const ion = import '../' const templates = [] [] "regular expression" {} template (properties) -> return, 'b') {name:"alpha"} {} "blphb" [] "array comprehension for of" {} template (properties) -> return [key for key of properties] {a:1,b:2} {b:undefined,c:3} ['a','c'] [] "imperative functions" {} template (properties) -> const double(a) -> a * 2 return {} for key, value of properties [key]: double(value) {x:1,y:2} {x:4,z:3,y:undefined} {x:8,y:4,z:6} [] "for else statements" {} template (properties) -> return {} for key, value of properties [key]: value else [key]: undefined {x:1,y:2} {x:4,y:undefined,z:3} {x:4,z:3} [] "shared variables functions" {} template (properties) -> let factor = properties.factor ? 3 const multiply(a) -> a * factor return {} for key, value of properties if key isnt 'factor' [key]: multiply(value) {x:1,y:2} {x:4,y:undefined,z:5,factor:10} {x:40,y:6,z:50} [] "reactive destructured parameters" {} template ({a,b}) -> a + b {a:1,b:2} {a:5} 7 [] "array comprehension for in" {} template ({items}) -> [x + i for x, i in items] {items:[1,2,3]} {items:{3:4}} [1,3,5,7] [] "changing object with function" {} template (object) -> object.sum() {} sum: -> @x + @y x: 1 y: 2 {} x: 6 8 [] "nested templates" {} do -> return template (object) -> let factor = 2 let sum = template ({deep:{a,b}}) -> return (a + b) * factor return sum( {} one: deep: a: 1 b: 2 {} one: deep: a: 2 8 [] "literal objects" {} template () -> return {touch:1,"touch-start":2} {} {} {touch:1,"touch-start":2} [] "this" let object = {x:1,y:2} object template -> this.x + this.y object {x:10} 12 do -> # this test verifies that statements are reused when a value shifts within an array let alpha = 100 let beta = 200 let charlie = 300 let next = 0 let nextId = -> next++ return [] "for in reuse values" {} template (items) -> return [] for item, index in items { id: nextId(), number: item, index: index } [alpha,beta,charlie] {0:alpha,1:charlie,2:undefined} [{id:0,number:alpha,index:0},{id:2,number:charlie,index:1}] do -> # this test verifies that statements are reused when a value shifts within an array let next = 0 let nextId = -> next++ return [] "for of reuse keys" {} template (items) -> return [] for key, value of items { id: nextId(), key: key, value: value } {alpha:1,beta:2,charlie:3} {beta:3,charlie:undefined} [{id:0,key:'alpha',value:1},{id:1,key:'beta',value:3}] export test: for [name, thisArg, templateType,argument,patch,expected] in templates if expected? [name]: do (thisArg, templateType, argument, patch, expected) -> return (done) -> let template =, argument) const checkIfDone (check) -> # console.log(JSON.stringify({check,expected,argument})) if JSON.stringify(check) is JSON.stringify(expected) template.deactivate() done() template.activate() template.watchValue( (value) -> checkIfDone(value) ion.observe( value (changes) -> checkIfDone(value) ) ) ion.patch(argument, patch) # console.log('just patched') # console.log(JSON.stringify({expected,argument})) ion.checkForChanges()