// @ts-nocheck /* eslint no-useless-escape: "off", camelcase: "off" */ import Gun from 'gun'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars import 'gun/sea'; import _ from './lodash'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars let isNode = false; try { isNode = Object.prototype.toString.call(global.process) === `[object process]`; } catch (e) { null; } const userAgent = !isNode && navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); const isElectron = (userAgent && userAgent.indexOf(' electron/') > -1); const isMobile = !isNode && (function() { if (isElectron) { return false; } let check = false; (function(a) {if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || ''); return check; })(); function gunAsAnotherUser(gun: any, key: any, f: Function) { // Hacky way to use multiple users with gun const gun2 = new Gun({radisk: false, peers: Object.keys(gun._.opt.peers)}); // TODO: copy other options too const user = gun2.user(); user.auth(key); setTimeout(() => { // @ts-ignore const peers = Object.values(gun2.back('opt.peers')); peers.forEach(peer => { // @ts-ignore gun2.on('bye', peer); }); }, 20000); return f(user); } function gunOnceDefined(node: any) { return new Promise(resolve => { node.on((val: any, _k: any, _a: any, eve: any) => { if (val !== undefined) { eve.off(); resolve(val); } }); }); } const animals = [ 'canidae', 'felidae', 'cat', 'cattle', 'dog', 'donkey', 'goat', 'horse', 'pig', 'rabbit', 'aardvark', 'aardwolf', 'albatross', 'alligator', 'alpaca', 'amphibian', 'anaconda', 'angelfish', 'anglerfish', 'ant', 'anteater', 'antelope', 'antlion', 'ape', 'aphid', 'armadillo', 'asp', 'baboon', 'badger', 'bandicoot', 'barnacle', 'barracuda', 'basilisk', 'bass', 'bat', 'bear', 'beaver', 'bedbug', 'bee', 'beetle', 'bird', 'bison', 'blackbird', 'boa', 'boar', 'bobcat', 'bobolink', 'bonobo', 'booby', 'bovid', 'bug', 'butterfly', 'buzzard', 'camel', 'canid', 'capybara', 'cardinal', 'caribou', 'carp', 'cat', 'catshark', 'caterpillar', 'catfish', 'cattle', 'centipede', 'cephalopod', 'chameleon', 'cheetah', 'chickadee', 'chicken', 'chimpanzee', 'chinchilla', 'chipmunk', 'clam', 'clownfish', 'cobra', 'cockroach', 'cod', 'condor', 'constrictor', 'coral', 'cougar', 'cow', 'coyote', 'crab', 'crane', 'crawdad', 'crayfish', 'cricket', 'crocodile', 'crow', 'cuckoo', 'cicada', 'damselfly', 'deer', 'dingo', 'dinosaur', 'dog', 'dolphin', 'donkey', 'dormouse', 'dove', 'dragonfly', 'dragon', 'duck', 'eagle', 'earthworm', 'earwig', 'echidna', 'eel', 'egret', 'elephant', 'elk', 'emu', 'ermine', 'falcon', 'ferret', 'finch', 'firefly', 'fish', 'flamingo', 'flea', 'fly', 'flyingfish', 'fowl', 'fox', 'frog', 'gamefowl', 'galliform', 'gazelle', 'gecko', 'gerbil', 'gibbon', 'giraffe', 'goat', 'goldfish', 'goose', 'gopher', 'gorilla', 'grasshopper', 'grouse', 'guan', 'guanaco', 'guineafowl', 'gull', 'guppy', 'haddock', 'halibut', 'hamster', 'hare', 'harrier', 'hawk', 'hedgehog', 'heron', 'herring', 'hippopotamus', 'hookworm', 'hornet', 'horse', 'hoverfly', 'hummingbird', 'hyena', 'iguana', 'impala', 'jackal', 'jaguar', 'jay', 'jellyfish', 'junglefowl', 'kangaroo', 'kingfisher', 'kite', 'kiwi', 'koala', 'koi', 'krill', 'ladybug', 'lamprey', 'landfowl', 'lark', 'leech', 'lemming', 'lemur', 'leopard', 'leopon', 'limpet', 'lion', 'lizard', 'llama', 'lobster', 'locust', 'loon', 'louse', 'lungfish', 'lynx', 'macaw', 'mackerel', 'magpie', 'mammal', 'manatee', 'mandrill', 'marlin', 'marmoset', 'marmot', 'marsupial', 'marten', 'mastodon', 'meadowlark', 'meerkat', 'mink', 'minnow', 'mite', 'mockingbird', 'mole', 'mollusk', 'mongoose', 'monkey', 'moose', 'mosquito', 'moth', 'mouse', 'mule', 'muskox', 'narwhal', 'newt', 'nightingale', 'ocelot', 'octopus', 'opossum', 'orangutan', 'orca', 'ostrich', 'otter', 'owl', 'ox', 'panda', 'panther', 'parakeet', 'parrot', 'parrotfish', 'partridge', 'peacock', 'peafowl', 'pelican', 'penguin', 'perch', 'pheasant', 'pig', 'pigeon', 'pike', 'pinniped', 'piranha', 'planarian', 'platypus', 'pony', 'porcupine', 'porpoise', 'possum', 'prawn', 'primate', 'ptarmigan', 'puffin', 'puma', 'python', 'quail', 'quelea', 'quokka', 'rabbit', 'raccoon', 'rat', 'rattlesnake', 'raven', 'reindeer', 'reptile', 'rhinoceros', 'roadrunner', 'rodent', 'rook', 'rooster', 'roundworm', 'sailfish', 'salamander', 'salmon', 'sawfish', 'scallop', 'scorpion', 'seahorse', 'shark', 'sheep', 'shrew', 'shrimp', 'silkworm', 'silverfish', 'skink', 'skunk', 'sloth', 'slug', 'smelt', 'snail', 'snake', 'snipe', 'sole', 'sparrow', 'spider', 'spoonbill', 'squid', 'squirrel', 'starfish', 'stingray', 'stoat', 'stork', 'sturgeon', 'swallow', 'swan', 'swift', 'swordfish', 'swordtail', 'tahr', 'takin', 'tapir', 'tarantula', 'tarsier', 'termite', 'tern', 'thrush', 'tick', 'tiger', 'tiglon', 'toad', 'tortoise', 'toucan', 'trout', 'tuna', 'turkey', 'turtle', 'tyrannosaurus', 'urial', 'vicuna', 'viper', 'vole', 'vulture', 'wallaby', 'walrus', 'wasp', 'warbler', 'weasel', 'whale', 'whippet', 'whitefish', 'wildcat', 'wildebeest', 'wildfowl', 'wolf', 'wolverine', 'wombat', 'woodpecker', 'worm', 'wren', 'xerinae', 'yak', 'zebra', 'alpaca', 'cat', 'cattle', 'chicken', 'dog', 'donkey', 'ferret', 'gayal', 'goldfish', 'guppy', 'horse', 'koi', 'llama', 'sheep', 'yak', 'unicorn', ]; const adjectives = [ 'average', 'big', 'colossal', 'fat', 'giant', 'gigantic', 'great', 'huge', 'immense', 'large', 'little', 'long', 'mammoth', 'massive', 'miniature', 'petite', 'puny', 'short', 'small', 'tall', 'tiny', 'boiling', 'breezy', 'broken', 'bumpy', 'chilly', 'cold', 'cool', 'creepy', 'crooked', 'cuddly', 'curly', 'damaged', 'damp', 'dirty', 'dry', 'dusty', 'filthy', 'flaky', 'fluffy', 'wet', 'broad', 'chubby', 'crooked', 'curved', 'deep', 'flat', 'high', 'hollow', 'low', 'narrow', 'round', 'shallow', 'skinny', 'square', 'steep', 'straight', 'wide', 'ancient', 'brief', 'early', 'fast', 'late', 'long', 'modern', 'old', 'quick', 'rapid', 'short', 'slow', 'swift', 'young', 'abundant', 'empty', 'few', 'heavy', 'light', 'many', 'numerous', 'Sound', 'cooing', 'deafening', 'faint', 'harsh', 'hissing', 'hushed', 'husky', 'loud', 'melodic', 'moaning', 'mute', 'noisy', 'purring', 'quiet', 'raspy', 'resonant', 'screeching', 'shrill', 'silent', 'soft', 'squealing', 'thundering', 'voiceless', 'whispering', 'bitter', 'delicious', 'fresh', 'juicy', 'ripe', 'rotten', 'salty', 'sour', 'spicy', 'stale', 'sticky', 'strong', 'sweet', 'tasteless', 'tasty', 'thirsty', 'fluttering', 'fuzzy', 'greasy', 'grubby', 'hard', 'hot', 'icy', 'loose', 'melted', 'plastic', 'prickly', 'rainy', 'rough', 'scattered', 'shaggy', 'shaky', 'sharp', 'shivering', 'silky', 'slimy', 'slippery', 'smooth', 'soft', 'solid', 'steady', 'sticky', 'tender', 'tight', 'uneven', 'weak', 'wet', 'wooden', 'afraid', 'angry', 'annoyed', 'anxious', 'arrogant', 'ashamed', 'awful', 'bad', 'bewildered', 'bored', 'combative', 'condemned', 'confused', 'creepy', 'cruel', 'dangerous', 'defeated', 'defiant', 'depressed', 'disgusted', 'disturbed', 'eerie', 'embarrassed', 'envious', 'evil', 'fierce', 'foolish', 'frantic', 'frightened', 'grieving', 'helpless', 'homeless', 'hungry', 'hurt', 'ill', 'jealous', 'lonely', 'mysterious', 'naughty', 'nervous', 'obnoxious', 'outrageous', 'panicky', 'repulsive', 'scary', 'scornful', 'selfish', 'sore', 'tense', 'terrible', 'thoughtless', 'tired', 'troubled', 'upset', 'uptight', 'weary', 'wicked', 'worried', 'agreeable', 'amused', 'brave', 'calm', 'charming', 'cheerful', 'comfortable', 'cooperative', 'courageous', 'delightful', 'determined', 'eager', 'elated', 'enchanting', 'encouraging', 'energetic', 'enthusiastic', 'excited', 'exuberant', 'fair', 'faithful', 'fantastic', 'fine', 'friendly', 'funny', 'gentle', 'glorious', 'good', 'happy', 'healthy', 'helpful', 'hilarious', 'jolly', 'joyous', 'kind', 'lively', 'lovely', 'lucky', 'obedient', 'perfect', 'pleasant', 'proud', 'relieved', 'silly', 'smiling', 'splendid', 'successful', 'thoughtful', 'victorious', 'vivacious', 'witty', 'wonderful', 'zealous', 'zany', 'other', 'good', 'new', 'old', 'great', 'high', 'small', 'different', 'large', 'local', 'social', 'important', 'long', 'young', 'national', 'british', 'right', 'early', 'possible', 'big', 'little', 'political', 'able', 'late', 'general', 'full', 'far', 'low', 'public', 'available', 'bad', 'main', 'sure', 'clear', 'major', 'economic', 'only', 'likely', 'real', 'black', 'particular', 'international', 'special', 'difficult', 'certain', 'open', 'whole', 'white', 'free', 'short', 'easy', 'strong', 'european', 'central', 'similar', 'human', 'common', 'necessary', 'single', 'personal', 'hard', 'private', 'poor', 'financial', 'wide', 'foreign', 'simple', 'recent', 'concerned', 'american', 'various', 'close', 'fine', 'english', 'wrong', 'present', 'royal', 'natural', 'individual', 'nice', 'french', 'nihilist', 'solipsist', 'materialist', 'surrealist', 'heroic', 'awesome', 'hedonist', 'absurd', 'current', 'modern', 'labour', 'legal', 'happy', 'final', 'red', 'normal', 'serious', 'previous', 'total', 'prime', 'significant', 'industrial', 'sorry', 'dead', 'specific', 'appropriate', 'top', 'soviet', 'basic', 'military', 'original', 'successful', 'aware', 'hon', 'popular', 'heavy', 'professional', 'direct', 'dark', 'cold', 'ready', 'green', 'useful', 'effective', 'western', 'traditional', 'scottish', 'german', 'independent', 'deep', 'interesting', 'considerable', 'involved', 'physical', 'hot', 'existing', 'responsible', 'complete', 'medical', 'blue', 'extra', 'past', 'male', 'interested', 'fair', 'essential', 'beautiful', 'civil', 'primary', 'obvious', 'future', 'environmental', 'positive', 'senior', 'nuclear', 'annual', 'relevant', 'huge', 'rich', 'commercial', 'safe', 'regional', 'practical', 'official', 'separate', 'key', 'chief', 'regular', 'due', 'additional', 'active', 'powerful', 'complex', 'standard', 'impossible', 'light', 'warm', 'middle', 'fresh', 'sexual', 'front', 'domestic', 'actual', 'united', 'technical', 'ordinary', 'cheap', 'strange', 'internal', 'excellent', 'quiet', 'soft', 'potential', 'northern', 'religious', 'quick', 'very', 'famous', 'cultural', 'proper', 'broad', 'joint', 'formal', 'limited', 'conservative', 'lovely', 'usual', 'ltd', 'unable', 'rural', 'initial', 'substantial', 'bright', 'average', 'leading', 'reasonable', 'immediate', 'suitable', 'equal', 'detailed', 'working', 'overall', 'female', 'afraid', 'democratic', 'growing', 'sufficient', 'scientific', 'eastern', 'correct', 'inc', 'irish', 'expensive', 'educational', 'mental', 'dangerous', 'critical', 'increased', 'familiar', 'unlikely', 'double', 'perfect', 'slow', 'tiny', 'dry', 'historical', 'thin', 'daily', 'southern', 'increasing', 'wild', 'alone', 'urban', 'empty', 'married', 'narrow', 'liberal', 'supposed', 'upper', 'apparent', 'tall', 'busy', 'bloody', 'prepared', 'russian', 'moral', 'careful', 'clean', 'attractive', 'japanese', 'vital', 'thick', 'alternative', 'fast', 'ancient', 'elderly', 'rare', 'external', 'capable', 'brief', 'wonderful', 'grand', 'typical', 'entire', 'grey', 'constant', 'vast', 'surprised', 'ideal', 'terrible', 'academic', 'funny', 'minor', 'pleased', 'severe', 'ill', 'corporate', 'negative', 'permanent', 'weak', 'brown', 'fundamental', 'odd', 'crucial', 'inner', 'used', 'criminal', 'contemporary', 'sharp', 'sick', 'near', 'roman', 'massive', 'unique', 'secondary', 'parliamentary', 'african', 'unknown', 'subsequent', 'angry', 'alive', 'guilty', 'lucky', 'enormous', 'well', 'yellow', 'unusual', 'net', 'tough', 'dear', 'extensive', 'glad', 'remaining', 'agricultural', 'alright', 'healthy', 'italian', 'principal', 'tired', 'efficient', 'comfortable', 'chinese', 'relative', 'friendly', 'conventional', 'willing', 'sudden', 'proposed', 'voluntary', 'slight', 'valuable', 'dramatic', 'golden', 'temporary', 'federal', 'keen', 'flat', 'silent', 'indian', 'worried', 'pale', 'statutory', 'welsh', 'dependent', 'firm', 'wet', 'competitive', 'armed', 'radical', 'outside', 'acceptable', 'sensitive', 'living', 'pure', 'global', 'emotional', 'sad', 'secret', 'rapid', 'adequate', 'fixed', 'sweet', 'administrative', 'wooden', 'remarkable', 'comprehensive', 'surprising', 'solid', 'rough', 'mere', 'mass', 'brilliant', 'maximum', 'absolute', 'electronic', 'visual', 'electric', 'cool', 'spanish', 'literary', 'continuing', 'supreme', 'chemical', 'genuine', 'exciting', 'written', 'advanced', 'extreme', 'classical', 'fit', 'favourite', 'widespread', 'confident', 'straight', 'proud', 'numerous', 'opposite', 'distinct', 'mad', 'helpful', 'given', 'disabled', 'consistent', 'anxious', 'nervous', 'awful', 'stable', 'constitutional', 'satisfied', 'conscious', 'developing', 'strategic', 'holy', 'smooth', 'dominant', 'remote', 'theoretical', 'outstanding', 'pink', 'pretty', 'clinical', 'minimum', 'honest', 'impressive', 'related', 'residential', 'extraordinary', 'plain', 'visible', 'accurate', 'distant', 'still', 'greek', 'complicated', 'musical', 'precise', 'gentle', 'broken', 'live', 'silly', 'fat', 'tight', 'monetary', 'round', 'psychological', 'violent', 'unemployed', 'inevitable', 'junior', 'sensible', 'grateful', 'pleasant', 'dirty', 'structural', 'welcome', 'deaf', 'above', 'continuous', 'blind', 'overseas', 'mean', 'entitled', 'delighted', 'loose', 'occasional', 'evident', 'desperate', 'fellow', 'universal', 'square', 'steady', 'classic', 'equivalent', 'intellectual', 'victorian', 'level', 'ultimate', 'creative', 'lost', 'medieval', 'clever', 'linguistic', 'convinced', 'judicial', 'raw', 'sophisticated', 'asleep', 'vulnerable', 'illegal', 'outer', 'revolutionary', 'bitter', 'changing', 'australian', 'native', 'imperial', 'strict', 'wise', 'informal', 'flexible', 'collective', 'frequent', 'experimental', 'spiritual', 'intense', 'rational', 'generous', 'inadequate', 'prominent', 'logical', 'bare', 'historic', 'modest', 'dutch', 'acute', 'electrical', 'valid', 'weekly', 'gross', 'automatic', 'loud', 'reliable', 'mutual', 'liable', 'multiple', 'ruling', 'curious', 'sole', 'managing', 'pregnant', 'latin', 'nearby', 'exact', 'underlying', 'identical', 'satisfactory', 'marginal', 'distinctive', 'electoral', 'urgent', 'presidential', 'controversial', 'everyday', 'encouraging', 'organic', 'continued', 'expected', 'statistical', 'desirable', 'innocent', 'improved', 'exclusive', 'marked', 'experienced', 'unexpected', 'superb', 'sheer', 'disappointed', 'frightened', 'gastric', 'romantic', 'naked', 'reluctant', 'magnificent', 'convenient', 'established', 'closed', 'uncertain', 'artificial', 'diplomatic', 'tremendous', 'marine', 'mechanical', 'retail', 'institutional', 'mixed', 'required', 'biological', 'known', 'functional', 'straightforward', 'superior', 'digital', 'spectacular', 'unhappy', 'confused', 'unfair', 'aggressive', 'spare', 'painful', 'abstract', 'asian', 'associated', 'legislative', 'monthly', 'intelligent', 'hungry', 'explicit', 'nasty', 'just', 'faint', 'coloured', 'ridiculous', 'amazing', 'comparable', 'successive', 'realistic', 'back', 'decent', 'decentralized', 'bitcoin', 'cypherpunk', 'unnecessary', 'flying', 'random', 'influential', 'dull', 'genetic', 'neat', 'marvellous', 'crazy', 'damp', 'giant', 'secure', 'bottom', 'skilled', 'subtle', 'elegant', 'brave', 'lesser', 'parallel', 'steep', 'intensive', 'casual', 'tropical', 'lonely', 'partial', 'preliminary', 'concrete', 'alleged', 'assistant', 'vertical', 'upset', 'delicate', 'mild', 'occupational', 'excessive', 'progressive', 'exceptional', 'integrated', 'striking', 'continental', 'okay', 'harsh', 'combined', 'fierce', 'handsome', 'characteristic', 'chronic', 'compulsory', 'interim', 'objective', 'splendid', 'magic', 'systematic', 'obliged', 'payable', 'fun', 'horrible', 'primitive', 'fascinating', 'ideological', 'metropolitan', 'surrounding', 'estimated', 'peaceful', 'premier', 'operational', 'technological', 'kind', 'advisory', 'hostile', 'precious', 'accessible', 'determined', 'excited', 'impressed', 'provincial', 'smart', 'endless', 'isolated', 'drunk', 'geographical', 'like', 'dynamic', 'boring', 'forthcoming', 'unfortunate', 'definite', 'super', 'notable', 'indirect', 'stiff', 'wealthy', 'awkward', 'lively', 'neutral', 'artistic', 'content', 'mature', 'colonial', 'ambitious', 'evil', 'magnetic', 'verbal', 'legitimate', 'sympathetic', 'empirical', 'head', 'shallow', 'vague', 'naval', 'depressed', 'shared', 'added', 'shocked', 'mid', 'worthwhile', 'qualified', 'missing', 'blank', 'absent', 'favourable', 'polish', 'israeli', 'developed', 'profound', 'representative', 'enthusiastic', 'dreadful', 'rigid', 'reduced', 'cruel', 'coastal', 'peculiar', 'swiss', 'crude', 'extended', 'selected', 'eager', 'canadian', 'bold', 'relaxed', 'corresponding', 'running', 'planned', 'applicable', 'immense', 'allied', 'comparative', 'uncomfortable', 'conservation', 'productive', 'beneficial', 'bored', 'charming', 'minimal', 'mobile', 'turkish', 'orange', 'rear', 'passive', 'suspicious', 'overwhelming', 'fatal', 'resulting', 'symbolic', 'registered', 'neighbouring', 'calm', 'irrelevant', 'patient', 'compact', 'profitable', 'rival', 'loyal', 'moderate', 'distinguished', 'interior', 'noble', 'insufficient', 'eligible', 'mysterious', 'varying', 'managerial', 'molecular', 'olympic', 'linear', 'prospective', 'printed', 'parental', 'diverse', 'elaborate', 'furious', 'fiscal', 'burning', 'useless', 'semantic', 'embarrassed', 'inherent', 'philosophical', 'deliberate', 'awake', 'variable', 'promising', 'unpleasant', 'varied', 'sacred', 'selective', 'inclined', 'tender', 'hidden', 'worthy', 'intermediate', 'sound', 'protective', 'fortunate', 'slim', 'defensive', 'divine', 'stuck', 'driving', 'invisible', 'misleading', 'circular', 'mathematical', 'inappropriate', 'liquid', 'persistent', 'solar', 'doubtful', 'manual', 'architectural', 'intact', 'incredible', 'devoted', 'prior', 'tragic', 'respectable', 'optimistic', 'convincing', 'unacceptable', 'decisive', 'competent', 'spatial', 'respective', 'binding', 'relieved', 'nursing', 'toxic', 'select', 'redundant', 'integral', 'then', 'probable', 'amateur', 'fond', 'passing', 'specified', 'territorial', 'horizontal', 'inland', 'cognitive', 'regulatory', 'miserable', 'resident', 'polite', 'scared', 'gothic', 'civilian', 'instant', 'lengthy', 'adverse', 'korean', 'unconscious', 'anonymous', 'aesthetic', 'orthodox', 'static', 'unaware', 'costly', 'fantastic', 'foolish', 'fashionable', 'causal', 'compatible', 'wee', 'implicit', 'dual', 'ok', 'cheerful', 'subjective', 'forward', 'surviving', 'exotic', 'purple', 'cautious', 'visiting', 'aggregate', 'ethical', 'teenage', 'dying', 'disastrous', 'delicious', 'confidential', 'underground', 'thorough', 'grim', 'autonomous', 'atomic', 'frozen', 'colourful', 'injured', 'uniform', 'ashamed', 'glorious', 'wicked', 'coherent', 'rising', 'shy', 'novel', 'balanced', 'delightful', 'arbitrary', 'adjacent', 'worrying', 'weird', 'unchanged', 'rolling', 'evolutionary', 'intimate', 'sporting', 'disciplinary', 'formidable', 'lexical', 'noisy', 'gradual', 'accused', 'homeless', 'supporting', 'coming', 'renewed', 'excess', 'retired', 'rubber', 'chosen', 'outdoor', 'embarrassing', 'preferred', 'bizarre', 'appalling', 'agreed', 'imaginative', 'governing', 'accepted', 'vocational', 'mighty', 'puzzled', 'worldwide', 'organisational', 'sunny', 'eldest', 'eventual', 'spontaneous', 'vivid', 'rude', 'faithful', 'ministerial', 'innovative', 'controlled', 'conceptual', 'unwilling', 'civic', 'meaningful', 'alive', 'brainy', 'breakable', 'busy', 'careful', 'cautious', 'clever', 'concerned', 'crazy', 'curious', 'dead', 'different', 'difficult', 'doubtful', 'easy', 'famous', 'fragile', 'helpful', 'helpless', 'important', 'impossible', 'innocent', 'inquisitive', 'modern', 'open', 'outstanding', 'poor', 'powerful', 'puzzled', 'real', 'rich', 'shy', 'sleepy', 'super', 'tame', 'uninterested', 'wandering', 'wild', 'wrong', 'adorable', 'alert', 'average', 'beautiful', 'blonde', 'bloody', 'blushing', 'bright', 'clean', 'clear', 'cloudy', 'colorful', 'crowded', 'cute', 'dark', 'drab', 'distinct', 'dull', 'elegant', 'fancy', 'filthy', 'glamorous', 'gleaming', 'graceful', 'grotesque', 'homely', 'light', 'misty', 'motionless', 'muddy', 'plain', 'poised', 'quaint', 'shiny', 'smoggy', 'sparkling', 'spotless', 'stormy', 'strange', 'ugly', 'unsightly', 'unusual', 'bad', 'better', 'beautiful', 'big', 'black', 'blue', 'bright', 'clumsy', 'crazy', 'dizzy', 'dull', 'fat', 'frail', 'friendly', 'funny', 'great', 'green', 'gigantic', 'gorgeous', 'grumpy', 'handsome', 'happy', 'horrible', 'itchy', 'jittery', 'jolly', 'kind', 'long', 'lazy', 'magnificent', 'magenta', 'many', 'mighty', 'mushy', 'nasty', 'new', 'nice', 'nosy', 'nutty', 'nutritious', 'odd', 'orange', 'ordinary', 'pretty', 'precious', 'prickly', 'purple', 'quaint', 'quiet', 'quick', 'quickest', 'rainy', 'rare', 'ratty', 'red', 'roasted', 'robust', 'round', 'sad', 'scary', 'scrawny', 'short', 'silly', 'stingy', 'strange', 'striped', 'spotty', 'tart', 'tall', 'tame', 'tan', 'tender', 'testy', 'tricky', 'tough', 'ugly', 'ugliest', 'vast', 'watery', 'wasteful', 'wonderful', 'yellow', 'yummy', 'zany', ]; export default { gunOnceDefined, gunAsAnotherUser, async getHash (str: string, format = `base64`) { if (!str) { return undefined; } const hash = await Gun.SEA.work(str, undefined, undefined, {name: `SHA-256`}); if (!hash) { throw new Error(`Gun.SEA.work failed for ${str}`); } if (hash.length > 44) { throw new Error(`Gun.SEA.work returned an invalid SHA-256 hash longer than 44 chars: ${hash}. This is probably due to a sea.js bug on Safari.`); } if (format === `hex`) { return this.base64ToHex(hash); } return hash; }, capitalize(s: string) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) }, generateName() { return `${this.capitalize(_.sample(adjectives)!)} ${this.capitalize(_.sample(animals)!)}`; }, animals, adjectives, base64ToHex(str: string) { const raw = atob(str); let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { const hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16); result += (hex.length === 2 ? hex : `0${ hex}`); } return result; }, getCaret(el: HTMLInputElement) { if (el.selectionStart) { return el.selectionStart; } else { // @ts-ignore if (document.selection) { el.focus(); // @ts-ignore const r = document.selection.createRange(); if (r === null) { return 0; } // @ts-ignore const re = el.createTextRange(), rc = re.duplicate(); re.moveToBookmark(r.getBookmark()); rc.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re); return rc.text.length; } } return 0; }, injectCss() { const elementId = `irisStyle`; 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color: #999; } [placeholder]:empty:focus { cursor: text; } `; document.head.prepend(sheet); }, getUrlParameter(sParam: string, sParams: string) { const sPageURL = sParams || window.location.search.substring(1); const sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'); let sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); } } return; }, formatTime(date: Date) { // @ts-ignore const t: any = date.toLocaleTimeString(undefined, {timeStyle: 'short'}); const s = t.split(':'); if (s.length === 3) { // safari tries to display seconds return `${s[0] }:${ s[1] }${s[2].slice(2)}`; } return t; }, formatDate(date: Date) { const t = date.toLocaleString(undefined, {dateStyle: 'short', timeStyle: 'short'}); const s = t.split(':'); if (s.length === 3) { // safari tries to display seconds return `${s[0] }:${ s[1] }${s[2].slice(2)}`; } return t; }, getDaySeparatorText(date: Date, dateStr: string, now?: Date, nowStr?: string) { if (!now) { now = new Date(); // @ts-ignore nowStr = now.toLocaleDateString({dateStyle: 'short'}); } if (dateStr === nowStr) { return 'today'; } const dayDifference = Math.round((now - date) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); if (dayDifference === 0) { return 'today'; } if (dayDifference === 1) { return 'yesterday'; } if (dayDifference <= 5) { return date.toLocaleDateString(undefined, {weekday: 'long'}); } return dateStr; }, getProfileLink(pub: string) { return `${window.location.origin}/#/profile/${encodeURIComponent(pub)}`; }, truncateString(s: string, length = 30) { return s.length > length ? `${s.slice(0, length)}...` : s; }, createElement(type: string, cls?: string, parent?: HTMLElement) { const el = document.createElement(type); if (cls) { el.setAttribute('class', cls); } if (parent) { parent.appendChild(el); } return el; }, isNode, isElectron, isMobile, throttle: (func: Function, limit: number) => { let inThrottle: boolean; return function() { const args = arguments; const context = this; if (!inThrottle) { func.apply(context, args); inThrottle = true; setTimeout(() => inThrottle = false, limit); } }; }, debounce: (func: Function, delay: number) => { let inDebounce: boolean; return function() { const context = this; const args = arguments; clearTimeout(inDebounce); inDebounce = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay); }; }, sample: (arr: any[]) => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)], sampleSize: (arr: any[], size: number) => { const shuffled = arr.slice(0); let i = arr.length; let min = i - size; let temp; let index; while (i-- > min) { index = Math.floor((i + 1) * Math.random()); temp = shuffled[index]; shuffled[index] = shuffled[i]; shuffled[i] = temp; } return shuffled.slice(min); }, defer: (func: Function) => setTimeout(func, 0), once: (func: Function) => { let called = false; return function() { if (called) { return; } called = true; func.apply(this, arguments); }; }, omit: (obj: any, keys: string[]) => { const newObj = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { if (!keys.includes(key)) { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } }); return newObj; } };