import React, { type ReactNode } from 'react'; import { type ForegroundColorName } from 'chalk'; import { type LiteralUnion } from 'type-fest'; import { type Styles } from '../styles.js'; export type Props = { /** * Change text color. Ink uses chalk under the hood, so all its functionality is supported. */ readonly color?: LiteralUnion; /** * Same as `color`, but for background. */ readonly backgroundColor?: LiteralUnion; /** * Dim the color (emit a small amount of light). */ readonly dimColor?: boolean; /** * Make the text bold. */ readonly bold?: boolean; /** * Make the text italic. */ readonly italic?: boolean; /** * Make the text underlined. */ readonly underline?: boolean; /** * Make the text crossed with a line. */ readonly strikethrough?: boolean; /** * Inverse background and foreground colors. */ readonly inverse?: boolean; /** * This property tells Ink to wrap or truncate text if its width is larger than container. * If `wrap` is passed (by default), Ink will wrap text and split it into multiple lines. * If `truncate-*` is passed, Ink will truncate text instead, which will result in one line of text with the rest cut off. */ readonly wrap?: Styles['textWrap']; readonly children?: ReactNode; }; /** * This component can display text, and change its style to make it colorful, bold, underline, italic or strikethrough. */ export default function Text({ color, backgroundColor, dimColor, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, inverse, wrap, children, }: Props): React.JSX.Element | null;