import { ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core'; /** * @name IonicErrorHandler * @description * The `IonicErrorHandler` intercepts the default `Console` error handling * and displays runtime errors as an overlay when using Ionic's Dev Build Server. * * * ### IonicErrorHandler Example * * ```typescript * import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; * import { IonicErrorHandler } from 'ionic-angular'; * * @NgModule({ * providers: [{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler }] * }) * class AppModule { } * ``` * * * ### Custom Error Handlers * * Custom error handlers can be built to replace the default, or extend Ionic's * error handler. * * ```typescript * class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler { * handleError(err: any): void { * // do something with the error * } * } * * @NgModule({ * providers: [{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: MyErrorHandler }] * }) * class AppModule { } * ``` * * More information about Angular's [`ErrorHandler`]( */ export declare class IonicErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler { constructor(); /** * @internal */ handleError(err: any): void; }