import React, {ReactNode} from 'react'; import Types from '../types'; import { IComponent} from "../types/component"; import { IInfrastructure } from "../types"; import { setEntry, ddbGetEntry, ddbListEntries, getEntryListQuery, getEntryQuery, setEntryMutation, deleteEntryMutation, deleteEntry, getEntryScanQuery, ddbScan } from './datalayer-libs'; import createMiddleware from '../middleware/middleware-component'; import { graphql, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLList, GraphQLInputObjectType } from 'graphql'; export const ENTRY_INSTANCE_TYPE = "EntryComponent"; /** * Specifies all the properties that a Entity-Component must have */ export interface IEntryArgs { /** * the id must be unique across all entities of the data-layer */ id: string, /** * the primary key, not necessarily unique, but must be unique in combination with the rangeKey */ primaryKey: string, /** * second part of the overall primary key */ rangeKey: string, /** * any jsonifyable object that holds data */ data: any }; export interface IEntryProps { createEntryFields: () => any, createEntryType: (prefix: string) => any, createKeyArgs: () => any, /** * creates an argument list of all the data of the entry, keys+jsonData * @param entry * @returns {{}} */ createEntryArgs: () => any, /** * Get a list of entries that satisfy the query * * @param dictKey an object that has one key that specifies the pk or sk to query with its value */ getEntryListQuery: (dictKey: any) => any, getEntryQuery: (dictKey: any) => any, getEntryScanQuery: (dictKey: any) => any, /** * set an entry with the specified values * * @param values */ setEntryMutation: (values: any) => any, setEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => any, listEntries: (args, context, tableName, key, isOffline) => any, getEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => any, scan: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => any, middleware: any, /** * delete an entry with the specified values * * @param values */ deleteEntryMutation: (values: any) => any, deleteEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => any, /** * Provide the name of the list-query with primary entity */ getPrimaryListQueryName: () => string, getSecondaryListQueryName: () => string, getGetQueryName: () => string, getSetMutationName: () => string, getPrimaryScanName: () => string, getRangeScanName: () => string, getScanName: () => string, /** * Returns whether this entry provides the query/mutation with the specified name * @param name */ providesQuery: (name: string) => boolean } export const createEntryProps = (props): IEntryProps => { const entryProps = { createEntryFields: () => { const fields = Object.keys(, key)=> { result[key] = {type:[key]}; return result; }, {}); if (props.primaryKey) { fields[props.primaryKey] = {type: GraphQLString}; } if (props.rangeKey) { fields[props.rangeKey] = {type: GraphQLString}; } return fields; }, createEntryType: (prefix) => { return new GraphQLObjectType({ name: prefix +, fields: () => entryProps.createEntryFields() }) }, createKeyArgs: () => { const args = {}; if (props.primaryKey) { args[props.primaryKey] = {name: props.primaryKey, type: GraphQLString}; } if (props.rangeKey) { args[props.rangeKey] = {name: props.rangeKey, type: GraphQLString}; } return args; }, createEntryArgs: () => { const args = Object.keys(, key)=> { result[key] = {name: key, type: GraphQLString}; return result; }, {}); if (props.primaryKey) { args[props.primaryKey] = {name: props.primaryKey, type: GraphQLString}; } if (props.rangeKey) { args[props.rangeKey] = {name: props.rangeKey, type: GraphQLString}; } return args; }, getEntryListQuery: (dictKey) => { const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return getEntryListQuery(, dictKey, fields ); }, getEntryQuery: (dictKey) => { const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return getEntryQuery(, dictKey, fields ); }, getEntryScanQuery: (dictKey) => { const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return getEntryScanQuery(, dictKey, fields ); }, setEntryMutation: (values) => { const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return setEntryMutation(, values, fields ); }, setEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => { //console.log("setEntry: ", args, "offline: ", isOffline); return setEntry( tableName, //"code-architect-dev-data-layer", props.primaryKey, // schema.Entry.ENTITY, //pkEntity args[props.primaryKey], // pkId props.rangeKey, //schema.Data.ENTITY, // skEntity args[props.rangeKey], // skId Object.keys(args).reduce((result, key) => { if (Object.keys( => datakey === key) !== undefined) { result[key] = args[key]; } return result; }, {}), // jsonData isOffline // do we run offline? ); }, listEntries: (args, context, tableName, key, isOffline) => { const entity = key === "pk" ? props.primaryKey : props.rangeKey; const range = key === "pk" ? props.rangeKey : props.primaryKey; //console.log("listEntries: offline? ", isOffline) return ddbListEntries( tableName, //tablename key, // key entity, //entity args[entity], //value range, //rangeEntity isOffline ).then(results => { //console.log("promised: ", results); return => { const data = item.jsonData !== undefined ? JSON.parse(item.jsonData) : {}; data[props.primaryKey] ="|") + 1); data[props.rangeKey] ="|") + 1); return data; }); }); }, getEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => { return ddbGetEntry( tableName, //tablename props.primaryKey, // pkEntity, args[props.primaryKey], // pkValue, props.rangeKey, // skEntity, args[props.rangeKey], // skValue isOffline ).then((result: any)=> { //console.log("entry-component getEntry result: ", result); const data = result.jsonData !== undefined ? JSON.parse(result.jsonData) : {}; if (result && && { data[props.primaryKey] ="|") + 1); data[props.rangeKey] ="|") + 1); } return data; }); }, scan: (args, context, tableName, key, isOffline) => { //console.log("scan entry! ", args, "offline: ", isOffline) return ddbScan( tableName, //tablename key, // key key === "pk" ? props.primaryKey : props.rangeKey, // pkEntity, args.scanall ? undefined : args[`start_${key === "pk" ? props.primaryKey : props.rangeKey}`], // start_value, args.scanall ? undefined : args[`end_${key === "pk" ? props.primaryKey : props.rangeKey}`], // end_Value, key === "pk" ? props.rangeKey : props.primaryKey, // skEntity, isOffline ).then((result: any)=> { //console.log("entry-component scan result: ", result); return => { //console.log("scanned entry: ", entry); const data = entry.jsonData !== undefined ? JSON.parse(entry.jsonData) : {}; if (entry && && { data[props.primaryKey] ="|") + 1); data[props.rangeKey] ="|") + 1); } //console.log("returned data: ", data); return data; }); }); }, deleteEntryMutation: (values) => { const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //const fields = entryProps.createEntryFields(); //console.log("fields: ", fields); return deleteEntryMutation(, values, fields ); }, deleteEntry: (args, context, tableName, isOffline) => { return deleteEntry( tableName, //"code-architect-dev-data-layer", props.primaryKey, // schema.Entry.ENTITY, //pkEntity args[props.primaryKey], // pkId props.rangeKey, //schema.Data.ENTITY, // skEntity args[props.rangeKey], // skId isOffline ); }, middleware: createMiddleware({ callback: (req, res, next) => { //console.log("this is the mw of the entry: ", return next(); }}), getPrimaryListQueryName: () => "list_""_"+props.primaryKey, getRangeListQueryName: () => "list_""_"+props.rangeKey, getGetQueryName: () => "get_", getSetMutationName: () => "set_", getDeleteMutationName: () => "delete_", getPrimaryScanName: () => "scan_""_"+props.primaryKey, getRangeScanName: () => "scan_""_"+props.rangeKey, getScanName: () => "scan_", /** * Returns whether this entry provides the query/mutation with the specified name * @param name */ providesQuery: (name: string) => { const result = name === entryProps.getPrimaryListQueryName() || name === entryProps.getRangeListQueryName() || name === entryProps.getSetMutationName() || name === entryProps.getDeleteMutationName() || name === entryProps.getPrimaryScanName() || name === entryProps.getRangeScanName() || name === entryProps.getScanName() ; //console.log("does ", , " provide ", name, "? ", result) return result; } }; return Object.assign({}, props, entryProps); }; /** * an entry specifies a kind of data that can be stored in a line of the table */ export default (props: IEntryArgs | any) => { // the component must have the properties of IComponent const componentProps: IInfrastructure & IComponent = { infrastructureType: Types.INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_COMPONENT, instanceType: ENTRY_INSTANCE_TYPE, instanceId: }; return createEntryProps(Object.assign({}, props, componentProps)); }; export const isEntry = (component) => { return component !== undefined && component.instanceType === ENTRY_INSTANCE_TYPE; };