/** * This module must not import anything globally not workin in web-mode! if needed, require it within the functions * * NOTE, we Ignore the infrastructure-scripts libraries when bundling, so these can be used ... * We also put fs to empty! If you need other libs, add them to `node: { fs: empty }` */ import { isServiceOrientedApp } from './soa-component'; import { resolveAssetsPath } from '../libs/iso-libs'; import * as deepmerge from 'deepmerge'; import { IConfigParseResult } from '../libs/config-parse-result'; import {IPlugin, forwardChildIamRoleStatements} from '../libs/plugin'; import { PARSER_MODES } from '../libs/parser'; import extractDomain from 'extract-domain'; /** * Parameters that apply to the whole Plugin, passed by other plugins */ export interface ISoaPlugin { /** * the stage is the environment to apply */ stage: string, /** * one of the [[PARSER_MODES]] */ parserMode: string, /** * path to a directory where we put the final bundles */ buildPath: string, /** * path to the main config file */ configFilePath: string } /** * A Plugin to detect SinglePage-App-Components * @param props */ export const SoaPlugin = (props: ISoaPlugin): IPlugin => { //console.log("configFilePath: " , props.configFilePath); const result: IPlugin = { // identify Isomorphic-App-Components applies: (component): boolean => { return isServiceOrientedApp(component); }, // convert the component into configuration parts process: ( component: any, childConfigs: Array, infrastructureMode: string | undefined ): IConfigParseResult => { console.log("services: ", component.services); const path = require('path'); // we use the hardcoded name `server` as name const serverName = "server"; const serverBuildPath = path.join(require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), props.buildPath); // the service-oriented app has a server application const serverWebPack = require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/webpack-libs").complementWebpackConfig( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/webpack-libs").createServerWebpackConfig( "./"+path.join("node_modules", "infrastructure-components", "dist" , "assets", "soa-server.js"), //entryPath: string, serverBuildPath, //use the buildpath from the parent plugin serverName, // name of the server { __CONFIG_FILE_PATH__: require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").pathToConfigFile(props.configFilePath), // replace the IsoConfig-Placeholder with the real path to the main-config-bundle // required of data-layer, makes the context match! "infrastructure-components": path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), "node_modules", "infrastructure-components", "dist", "index.js"), // required of the routed-app "react-router-dom": path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), "node_modules", "react-router-dom"), // required of the data-layer / apollo "react-apollo": path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), "node_modules", "react-apollo"), }, { __SERVICEORIENTED_ID__: `"${component.instanceId}"`, __ISOFFLINE__: props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_START, //__ASSETS_PATH__: `"${component.assetsPath}"`, __DATALAYER_ID__: `"${component.dataLayerId}"`, /*__RESOLVED_ASSETS_PATH__: `"${resolveAssetsPath( component.buildPath, serverName, component.assetsPath ) }"`*/ // TODO add replacements of datalayers here! }, ), props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY //isProd ); const webappBuildPath = path.join(require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), props.buildPath); const soaWebPack = require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/webpack-libs") .complementWebpackConfig(require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/webpack-libs") .createClientWebpackConfig( "./"+path.join("node_modules", "infrastructure-components", "dist" , "assets", "soa.js"), //entryPath: string, path.join(require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), props.buildPath), //use the buildpath from the parent plugin component.id, //appName undefined, //assetsPath undefined, // stagePath: TODO take from Environment! { __CONFIG_FILE_PATH__: require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").pathToConfigFile(props.configFilePath), // replace the IsoConfig-Placeholder with the real path to the main-config-bundle // required of the routed-app "react-router-dom": path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), "node_modules", "react-router-dom"), // required of the data-layer / apollo "react-apollo": path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), "node_modules", "react-apollo"), }, { } ), props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY //isProd ); // provide all client configs in a flat list const webpackConfigs: any = childConfigs.reduce((result, config) => result.concat(config.webpackConfigs), []); const copyAssetsPostBuild = () => { //console.log("check for >>copyAssetsPostBuild<<"); /* if (props.parserMode !== PARSER_MODES.MODE_DOMAIN && props.parserMode !== PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY) { // always copy the assets, unless we setup the domain console.log("copyAssetsPostBuild: now copy the assets!"); webpackConfigs.map(config => require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").copyAssets( config.output.path, path.join(serverBuildPath, serverName, component.assetsPath))); } else { // delete the assets folder for we don't want to include all these bundled files in the deployment-package const rimraf = require("rimraf"); rimraf.sync(path.join(serverBuildPath, serverName, component.assetsPath)); } */ }; const environments = childConfigs.reduce((result, config) => (result !== undefined ? result : []).concat(config.environments !== undefined ? config.environments : []), []); // check whether we already created the domain of this environment const deployedDomain = process.env[`DOMAIN_${props.stage}`] !== undefined; const domain = childConfigs.map(config => config.domain).reduce((result, domain) => result !== undefined ? result : domain, undefined); const certArn = childConfigs.map(config => config.certArn).reduce((result, certArn) => result !== undefined ? result : certArn, undefined); const stagePath = props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY && domain == undefined && environments !== undefined && environments.length > 0 ? environments[0].name : undefined; const createHtml = ( { serviceEndpoints }) => { //console.log("check for >>copyAssetsPostBuild<<"); //if (props.parserMode == PARSER_MODES.MODE_BUILD) { console.log("write the index.html!"); console.log("serviceEndpoints: ", serviceEndpoints); // we need to get rid of the path of the endpoint const servicePath = serviceEndpoints && serviceEndpoints.length > 0 ? ( stagePath ? // when we have a stagePath, we can remove anything behind it serviceEndpoints[0].substr(0, serviceEndpoints[0].indexOf(stagePath)+stagePath.length) : // when we don't have a stagePath - TODO serviceEndpoints[0] ) : undefined; console.log ("servicePath: " , servicePath); // TODO this should not be hard-coded const graphqlUrl = component.dataLayerId ? ( props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_START ? "http://localhost:3001/query" : servicePath+"/query" ) : undefined; //region: 'localhost', //endpoint: 'http://localhost:8000', require('fs').writeFileSync(path.join(webappBuildPath, component.stackName, "index.html"), ` ${component.stackName}
`); }; const invalidateCloudFrontCache = () => { if (deployedDomain && props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY) { require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/sls-libs").invalidateCloudFrontCache(domain); } } const hostedZoneName = domain !== undefined ? extractDomain(domain.toString()) : {}; /** post build function to write to the .env file that the domain has been deployed */ const writeDomainEnv = () => { //console.log("check for >>writeDomainEnv<<"); // we only write to the .env file when we are in domain mode, i.e. this script creates the domain // and we did not yet deployed the domain previously if (!deployedDomain && props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DOMAIN) { require('fs').appendFileSync( path.join( require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/system-libs").currentAbsolutePath(), ".env"), `\nDOMAIN_${props.stage}=TRUE` ); } }; /* const postDeploy = async () => { //console.log("check for >>showStaticPageName<<"); if (props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DEPLOY) { await require('../libs/scripts-libs').fetchData("deploy", { proj: component.stackName, envi: props.stage, domain: domain, endp: `http://${component.stackName}-${props.stage}.s3-website-${component.region}.amazonaws.com` }); console.log(`Your SinglePageApp is now available at: http://${component.stackName}-${props.stage}.s3-website-${component.region}.amazonaws.com`); } };*/ async function deployWithDomain() { // start the sls-config if (props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DOMAIN) { await require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/sls-libs").deploySls(component.stackName); } } const additionalStatements: Array = forwardChildIamRoleStatements(childConfigs).concat( component.iamRoleStatements ? component.iamRoleStatements : [] ); const iamRoleAssignment = { functions: {} }; iamRoleAssignment.functions[serverName] = { role: "ServiceOrientedAppLambdaRole" } const iamPermissions = { resources: { Resources: { ServiceOrientedAppLambdaRole: { Type: "AWS::IAM::Role", Properties: { RoleName: "${self:service}-${self:provider.stage, env:STAGE, 'dev'}-ServiceOrientedAppLambdaRole", AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { Version: '"2012-10-17"', Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Principal: { Service: ["lambda.amazonaws.com"] }, Action: "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, Policies: [ { PolicyName: "${self:service}-${self:provider.stage, env:STAGE, 'dev'}-ServiceOrientedAppLambdaPolicy", PolicyDocument: { Version: '"2012-10-17"', Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Action: [ '"logs:*"', '"cloudwatch:*"' ], Resource: '"*"' }, { Effect: "Allow", Action: [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*", "s3:Put*", "s3:Delete*" ], Resource: { "Fn::Join": '["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", {"Ref": "StaticBucket" }, "/*"]]' } }, ].concat(additionalStatements) } } ] } }, }, } } // TODO this should rather be put into DataLayer-Plugin!!! const dataLayerService = component.dataLayerId !== undefined ? [{ method: "ANY", path: "query" }] : []; /** * ONLY add the domain config if we are in domain mode! * TODO once the domain has been added, we need to add this with every deployment */ const domainConfig = (props.parserMode === PARSER_MODES.MODE_DOMAIN || deployedDomain) && domain !== undefined && certArn !== undefined ? { // required of the SPA-domain-alias provider: { customDomainName: domain, hostedZoneName: hostedZoneName, certArn: certArn }, resources: { Resources: { WebAppCloudFrontDistribution: { Type: "AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", Properties: { DistributionConfig: { Origins: [ { DomainName: "${self:provider.staticBucket}.s3.amazonaws.com", Id: component.stackName, CustomOriginConfig: { HTTPPort: 80, HTTPSPort: 443, OriginProtocolPolicy: "https-only", } } ], Enabled: "'true'", DefaultRootObject: "index.html", CustomErrorResponses: [{ ErrorCode: 404, ResponseCode: 200, ResponsePagePath: "/index.html" }], DefaultCacheBehavior: { AllowedMethods: [ "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT" ], TargetOriginId: component.stackName, ForwardedValues: { QueryString: "'false'", Cookies: { Forward: "none" } }, ViewerProtocolPolicy: "redirect-to-https" }, ViewerCertificate: { AcmCertificateArn: "${self:provider.certArn}", SslSupportMethod: "sni-only", }, Aliases: ["${self:provider.customDomainName}"] } } }, DnsRecord: { Type: "AWS::Route53::RecordSet", Properties: { AliasTarget: { DNSName: "!GetAtt WebAppCloudFrontDistribution.DomainName", HostedZoneId: "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2" }, HostedZoneName: "${self:provider.hostedZoneName}.", Name: "${self:provider.customDomainName}.", Type: "'A'" } } }, Outputs: { WebAppCloudFrontDistributionOutput: { Value: { "Fn::GetAtt": "[ WebAppCloudFrontDistribution, DomainName ]" } } } } } : {}; const envS3Config = { provider: { environment: { BUCKET_ID: "${self:provider.staticBucket}", } } }; return { stackType: "SOA", slsConfigs: deepmerge.all([ require("../../../infrastructure-scripts/dist/infra-comp-utils/sls-libs").toSoaSlsConfig( component.stackName, serverName, component.buildPath, component.assetsPath, component.region, dataLayerService.concat(component.services) ), // the datalayer (maybe a child-config) must load before the plugin serverless-offline! ...childConfigs.map(config => config.slsConfigs), // # allows running the stack locally on the dev-machine { plugins: ["serverless-offline", "serverless-pseudo-parameters"], custom: { "serverless-offline": { host: "", port: "${self:provider.port, env:PORT, '3001'}" } } }, domainConfig, // add the IAM-Role-Statements iamPermissions, // assign the role iamRoleAssignment, // set the bucket as an env envS3Config ] ), // add the server config webpackConfigs: webpackConfigs.concat([soaWebPack, serverWebPack]), postBuilds: childConfigs.reduce((result, config) => result.concat(config.postBuilds), [createHtml, writeDomainEnv, copyAssetsPostBuild, deployWithDomain, invalidateCloudFrontCache /*, postDeploy*/]), iamRoleStatements: [], environments: environments, stackName: component.stackName, assetsPath: undefined, buildPath: component.buildPath, region: component.region, domain: domain, certArn: certArn, supportOfflineStart: true, supportCreateDomain: true } } } return result; };