const ion = import '../' import './Map' const SetShim(items) -> if items? throw new Error("Don't add items in the constructor, IE implementation of Set breaks this") let map = new Map const methods = has: (key) -> map.has(key) delete: (key) -> map.delete(key) add: (key) -> map.set(key, true) forEach: (callback, thisArg) -> map.forEach( (value, key) =>, key, @) ) for key, value of methods Object.defineProperty(@, key, {value}) # we will even replace Googles crap implementation of Map that doesn't yet have forEach or keys if not global.Set? or not Set.prototype.forEach? if global.window console.warn('Shimming Set') global.Set = SetShim export const test = -> const Set = global.Set let a = {} let b = -> let set = new Set() set.add(a) set.add(b) assert set.has(a) assert set.has(b) set.delete(b) assert not set.has(b) set.add(b) assert set.has(b)