import { type Stream, type Writable as WritableStream, type Readable as ReadableStream, type Duplex as DuplexStream, type Transform as TransformStream, } from 'node:stream'; export type Options = { /** When this option is `true`, the method returns `false` if the stream has already been closed. @default true */ checkOpen?: boolean; }; /** @returns Whether `stream` is a [`Stream`]( @example ``` import fs from 'node:fs'; import {isStream} from 'is-stream'; isStream(fs.createReadStream('unicorn.png')); //=> true isStream({}); //=> false ``` */ export function isStream(stream: unknown, options?: Options): stream is Stream; /** @returns Whether `stream` is a [`stream.Writable`](, an [`http.OutgoingMessage`](, an [`http.ServerResponse`]( or an [`http.ClientRequest`]( @example ``` import fs from 'node:fs'; import {isWritableStream} from 'is-stream'; isWritableStream(fs.createWriteStrem('unicorn.txt')); //=> true ``` */ export function isWritableStream(stream: unknown, options?: Options): stream is WritableStream; /** @returns Whether `stream` is a [`stream.Readable`]( or an [`http.IncomingMessage`]( @example ``` import fs from 'node:fs'; import {isReadableStream} from 'is-stream'; isReadableStream(fs.createReadStream('unicorn.png')); //=> true ``` */ export function isReadableStream(stream: unknown, options?: Options): stream is ReadableStream; /** @returns Whether `stream` is a [`stream.Duplex`]( @example ``` import {Duplex as DuplexStream} from 'node:stream'; import {isDuplexStream} from 'is-stream'; isDuplexStream(new DuplexStream()); //=> true ``` */ export function isDuplexStream(stream: unknown, options?: Options): stream is DuplexStream; /** @returns Whether `stream` is a [`stream.Transform`]( @example ``` import fs from 'node:fs'; import StringifyStream from 'streaming-json-stringify'; import {isTransformStream} from 'is-stream'; isTransformStream(StringifyStream()); //=> true ``` */ export function isTransformStream(stream: unknown, options?: Options): stream is TransformStream;