import type algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
import type { AlgoliaSearchHelper } from 'algoliasearch-helper';
import type * as ClientSearch from '@algolia/client-search';
import EventEmitter from '@algolia/events';
import type { InsightsClient as InsightsClient_2 } from 'search-insights';
import type { InsightsMethodMap } from 'search-insights';
import type * as Places from 'places.js';
import type { PlainSearchParameters } from 'algoliasearch-helper';
import { default as qs_2 } from 'qs';
import type { SearchParameters } from 'algoliasearch-helper';
import type { SearchResults } from 'algoliasearch-helper';
declare type AlgoliaHit = {
[attribute: string]: any;
objectID: string;
_highlightResult?: HitHighlightResult;
_snippetResult?: HitSnippetResult;
_rankingInfo?: {
promoted: boolean;
nbTypos: number;
firstMatchedWord: number;
proximityDistance?: number;
geoDistance: number;
geoPrecision?: number;
nbExactWords: number;
words: number;
filters: number;
userScore: number;
matchedGeoLocation?: {
lat: number;
lng: number;
distance: number;
_distinctSeqID?: number;
_geoLoc?: GeoLoc;
declare const analytics: AnalyticsWidget;
declare type AnalyticsWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type AnalyticsWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.analytics';
$$widgetType: 'ais.analytics';
renderState: Record;
indexRenderState: {
analytics: WidgetRenderState, AnalyticsWidgetParams>;
declare type AnalyticsWidgetParams = {
* A function that is called every time the query or refinements changes. You
* need to add the logic to push the data to your analytics platform.
pushFunction: AnalyticsWidgetParamsPushFunction;
* The number of milliseconds between the last search keystroke and calling `pushFunction`.
* @default 3000
delay?: number;
* Triggers `pushFunction` after click on page or redirecting the page. This is useful if
* you want the pushFunction to be called for the last actions before the user leaves the
* current page, even if the delay wasn’t reached.
* @default false
triggerOnUIInteraction?: boolean;
* Triggers `pushFunction` when InstantSearch is initialized. This means
* the `pushFunction` might be called even though the user didn’t perfom
* any search-related action.
* @default true
pushInitialSearch?: boolean;
* Triggers `pushFunction` when the page changes, either through the UI or programmatically.
* @default false
pushPagination?: boolean;
declare type AnalyticsWidgetParamsPushFunction = (
* Contains the search parameters, serialized as a query string.
formattedParameters: string,
* Contains the whole search state.
state: SearchParameters,
* The last received results.
results: SearchResults) => void;
declare type AnswersConnector = Connector;
declare type AnswersConnectorParams = {
* Attributes to use for predictions.
* If empty, we use all `searchableAttributes` to find answers.
* All your `attributesForPrediction` must be part of your `searchableAttributes`.
attributesForPrediction?: string[];
* The languages in the query. Currently only supports `en`.
queryLanguages: ['en'];
* Maximum number of answers to retrieve from the Answers Engine.
* Cannot be greater than 1000.
* @default 1
nbHits?: number;
* Debounce time in milliseconds to debounce render
* @default 100
renderDebounceTime?: number;
* Debounce time in milliseconds to debounce search
* @default 100
searchDebounceTime?: number;
* Whether to escape HTML tags from hits string values.
* @default true
escapeHTML?: boolean;
* Extra parameters to pass to findAnswers method.
* @default {}
extraParameters?: FindAnswersOptions;
declare type AnswersCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the root element of the widget.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the wrapping element when no results.
emptyRoot: string | string[];
* CSS classes to add to the header.
header: string | string[];
* CSS classes to add to the loader.
loader: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the list of results.
list: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each result.
item: string | string[];
declare type AnswersRenderState = {
* The matched hits from Algolia API.
hits: Hits;
* Whether it's still loading the results from the Answers API.
isLoading: boolean;
declare type AnswersTemplates = Partial<{
* Template to use for the header. This template will receive an object containing `hits` and `isLoading`.
header: Template<{
hits: Hit[];
isLoading: boolean;
* Template to use for the loader.
loader: Template;
* Template to use for each result. This template will receive an object containing a single record.
item: Template;
declare type AnswersWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare const answersWidget: AnswersWidget;
declare type AnswersWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.answers';
renderState: AnswersRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
answers: WidgetRenderState;
declare type AnswersWidgetParams = {
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* The templates to use for the widget.
templates?: AnswersTemplates;
* The CSS classes to override.
cssClasses?: AnswersCSSClasses;
declare type AnyWidgetFactory = WidgetFactory<{
$$type: string;
}, Record, any>;
declare type AtLeastOne;
}> = Partial & TMapped[keyof TMapped];
declare type AugmentedWidget = Omit, TOverriddenKeys> & Pick, TOverriddenKeys>;
declare type AutocompleteConnector = Connector;
declare type AutocompleteConnectorParams = {
* Escapes HTML entities from hits string values.
* @default `true`
escapeHTML?: boolean;
declare type AutocompleteRenderState = {
* The current value of the query.
currentRefinement: string;
* The indices this widget has access to.
indices: Array<{
* The name of the index
indexName: string;
* The resolved hits from the index matching the query.
hits: Hits;
* The full results object from the Algolia API.
results: SearchResults;
* Send event to insights middleware
sendEvent: SendEventForHits;
* Searches into the indices with the provided query.
refine: (query: string) => void;
declare type AutocompleteWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.autocomplete';
renderState: AutocompleteRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
autocomplete: WidgetRenderState;
indexUiState: {
query: string;
declare type BindEventForHits = BuiltInBindEventForHits & CustomBindEventForHits;
declare type Bounds = {
* The top right corner of the map view.
northEast: GeoLoc;
* The bottom left corner of the map view.
southWest: GeoLoc;
declare const breadcrumb: BreadcrumbWidget;
declare type BreadcrumbConnector = Connector;
declare type BreadcrumbConnectorParams = {
* Attributes to use to generate the hierarchy of the breadcrumb.
attributes: string[];
* Prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level.
rootPath?: string;
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
* The level separator used in the records.
* @default '>'
separator?: string;
declare type BreadcrumbConnectorParamsItem = {
* Label of the category or subcategory.
label: string;
* Value of breadcrumb item.
value: string | null;
declare type BreadcrumbCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the root element of the widget.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the root element of the widget if there are no refinements.
noRefinementRoot: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the list element.
list: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the items of the list. The items contains the link and the separator.
item: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the selected item in the list: the last one or the home if there are no refinements.
selectedItem: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the separator.
separator: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the links in the items.
link: string | string[];
declare type BreadcrumbRenderState = {
* Creates the URL for a single item name in the list.
createURL: CreateURL;
* Array of objects defining the different values and labels.
items: BreadcrumbConnectorParamsItem[];
* Sets the path of the hierarchical filter and triggers a new search.
refine: (value: BreadcrumbConnectorParamsItem['value']) => void;
* True if refinement can be applied.
canRefine: boolean;
declare type BreadcrumbTemplates = Partial<{
* Label of the breadcrumb's first element.
home: Template;
* Symbol used to separate the elements of the breadcrumb.
separator: Template;
declare type BreadcrumbWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type BreadcrumbWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.breadcrumb';
renderState: BreadcrumbRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
breadcrumb: {
[rootAttribute: string]: WidgetRenderState;
declare type BreadcrumbWidgetParams = {
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* Templates to use for the widget.
templates?: BreadcrumbTemplates;
* CSS classes to add to the wrapping elements.
cssClasses?: BreadcrumbCSSClasses;
declare class BrowserHistory implements Router {
* Transforms a UI state into a title for the page.
private readonly windowTitle?;
* Time in milliseconds before performing a write in the history.
* It prevents from adding too many entries in the history and
* makes the back button more usable.
* @default 400
private readonly writeDelay;
* Creates a full URL based on the route state.
* The storage adaptor maps all syncable keys to the query string of the URL.
private readonly _createURL;
* Parses the URL into a route state.
* It should be symmetrical to `createURL`.
private readonly parseURL;
* Returns the location to store in the history.
* @default () => window.location
private readonly getLocation;
private writeTimer?;
private _onPopState;
* Indicates if history.pushState should be executed.
* It needs to avoid pushing state to history in case of back/forward in browser
private shouldPushState;
* Initializes a new storage provider that syncs the search state to the URL
* using web APIs (`window.location.pushState` and `onpopstate` event).
constructor({ windowTitle, writeDelay, createURL, parseURL, getLocation, }: BrowserHistoryArgs);
* Reads the URL and returns a syncable UI search state.
read(): TRouteState;
* Pushes a search state into the URL.
write(routeState: TRouteState): void;
* Sets a callback on the `onpopstate` event of the history API of the current page.
* It enables the URL sync to keep track of the changes.
onUpdate(callback: (routeState: TRouteState) => void): void;
* Creates a complete URL from a given syncable UI state.
* It always generates the full URL, not a relative one.
* This allows to handle cases like using a .
* See: https://github.com/algolia/instantsearch.js/issues/790
createURL(routeState: TRouteState): string;
* Removes the event listener and cleans up the URL.
dispose(): void;
declare type BrowserHistoryArgs = {
windowTitle?: (routeState: TRouteState) => string;
writeDelay: number;
createURL: CreateURL_2;
parseURL: ParseURL;
getLocation(): Location;
declare type BuiltInBindEventForHits = (eventType: string, hits: Hit | Hits, eventName?: string) => string;
declare type BuiltInSendEventForFacet = (eventType: string, facetValue: string, eventName?: string) => void;
declare type BuiltInSendEventForHits = (eventType: string, hits: Hit | Hits, eventName?: string) => void;
declare type BuiltInSendEventForToggle = (eventType: string, isRefined: boolean, eventName?: string) => void;
declare const clearRefinements: ClearRefinementsWidget;
declare type ClearRefinementsConnector = Connector;
declare type ClearRefinementsConnectorParams = {
* The attributes to include in the refinements to clear (all by default). Cannot be used with `excludedAttributes`.
includedAttributes?: string[];
* The attributes to exclude from the refinements to clear. Cannot be used with `includedAttributes`.
excludedAttributes?: string[];
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type ClearRefinementsCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the wrapper element.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the button of the widget.
button: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the button when there are no refinements.
disabledButton: string | string[];
declare type ClearRefinementsRenderState = {
* Triggers the clear of all the currently refined values.
refine: () => void;
* Indicates if search state is refined.
* @deprecated prefer reading canRefine
hasRefinements: boolean;
* Indicates if search state can be refined.
canRefine: boolean;
* Creates a url for the next state when refinements are cleared.
createURL: CreateURL;
declare type ClearRefinementsTemplates = Partial<{
* Template for the content of the button
resetLabel: Template;
declare type ClearRefinementsWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type ClearRefinementsWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.clearRefinements';
renderState: ClearRefinementsRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
clearRefinements: WidgetRenderState;
declare type ClearRefinementsWidgetParams = {
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* Templates to use for the widget.
templates?: ClearRefinementsTemplates;
* CSS classes to be added.
cssClasses?: ClearRefinementsCSSClasses;
declare type ComponentCSSClasses = Required<{
[className in keyof TCSSClasses]: string;
declare const configure: ConfigureWidget;
declare type ConfigureConnector = Connector;
declare type ConfigureConnectorParams = {
* A list of [search parameters](https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/search-api-parameters/)
* to enable when the widget mounts.
searchParameters: PlainSearchParameters;
declare const configureRelatedItems: ConfigureRelatedItemsWidget;
declare type ConfigureRelatedItemsConnector = Connector;
declare type ConfigureRelatedItemsConnectorParams = {
* The reference hit to extract the filters from.
hit: AlgoliaHit;
* The schema to create the optional filters.
* Each key represents an attribute from the hit.
matchingPatterns: MatchingPatterns;
* Function to transform the generated search parameters.
transformSearchParameters?: TransformSearchParameters;
declare type ConfigureRelatedItemsWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type ConfigureRelatedItemsWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.configureRelatedItems';
} & Omit;
declare type ConfigureRelatedItemsWidgetParams = PlainSearchParameters;
declare type ConfigureRenderState = {
* Refine the given search parameters.
refine: Refine;
declare type ConfigureWidget = (widgetParams: ConfigureWidgetParams) => Widget;
declare type ConfigureWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.configure';
renderState: ConfigureRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
configure: WidgetRenderState;
indexUiState: {
configure: PlainSearchParameters;
* A list of [search parameters](https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/search-api-parameters/)
* to enable when the widget mounts.
declare type ConfigureWidgetParams = ConfigureConnectorParams['searchParameters'];
declare const connectAnswers: AnswersConnector;
declare const connectAutocomplete: AutocompleteConnector;
declare const connectBreadcrumb: BreadcrumbConnector;
declare const connectClearRefinements: ClearRefinementsConnector;
declare const connectConfigure: ConfigureConnector;
declare const connectConfigureRelatedItems: ConfigureRelatedItemsConnector;
declare const connectCurrentRefinements: CurrentRefinementsConnector;
declare const connectDynamicWidgets: DynamicWidgetsConnector;
* The **GeoSearch** connector provides the logic to build a widget that will display the results on a map. It also provides a way to search for results based on their position. The connector provides functions to manage the search experience (search on map interaction or control the interaction for example).
* @requirements
* Note that the GeoSearch connector uses the [geosearch](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/searching/geo-search) capabilities of Algolia. Your hits **must** have a `_geoloc` attribute in order to be passed to the rendering function.
* Currently, the feature is not compatible with multiple values in the _geoloc attribute.
declare const connectGeoSearch: GeoSearchConnector;
* **HierarchicalMenu** connector provides the logic to build a custom widget
* that will give the user the ability to explore facets in a tree-like structure.
* This is commonly used for multi-level categorization of products on e-commerce
* websites. From a UX point of view, we suggest not displaying more than two
* levels deep.
* @type {Connector}
* @param {function(HierarchicalMenuRenderingOptions, boolean)} renderFn Rendering function for the custom **HierarchicalMenu** widget.
* @param {function} unmountFn Unmount function called when the widget is disposed.
* @return {function(CustomHierarchicalMenuWidgetParams)} Re-usable widget factory for a custom **HierarchicalMenu** widget.
declare const connectHierarchicalMenu: HierarchicalMenuConnector;
declare const connectHits: HitsConnector;
declare const connectHitsPerPage: HitsPerPageConnector;
declare const connectHitsWithInsights: HitsConnector;
declare const connectInfiniteHits: InfiniteHitsConnector;
declare const connectInfiniteHitsWithInsights: InfiniteHitsConnector;
* **Menu** connector provides the logic to build a widget that will give the user the ability to choose a single value for a specific facet. The typical usage of menu is for navigation in categories.
* This connector provides a `toggleShowMore()` function to display more or less items and a `refine()`
* function to select an item. While selecting a new element, the `refine` will also unselect the
* one that is currently selected.
* **Requirement:** the attribute passed as `attribute` must be present in "attributes for faceting" on the Algolia dashboard or configured as attributesForFaceting via a set settings call to the Algolia API.
declare const connectMenu: MenuConnector;
declare const connectNumericMenu: NumericMenuConnector;
* The connector handles the business logic and exposes
* a simplified API to the rendering function.
declare type Connector = (
* The render function.
renderFn: Renderer,
* The called function when unmounting a widget.
unmountFn?: Unmounter) => (widgetParams: TConnectorParams & TWidgetParams) => Widget;
declare type ConnectorRenderStates = AnswersWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & AutocompleteWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & BreadcrumbWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & ClearRefinementsWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & ConfigureWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & CurrentRefinementsWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & GeoSearchWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & HierarchicalMenuWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & HitsWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & HitsPerPageWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & InfiniteHitsWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & MenuWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & NumericMenuWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & PaginationWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & PoweredByWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & QueryRulesWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & RangeWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & RatingMenuWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & RefinementListWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & RelevantSortWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & SearchBoxWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & SortByWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & StatsWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & ToggleRefinementWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'] & VoiceSearchWidgetDescription['indexRenderState'];
declare namespace connectors {
export {
connectConfigureRelatedItems as EXPERIMENTAL_connectConfigureRelatedItems,
connectAnswers as EXPERIMENTAL_connectAnswers,
declare type ConnectorUiStates = AutocompleteWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & ConfigureWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & GeoSearchWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & HierarchicalMenuWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & HitsPerPageWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & InfiniteHitsWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & MenuWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & NumericMenuWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & PaginationWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & RangeWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & RatingMenuWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & RefinementListWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & RelevantSortWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & SearchBoxWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & SortByWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & ToggleRefinementWidgetDescription['indexUiState'] & VoiceSearchWidgetDescription['indexUiState'];
* **Pagination** connector provides the logic to build a widget that will let the user
* choose the current page of the results.
* When using the pagination with Algolia, you should be aware that the engine won't provide you pages
* beyond the 1000th hits by default. You can find more information on the [Algolia documentation](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/searching/pagination/#pagination-limitations).
declare const connectPagination: PaginationConnector;
* **PoweredBy** connector provides the logic to build a custom widget that will displays
* the logo to redirect to Algolia.
declare const connectPoweredBy: PoweredByConnector;
declare const connectQueryRules: QueryRulesConnector;
* **Range** connector provides the logic to create custom widget that will let
* the user refine results using a numeric range.
* This connectors provides a `refine()` function that accepts bounds. It will also provide
* information about the min and max bounds for the current result set.
declare const connectRange: RangeConnector;
* **StarRating** connector provides the logic to build a custom widget that will let
* the user refine search results based on ratings.
* The connector provides to the rendering: `refine()` to select a value and
* `items` that are the values that can be selected. `refine` should be used
* with `items.value`.
declare const connectRatingMenu: RatingMenuConnector;
* **RefinementList** connector provides the logic to build a custom widget that
* will let the user filter the results based on the values of a specific facet.
* **Requirement:** the attribute passed as `attribute` must be present in
* attributesForFaceting of the searched index.
* This connector provides:
* - a `refine()` function to select an item.
* - a `toggleShowMore()` function to display more or less items
* - a `searchForItems()` function to search within the items.
declare const connectRefinementList: RefinementListConnector;
declare const connectRelevantSort: RelevantSortConnector;
* **SearchBox** connector provides the logic to build a widget that will let the user search for a query.
* The connector provides to the rendering: `refine()` to set the query. The behaviour of this function
* may be impacted by the `queryHook` widget parameter.
declare const connectSearchBox: SearchBoxConnector;
declare const connectSortBy: SortByConnector;
declare const connectStats: StatsConnector;
* **Toggle** connector provides the logic to build a custom widget that will provide
* an on/off filtering feature based on an attribute value or values.
* Two modes are implemented in the custom widget:
* - with or without the value filtered
* - switch between two values.
declare const connectToggleRefinement: ToggleRefinementConnector;
declare const connectVoiceSearch: VoiceSearchConnector;
declare function createInfiniteHitsSessionStorageCache(): InfiniteHitsCache;
declare type CreateInsightsMiddleware = (props: InsightsProps) => InternalMiddleware;
declare const createInsightsMiddleware: CreateInsightsMiddleware;
* Exposes the metadata of mounted widgets in a custom
* `` tag. The metadata per widget is:
* - applied parameters
* - widget name
* - connector name
declare function createMetadataMiddleware(): InternalMiddleware;
declare const createRouterMiddleware: (props?: RouterProps) => InternalMiddleware;
* Creates the URL for the given value.
declare type CreateURL = (value: TValue) => string;
declare type CreateURL_2 = (args: {
qsModule: typeof qs_2;
routeState: TRouteState;
location: Location;
}) => string;
declare type CreateVoiceSearchHelper = (params: VoiceSearchHelperParams) => VoiceSearchHelper;
declare const currentRefinements: CurrentRefinementsWidget;
declare type CurrentRefinementsConnector = Connector;
declare type CurrentRefinementsConnectorParams = {
* The attributes to include in the widget (all by default).
* Cannot be used with `excludedAttributes`.
* @default `[]`
includedAttributes?: string[];
* The attributes to exclude from the widget.
* Cannot be used with `includedAttributes`.
* @default `['query']`
excludedAttributes?: string[];
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsItem = {
* The index name.
indexName: string;
* The attribute on which the refinement is applied.
attribute: string;
* The textual representation of this attribute.
label: string;
* Currently applied refinements.
refinements: CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsRefinement[];
* Removes the given refinement and triggers a new search.
refine(refinement: CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsRefinement): void;
declare type CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsRefinement = {
* The attribute on which the refinement is applied.
attribute: string;
* The type of the refinement.
* It can be one of those: 'facet'|'exclude'|'disjunctive'|'hierarchical'|'numeric'|'query'|'tag'.
type: string;
* The raw value of the refinement.
value: string | number;
* The label of the refinement to display.
label: string;
* The value of the operator (only if applicable).
operator?: string;
* The number of found items (only if applicable).
count?: number;
* Whether the count is exhaustive (only if applicable).
exhaustive?: boolean;
declare type CurrentRefinementsCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the root element.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the list element.
list: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the each item element.
item: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the label element.
label: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the category element.
category: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the categoryLabel element.
categoryLabel: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the delete element.
delete: string | string[];
declare type CurrentRefinementsRenderState = {
* All the currently refined items, grouped by attribute.
items: CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsItem[];
* Indicates if search state can be refined.
canRefine: boolean;
* Removes the given refinement and triggers a new search.
refine(refinement: CurrentRefinementsConnectorParamsRefinement): void;
* Generates a URL for the next state.
createURL: CreateURL;
declare type CurrentRefinementsWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type CurrentRefinementsWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.currentRefinements';
renderState: CurrentRefinementsRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
currentRefinements: WidgetRenderState;
declare type CurrentRefinementsWidgetParams = {
* The CSS Selector or `HTMLElement` to insert the widget into.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* The CSS classes to override.
cssClasses?: CurrentRefinementsCSSClasses;
declare type CustomBindEventForHits = (customPayload: any) => string;
declare type CustomSendEventForFacet = (customPayload: any) => void;
declare type CustomSendEventForHits = (customPayload: any) => void;
declare type CustomSendEventForToggle = (customPayload: any) => void;
declare type DefaultSearchClient = ReturnType;
declare type DisposeOptions = {
helper: AlgoliaSearchHelper;
state: SearchParameters;
parent: IndexWidget;
declare type DummySearchClientV4 = {
readonly transporter: any;
declare const dynamicWidgets: DynamicWidgetsWidget;
declare type DynamicWidgetsConnector = Connector;
declare type DynamicWidgetsConnectorParams = {
* An array of widgets, displayed in the order defined by `facetOrdering`.
widgets: Widget[];
* Function to return a fallback widget when an attribute isn't found in
* `widgets`.
fallbackWidget?(args: {
/** The attribute name to create a widget for. */
attribute: string;
}): Widget;
* Function to transform the items to render.
* The function also exposes the full search response.
transformItems?(items: string[], metadata: {
results: SearchResults;
}): string[];
* To prevent unneeded extra network requests when widgets mount or unmount,
* we request all facet values.
* @default ['*']
facets?: ['*'] | never[];
* If you have more than 20 facet values pinned, you need to increase the
* maxValuesPerFacet to at least that value.
* @default 20
maxValuesPerFacet?: number;
declare type DynamicWidgetsRenderState = {
attributesToRender: string[];
declare type DynamicWidgetsWidget = WidgetFactory, DynamicWidgetsWidgetParams>;
declare type DynamicWidgetsWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.dynamicWidgets';
renderState: DynamicWidgetsRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
dynamicWidgets: DynamicWidgetsRenderState;
declare type DynamicWidgetsWidgetParams = {
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* An array of widget creator functions, displayed in the order defined by
* `facetOrdering`.
widgets: Array<(container: HTMLElement) => Widget>;
* Function to return a fallback widget when an attribute isn't found in
* `widgets`.
fallbackWidget?(args: {
/** The attribute name to create a widget for. */
attribute: string;
/** CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget */
container: HTMLElement;
}): Widget;
declare type Expand = T extends infer O ? {
[K in keyof O]: O[K];
} : never;
/** @deprecated use connectDynamicWidgets */
declare const EXPERIMENTAL_connectDynamicWidgets: DynamicWidgetsConnector;
/** @deprecated use dynamicWidgets */
declare const EXPERIMENTAL_dynamicWidgets: DynamicWidgetsWidget;
declare type FindAnswersOptions = DefaultSearchClient extends DummySearchClientV4 ? ClientSearch.FindAnswersOptions : any;
declare type GeoHit = Hit & Required>;
declare type GeoLoc = {
lat: number;
lng: number;
* The **GeoSearch** widget displays the list of results from the search on a Google Maps. It also provides a way to search for results based on their position. The widget also provide some of the common GeoSearch patterns like search on map interaction.
* @requirements
* Note that the GeoSearch widget uses the [geosearch](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/searching/geo-search) capabilities of Algolia. Your hits **must** have a `_geoloc` attribute in order to be displayed on the map.
* Currently, the feature is not compatible with multiple values in the _geoloc attribute.
* You are also responsible for loading the Google Maps library, it's not shipped with InstantSearch. You need to load the Google Maps library and pass a reference to the widget. You can find more information about how to install the library in [the Google Maps documentation](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial).
* Don't forget to explicitly set the `height` of the map container (default class `.ais-geo-search--map`), otherwise it won't be shown (it's a requirement of Google Maps).
declare const geoSearch: GeoSearchWidget;
declare type GeoSearchConnector = Connector;
declare type GeoSearchConnectorParams = {
* If true, refine will be triggered as you move the map.
* @default true
enableRefineOnMapMove?: boolean;
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
* @default items => items
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type GeoSearchCSSClasses = Partial<{
/** The root div of the widget. */
root: string | string[];
/** The map container of the widget. */
map: string | string[];
/** The control element of the widget. */
control: string | string[];
/** The label of the control element. */
label: string | string[];
/** The selected label of the control element. */
selectedLabel: string | string[];
/** The input of the control element. */
input: string | string[];
/** The redo search button. */
redo: string | string[];
/** The disabled redo search button. */
disabledRedo: string | string[];
/** The reset refinement button. */
reset: string | string[];
declare type GeoSearchMarker = {
* Function used to create the options passed to the Google Maps marker.
* See the documentation for more information:
* https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/3/#MarkerOptions
createOptions?(item: GeoHit): TOptions;
* Object that takes an event type (ex: `click`, `mouseover`) as key and a
* listener as value. The listener is provided with an object that contains:
* `event`, `item`, `marker`, `map`.
events: {
[key: string]: (event: {
item: any;
marker: any;
map: any;
event: any;
}) => void;
declare type GeoSearchRenderState = {
* Reset the current bounding box refinement.
clearMapRefinement(): void;
* The current bounding box of the search.
currentRefinement?: Bounds;
* Return true if the map has move since the last refinement.
hasMapMoveSinceLastRefine(): boolean;
* Return true if the current refinement is set with the map bounds.
isRefinedWithMap(): boolean;
* Return true if the user is able to refine on map move.
isRefineOnMapMove(): boolean;
* The matched hits from Algolia API.
items: GeoHit[];
* The current position of the search.
position?: GeoLoc;
* Sets a bounding box to filter the results from the given map bounds.
refine(bounds: Bounds): void;
* Send event to insights middleware
sendEvent: SendEventForHits;
* Set the fact that the map has moved since the last refinement, should be
* called on each map move. The call to the function triggers a new rendering
* only when the value change.
setMapMoveSinceLastRefine(): void;
* Toggle the fact that the user is able to refine on map move.
toggleRefineOnMapMove(): void;
declare type GeoSearchTemplates = Partial<{
/** Template to use for the marker. */
HTMLMarker: Template;
/** Template for the reset button. */
reset: Template;
/** Template for the toggle label. */
toggle: Template;
/** Template for the redo button. */
redo: Template;
declare type GeoSearchWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type GeoSearchWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.geoSearch';
renderState: GeoSearchRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
geoSearch: WidgetRenderState;
indexUiState: {
geoSearch: {
* The rectangular area in geo coordinates.
* The rectangle is defined by two diagonally opposite points,
* hence by 4 floats separated by commas.
* @example '47.3165,4.9665,47.3424,5.0201'
boundingBox: string;
declare type GeoSearchWidgetParams = {
* By default the map will set the zoom accordingly to the markers displayed on it.
* When we refine it may happen that the results are empty. For those situations we
* need to provide a zoom to render the map.
* @default 1
initialZoom?: number;
* By default the map will set the position accordingly to the markers displayed on it.
* When we refine it may happen that the results are empty. For those situations we need
* to provide a position to render the map. This option is ignored when the `position`
* is provided.
* @default { lat: 0, lng: 0 }
initialPosition?: GeoLoc;
/** Templates to use for the widget. */
templates?: GeoSearchTemplates;
/** CSS classes to add to the wrapping elements. */
cssClasses?: GeoSearchCSSClasses;
* Options for customize the built-in Google Maps marker. This option is
* ignored when the `customHTMLMarker` is provided.
builtInMarker?: Partial>;
* Options to customize the HTML marker. We provide an alternative to the
* built-in Google Maps marker in order to have a full control of the marker
* rendering. You can use plain HTML to build your marker.
customHTMLMarker?: Partial>> | boolean;
* If true, the map is used to search - otherwise it's for display purposes only.
* @default true
enableRefine?: boolean;
* If true, a button is displayed on the map when the refinement is coming from
* the map in order to remove it.
* @default true
enableClearMapRefinement?: boolean;
* If true, the user can toggle the option `enableRefineOnMapMove` directly from the map.
* @default true
enableRefineControl?: boolean;
* Option forwarded to the Google Maps constructor.
* See the documentation for more information:
* https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/3/#MapOptions
mapOptions?: google.maps.MapOptions;
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* Reference to the global `window.google` object.
* See [the documentation](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial) for more information.
googleReference: typeof window['google'];
* @deprecated This function will be still supported in 4.x releases, but not further. It is replaced by the `insights` middleware. For more information, visit https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/getting-insights-and-analytics/search-analytics/click-through-and-conversions/how-to/send-click-and-conversion-events-with-instantsearch/js/
declare function getInsightsAnonymousUserToken(): string | undefined;
declare function getInsightsAnonymousUserTokenInternal(): string | undefined;
declare type GetWidgetRenderState = ReturnType['getWidgetRenderState'] extends (renderOptions: any) => infer TRenderState ? TRenderState extends Record ? TRenderState : never : Record;
declare namespace helpers {
export {
declare const hierarchicalMenu: HierarchicalMenuWidget;
declare type HierarchicalMenuConnector = Connector;
declare type HierarchicalMenuConnectorParams = {
* Attributes to use to generate the hierarchy of the menu.
attributes: string[];
* Separator used in the attributes to separate level values.
separator?: string;
* Prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level.
rootPath?: string | null;
* Show the siblings of the selected parent levels of the current refined value. This
* does not impact the root level.
showParentLevel?: boolean;
* Max number of values to display.
limit?: number;
* Whether to display the "show more" button.
showMore?: boolean;
* Max number of values to display when showing more.
showMoreLimit?: number;
* How to sort refinements. Possible values: `count|isRefined|name:asc|name:desc`.
* You can also use a sort function that behaves like the standard Javascript [compareFunction](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#Syntax).
* If a facetOrdering is set in the index settings, it is used when sortBy isn't passed
sortBy?: SortBy;
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type HierarchicalMenuCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the root element.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the root element when no refinements.
noRefinementRoot: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the list element.
list: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the child list element.
childList: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each item element.
item: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each selected item element.
selectedItem: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each parent item element.
parentItem: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each link (when using the default template).
link: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each label (when using the default template).
label: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each count element (when using the default template).
count: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the show more element.
showMore: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the disabled show more element.
disabledShowMore: string | string[];
declare type HierarchicalMenuItem = {
* Value of the menu item.
value: string;
* Human-readable value of the menu item.
label: string;
* Number of matched results after refinement is applied.
count: number;
* Indicates if the refinement is applied.
isRefined: boolean;
* n+1 level of items, same structure HierarchicalMenuItem
data: HierarchicalMenuItem[] | null;
declare type HierarchicalMenuRenderState = {
* Creates an url for the next state for a clicked item.
createURL: CreateURL;
* Values to be rendered.
items: HierarchicalMenuItem[];
* Sets the path of the hierarchical filter and triggers a new search.
refine: (value: string) => void;
* Indicates if search state can be refined.
canRefine: boolean;
* True if the menu is displaying all the menu items.
isShowingMore: boolean;
* Toggles the number of values displayed between `limit` and `showMoreLimit`.
toggleShowMore: () => void;
* `true` if the toggleShowMore button can be activated (enough items to display more or
* already displaying more than `limit` items)
canToggleShowMore: boolean;
* Send event to insights middleware
sendEvent: SendEventForFacet;
declare type HierarchicalMenuTemplates = Partial<{
* Item template, provided with `name`, `count`, `isRefined`, `url` data properties.
item: Template<{
name: string;
count: number;
isRefined: boolean;
url: string;
* Template used for the show more text, provided with `isShowingMore` data property.
showMoreText: Template<{
isShowingMore: boolean;
* The hierarchical menu widget is used to create a navigation based on a hierarchy of facet attributes.
* It is commonly used for categories with subcategories.
* All attributes (lvl0, lvl1 here) must be declared as [attributes for faceting](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/searching/faceting/#declaring-attributes-for-faceting) in your
* Algolia settings.
* By default, the separator we expect is ` > ` (with spaces) but you can use
* a different one by using the `separator` option.
* @requirements
* Your objects must be formatted in a specific way to be
* able to display hierarchical menus. Here's an example:
* ```javascript
* {
* "objectID": "123",
* "name": "orange",
* "categories": {
* "lvl0": "fruits",
* "lvl1": "fruits > citrus"
* }
* }
* ```
* Every level must be specified entirely.
* It's also possible to have multiple values per level, for example:
* ```javascript
* {
* "objectID": "123",
* "name": "orange",
* "categories": {
* "lvl0": ["fruits", "vitamins"],
* "lvl1": ["fruits > citrus", "vitamins > C"]
* }
* }
* ```
* @type {WidgetFactory}
* @devNovel HierarchicalMenu
* @category filter
* @param {HierarchicalMenuWidgetParams} widgetParams The HierarchicalMenu widget options.
* @return {Widget} A new HierarchicalMenu widget instance.
* @example
* search.addWidgets([
* instantsearch.widgets.hierarchicalMenu({
* container: '#hierarchical-categories',
* attributes: ['hierarchicalCategories.lvl0', 'hierarchicalCategories.lvl1', 'hierarchicalCategories.lvl2'],
* })
* ]);
declare type HierarchicalMenuWidget = WidgetFactory;
declare type HierarchicalMenuWidgetDescription = {
$$type: 'ais.hierarchicalMenu';
renderState: HierarchicalMenuRenderState;
indexRenderState: {
hierarchicalMenu: {
[rootAttribute: string]: WidgetRenderState;
indexUiState: {
hierarchicalMenu: {
[rootAttribute: string]: string[];
declare type HierarchicalMenuWidgetParams = {
* CSS Selector or HTMLElement to insert the widget.
container: string | HTMLElement;
* Array of attributes to use to generate the hierarchy of the menu.
attributes: string[];
* Separator used in the attributes to separate level values.
separator?: string;
* Prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level.
rootPath?: string;
* Show the siblings of the selected parent level of the current refined value.
* With `showParentLevel` set to `true` (default):
* - Parent lvl0
* - **lvl1**
* - **lvl2**
* - lvl2
* - lvl2
* - lvl 1
* - lvl 1
* - Parent lvl0
* - Parent lvl0
* With `showParentLevel` set to `false`:
* - Parent lvl0
* - **lvl1**
* - **lvl2**
* - Parent lvl0
* - Parent lvl0
showParentLevel?: boolean;
* Max number of values to display.
limit?: number;
* Whether to display the "show more" button.
showMore?: boolean;
* Max number of values to display when showing more.
* does not impact the root level.
showMoreLimit?: number;
* How to sort refinements. Possible values: `count|isRefined|name:asc|name:desc`.
* You can also use a sort function that behaves like the standard Javascript [compareFunction](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#Syntax).
sortBy?: SortBy;
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
* Templates to use for the widget.
templates?: HierarchicalMenuTemplates;
* CSS classes to add to the wrapping elements.
cssClasses?: HierarchicalMenuCSSClasses;
declare function highlight({ attribute, highlightedTagName, hit, cssClasses, }: HighlightOptions): string;
declare type HighlightOptions = {
attribute: string | string[];
highlightedTagName?: string;
hit: Partial;
cssClasses?: Partial<{
highlighted: string;
declare function historyRouter({ createURL, parseURL, writeDelay, windowTitle, getLocation, }?: Partial>): BrowserHistory;
declare type Hit = {
__position: number;
__queryID?: string;
} & AlgoliaHit;
declare type HitAttributeHighlightResult = {
value: string;
matchLevel: 'none' | 'partial' | 'full';
matchedWords: string[];
fullyHighlighted?: boolean;
declare type HitAttributeSnippetResult = Pick;
declare type HitHighlightResult = {
[attribute: string]: HitAttributeHighlightResult | HitAttributeHighlightResult[] | HitHighlightResult[] | HitHighlightResult;
declare type Hits = Hit[];
declare const hits: HitsWidget;
declare type HitsConnector = Connector;
declare type HitsConnectorParams = {
* Whether to escape HTML tags from hits string values.
* @default true
escapeHTML?: boolean;
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type HitsCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS class to add to the wrapping element.
root: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the wrapping element when no results.
emptyRoot: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to the list of results.
list: string | string[];
* CSS class to add to each result.
item: string | string[];
declare type HitSnippetResult = {
[attribute: string]: HitAttributeSnippetResult[] | HitSnippetResult[] | HitAttributeSnippetResult | HitSnippetResult;
declare const hitsPerPage: HitsPerPageWidget;
declare type HitsPerPageConnector = Connector;
declare type HitsPerPageConnectorParams = {
* Array of objects defining the different values and labels.
items: HitsPerPageConnectorParamsItem[];
* Function to transform the items passed to the templates.
transformItems?: TransformItems;
declare type HitsPerPageConnectorParamsItem = {
* Label to display in the option.
label: string;
* Number of hits to display per page.
value: number;
* The default hits per page on first search.
* @default false
default?: boolean;
declare type HitsPerPageCSSClasses = Partial<{
* CSS classes added to the outer `
root: string | string[];
* CSS classes added to the parent `