import local from "./local"; import userSpace from './public'; import blockedUsers from './blockedUsers'; let counter = 0; const cache = new Map>(); const callbacks = new Map(); type Event = { off: () => void; } /** * Aggregates public data from all users in the group. * * For example, the public message feed, message replies and likes are aggregated using this. * @param groupName * @returns object */ export default function(groupName = 'everyone') { return { get(path: string, callback: any) { const groupNode = local().get('groups').get(groupName); const follows: { [key: string]: boolean; } = {}; requestAnimationFrame(() => { any, user: string) => { if (blockedUsers()[user]) { return; } // TODO: allow to specifically query blocked users? if (follows[user] && follows[user] === isFollowing) { return; } follows[user] = isFollowing; if (isFollowing) { // TODO: callback on unfollow, for unsubscribe let node = userSpace(user); if (path && path !== '/') { node = path.split('/').reduce((sum:any, s:string) => sum.get(decodeURIComponent(s)), node); } callback(node, user); } }); }); }, _cached_map(cached: Map | undefined, cacheKey: string, path: string, myEvent: Event, callback: Function) { if (!cached) { const cached = new Map(); cache.set(cacheKey, cached); this.get(path, (node: any, from: string) => any, key: string, x: any) => { const item = {value, key, from}; cached.set(key, item); for (let cb of callbacks.get(cacheKey).values()) { cb(value, key, x, myEvent, from); } })); } else { for (let item of cached.values()) { callback(item.value, item.key, 0, myEvent, item.from); } } }, // TODO: this should probably store just the most recent value, not everyone's value // TODO: for counting of likes etc, use this.count() instead _cached_on(cached: Map | undefined, cacheKey: string, path: string, myEvent: Event, callback: Function) { if (!cached) { const cached = new Map(); cache.set(cacheKey, cached); this.get(path, (node: any, from: string) => node.on((value: any, key: string, x: any) => { const item = {value, key, from}; cached.set(from, item); for (let cb of callbacks.get(cacheKey).values()) { cb(value, key, x, myEvent, from); } })); } else { for (let item of cached.values()) { callback(item.value, item.key, 0, myEvent, item.from); } } }, _cached_count(cached: Map | undefined, cacheKey: string, path: string, myEvent: Event, callback: Function) { if (!cached) { const cached = new Map(); cache.set(cacheKey, cached); this.get(path, (node: any, from: string) => node.on((value: any, key: string) => { value ? cached.set(from, true) : cached.delete(from); const count = cached.size; for (let cb of callbacks.get(cacheKey).values()) { cb(count, key, null, myEvent, from); } })); } else { callback(cached.size, path.split('/').pop(), null, myEvent); } }, _cached_fn(fn: string, path: string, callback: Function) { const cacheKey = `${fn}:${groupName}:${path}`; let callbackId = counter++; if (callbacks.has(cacheKey)) { callbacks.get(cacheKey).set(callbackId, callback); } else { callbacks.set(cacheKey, new Map([[callbackId, callback]])); } const myEvent = {off: () => { let myCallbacks = callbacks.get(cacheKey); myCallbacks && myCallbacks.delete(callbackId); }}; const cached = cache.get(cacheKey); switch (fn) { case 'map': this._cached_map(cached, cacheKey, path, myEvent, callback); break; case 'on': this._cached_on(cached, cacheKey, path, myEvent, callback); break; case 'count': this._cached_count(cached, cacheKey, path, myEvent, callback); break; } }, map(path: string, callback: Function) { // group queries are slow, so we cache them this._cached_fn('map', path, callback); }, on(path: string, callback: Function) { this._cached_fn('on', path, callback); }, count(path: string, callback: Function) { this._cached_fn('count', path, callback); } } }