scope, expires_at } = resJson; // try the freshly acquired token and get the user's id return await fetch('',{ method: 'GET', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Charset": "utf-8", "Authorization": token_type+" "+access_token } }).then(function(response) { //console.log("user data fetched: ", response); // now parse the json return response.json(); }).then(function({data}){ console.log("user data parsed: ", data); return { id:, name:, username: data.username, imageUrl: data.imageUrl, email:, access_token: access_token, status: AUTH_STATUS.ACTIVE } }); } } /** * suffix to the provider. specifies the -env-variable to hold the clientSecret */ const SUFFIX_SECRET = "_SECRET" /** * Specifies all the properties that a Authentication-Component must have */ export interface IAuthenticationArgs { /** * a unique id or name of the datalayer */ id: string, /** * The provider must be a string of AuthenticationProvider */ provider: string, /** * The clientID provided by the Provider, e.g. from Github */ clientId?: string, /** * a fully qualified url, as specified in the setup of the auth-provider */ callbackUrl: string, /** * An url to redirect in order to request the user to login, used by the email authentication */ loginUrl: string, /** * The email address we use to send the confirmation request email. This email address must be verified in * AWS Simple Email Service (SES) */ senderEmail?: string, /** * callback to provide the subject of the confirmation email * @param recipient */ getSubject: (recipient: string) => string, /** * callback to provide the text (in html) of the confirmation email * @param recipient * @param url */ getHtmlText: (recipient: string, url: string) => string, } /** * specifies the properties that an Authentication-Component has during runtime */ export interface IAuthenticationProps { setStoreIdentityData: ( storeIdentityData: (request: any, key: string, val: any, jsonData: any) => void ) => void, storeAuthData?: (request: any, key: string, val: any, jsonData: any) => void, setGetIdentityData: (getIdentityData: (request: any, matchBrowserIdentity: boolean, key: string, val: any) => any) => void, getAuthData?: (request: any, matchBrowserIdentity: boolean, key: string, val: any) => any, /** * * @param triggerRedirect function that triggers a redirect, that we can call with an argument */ authCallback: (email: string, password: string, page: string, onResponse: (code:string)=> void) => void } /** * The WebApp is a client that runs in the browser, SPA or SSR * * @param props */ export default (props: IAuthenticationArgs | any) => { //console.log ("route: ",props ); const componentProps: IInfrastructure & IComponent = { infrastructureType: Types.INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_COMPONENT, instanceType: AUTHENTICATION_INSTANCE_TYPE, instanceId:, }; const authenticationProps: IAuthenticationProps = { // set our storeData-Property setStoreIdentityData: (storeIdentityData: (request: any, key: string, val: any, jsonData: any) => void) => { //console.log("setStoreIdentityData: ", storeIdentityData); props.storeAuthData = storeIdentityData; //console.log("auth-props: ", props) }, setGetIdentityData: (getIdentityData: (request: any, matchBrowserIdentity: boolean, key: string, val: any) => any ) => { props.getAuthData = getIdentityData; }, authCallback: (email: string, password: string, page: string, onResponse: (code:string) => void) => { console.log("this is the auth-Callback"); if (props.provider === AuthenticationProvider.EMAIL) { // verify the format of the e-mail address if (!(/^([A-Za-z0-9_\-.])+@([A-Za-z0-9_\-.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,})$/.test(email))) { onResponse(AUTH_RESPONSE.EMAIL_INVALID); return; } // redirect to the provided url that is // TODO encrypt the password! window.location.href = `${props.callbackUrl}?${EMAIL_PARAM}=${email}&${PASSWORD_PARAM}=${password}&page=${page}`; return; } onResponse(AUTH_RESPONSE.NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } }; /** * For this function is a callback on a middleware, it only sets the userId on the backend side! * @param userid */ const onAuthenticated = (userid:string): void => { console.log("just authenticated, tell the securedEntries about it") // we need to provide some data to the secured entries findComponentRecursively(props.children, (c) => c.setUserId !== undefined).forEach( se => { //console.log("found secured entry: ", se); se.setUserId(userid) }); }; findComponentRecursively(props.children, (c) => c.setMiddleware !== undefined).forEach( se => { //console.log("found secured entry: ", se); se.setMiddleware(createMiddleware({ callback:createAuthMiddleware(getClientSecret(props.provider), onAuthenticated)})) }); // we need to provide some data to the secured routes findComponentRecursively(props.children, isSecuredRoute).forEach( sr => { //console.log("found secured route: ", sr); sr.middlewares = [ // this middleware checks whether the user is logged in createMiddleware({ callback: createAuthMiddleware(getClientSecret(props.provider), onAuthenticated)}), // this middleware checks redirects the user to the login page, if she is not logged in createMiddleware({ callback: createRequestLoginMiddleware(props.clientId, props.callbackUrl, props.provider, props.loginUrl)}) ].concat(sr.middlewares); // now that we have added the authentication middlewares, the route can be handled as a normal one sr.instanceType = ROUTE_INSTANCE_TYPE; }); // we need to provide some data to the secured routes findComponentRecursively(props.children, isSecuredService).forEach( service => { //console.log("found secured route: ", sr); service.middlewares = [ // this middleware checks whether the user is logged in createMiddleware({ callback: createAuthMiddleware(getClientSecret(props.provider), onAuthenticated)}), // this middleware checks redirects the user to the login page, if she is not logged in createMiddleware({ callback: createRequestLoginMiddleware(props.clientId, props.callbackUrl, props.provider, props.loginUrl)}) ].concat(service.middlewares); // now that we have added the authentication middlewares, the route can be handled as a normal one service.instanceType = SERVICE_INSTANCE_TYPE; }); // we need to provide the AuthenticationId to webApps, these may be anywhere in the tree, not // only direct children. So rather than mapping the children, we need to change them findComponentRecursively(props.children, (child) => child.setAuthenticationId !== undefined).forEach( child => { child.setAuthenticationId( }); /** * The data-layer replaces the authentication component with its children */ const mappedChildren = { // we provide the middlewares that we require children: [ // we create a webapp to handle the callback createWebApp({ id: "WEBAPP_"+props.provider, path: props.callbackUrl.substring(props.callbackUrl.lastIndexOf("/")), method: "GET", children: [ // middleware required of parsing the json response createMiddleware({ callback: bodyParser.json() }), createMiddleware({ callback: bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }) }), createMiddleware({ callback: createCallbackMiddleware( getClientSecret(props.provider), createFetchAccessTokenFunction( props.clientId, props.callbackUrl, props.provider, props.senderEmail, props.getSubject, props.getHtmlText ), //fetchAccessToken createGetUserFunction(props.provider), async function (request: any, key: string, val: any, jsonData: any) { return await props.storeAuthData(request, key, val, jsonData) },//props.storeAuthData async function (request: any, matchBrowserIdentity: boolean, key: string, val: any) { return await props.getAuthData(request, matchBrowserIdentity, key, val) } //getAuthData )}), createMiddleware({ callback: createRequestLoginMiddleware(props.clientId, props.callbackUrl, props.provider, props.loginUrl) }), // the render function should never be called for the Callback-Middleware redirects to the // page that was requested in the first request createRoute({ path: props.callbackUrl.substring(props.callbackUrl.lastIndexOf("/")), name: "WEBAPP_"+props.provider, render: (rp) =>
This is the callback route!
, }) ] }) //, //(browserId: string) => redirectMiddleware("/dashboard") ].concat(getChildrenArray(props.children)) }; console.log("authentication: ", findComponentRecursively(props.children, isWebApp)); return Object.assign(props, componentProps, authenticationProps, mappedChildren); }; export const isAuthentication = (component) => { return component !== undefined && component.instanceType === AUTHENTICATION_INSTANCE_TYPE; };