/// import { PromptModule } from '@ionic/cli-framework'; import { NetworkInterface } from '@ionic/utils-network'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import * as stream from 'stream'; import { CommandLineInputs, CommandLineOptions, CommandMetadata, CommandMetadataOption, DevAppDetails, IConfig, ILogger, IProject, IShell, IonicEnvironmentFlags, LabServeDetails, NpmClient, Runner, ServeDetails, ServeOptions } from '../definitions'; export declare const DEFAULT_DEV_LOGGER_PORT = 53703; export declare const DEFAULT_LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35729; export declare const DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = 8100; export declare const DEFAULT_LAB_PORT = 8200; export declare const DEFAULT_DEVAPP_COMM_PORT = 53233; export declare const DEFAULT_ADDRESS = "localhost"; export declare const BIND_ALL_ADDRESS = ""; export declare const LOCAL_ADDRESSES: string[]; export declare const BROWSERS: string[]; export declare const SERVE_SCRIPT = "ionic:serve"; export declare const COMMON_SERVE_COMMAND_OPTIONS: readonly CommandMetadataOption[]; export interface ServeRunnerDeps { readonly config: IConfig; readonly flags: IonicEnvironmentFlags; readonly log: ILogger; readonly project: IProject; readonly prompt: PromptModule; readonly shell: IShell; } export declare abstract class ServeRunner implements Runner { protected devAppConnectionMade: boolean; protected abstract readonly e: ServeRunnerDeps; abstract getCommandMetadata(): Promise>; abstract serveProject(options: T): Promise; abstract modifyOpenURL(url: string, options: T): string; getPkgManagerServeCLI(): PkgManagerServeCLI; createOptionsFromCommandLine(inputs: CommandLineInputs, options: CommandLineOptions): ServeOptions; determineEngineFromCommandLine(options: CommandLineOptions): string; displayDevAppMessage(options: T): Promise; beforeServe(options: T): Promise; run(options: T): Promise; afterServe(options: T, details: ServeDetails): Promise; scheduleAfterServe(options: T, details: ServeDetails): void; getUsedPorts(options: T, details: ServeDetails): number[]; gatherDevAppDetails(options: T, details: ServeDetails): Promise; publishDevApp(options: T, details: DevAppDetails): Promise; getSupportedDevAppPlugins(): Promise>; runLab(options: T, serveDetails: ServeDetails): Promise; selectExternalIP(options: T): Promise<[string, NetworkInterface[]]>; } export interface ServeCLIOptions { readonly address: string; readonly port: number; } export interface ServeCLI { emit(event: 'compile', chunks: number): boolean; emit(event: 'ready'): boolean; on(event: 'compile', handler: (chunks: number) => void): this; on(event: 'ready', handler: () => void): this; once(event: 'compile', handler: (chunks: number) => void): this; once(event: 'ready', handler: () => void): this; } export declare abstract class ServeCLI extends EventEmitter { protected readonly e: ServeRunnerDeps; /** * The pretty name of this Serve CLI. */ abstract readonly name: string; /** * The npm package of this Serve CLI. */ abstract readonly pkg: string; /** * The bin program to use for this Serve CLI. */ abstract readonly program: string; /** * The prefix to use for log statements. */ abstract readonly prefix: string; /** * If specified, `package.json` is inspected for this script to use instead * of `program`. */ abstract readonly script?: string; /** * If true, the Serve CLI will not prompt to be installed. */ readonly global: boolean; private _resolvedProgram?; constructor(e: ServeRunnerDeps); readonly resolvedProgram: string; /** * Build the arguments for starting this Serve CLI. Called by `this.start()`. */ protected abstract buildArgs(options: T): Promise; /** * Build the environment variables to be passed to the Serve CLI. Called by `this.start()`; */ protected buildEnvVars(options: T): Promise; /** * Called whenever a line of stdout is received. * * If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log. * * By default, the CLI is considered ready whenever stdout is emitted. This * method should be overridden to more accurately portray readiness. * * @param line A line of stdout. */ protected stdoutFilter(line: string): boolean; /** * Called whenever a line of stderr is received. * * If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log. */ protected stderrFilter(line: string): boolean; resolveScript(): Promise; serve(options: T): Promise; protected spawnWrapper(options: T): Promise; protected spawn(options: T): Promise; protected createLoggerStream(): NodeJS.WritableStream; protected resolveProgram(): Promise; protected createStreamFilter(filter: (line: string) => boolean): stream.Transform; protected promptToInstall(): Promise; } declare abstract class PkgManagerServeCLI extends ServeCLI { readonly abstract program: NpmClient; readonly global = true; readonly script = "ionic:serve"; protected resolveProgram(): Promise; protected buildArgs(options: ServeOptions): Promise; } export declare class NpmServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI { readonly name = "npm CLI"; readonly pkg = "npm"; readonly program = "npm"; readonly prefix = "npm"; } export declare class YarnServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI { readonly name = "Yarn"; readonly pkg = "yarn"; readonly program = "yarn"; readonly prefix = "yarn"; } export {};