import * as React from 'react'; import { graphql, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLList, GraphQLInputObjectType } from 'graphql'; import Types from '../types'; import { IComponent } from "../types/component"; import { IInfrastructure } from "../types"; import { getChildrenArray, findComponentRecursively } from '../libs'; import { isWebApp } from '../webapp/webapp-component'; import { isAuthentication } from '../authentication/authentication-component'; import { isIdentity } from '../identity/identity-component' import { isEntry } from './entry-component'; import { setEntry, ddbGetEntry, ddbListEntries, getEntryListQuery } from './datalayer-libs'; export const DATALAYER_INSTANCE_TYPE = "DataLayerComponent"; /** * Arguments provided by the user */ export interface IDataLayerArgs { /** * a unique id or name of the datalayer */ id: string } /** * properties added programmatically */ export interface IDataLayerProps { /** * supported queries, i.e. entries that the user can query */ queries: any, /** * supported mutations */ mutations: any, /** * get the entry-data-fields of the specified entry * @param entryId id of the entry to get the fields from * getEntryDataFields: (entryId: string) => any,*/ /** * wrapper function for getEntryListQuery, this allows us to complement some data * @param entryId * @param dictKey */ getEntryListQuery: (entryId: string, dictKey: any ) => any, getEntryQuery: (entryId: string, dictKey: any ) => any, getEntryScanQuery: (entryId: string, dictKey: any ) => any, setEntryMutation: (entryId: string, values: any ) => any, deleteEntryMutation: (entryId: string, values: any ) => any, updateEntryQuery: (entryId, fDictKey: (oldData) => any) => any, getSchema?: any // optional only because it is implemented in a separate object below. but it is required! entries: any, /** * The Apollo-Client: used at server-side only! Used to provide the Apollo-Client to middlewares */ client?: any setClient: (client: any) => void, /** * set to true when running in offline mode */ isOffline: boolean, setOffline: (offline: boolean) => void }; /** * identifies a component as a DataLayer * * @param component to be tested */ export function isDataLayer(component) { return component !== undefined && component.instanceType === DATALAYER_INSTANCE_TYPE }; export default (props: IDataLayerArgs | any) => { const componentProps: IInfrastructure & IComponent = { infrastructureType: Types.INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_COMPONENT, instanceType: DATALAYER_INSTANCE_TYPE, instanceId: }; //const listEntities = getChildrenArray(props).filter(child => isEntity(child)); //const entries = getChildrenArray(props).filter(child => isEntry(child)); const entries = findComponentRecursively(props.children, isEntry); const complementedProps = { }; /** * create the * @type {{queries: {}, mutations: {}}} */ const datalayerProps = { entries: entries, mutations: (resolveWithData: boolean) => entries.reduce((result, entry) => { result[entry.getSetMutationName()] = { args: entry.createEntryArgs(), type: entry.createEntryType("set_"), resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { if (!resolveWithData) { return; } //console.log("resolve: ", resolveWithData, source, context, info, args); // This context gets the data from the context put into the or Mutation... //console.log("context: ", context); const result = entry.setEntry(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, complementedProps["isOffline"]); //console.log("result: ", result); return result; } }; result[entry.getDeleteMutationName()] = { args: entry.createEntryArgs(), type: entry.createEntryType("delete_"), resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { if (!resolveWithData) { return; } //console.log("resolve: ", resolveWithData, source, context, info, args); // This context gets the data from the context put into the or Mutation... //console.log("context: ", context); const result = entry.deleteEntry(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, complementedProps["isOffline"]); //console.log("result: ", result); return result; } }; //console.log("mutation definition: ", result["set_"]); return result; }, {}), queries: (resolveWithData: boolean) => entries.reduce((result, entry) => { const listType = entry.createEntryType("list_"); const getType = entry.createEntryType("get_"); //console.log("listType: ", listType); //console.log("dl-comp-props: ", complementedProps["isOffline"], datalayerProps["isOffline"]) // list all the items, specifying the primaryKey const inputArgs = {}; inputArgs[entry.primaryKey] = {name: entry.primaryKey, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; result[entry.getPrimaryListQueryName()] = { args: inputArgs, type: resolveWithData ? new GraphQLList(listType) : listType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve list: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context, complementedProps["isOffline"]); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.listEntries(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, "pk", complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; // list all the items, specifying the RANGE const inputRangeArgs = {}; inputRangeArgs[entry.rangeKey] = {name: entry.rangeKey, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; result[entry.getRangeListQueryName()] = { args: inputRangeArgs, type: resolveWithData ? new GraphQLList(listType): listType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context, complementedProps["isOffline"]); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.listEntries(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, "sk", complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; const inputArgsGet = {}; if (entry.primaryKey) { inputArgsGet[entry.primaryKey] = {name: entry.primaryKey, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; } if (entry.rangeKey) { inputArgsGet[entry.rangeKey] = {name: entry.rangeKey, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; } result[entry.getGetQueryName()] = { args: inputArgsGet, type: getType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.getEntry(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; const scanRangeArgs = {}; scanRangeArgs[`start_${entry.rangeKey}`] = {name: `start_${entry.rangeKey}`, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; scanRangeArgs[`end_${entry.rangeKey}`] = {name: `end_${entry.rangeKey}`, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; // scan the table result[entry.getRangeScanName()] = { args: scanRangeArgs, type: resolveWithData ? new GraphQLList(listType) : listType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve scan: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.scan(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, "sk", complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; const scanPrimaryArgs = {}; scanPrimaryArgs[`start_${entry.primaryKey}`] = {name: `start_${entry.primaryKey}`, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; scanPrimaryArgs[`end_${entry.primaryKey}`] = {name: `end_${entry.primaryKey}`, type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}; // scan the table result[entry.getPrimaryScanName()] = { args: scanPrimaryArgs, type: resolveWithData ? new GraphQLList(listType) : listType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve scan: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.scan(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, "pk", complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; const scanAllArgs = {scanall: {name: "scanall", type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)}}; // scan the table result[entry.getScanName()] = { args: scanAllArgs, type: resolveWithData ? new GraphQLList(listType) : listType, resolve: (source, args, context, info) => { //console.log("resolve scan: ", resolveWithData, source, args, context); if (!resolveWithData) { return; } return entry.scan(args, context, process.env.TABLE_NAME, "pk", complementedProps["isOffline"]); } }; return result; }, {}), /* getEntryDataFields: (entryId) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.createEntryFields() }; console.warn("could not find entry: ",entryId); return {}; },*/ // TODO forward this request to the Entry and let the entry handle the whole request! getEntryListQuery: (entryId, dictKey) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.getEntryListQuery(dictKey) }; console.warn("could not find entry: ",entryId); return {}; /* const fields = datalayerProps.getEntryDataFields(entryId); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return getEntryListQuery( entryId, dictKey, fields );*/ }, getEntryQuery: (entryId, dictKey) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.getEntryQuery(dictKey) }; console.warn("could not find entry: ",entryId); return {}; }, getEntryScanQuery: (entryId, dictKey) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.getEntryScanQuery(dictKey) }; console.warn("could not find entry: ",entryId); return {}; }, setEntryMutation: (entryId, values) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.setEntryMutation(values) }; console.warn("could not find entry: ", entryId); return {}; }, deleteEntryMutation: (entryId, values) => { const entry = entries.find(entry => === entryId); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry.deleteEntryMutation(values) }; console.warn("could not find entry: ", entryId); return {}; }, updateEntryQuery: (entryId, fDictKey: (oldData) => any) => { return { entryId: entryId, getEntryQuery: () => datalayerProps.getEntryQuery(entryId, fDictKey({})), setEntryMutation: (oldData) => datalayerProps.setEntryMutation(entryId, fDictKey(oldData)), }; }, setClient: (client) => { complementedProps["client"] = client; }, setOffline: (offline: boolean) => { complementedProps["isOffline"] = offline; } }; const schemaProps = { getSchema: (resolveWithData: boolean) => new GraphQLSchema({ query: new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'RootQueryType', // an arbitrary name fields: datalayerProps.queries(resolveWithData) }), mutation: new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'RootMutationType', // an arbitrary name fields: datalayerProps.mutations(resolveWithData) }) }) } // we need to provide the DataLayerId to webApps, these may be anywhere in the tree, not // only direct children. So rather than mapping the children, we need to change them findComponentRecursively(props.children, (child) => child.setDataLayerId !== undefined).forEach( child => { child.setDataLayerId( }); findComponentRecursively(props.children, (child) => child.setStoreData !== undefined).forEach( child => { child.setStoreData( async function (pkEntity, pkVal, skEntity, skVal, jsonData) { return await setEntry( process.env.TABLE_NAME, //"code-architect-dev-data-layer", pkEntity, // schema.Entry.ENTITY, //pkEntity pkVal, // pkId skEntity, //schema.Data.ENTITY, // skEntity skVal, // skId jsonData, // jsonData complementedProps["isOffline"] ) } ); child.setGetData( async function (pkEntity, pkVal, skEntity, skVal) { if (pkVal !== undefined) { return await ddbGetEntry( process.env.TABLE_NAME, //"code-architect-dev-data-layer", pkEntity, // schema.Entry.ENTITY, //pkEntity pkVal, // pkId skEntity, //schema.Data.ENTITY, // skEntity skVal, // skId complementedProps["isOffline"] ) } else { return ddbListEntries( process.env.TABLE_NAME, //tableName "sk", //key skEntity, // entity skVal, //value, pkEntity, // rangeEntity complementedProps["isOffline"] ) } } ); }); return Object.assign({}, props, componentProps, datalayerProps, schemaProps, complementedProps); };