'use strict'; Object.defineProperties(exports, { __esModule: { value: true }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: 'Module' } }); const web = require('solid-js/web'); const language = require('@codemirror/language'); const state = require('@codemirror/state'); const commands = require('@codemirror/commands'); const view = require('@codemirror/view'); const langMarkdown = require('@codemirror/lang-markdown'); const languageData = require('@codemirror/language-data'); const highlight = require('@lezer/highlight'); const solidJs = require('solid-js'); const autocomplete$2 = require('@codemirror/autocomplete'); const search$2 = require('@codemirror/search'); const codemirrorVim = require('@replit/codemirror-vim'); const HYDRATION_MARKER = "data-ink-mde-ssr-hydration-marker"; const HYDRATION_MARKER_SELECTOR = `[${HYDRATION_MARKER}]`; const getHydrationMarkerProps = () => { return {}; }; const destroy = ([state]) => { const { editor } = state(); editor.destroy(); }; const focus = ([state]) => { const { editor } = state(); if (!editor.hasFocus) { editor.focus(); } }; const toCodeMirror = (selections) => { const ranges = selections.map((selection) => { const range = state.SelectionRange.fromJSON({ anchor: selection.start, head: selection.end }); return range; }); return state.EditorSelection.create(ranges); }; const toInk = (selection) => { const selections = selection.ranges.map((range) => { return { end: range.anchor < range.head ? range.head : range.anchor, start: range.head < range.anchor ? range.head : range.anchor }; }); return selections; }; var Appearance = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Appearance2) => { Appearance2["Auto"] = "auto"; Appearance2["Dark"] = "dark"; Appearance2["Light"] = "light"; return Appearance2; })(Appearance || {}); var Markup = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Markup2) => { Markup2["Bold"] = "bold"; Markup2["Code"] = "code"; Markup2["CodeBlock"] = "code_block"; Markup2["Heading"] = "heading"; Markup2["Image"] = "image"; Markup2["Italic"] = "italic"; Markup2["Link"] = "link"; Markup2["List"] = "list"; Markup2["OrderedList"] = "ordered_list"; Markup2["Quote"] = "quote"; Markup2["TaskList"] = "task_list"; return Markup2; })(Markup || {}); var Selection = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Selection2) => { Selection2["End"] = "end"; Selection2["Start"] = "start"; return Selection2; })(Selection || {}); const appearanceTypes = { auto: "auto", dark: "dark", light: "light" }; const pluginTypes = { completion: "completion", default: "default", grammar: "grammar", language: "language" }; const defineConfig$1 = (overrides) => { const defaults = { block: false, line: false, multiline: false, nodes: [], prefix: "", prefixStates: [], suffix: "" }; return { ...defaults, ...overrides }; }; const formatting = { [Markup.Bold]: defineConfig$1({ nodes: ["StrongEmphasis"], prefix: "**", suffix: "**" }), [Markup.Code]: defineConfig$1({ nodes: ["InlineCode"], prefix: "`", suffix: "`" }), [Markup.CodeBlock]: defineConfig$1({ block: true, nodes: ["FencedCode"], prefix: "```\n", suffix: "\n```" }), [Markup.Heading]: defineConfig$1({ multiline: true, nodes: ["ATXHeading1", "ATXHeading2", "ATXHeading3", "ATXHeading4", "ATXHeading5", "ATXHeading6"], prefix: "# ", prefixStates: ["# ", "## ", "### ", "#### ", "##### ", "###### ", ""] }), [Markup.Image]: defineConfig$1({ nodes: ["Image"], prefix: "![](", suffix: ")" }), [Markup.Italic]: defineConfig$1({ nodes: ["Emphasis"], prefix: "*", suffix: "*" }), [Markup.Link]: defineConfig$1({ nodes: ["Link"], prefix: "[](", suffix: ")" }), [Markup.OrderedList]: defineConfig$1({ line: true, multiline: true, nodes: ["OrderedList"], prefix: "1. " }), [Markup.Quote]: defineConfig$1({ line: true, multiline: true, nodes: ["Blockquote"], prefix: "> " }), [Markup.TaskList]: defineConfig$1({ line: true, multiline: true, nodes: ["BulletList"], prefix: "- [ ] " }), [Markup.List]: defineConfig$1({ line: true, multiline: true, nodes: ["BulletList"], prefix: "- " }) }; const splitSelectionByLines = ({ editor, selection }) => { let position = selection.start; const selections = []; while (position <= selection.end) { const line = editor.lineBlockAt(position); const start = Math.max(selection.start, line.from); const end = Math.min(selection.end, line.to); selections.push({ start, end }); position = line.to + 1; } return selections; }; const getSelection = ({ editor, formatDefinition, selection }) => { if (!editor || !formatDefinition) return selection || { start: 0, end: 0 }; const initialSelection = selection || toInk(editor.state.selection).pop() || { start: 0, end: 0 }; if (formatDefinition.block || formatDefinition.line || formatDefinition.multiline) { const start2 = editor.lineBlockAt(initialSelection.start).from; const end2 = editor.lineBlockAt(initialSelection.end).to; return { start: start2, end: end2 }; } const start = editor.state.wordAt(initialSelection.start)?.from || initialSelection.start; const end = editor.state.wordAt(initialSelection.end)?.to || initialSelection.end; return { start, end }; }; const getText = (changeDetails) => { return changeDetails.editor.state.sliceDoc(changeDetails.selection.start, changeDetails.selection.end); }; const getNode = (editor, definition, selection) => { const selectionNodes = getNodes(editor, selection); return selectionNodes.find(({ type }) => definition.nodes.includes(type.name)); }; const getNodes = (editor, selection) => { const nodeDefinitions = []; language.syntaxTree(editor.state).iterate({ from: selection.start, to: selection.end, enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { nodeDefinitions.push({ type, from, to }); } }); return nodeDefinitions; }; const unformat = (changeDetails) => { const text = getText(changeDetails); const sliceStart = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefix.length; const sliceEnd = changeDetails.formatDefinition.suffix.length * -1 || text.length; const unformatted = text.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd); return [{ from: changeDetails.selection.start, to: changeDetails.selection.end, insert: unformatted }]; }; const formatBlock = (changeDetails) => { if (changeDetails.node) { const start = changeDetails.node.from; const end = changeDetails.node.to; return unformat({ ...changeDetails, selection: { start, end } }); } else { const before = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefix; const after = changeDetails.formatDefinition.suffix; const changes = [ { from: changeDetails.selection.start, insert: before }, { from: changeDetails.selection.end, insert: after } ]; return changes; } }; const formatMultiline = (changeDetails) => { const selections = splitSelectionByLines(changeDetails); const changes = []; selections.forEach((selection) => { const lineChanges = formatLine({ ...changeDetails, selection }); changes.push(...lineChanges); }); return changes; }; const formatLine = (changeDetails) => { const hasPrefixStates = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefixStates.length > 0; const text = getText(changeDetails); if (changeDetails.node && hasPrefixStates) { const prefixState = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefixStates.find((prefix) => text.startsWith(prefix)); if (prefixState) { const prefixStateIndex = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefixStates.indexOf(prefixState); const nextPrefixState = changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefixStates[prefixStateIndex + 1]; const updatedText = text.replace(new RegExp(`^${prefixState}`), nextPrefixState); return [{ from: changeDetails.selection.start, to: changeDetails.selection.end, insert: updatedText }]; } } else if (changeDetails.node && text.startsWith(changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefix)) { return unformat(changeDetails); } return [{ from: changeDetails.selection.start, insert: changeDetails.formatDefinition.prefix }]; }; const formatInline = (changeDetails) => { if (changeDetails.node) { const start = changeDetails.node.from; const end = changeDetails.node.to; return unformat({ ...changeDetails, selection: { start, end } }); } else { const { formatDefinition, selection } = changeDetails; const before = Array.isArray(formatDefinition.prefix) ? formatDefinition.prefix[0] : formatDefinition.prefix; const after = formatDefinition.suffix; return [ { from: selection.start, insert: before }, { from: selection.end, insert: after } ]; } }; const getChanges = (changeDetails) => { if (changeDetails.formatDefinition.block) { return formatBlock(changeDetails); } else if (changeDetails.formatDefinition.multiline) { return formatMultiline(changeDetails); } else if (changeDetails.formatDefinition.line) { return formatLine(changeDetails); } return formatInline(changeDetails); }; const format = ([state], formatType, { selection: maybeSelection } = {}) => { const { editor } = state(); const formatDefinition = formatting[formatType]; const selection = getSelection({ editor, formatDefinition, selection: maybeSelection }); const node = getNode(editor, formatDefinition, selection); const changeDetails = { editor, formatDefinition, node, selection }; const changes = getChanges(changeDetails); const offset = changes.reduce((total, change) => { const offset2 = change.insert.length - ((change.to || change.from) - change.from); return total + offset2; }, 0); const updates = state().editor.state.update({ changes, selection: { head: selection.start, anchor: selection.end + offset } }); state().editor.dispatch(updates); }; const getDoc = ([state]) => { const { editor } = state(); return editor.state.sliceDoc(); }; const selections = ([state]) => { const { editor } = state(); return toInk(editor.state.selection); }; const insert = ([state, setState], text, selection, updateSelection = false) => { const { editor } = state(); let start = selection?.start; let end = selection?.end || selection?.start; if (typeof start === "undefined") { const current = selections([state, setState]).pop(); start = current.start; end = current.end; } const updates = { changes: { from: start, to: end, insert: text } }; if (updateSelection) { const anchor = start === end ? start + text.length : start; const head = start === end ? start + text.length : start + text.length; Object.assign(updates, { selection: { anchor, head } }); } editor.dispatch( editor.state.update(updates) ); }; const types = { array: "[object Array]", object: "[object Object]", string: "[object String]", undefined: "[object Undefined]", window: "[object Window]" }; const getType = (object) => { const type = Object.prototype.toString.call(object); if (type === types.object) { return `[object ${object.constructor.name}]`; } }; const is$1 = (object, type) => { return getType(object) === type; }; const deepAssign = (target, source) => { const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const assign = (target2, source2) => { if (seen.get(target2)) return target2; if (is$1(target2, types.object)) seen.set(target2, true); if (is$1(source2, types.undefined)) return target2; if (is$1(target2, types.array) && is$1(source2, types.array)) { return [...source2]; } if (is$1(target2, types.object) && is$1(source2, types.object)) { return Object.keys(target2).reduce((replacement, key) => { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(source2, key)) { replacement[key] = assign(target2[key], source2[key]); } else { replacement[key] = target2[key]; } return replacement; }, {}); } return source2; }; return assign(target, source); }; const override = (a, b) => { return deepAssign(a, b); }; const createElement = () => { return document.createElement("div"); }; const isAutoDark = () => { return window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches; }; const isDark = (appearance) => { if (appearance === Appearance.Dark) return true; if (appearance === Appearance.Light) return false; return isAutoDark(); }; const makeVars = (state) => { const styles = [ // --ink-* { suffix: "border-radius", default: "0.25rem" }, { suffix: "color", default: "currentColor" }, { suffix: "flex-direction", default: "column" }, { suffix: "font-family", default: "inherit" }, // --ink-block-* { suffix: "block-background-color", default: "#121212", light: "#f5f5f5" }, { suffix: "block-background-color-on-hover", default: "#0f0f0f", light: "#e0e0e0" }, { suffix: "block-max-height", default: "20rem" }, { suffix: "block-padding", default: "0.5rem" }, // --ink-code-* { suffix: "code-background-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-block-background-color)" }, { suffix: "code-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "code-font-family", default: "'Monaco', Courier, monospace" }, // --ink-editor-* { suffix: "editor-font-size", default: "1em" }, { suffix: "editor-line-height", default: "2em" }, { suffix: "editor-padding", default: "0.5rem" }, { suffix: "inline-padding", default: "0.125rem" }, // --ink-modal-* { suffix: "modal-position", default: "fixed" }, // --ink-syntax-* { suffix: "syntax-atom-color", default: "#d19a66" }, { suffix: "syntax-comment-color", default: "#abb2bf" }, { suffix: "syntax-comment-font-style", default: "italic" }, { suffix: "syntax-emphasis-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-emphasis-font-style", default: "italic" }, { suffix: "syntax-hashtag-background-color", default: "#222", light: "#eee" }, { suffix: "syntax-hashtag-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading1-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading1-font-size", default: "1.6em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading1-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading2-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading2-font-size", default: "1.5em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading2-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading3-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading3-font-size", default: "1.4em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading3-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading4-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading4-font-size", default: "1.3em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading4-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading5-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading5-font-size", default: "1.2em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading5-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading6-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color, inherit)" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading6-font-size", default: "1.1em" }, { suffix: "syntax-heading6-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-highlight-background-color", default: "#555555" }, { suffix: "syntax-keyword-color", default: "#c678dd" }, { suffix: "syntax-link-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-meta-color", default: "#abb2bf" }, { suffix: "syntax-monospace-color", default: "var(--ink-internal-code-color)" }, { suffix: "syntax-monospace-font-family", default: "var(--ink-internal-code-font-family)" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-color", default: "#d19a66" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-label-color", default: "#abb2bf" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-property-color", default: "#96c0d8" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-property-definition-color", default: "#e06c75" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-variable-color", default: "#e06c75" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-variable-definition-color", default: "#e5c07b" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-variable-local-color", default: "#d19a66" }, { suffix: "syntax-name-variable-special-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-number-color", default: "#d19a66" }, { suffix: "syntax-operator-color", default: "#96c0d8" }, { suffix: "syntax-processing-instruction-color", default: "#444444", light: "#bbbbbb" }, { suffix: "syntax-punctuation-color", default: "#abb2bf" }, { suffix: "syntax-strikethrough-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-strikethrough-text-decoration", default: "line-through" }, { suffix: "syntax-string-color", default: "#98c379" }, { suffix: "syntax-string-special-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-strong-color", default: "inherit" }, { suffix: "syntax-strong-font-weight", default: "600" }, { suffix: "syntax-url-color", default: "#aaaaaa", light: "#666666" }, { suffix: "toolbar-group-spacing", default: "2rem" }, { suffix: "toolbar-item-spacing", default: "0" } ]; const isLight = !isDark(state.options.interface.appearance); return styles.map((style) => { const value = isLight && style.light ? style.light : style.default; return `--ink-internal-${style.suffix}: var(--ink-${style.suffix}, ${value});`; }); }; const objectTypes = { array: "[object Array]", asyncFunction: "[object AsyncFunction]", boolean: "[object Boolean]", function: "[object Function]", null: "[object Null]", number: "[object Number]", object: "[object Object]", promise: "[object Promise]", string: "[object String]", symbol: "[object Symbol]", undefined: "[object Undefined]", window: "[object Window]" }; const is = (type, object) => { return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === type; }; const isPromise = (object) => is(objectTypes.promise, object); const partitionPlugins = (plugins) => { return partition(plugins, isPromise); }; const isPlugin = (pluginType, plugin) => { return plugin.type === pluginType; }; const isOptionsKey = (key, options) => { return !!key && key in options; }; const filterPlugins = (pluginType, options) => { return flatten(options.plugins).reduce((matches, plugin) => { if (isPlugin(pluginType, plugin)) { if (!plugin.key || isOptionsKey(plugin.key, options) && options[plugin.key]) { matches.push(plugin.value); } } return matches; }, []); }; const flatten = (array) => { return array.reduce((flatArray, item) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { return flatArray.concat(flatten(item)); } return flatArray.concat(item); }, []); }; const partition = (array, isValid) => { return array.reduce((partitions, entry) => { isValid(entry) ? partitions[0].push(entry) : partitions[1].push(entry); return partitions; }, [[], []]); }; const appearance = (isDark) => { return [ view.EditorView.theme({}, { dark: isDark }) ]; }; const makeExtension = ([state, setState]) => { const baseExtensions = []; const [lazyExtensions, extensions] = filterExtensions(state().options); const [lazyLanguages, languages] = filterLanguages(state().options); if (Math.max(lazyExtensions.length, lazyLanguages.length) > 0) { state().workQueue.enqueue(async () => { const effects = await buildVendorUpdates([state, setState]); state().editor.dispatch({ effects }); }); } return langMarkdown.markdown({ base: langMarkdown.markdownLanguage, codeLanguages: [...languageData.languages, ...languages], extensions: [...baseExtensions, ...extensions] }); }; const filterExtensions = (options) => { return partitionPlugins(filterPlugins(pluginTypes.grammar, options)); }; const filterLanguages = (options) => { return partitionPlugins(filterPlugins(pluginTypes.language, options)); }; const updateExtension = async ([state]) => { const baseExtensions = []; const extensions = await Promise.all(filterPlugins(pluginTypes.grammar, state().options)); const languages = await Promise.all(filterPlugins(pluginTypes.language, state().options)); return langMarkdown.markdown({ base: langMarkdown.markdownLanguage, codeLanguages: [...languageData.languages, ...languages], extensions: [...baseExtensions, ...extensions] }); }; const markdown = () => { const compartment = new state.Compartment(); return { compartment, initialValue: (store) => { return compartment.of(makeExtension(store)); }, reconfigure: async (store) => { return compartment.reconfigure(await updateExtension(store)); } }; }; const buildVendors = ([state, setState]) => { const extensions = state().extensions.map( (e) => e.initialValue([state, setState]) ); return extensions; }; const buildVendorUpdates = async ([ state, setState ]) => { const effects = await Promise.all( state().extensions.map(async (extension2) => { return await extension2.reconfigure([state, setState]); }) ); return effects; }; const extension = (resolver) => { const compartment = new state.Compartment(); return { compartment, initialValue: (store) => { return compartment.of(resolver(store)); }, reconfigure: (store) => { return compartment.reconfigure(resolver(store)); } }; }; const lazyExtension = (reconfigure) => { const compartment = new state.Compartment(); return { compartment, initialValue: () => { return compartment.of([]); }, reconfigure: (store) => { return reconfigure(store, compartment); } }; }; const createExtensions = () => { return [ markdown(), ...resolvers.map((r) => extension(r)), ...lazyResolvers.map((r) => lazyExtension(r)) ]; }; const resolvers = [ ([state]) => { const [_lazyExtensions, extensions] = partitionPlugins( filterPlugins(pluginTypes.default, state().options) ); return extensions; }, ([state]) => { const isDark = state().options.interface.appearance === appearanceTypes.dark; const isAuto = state().options.interface.appearance === appearanceTypes.auto; const extension2 = appearance(isDark || isAuto && isAutoDark()); return extension2; } ]; const lazyResolvers = [ async ([state], compartment) => { const [lazyExtensions] = partitionPlugins( filterPlugins(pluginTypes.default, state().options) ); if (lazyExtensions.length > 0) { return compartment.reconfigure(await Promise.all(lazyExtensions)); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.interface.autocomplete) { const { autocomplete } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => autocomplete$1); return compartment.reconfigure(autocomplete(state().options)); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.interface.images) { const { images } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => images$1); return compartment.reconfigure(images()); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { const { keybindings, trapTab } = state().options; const tab = trapTab ?? keybindings.tab; const shiftTab = trapTab ?? keybindings.shiftTab; if (tab || shiftTab) { const { indentWithTab } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => indentWithTab$1); return compartment.reconfigure(indentWithTab({ tab, shiftTab })); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.interface.lists) { const { lists } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => lists$1); return compartment.reconfigure(lists()); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.placeholder) { const { placeholder: placeholder$1 } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => placeholder); return compartment.reconfigure(placeholder$1(state().options.placeholder)); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.interface.readonly) { const { readonly } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => readonly$1); return compartment.reconfigure(readonly()); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.search) { const { search } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => search$1); return compartment.reconfigure(search()); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.interface.spellcheck) { const { spellcheck } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => spellcheck$1); return compartment.reconfigure(spellcheck()); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); }, async ([state], compartment) => { if (state().options.vim.open) { const { vim } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => vim$1); return compartment.reconfigure(vim(state().options.vim)); } return compartment.reconfigure([]); } ]; const blockquoteSyntaxNodes = [ "Blockquote" ]; const blockquoteDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { class: "cm-blockquote" } }); const blockquoteOpenDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { class: "cm-blockquote-open" } }); const blockquoteCloseDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { class: "cm-blockquote-close" } }); const blockquotePlugin = view.ViewPlugin.define((view) => { return { update: () => { return decorate$1(view); } }; }, { decorations: (plugin) => plugin.update() }); const decorate$1 = (view) => { const builder = new state.RangeSetBuilder(); const tree = language.syntaxTree(view.state); for (const visibleRange of view.visibleRanges) { for (let position = visibleRange.from; position < visibleRange.to; ) { const line = view.state.doc.lineAt(position); tree.iterate({ enter({ type, from, to }) { if (type.name !== "Document") { if (blockquoteSyntaxNodes.includes(type.name)) { builder.add(line.from, line.from, blockquoteDecoration); const openLine = view.state.doc.lineAt(from); const closeLine = view.state.doc.lineAt(to); if (openLine.number === line.number) builder.add(line.from, line.from, blockquoteOpenDecoration); if (closeLine.number === line.number) builder.add(line.from, line.from, blockquoteCloseDecoration); return false; } } }, from: line.from, to: line.to }); position = line.to + 1; } } return builder.finish(); }; const blockquote = () => { return [ blockquotePlugin ]; }; const codeBlockSyntaxNodes = [ "CodeBlock", "FencedCode", "HTMLBlock", "CommentBlock" ]; const sharedAttributes = { // Prevent spellcheck in all code blocks. The Grammarly extension might not respect these values. "data-enable-grammarly": "false", "data-gramm": "false", "data-grammarly-skip": "true", "spellcheck": "false" }; const codeBlockDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-codeblock" } }); const codeBlockOpenDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-codeblock-open" } }); const codeBlockCloseDecoration = view.Decoration.line({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-codeblock-close" } }); const codeDecoration = view.Decoration.mark({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-code" } }); const codeOpenDecoration = view.Decoration.mark({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-code cm-code-open" } }); const codeCloseDecoration = view.Decoration.mark({ attributes: { ...sharedAttributes, class: "cm-code cm-code-close" } }); const codeBlockPlugin = view.ViewPlugin.define((view) => { return { update: () => { return decorate(view); } }; }, { decorations: (plugin) => plugin.update() }); const decorate = (view) => { const builder = new state.RangeSetBuilder(); const tree = language.syntaxTree(view.state); for (const visibleRange of view.visibleRanges) { for (let position = visibleRange.from; position < visibleRange.to; ) { const line = view.state.doc.lineAt(position); let inlineCode; tree.iterate({ enter({ type, from, to }) { if (type.name !== "Document") { if (codeBlockSyntaxNodes.includes(type.name)) { builder.add(line.from, line.from, codeBlockDecoration); const openLine = view.state.doc.lineAt(from); const closeLine = view.state.doc.lineAt(to); if (openLine.number === line.number) builder.add(line.from, line.from, codeBlockOpenDecoration); if (closeLine.number === line.number) builder.add(line.from, line.from, codeBlockCloseDecoration); return false; } else if (type.name === "InlineCode") { inlineCode = { from, to, innerFrom: from, innerTo: to }; } else if (type.name === "CodeMark") { if (from === inlineCode.from) { inlineCode.innerFrom = to; builder.add(from, to, codeOpenDecoration); } else if (to === inlineCode.to) { inlineCode.innerTo = from; builder.add(inlineCode.innerFrom, inlineCode.innerTo, codeDecoration); builder.add(from, to, codeCloseDecoration); } } } }, from: line.from, to: line.to }); position = line.to + 1; } } return builder.finish(); }; const code = () => { return [ codeBlockPlugin ]; }; const inkClassExtensions = () => { return [ view.EditorView.editorAttributes.of({ class: "ink-mde-container" }), view.EditorView.contentAttributes.of({ class: "ink-mde-editor-content" }) // Todo: Maybe open a PR to add scrollerAttributes? ]; }; const ink$1 = () => { return [ ...inkClassExtensions() ]; }; const lineWrapping = () => { return view.EditorView.lineWrapping; }; const theme = () => { const extension = language.syntaxHighlighting( language.HighlightStyle.define([ // ordered by lowest to highest precedence { tag: highlight.tags.atom, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-atom-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.meta, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-meta-color)" }, // emphasis types { tag: highlight.tags.emphasis, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-emphasis-color)", fontStyle: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-emphasis-font-style)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.strong, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-strong-color)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-strong-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.strikethrough, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-strikethrough-color)", textDecoration: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-strikethrough-text-decoration)" }, // comment group { tag: highlight.tags.comment, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-comment-color)", fontStyle: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-comment-font-style)" }, // monospace { tag: highlight.tags.monospace, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-code-color)", fontFamily: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-code-font-family)" }, // name group { tag: highlight.tags.name, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.labelName, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-label-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.propertyName, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-property-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.definition(highlight.tags.propertyName), color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-property-definition-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.variableName, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-variable-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.definition(highlight.tags.variableName), color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-variable-definition-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.local(highlight.tags.variableName), color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-variable-local-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.special(highlight.tags.variableName), color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-name-variable-special-color)" }, // headings { tag: highlight.tags.heading, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-color)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading1, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading1-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading1-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading1-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading2, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading2-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading2-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading2-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading3, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading3-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading3-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading3-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading4, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading4-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading4-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading4-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading5, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading5-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading5-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading5-font-weight)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.heading6, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading6-color)", fontSize: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading6-font-size)", fontWeight: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-heading6-font-weight)" }, // contextual tag types { tag: highlight.tags.keyword, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-keyword-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.number, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-number-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.operator, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-operator-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.punctuation, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-punctuation-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.link, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-link-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.url, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-url-color)" }, // string group { tag: highlight.tags.string, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-string-color)" }, { tag: highlight.tags.special(highlight.tags.string), color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-string-special-color)" }, // processing instructions { tag: highlight.tags.processingInstruction, color: "var(--ink-internal-syntax-processing-instruction-color)" } ]) ); return [ extension ]; }; const toVendorSelection = (selections) => { if (selections.length > 0) return toCodeMirror(selections); }; const makeState$1 = ([state$1, setState]) => { return state.EditorState.create({ doc: state$1().options.doc, selection: toVendorSelection(state$1().options.selections), extensions: [ view.keymap.of([ ...commands.defaultKeymap, ...commands.historyKeymap ]), blockquote(), code(), commands.history(), ink$1(), lineWrapping(), theme(), ...buildVendors([state$1, setState]) ] }); }; const load = ([state, setState], doc) => { setState(override(state(), { options: { doc } })); state().editor.setState(makeState$1([state, setState])); }; const options = ([state]) => { return state().options; }; const reconfigure = async ([state, setState], options) => { const { workQueue } = state(); return workQueue.enqueue(async () => { setState(override(state(), { options })); const effects = await buildVendorUpdates([state, setState]); state().editor.dispatch({ effects }); }); }; const select = (store, options = {}) => { if (options.selections) return selectMultiple(store, options.selections); if (options.selection) return selectOne(store, options.selection); if (options.at) return selectAt(store, options.at); }; const selectAt = (store, at) => { const [state] = store; if (at === Selection.Start) return selectOne(store, { start: 0, end: 0 }); if (at === Selection.End) { const position = state().editor.state.doc.length; return selectOne(store, { start: position, end: position }); } }; const selectMultiple = ([state], selections) => { const { editor } = state(); editor.dispatch( editor.state.update({ selection: toCodeMirror(selections) }) ); }; const selectOne = (store, selection) => { return selectMultiple(store, [selection]); }; const update = ([state], doc) => { const { editor } = state(); editor.dispatch( editor.state.update({ changes: { from: 0, to: editor.state.doc.length, insert: doc } }) ); }; const wrap$1 = ([state, setState], { after, before, selection: userSelection }) => { const { editor } = state(); const selection = userSelection || selections([state, setState]).pop() || { start: 0, end: 0 }; const text = editor.state.sliceDoc(selection.start, selection.end); insert([state, setState], `${before}${text}${after}`, selection); select([state, setState], { selections: [{ start: selection.start + before.length, end: selection.end + before.length }] }); }; const awaitable = (initialValue, handler) => { const state = { callbacks: { fulfilled: [], rejected: [], settled: [] }, status: "pending" }; const callback = (settler, { resolve: resolve2, reject: reject2 }) => { return () => { try { const settledValue = settler(state.value); Promise.resolve(settledValue).then(resolve2, reject2); } catch (error) { reject2(error); } }; }; const reject = (value) => { if (state.status === "pending") { state.status = "rejected"; state.value = value; state.callbacks.rejected.forEach((callback2) => callback2()); state.callbacks.settled.forEach((callback2) => callback2()); } }; const resolve = (value) => { if (state.status === "pending") { state.status = "fulfilled"; state.value = value; state.callbacks.fulfilled.forEach((callback2) => callback2()); state.callbacks.settled.forEach((callback2) => callback2()); } }; const then = (onFulfilled, onRejected) => { return new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => { if (state.status === "pending") { if (onFulfilled) { state.callbacks.fulfilled.push(callback(onFulfilled, { resolve: resolve2, reject: reject2 })); } if (onRejected) { state.callbacks.rejected.push(callback(onRejected, { resolve: void 0, reject: reject2 })); } } if (state.status === "fulfilled" && onFulfilled) { callback(onFulfilled, { resolve: resolve2, reject: reject2 })(); } if (state.status === "rejected" && onRejected) { callback(onRejected, { resolve: void 0, reject: reject2 })(); } }); }; queueMicrotask(() => { try { handler(resolve, reject); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); return { ...initialValue, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "awaitable", catch: then.bind(void 0, void 0), finally: (onSettled) => { return new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => { if (state.status === "pending") { state.callbacks.settled.push(callback(onSettled, { resolve: resolve2, reject: reject2 })); } if (state.status === "fulfilled") { onSettled(); resolve2(state.value); } if (state.status === "rejected") { onSettled(); reject2(state.value); } }); }, then }; }; const makeInstance = (store) => { const instance = { destroy: destroy.bind(void 0, store), focus: focus.bind(void 0, store), format: format.bind(void 0, store), getDoc: getDoc.bind(void 0, store), insert: insert.bind(void 0, store), load: load.bind(void 0, store), options: options.bind(void 0, store), reconfigure: reconfigure.bind(void 0, store), select: select.bind(void 0, store), selections: selections.bind(void 0, store), update: update.bind(void 0, store), wrap: wrap$1.bind(void 0, store) }; return awaitable(instance, (resolve, reject) => { try { const [state] = store; state().workQueue.enqueue(() => resolve(instance)); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); }; const __variableDynamicImportRuntimeHelper = (glob, path) => { const v = glob[path]; if (v) { return typeof v === 'function' ? v() : Promise.resolve(v); } return new Promise((_, reject) => { (typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' ? queueMicrotask : setTimeout)(reject.bind(null, new Error('Unknown variable dynamic import: ' + path))); }); }; const modules = new Proxy({}, { get: (target, prop, _receiver) => { if (target[prop]) return target[prop]; return target[prop] = (async () => { const { importer } = await __variableDynamicImportRuntimeHelper((/* #__PURE__ */ Object.assign({"./importers/katex.ts": () => Promise.resolve().then(() => katex)})), `./importers/${prop}.ts`); const imported = await importer(); target[prop] = imported; return imported; })(); } }); const useModule = (name, callback) => { if (!modules[name]) return console.error("[katex] module is not resolvable"); if ("then" in modules[name]) return Promise.resolve(modules[name]).then(callback); callback(modules[name]); }; const buildBlockWidgetDecoration = (options) => { return buildWidgetDecoration({ block: true, side: -1, ...options }); }; const buildLineDecoration = (options) => { return view.Decoration.line({ ...options, type: "line" }); }; const buildMarkDecoration = (options) => { return view.Decoration.mark({ ...options, type: "mark" }); }; const buildWidget = (options) => { const eq = (other) => { if (options.eq) return options.eq(other); if (!options.id) return false; return options.id === other.id; }; return { compare: (other) => { return eq(other); }, coordsAt: () => null, destroy: () => { }, eq: (other) => { return eq(other); }, estimatedHeight: -1, ignoreEvent: () => true, lineBreaks: 0, toDOM: () => { return document.createElement("span"); }, updateDOM: () => false, ...options }; }; const buildWidgetDecoration = (options) => { return view.Decoration.widget({ block: false, side: 0, ...options, widget: buildWidget({ ...options.widget }), type: "widget" }); }; const buildNodeDecorations = (state, options) => { const decorationRanges = []; language.syntaxTree(state).iterate({ enter: (node) => { if (options.nodes.includes(node.type.name)) { const maybeDecorations = options.onMatch(state, node); if (!maybeDecorations) return; const decorations = Array().concat(maybeDecorations); decorations.forEach((decoration) => { if (decoration.spec.type === "line") { const wrapped = buildLineDecoration({ ...decoration.spec, node: { ...node } }); for (let line = state.doc.lineAt(node.from); line.from < node.to; line = state.doc.lineAt(line.to + 1)) { decorationRanges.push(wrapped.range(line.from)); } } if (decoration.spec.type === "mark") { const wrapped = buildMarkDecoration({ ...decoration.spec, node: { ...node } }).range(node.from, node.to); decorationRanges.push(wrapped); } if (decoration.spec.type === "widget") { const wrapped = buildWidgetDecoration({ ...decoration.spec, node: { ...node } }).range(node.from); decorationRanges.push(wrapped); } }); } }, from: options.range?.from, to: options.range?.to }); return decorationRanges.sort((left, right) => { return left.from - right.from; }); }; const buildOptimizedNodeDecorations = (rangeSet, transaction, options) => { const decorations = []; const cursor = rangeSet.iter(); const cursors = []; const cursorsToSkip = []; while (cursor.value) { cursors.push({ ...cursor }); cursor.next(); } transaction.changes.iterChangedRanges((_beforeFrom, _beforeTo, changeFrom, changeTo) => { cursors.forEach((cursor2) => { if (cursor2.value) { const nodeLength = cursor2.value.spec.node.to - cursor2.value.spec.node.from; const cursorFrom = cursor2.from; const cursorTo = cursor2.from + nodeLength; if (isOverlapping(cursorFrom, cursorTo, changeFrom, changeTo)) { cursorsToSkip.push(cursor2); } } }); const range = { from: changeFrom, to: changeTo }; decorations.push(...buildNodeDecorations(transaction.state, { ...options, range })); }); const cursorDecos = cursors.filter((cursor2) => !cursorsToSkip.includes(cursor2)).flatMap((cursor2) => { const range = cursor2.value?.range(cursor2.from); if (!range) return []; return [range]; }); decorations.push(...cursorDecos); const allDecorations = decorations.sort((left, right) => { return left.from - right.from; }); return allDecorations; }; const isOverlapping = (x1, x2, y1, y2) => { return Math.max(x1, y1) <= Math.min(x2, y2); }; const nodeDecorator = (options) => { return state.StateField.define({ create(state$1) { return state.RangeSet.of(buildNodeDecorations(state$1, options)); }, update(rangeSet, transaction) { if (transaction.reconfigured || transaction.effects.length > 0) { return state.RangeSet.of(buildNodeDecorations(transaction.state, options)); } const updatedRangeSet = rangeSet.map(transaction.changes); if (transaction.docChanged) { if (options.optimize) { return state.RangeSet.of(buildOptimizedNodeDecorations(updatedRangeSet, transaction, options)); } return state.RangeSet.of(buildNodeDecorations(transaction.state, options)); } return updatedRangeSet; }, provide(field) { return view.EditorView.decorations.from(field); } }); }; const buildTag = (parent) => { return highlight.Tag.define(parent); }; const getCharCode = (char) => { return char.charCodeAt(0); }; const buildMarkNode = (markName) => { return buildTaggedNode(markName, [highlight.tags.processingInstruction]); }; const buildTaggedNode = (nodeName, styleTags = []) => { const tag = buildTag(); const node = defineNode({ name: nodeName, style: [tag, ...styleTags] }); return { node, tag }; }; const defineBlockParser = (options) => options; const defineInlineParser = (options) => options; const defineMarkdown = (options) => options; const defineNode = (options) => options; const charCodes = { dollarSign: getCharCode("$") }; const mathInlineTestRegex = /\$.*?\$/; const mathInlineCaptureRegex = /\$(?.*?)\$/; const mathInline = buildTaggedNode("MathInline"); const mathInlineMark = buildMarkNode("MathInlineMark"); const mathInlineMarkOpen = buildMarkNode("MathInlineMarkOpen"); const mathInlineMarkClose = buildMarkNode("MathInlineMarkClose"); const mathInlineParser = defineInlineParser({ name: mathInline.node.name, parse: (inlineContext, nextCharCode, position) => { if (nextCharCode !== charCodes.dollarSign) return -1; const remainingLineText = inlineContext.slice(position, inlineContext.end); if (!mathInlineTestRegex.test(remainingLineText)) return -1; const match = remainingLineText.match(mathInlineCaptureRegex); if (!match?.groups?.math) return -1; const mathExpressionLength = match.groups.math.length; return inlineContext.addElement( inlineContext.elt( mathInline.node.name, position, position + mathExpressionLength + 2, [ inlineContext.elt( mathInlineMark.node.name, position, position + 1, [ inlineContext.elt( mathInlineMarkOpen.node.name, position, position + 1 ) ] ), inlineContext.elt( mathInlineMark.node.name, position + mathExpressionLength + 1, position + mathExpressionLength + 2, [ inlineContext.elt( mathInlineMarkClose.node.name, position + mathExpressionLength + 1, position + mathExpressionLength + 2 ) ] ) ] ) ); } }); const mathBlock = buildTaggedNode("MathBlock"); const mathBlockMark = buildMarkNode("MathBlockMark"); const mathBlockMarkOpen = buildMarkNode("MathBlockMarkOpen"); const mathBlockMarkClose = buildMarkNode("MathBlockMarkClose"); const mathBlockParser = defineBlockParser({ name: "MathBlock", parse: (blockContext, line) => { if (line.next !== charCodes.dollarSign) return false; if (line.text.charCodeAt(line.pos + 1) !== charCodes.dollarSign) return false; const openLineStart = blockContext.lineStart + line.pos; const openLineEnd = openLineStart + line.text.length; while (blockContext.nextLine()) { if (line.next === charCodes.dollarSign && line.text.charCodeAt(line.pos + 1) === charCodes.dollarSign) { const closeLineStart = blockContext.lineStart + line.pos; const closeLineEnd = closeLineStart + line.text.length; blockContext.addElement( blockContext.elt( mathBlock.node.name, openLineStart, closeLineEnd, [ blockContext.elt( mathBlockMark.node.name, openLineStart, openLineEnd, [ blockContext.elt( mathBlockMarkOpen.node.name, openLineStart, openLineEnd ) ] ), blockContext.elt( mathBlockMark.node.name, closeLineStart, closeLineEnd, [ blockContext.elt( mathBlockMarkClose.node.name, closeLineStart, closeLineEnd ) ] ) ] ) ); blockContext.nextLine(); break; } } return true; } }); const grammar = defineMarkdown({ defineNodes: [ mathInline.node, mathInlineMark.node, mathInlineMarkClose.node, mathInlineMarkOpen.node, mathBlock.node, mathBlockMark.node, mathBlockMarkOpen.node, mathBlockMarkClose.node ], parseBlock: [ mathBlockParser ], parseInline: [ mathInlineParser ] }); const render$1 = (text, element) => { useModule("katex", (katex2) => { katex2.render(text, element, { output: "html", throwOnError: false }); }); }; const katex$1 = () => { return [ plugin({ key: "katex", type: pluginTypes.grammar, value: async () => grammar }), plugin({ key: "katex", value: async () => { return nodeDecorator({ nodes: ["MathBlock", "MathBlockMarkClose", "MathBlockMarkOpen"], onMatch: (_state, node) => { const classes = ["ink-mde-line-math-block"]; if (node.name === "MathBlockMarkOpen") classes.push("ink-mde-line-math-block-open"); if (node.name === "MathBlockMarkClose") classes.push("ink-mde-line-math-block-close"); return buildLineDecoration({ attributes: { class: classes.join(" ") } }); }, optimize: false }); } }), plugin({ key: "katex", value: async () => { return nodeDecorator({ nodes: ["MathBlock"], onMatch: (state, node) => { const text = state.sliceDoc(node.from, node.to).split("\n").slice(1, -1).join("\n"); if (text) { return buildBlockWidgetDecoration({ widget: buildWidget({ id: text, toDOM: () => { const container = document.createElement("div"); const block = document.createElement("div"); container.className = "ink-mde-block-widget-container"; block.className = "ink-mde-block-widget ink-mde-katex-target"; container.appendChild(block); render$1(text, block); return container; }, updateDOM: (dom) => { const katexTarget = dom.querySelector(".ink-mde-katex-target"); if (katexTarget) { render$1(text, katexTarget); return true; } return false; } }) }); } }, optimize: false }); } }), plugin({ key: "katex", value: async () => { return language.syntaxHighlighting( language.HighlightStyle.define([ { tag: [mathInline.tag, mathInlineMark.tag], backgroundColor: "var(--ink-internal-block-background-color)" }, { tag: [mathInlineMarkClose.tag], backgroundColor: "var(--ink-internal-block-background-color)", borderRadius: "0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0", paddingRight: "var(--ink-internal-inline-padding)" }, { tag: [mathInlineMarkOpen.tag], backgroundColor: "var(--ink-internal-block-background-color)", borderRadius: "var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0 0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius)", paddingLeft: "var(--ink-internal-inline-padding)" } ]) ); } }), plugin({ key: "katex", value: async () => { return view.EditorView.theme({ ".ink-mde-line-math-block": { backgroundColor: "var(--ink-internal-block-background-color)", padding: "0 var(--ink-internal-block-padding) !important" }, ".ink-mde-line-math-block-open": { borderRadius: "var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0 0" }, ".ink-mde-line-math-block-close": { borderRadius: "0 0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius)" } }); } }) ]; }; const makeQueue = () => { const state = { queue: [], workload: 0 }; const process = async () => { const task = state.queue.pop(); if (!task) return; await task(); state.workload--; await process(); }; return { enqueue: (callback) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const task = async () => { try { await callback(); resolve(); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; state.queue.push(task); state.workload++; if (state.workload > 1) return; process(); }); } }; }; const blankState = () => { const options = { doc: "", files: { clipboard: false, dragAndDrop: false, handler: () => { }, injectMarkup: true, types: ["image/*"] }, hooks: { afterUpdate: () => { }, beforeUpdate: () => { } }, interface: { appearance: Appearance.Auto, attribution: true, autocomplete: false, images: false, lists: false, readonly: false, spellcheck: true, toolbar: false }, katex: false, keybindings: { // Todo: Set these to false by default. https://codemirror.net/examples/tab tab: true, shiftTab: true }, placeholder: "", plugins: [ katex$1() ], readability: false, search: true, selections: [], toolbar: { bold: true, code: true, codeBlock: true, heading: true, image: true, italic: true, link: true, list: true, orderedList: true, quote: true, taskList: true, upload: false }, // This value overrides both `tab` and `shiftTab` keybindings. trapTab: void 0, vim: false }; return { doc: "", editor: {}, extensions: createExtensions(), options, root: createElement(), target: createElement(), workQueue: makeQueue() }; }; const makeState = (partialState) => { return override(blankState(), partialState); }; const makeStore = (options, overrides = {}) => { const [state, setState] = solidJs.createSignal(makeState({ ...overrides, doc: options.doc || "", options })); return [state, setState]; }; const styles$2 = ".ink-drop-zone {\r\n align-items: center;\r\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);\r\n color: var(--ink-internal-color);\r\n display: flex;\r\n inset: 0;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n position: var(--ink-internal-modal-position);\r\n z-index: 100;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone:not(.visible) {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-modal {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n max-height: 20rem;\r\n max-width: 40rem;\r\n padding: 1rem;\r\n position: relative;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-hide {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n height: 1.75rem;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n right: 0.25rem;\r\n top: 0.25rem;\r\n width: 1.75rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-hide svg {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-droppable-area {\r\n align-items: center;\r\n border: 0.2rem dashed var(--ink-internal-color);\r\n border-radius: 0.125rem;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n font-size: 1.25em;\r\n gap: 1rem;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n padding: 1rem;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-file-preview {\r\n align-items: center;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n gap: 0.5rem;\r\n max-width: 25.5rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-drop-zone-file-preview-image {\r\n border: 0.125rem solid #222;\r\n border-radius: 0.125rem;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n height: 6rem;\r\n object-fit: cover;\r\n padding: 0.5rem;\r\n width: 6rem;\r\n}\r\n"; const _tmpl$$7 = ["uploading files..."], _tmpl$2$2 = ["
", "
", "
"], _tmpl$3$2 = [""], _tmpl$4$2 = ["drop files here"]; const DropZone = () => { const [depth, setDepth] = solidJs.createSignal(0); const [files, setFiles] = solidJs.createSignal([]); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = solidJs.createSignal(false); const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = solidJs.createSignal(false); const [state, setState] = useStore(); const onDragEnter = event => { if (state().options.files.dragAndDrop) { event.preventDefault(); setDepth(depth() + 1); setIsVisible(true); } }; const onDragLeave = event => { if (state().options.files.dragAndDrop) { event.preventDefault(); setDepth(depth() - 1); if (depth() === 0) setIsVisible(false); } }; const onDragOver = event => { if (state().options.files.dragAndDrop) { event.preventDefault(); setIsVisible(true); } }; const onDrop = event => { if (state().options.files.dragAndDrop) { event.preventDefault(); setDepth(0); setIsVisible(false); } }; const onPaste = event => { if (state().options.files.clipboard) { event.preventDefault(); const transfer = event.clipboardData; if (transfer?.files && transfer.files.length > 0) uploadFiles(transfer.files); } }; const uploadFiles = userFiles => { Array.from(userFiles).forEach(file => { setFiles([...files(), file]); }); setIsLoading(true); setIsVisible(true); Promise.resolve(state().options.files.handler(userFiles)).then(url => { if (state().options.files.injectMarkup && url) { const markup = `![](${url})`; insert([state, setState], markup); } }).finally(() => { setDepth(0); setIsLoading(false); setIsVisible(false); setFiles([]); }); }; solidJs.onMount(() => { document.addEventListener('dragenter', onDragEnter); document.addEventListener('dragleave', onDragLeave); document.addEventListener('dragover', onDragOver); document.addEventListener('drop', onDrop); state().root.addEventListener('paste', onPaste); }); solidJs.onCleanup(() => { document.removeEventListener('dragenter', onDragEnter); document.removeEventListener('dragleave', onDragLeave); document.removeEventListener('dragover', onDragOver); document.removeEventListener('drop', onDrop); state().root.removeEventListener('paste', onPaste); }); return web.ssr(_tmpl$2$2, web.ssrHydrationKey(), `ink-drop-zone ${isVisible() ? "visible" : ""}`, styles$2 , web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.For, { get each() { return files().slice(0, 8); }, children: file => web.ssr(_tmpl$3$2, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.ssrAttribute("alt", web.escape(file.name, true), false) + web.ssrAttribute("src", web.escape(URL.createObjectURL(file), true), false)) })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return isLoading(); }, get fallback() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$4$2, web.ssrHydrationKey()); }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$$7, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }))); }; const makeEditor = ([state, setState]) => { const editor = new view.EditorView({ dispatch: (transaction) => { const { options } = state(); const newDoc = transaction.newDoc.toString(); options.hooks.beforeUpdate(newDoc); editor.update([transaction]); if (transaction.docChanged) { setState({ ...state(), doc: newDoc }); options.hooks.afterUpdate(newDoc); } }, state: makeState$1([state, setState]) }); return editor; }; const Editor = () => { const [state, setState] = useStore(); const editor = makeEditor([state, setState]); const { workQueue } = state(); setState(override(state(), { editor })); workQueue.enqueue(async () => { const effects = await buildVendorUpdates([state, setState]); editor.dispatch({ effects }); }); return editor.dom; }; const _tmpl$$6 = ["", ""]; const Button = props => { return web.ssr(_tmpl$$6, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(props.children)); }; const styles$1 = ".ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n color: inherit;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n overflow-x: auto;\r\n padding: 0.25rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar .ink-mde-container {\r\n display: flex;\r\n gap: var(--ink-internal-toolbar-group-spacing);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar-group {\r\n display: flex;\r\n gap: var(--ink-internal-toolbar-item-spacing);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar .ink-button {\r\n align-items: center;\r\n background: none;\r\n border: none;\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n color: inherit;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n display: flex;\r\n height: 2.25rem;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n padding: 0.4rem;\r\n width: 2.25rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar .ink-button:hover {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color-on-hover);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar .ink-button > * {\r\n align-items: center;\r\n display: flex;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n}\r\n"; const _tmpl$$5 = [""], _tmpl$2$1 = [""], _tmpl$3$1 = [""], _tmpl$4$1 = ["", "", "", ""], _tmpl$5 = [""], _tmpl$6 = [""], _tmpl$7 = [""], _tmpl$8 = [""], _tmpl$9 = [""], _tmpl$10 = [""], _tmpl$11 = [""], _tmpl$12 = [""], _tmpl$13 = [""], _tmpl$14 = [""], _tmpl$15 = ["
", "", "", "", "
"]; const Toolbar = () => { const [state, setState] = useStore(); const [uploader, setUploader] = solidJs.createSignal(); const formatAs = type => { format([state, setState], type); focus([state, setState]); }; const uploadClickHandler = () => { uploader()?.click(); }; return web.ssr(_tmpl$15, web.ssrHydrationKey(), styles$1 , web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.heading || state().options.toolbar.bold || state().options.toolbar.italic; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$4$1, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.heading; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Heading), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$$5, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.bold; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Bold), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$2$1, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.italic; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Italic), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$3$1, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } }))); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.quote || state().options.toolbar.codeBlock || state().options.toolbar.code; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$4$1, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.quote; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Quote), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$5, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.codeBlock; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.CodeBlock), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$6, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.code; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Code), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$7, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } }))); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.list || state().options.toolbar.orderedList || state().options.toolbar.taskList; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$4$1, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.list; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.List), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$8, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.orderedList; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.OrderedList), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$9, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.taskList; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.TaskList), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$10, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } }))); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.link || state().options.toolbar.image || state().options.toolbar.upload; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$4$1, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.link; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Link), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$11, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.image; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: () => formatAs(Markup.Image), get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$12, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.toolbar.upload; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Button, { onclick: uploadClickHandler, get children() { return [web.ssr(_tmpl$13, web.ssrHydrationKey()), web.ssr(_tmpl$14, web.ssrHydrationKey(), "display:" + "none")]; } }); } }))); } }))); }; const DEFAULT_WORDS_PER_MINUTE = 225; const toHuman = (text, wordsPerMinute = DEFAULT_WORDS_PER_MINUTE) => { const readTime = toHumanReadTime(text, wordsPerMinute); const wordCount = toHumanWordCount(text); const lineCount = toHumanLineCount(text); const charCount = toHumanCharCount(text); return [readTime, wordCount, lineCount, charCount].join(" | "); }; const toHumanCharCount = (text) => { const charCount = toCharCount(text); return `${charCount} chars`; }; const toHumanLineCount = (text) => { const lineCount = toLineCount(text); return `${lineCount} lines`; }; const toHumanReadTime = (text, wordsPerMinute = DEFAULT_WORDS_PER_MINUTE) => { const readTime = toReadTime(text, wordsPerMinute); const readTimeMinutes = Math.floor(readTime); const readTimeSeconds = Math.floor(readTime % 1 * 60); if (readTimeMinutes === 0) { return `${readTimeSeconds}s read`; } return `${readTimeMinutes}m ${readTimeSeconds}s to read`; }; const toHumanWordCount = (text) => { const wordCount = toWordCount(text); return `${wordCount} words`; }; const toCharCount = (text) => { return text.length; }; const toLineCount = (text) => { return text.split(/\n/).length; }; const toReadTime = (text, wordsPerMinute = DEFAULT_WORDS_PER_MINUTE) => { return toWordCount(text) / wordsPerMinute; }; const toWordCount = (text) => { const scrubbed = text.replace(/[']/g, "").replace(/[^\w\d]+/g, " ").trim(); if (!scrubbed) { return 0; } return scrubbed.split(/\s+/).length; }; const _tmpl$$4 = ["", ""], _tmpl$2 = [" |"], _tmpl$3 = [" powered by ink-mde"], _tmpl$4 = ["
", "", "", "
"]; const Details = () => { const [state] = useStore(); return web.ssr(_tmpl$4, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.readability; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$$4, web.ssrHydrationKey(), web.escape(toHuman(state().doc))); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.readability && state().options.interface.attribution; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$2, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } })), web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.interface.attribution; }, get children() { return web.ssr(_tmpl$3, web.ssrHydrationKey()); } }))); }; const styles = ".ink-mde {\r\n border: 2px solid var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n color: var(--ink-internal-color, inherit);\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: var(--ink-internal-flex-direction, column);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-cursor {\r\n border-left-color: var(--ink-internal-color, inherit);\r\n margin-left: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-tooltip {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n font-family: inherit;\r\n padding: 0.25rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-tooltip.cm-tooltip-autocomplete ul {\r\n font-family: inherit;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-tooltip.cm-tooltip-autocomplete ul li.ink-tooltip-option {\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding: 0.25rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-tooltip.cm-tooltip-autocomplete ul li.ink-tooltip-option[aria-selected] {\r\n background-color: rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.25);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-completionLabel {\r\n font-family: inherit;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde, .ink-mde * {\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde,\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-editor {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n flex-grow: 1;\r\n flex-shrink: 1;\r\n min-height: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-editor {\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n padding: 0.5rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-toolbar,\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-details {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-grow: 0;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-details {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 0.5rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-details-content {\r\n color: inherit;\r\n display: flex;\r\n filter: brightness(0.75);\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n font-size: 0.75em;\r\n justify-content: flex-end;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-attribution {\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: flex-end;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-attribution-link {\r\n color: currentColor;\r\n font-weight: 600;\r\n text-decoration: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-container {\r\n margin-left: auto;\r\n margin-right: auto;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-search-panel {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-radius: 0.25rem;\r\n padding: 0.25rem;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n right: 0.25rem;\r\n top: 0.25rem;\r\n width: clamp(10rem, 30%, 100%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-search-panel:focus-within {\r\n outline-color: cornflowerblue;\r\n outline-style: solid;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-search-input {\r\n background-color: transparent;\r\n border: none;\r\n border-radius: 0.25rem;\r\n color: inherit;\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n outline: none;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-task-toggle {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n height: 1rem;\r\n line-height: 2em;\r\n margin: 0 0.25rem 0 0;\r\n position: relative;\r\n top: -1px;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n width: 1rem;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-editor {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-panels {\r\n background-color: unset;\r\n border: unset;\r\n z-index: 10;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-searchMatch {\r\n background-color: #6495ed50;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-searchMatch-selected {\r\n background-color: #6495edcc;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-scroller {\r\n align-items: flex-start;\r\n display: flex;\r\n font-family: var(--ink-internal-font-family);\r\n font-size: var(--ink-internal-editor-font-size);\r\n line-height: var(--ink-internal-editor-line-height);\r\n overflow-x: auto;\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-content {\r\n display: block;\r\n flex-grow: 2;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n outline: none;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-lineWrapping {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n flex-shrink: 1;\r\n overflow-wrap: unset;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n white-space: pre-wrap;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow-x: hidden;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* Things that should always break on any char */\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line .cm-code,\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line .cm-blockquote {\r\n word-break: break-all;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line {\r\n font-family: var(--ink-internal-font-family);\r\n padding: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line span {\r\n display: inline;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-blockquote {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-left: 0.25rem solid currentColor;\r\n padding: 0 var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-blockquote.cm-blockquote-open {\r\n border-top-left-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n border-top-right-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding-top: var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-blockquote.cm-blockquote-close {\r\n border-bottom-left-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n border-bottom-right-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding-bottom: var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-codeblock {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n font-family: var(--ink-internal-code-font-family);\r\n padding: 0 var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-codeblock.cm-codeblock-open {\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0 0;\r\n padding-top: var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line.cm-codeblock.cm-codeblock-close {\r\n border-radius: 0 0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding-bottom: var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line .cm-code {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n font-family: var(--ink-internal-code-font-family);\r\n padding: var(--ink-internal-inline-padding) 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line .cm-code.cm-code-open {\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0 0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding-left: var(--ink-internal-inline-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-line .cm-code.cm-code-close {\r\n border-radius: 0 var(--ink-internal-border-radius) var(--ink-internal-border-radius) 0;\r\n padding-right: var(--ink-internal-inline-padding);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .cm-image-backdrop {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-block-widget-container {\r\n padding: 0.5rem 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.ink-mde .ink-mde-block-widget {\r\n background-color: var(--ink-internal-block-background-color);\r\n border-radius: var(--ink-internal-border-radius);\r\n padding: var(--ink-internal-block-padding);\r\n}\r\n"; const _tmpl$$3 = ["", ""]; const Styles = () => { const [state, setState] = useStore(); const [vars, setVars] = solidJs.createSignal(makeVars(state())); solidJs.createEffect(() => { setVars(makeVars(state())); }); solidJs.onMount(() => { const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); const listener = _event => { const { editor, root, workQueue } = state(); if (root.isConnected) { workQueue.enqueue(async () => { const effects = await buildVendorUpdates([state, setState]); editor.dispatch({ effects }); setVars(makeVars(state())); }); } else { mediaQueryList.removeEventListener('change', listener); } }; mediaQueryList.addEventListener('change', listener); }); return web.ssr(_tmpl$$3, web.ssrHydrationKey(), `.ink {\n ${vars().join('\n ')}\n}\n${styles}` || " "); }; const _tmpl$$2 = ["
", "
"]; const Root = () => { const [state, setState] = useStore(); return web.ssrElement("div", web.mergeProps({ "class": 'ink ink-mde' }, getHydrationMarkerProps), () => ["", web.escape(web.createComponent(Styles, {})), "", "", web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.files.clipboard || state().options.files.dragAndDrop; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(DropZone, {}); } })), "", "", web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.interface.toolbar; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Toolbar, {}); } })), "", web.ssr(_tmpl$$2, web.escape(web.createComponent(Editor, {}))), "", web.escape(web.createComponent(solidJs.Show, { get when() { return state().options.readability || state().options.interface.attribution; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Details, { store: [state, setState] }); } })), ""], true); }; const AppContext = solidJs.createContext([() => blankState(), value => typeof value === 'function' ? value(blankState()) : value]); const AppProvider = props => { return web.createComponent(AppContext.Provider, { get value() { return props.store; }, get children() { return props.children; } }); }; const useStore = () => { return solidJs.useContext(AppContext); }; const App = props => { return web.createComponent(AppProvider, { get store() { return props.store; }, get children() { return web.createComponent(Root, { get store() { return props.store; } }); } }); }; const _tmpl$$1 = [""]; const defineConfig = config => config; const defineOptions = options => options; const definePlugin = plugin => plugin; const hydrate = (target, options = {}) => { const store = makeStore(options); { solidPrepareForHydration(); web.hydrate(() => web.createComponent(App, { store: store }), target); } return makeInstance(store); }; const ink = (target, options = {}) => { const hasHydrationMarker = !!target.querySelector(HYDRATION_MARKER_SELECTOR); if (hasHydrationMarker) { return hydrate(target, options); } return render(target, options); }; const inkPlugin = ({ key = '', type, value }) => { return new Proxy({ key, type: type || 'default' }, { get: (target, prop, _receiver) => { if (prop === 'value' && !target[prop]) { target.value = value(); if (isPromise(target.value)) { return target.value.then(val => target.value = val); } return target.value; } return target[prop]; } }); }; const plugin = inkPlugin; const render = (target, options = {}) => { const store = makeStore(options); { web.render(() => web.createComponent(App, { store: store }), target); } return makeInstance(store); }; const renderToString = (options = {}) => { makeStore(options); // Needed for tree-shaking purposes. { return ''; } }; const solidPrepareForHydration = () => { // @ts-expect-error Todo: This is a third-party vendor script. // eslint-disable-next-line let e, t; e = window._$HY || (window._$HY = { events: [], completed: new WeakSet(), r: {} }), t = e => e && e.hasAttribute && (e.hasAttribute("data-hk") ? e : t(e.host && e.host instanceof Node ? e.host : e.parentNode)), ['click', 'input'].forEach(o => document.addEventListener(o, o => { let s = o.composedPath && o.composedPath()[0] || o.target, a = t(s); a && !e.completed.has(a) && e.events.push([a, o]); })), e.init = (t, o) => { e.r[t] = [new Promise((e, t) => o = e), o]; }, e.set = (t, o, s) => { (s = e.r[t]) && s[1](o), e.r[t] = [o]; }, e.unset = t => { delete e.r[t]; }, e.load = (t, o) => { if (o = e.r[t]) return o[0]; }; }; const wrap = (textarea, options = {}) => { const replacement = web.ssr(_tmpl$$1, web.ssrHydrationKey()); const doc = textarea.value; textarea.after(replacement); textarea.style.display = 'none'; const instance = render(replacement, { doc, ...options }); if (textarea.form) { textarea.form.addEventListener('submit', () => { textarea.value = instance.getDoc(); }); } return instance; }; const autocomplete = (options) => { const [_lazyCompletions, completions] = partitionPlugins(filterPlugins(pluginTypes.completion, options)); return [ autocomplete$2.autocompletion({ defaultKeymap: true, icons: false, override: completions, optionClass: () => "ink-tooltip-option" }), autocomplete$2.closeBrackets() ]; }; const autocomplete$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, autocomplete }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); class ImageWidget extends view.WidgetType { url; constructor({ url }) { super(); this.url = url; } eq(imageWidget) { return imageWidget.url === this.url; } toDOM() { const container = document.createElement("div"); const backdrop = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); const figure = backdrop.appendChild(document.createElement("figure")); const image = figure.appendChild(document.createElement("img")); container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); container.className = "cm-image-container"; backdrop.className = "cm-image-backdrop"; figure.className = "cm-image-figure"; image.className = "cm-image-img"; image.src = this.url; container.style.paddingBottom = "0.5rem"; container.style.paddingTop = "0.5rem"; backdrop.classList.add("cm-image-backdrop"); backdrop.style.borderRadius = "var(--ink-internal-border-radius)"; backdrop.style.display = "flex"; backdrop.style.alignItems = "center"; backdrop.style.justifyContent = "center"; backdrop.style.overflow = "hidden"; backdrop.style.maxWidth = "100%"; figure.style.margin = "0"; image.style.display = "block"; image.style.maxHeight = "var(--ink-internal-block-max-height)"; image.style.maxWidth = "100%"; image.style.width = "100%"; return container; } } const images = () => { const imageRegex = /!\[.*?\]\((?.*?)\)/; const imageDecoration = (imageWidgetParams) => view.Decoration.widget({ widget: new ImageWidget(imageWidgetParams), side: -1, block: true }); const decorate = (state$1) => { const widgets = []; language.syntaxTree(state$1).iterate({ enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { if (type.name === "Image") { const result = imageRegex.exec(state$1.doc.sliceString(from, to)); if (result && result.groups && result.groups.url) widgets.push(imageDecoration({ url: result.groups.url }).range(state$1.doc.lineAt(from).from)); } } }); return widgets.length > 0 ? state.RangeSet.of(widgets) : view.Decoration.none; }; const imagesField = state.StateField.define({ create(state) { return decorate(state); }, update(images2, transaction) { if (transaction.docChanged) return decorate(transaction.state); return images2.map(transaction.changes); }, provide(field) { return view.EditorView.decorations.from(field); } }); return [ imagesField ]; }; const images$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, images }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const indentWithTab = ({ tab = true, shiftTab = true } = {}) => { return view.keymap.of([ { key: "Tab", run: tab ? commands.indentMore : void 0 }, { key: "Shift-Tab", run: shiftTab ? commands.indentLess : void 0 } ]); }; const indentWithTab$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, indentWithTab }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const dotWidget = () => buildWidget({ eq: () => { return false; }, toDOM: () => { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = "•"; span.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); return span; } }); const taskWidget = (isChecked) => buildWidget({ eq: (other) => { return other.isChecked === isChecked; }, ignoreEvent: () => false, isChecked, toDOM: () => { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); input.className = "ink-mde-task-toggle"; input.type = "checkbox"; input.checked = isChecked; return input; } }); const hasOverlap = (x1, x2, y1, y2) => { return Math.max(x1, y1) <= Math.min(x2, y2); }; const isCursorInRange = (state, from, to) => { return state.selection.ranges.some((range) => { return hasOverlap(from, to, range.from, range.to); }); }; const toggleTask = (view, position) => { const before = view.state.sliceDoc(position + 2, position + 5); view.dispatch({ changes: { from: position + 2, to: position + 5, insert: before === "[ ]" ? "[x]" : "[ ]" } }); return true; }; const lists = () => { const dotDecoration = () => view.Decoration.replace({ widget: dotWidget() }); const taskDecoration = (isChecked) => view.Decoration.replace({ widget: taskWidget(isChecked) }); const decorate = (state$1) => { const widgets = []; language.syntaxTree(state$1).iterate({ enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { if (type.name === "ListMark" && !isCursorInRange(state$1, from, to)) { const task = state$1.sliceDoc(to + 1, to + 4); if (!["[ ]", "[x]"].includes(task)) { const marker = state$1.sliceDoc(from, to); if (["-", "*"].includes(marker)) { widgets.push(dotDecoration().range(from, to)); } } } if (type.name === "TaskMarker" && !isCursorInRange(state$1, from - 2, to)) { const task = state$1.sliceDoc(from, to); widgets.push(taskDecoration(task === "[x]").range(from - 2, to)); } } }); return widgets.length > 0 ? state.RangeSet.of(widgets) : view.Decoration.none; }; const viewPlugin = view.ViewPlugin.define(() => ({}), { eventHandlers: { mousedown: (event, view) => { const target = event.target; if (target?.nodeName === "INPUT" && target.classList.contains("ink-mde-task-toggle")) { return toggleTask(view, view.posAtDOM(target)); } } } }); const stateField = state.StateField.define({ create(state) { return decorate(state); }, update(_references, { state }) { return decorate(state); }, provide(field) { return view.EditorView.decorations.from(field); } }); return [ viewPlugin, stateField ]; }; const lists$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, lists }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const placeholder = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, placeholder: view.placeholder }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const readonly = () => { return state.EditorState.readOnly.of(true); }; const readonly$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, readonly }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const _tmpl$ = [""]; const search = () => { return [search$2.search({ top: true, createPanel: view => { return solidJs.createRoot(dispose => { const [query, setQuery] = solidJs.createSignal(search$2.getSearchQuery(view.state)); return { destroy: () => { dispose(); }, dom: web.ssr(_tmpl$, web.ssrHydrationKey(), 'true', web.ssrAttribute("value", web.escape(query().search, true), false)), mount: () => { }, top: true }; }); } }), view.keymap.of(search$2.searchKeymap)]; }; const search$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, search }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const spellcheck = () => { return view.EditorView.contentAttributes.of({ spellcheck: "true" }); }; const spellcheck$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, spellcheck }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const vim = (options) => { const { map, unmap } = options; if (map?.length) { map.forEach(({ before, after, mode }) => { codemirrorVim.Vim.map(before, after, mode); }); } if (unmap?.length) { unmap.forEach(({ before, mode }) => { codemirrorVim.Vim.unmap(before, mode); }); } return codemirrorVim.vim(); }; const vim$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, vim }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); const importer = async () => { const { default: katex } = await import('katex'); return katex; }; const katex = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, importer }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' })); exports.appearanceTypes = appearanceTypes; exports.default = ink; exports.defineConfig = defineConfig; exports.defineOptions = defineOptions; exports.definePlugin = definePlugin; exports.hydrate = hydrate; exports.ink = ink; exports.inkPlugin = inkPlugin; exports.plugin = plugin; exports.pluginTypes = pluginTypes; exports.render = render; exports.renderToString = renderToString; exports.solidPrepareForHydration = solidPrepareForHydration; exports.wrap = wrap; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map