import net = require('net'); import tls = require('tls'); import https = require('https'); import http = require('http'); import events = require('events'); export as namespace jayson; interface Utils { } declare type RequestParamsLike = Array | object; interface JSONRPCError { code: number; message: string; data?: object; } declare type JSONRPCErrorLike = Error | JSONRPCError; interface JSONRPCVersionOneRequest { method: string; params: Array; id: JSONRPCIDLike; } interface JSONRPCVersionTwoRequest { jsonrpc: number; method: string; params: RequestParamsLike; id?: JSONRPCIDLike | null; } declare type JSONRPCIDLike = number | string; declare type JSONRPCRequest = JSONRPCVersionOneRequest | JSONRPCVersionTwoRequest; declare type JSONRPCRequestLike = JSONRPCRequest | string; declare type JSONRPCResultLike = any; interface JSONRPCCallbackTypePlain { (err: JSONRPCErrorLike, result?: JSONRPCResultLike): void } interface JSONRPCCallbackTypeSugared { (err: Error, error?: JSONRPCErrorLike, result?: JSONRPCResultLike): void } type JSONRPCCallbackType = JSONRPCCallbackTypePlain | JSONRPCCallbackTypeSugared; interface JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatchPlain { (err: JSONRPCErrorLike, results?: Array): void } interface JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatchSugared { (err: Error, errors?: Array, results?: Array): void } type JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatch = JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatchPlain | JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatchSugared; interface MethodHandlerType { (args: RequestParamsLike, callback: JSONRPCCallbackType): void; (...args: any[]): void; // callback still expected to be last } declare type MethodOptionsParamsLike = Array | Object | object; interface MethodOptions { handler?: MethodHandlerType; useContext?: boolean; params?: MethodOptionsParamsLike; } declare class Method { constructor(handler?: MethodHandlerType, options?: MethodOptions); constructor(options: MethodOptions); getHandler(): MethodHandlerType; setHandler(handler: MethodHandlerType): void; execute(server: Server, requestParams: RequestParamsLike, callback: JSONRPCCallbackType): any | Promise; } declare type MethodLike = Function | Method | Client declare type ServerRouterFunction = (method: string, params: RequestParamsLike) => MethodLike; interface ServerOptions { useContext?: boolean; params?: MethodOptionsParamsLike; version?: number; reviver?: JSONParseReviver; replacer?: JSONStringifyReplacer; encoding?: string; router?: ServerRouterFunction; methodConstructor?: Function; } declare class Server { constructor(methods?: {[methodName: string]: MethodLike}, options?: object); static errors: {[errorName: string]: number}; static errorMessages: {[errorMessage: string]: string}; static interfaces: {[interfaces: string]: Function}; http(options?: HttpServerOptions): HttpServer; https(options?: HttpsServerOptions): HttpsServer; tcp(options?: TcpServerOptions): TcpServer; tls(options?: TlsServerOptions): TlsServer; middleware(options?: MiddlewareServerOptions): Function; method(name: string, definition: MethodLike): void; methods(methods: {[methodName: string]: MethodLike}): void; hasMethod(name: string): boolean; removeMethod(name: string): void; getMethod(name: string): MethodLike; error(code?: number, message?: string, data?: object): JSONRPCError; call(request: JSONRPCRequestLike | Array, originalCallback?: JSONRPCCallbackType): void; } interface MiddlewareServerOptions extends ServerOptions { } interface HttpServerOptions extends ServerOptions { } declare class HttpServer extends http.Server { constructor(server: Server, options?: HttpServerOptions); } interface HttpsServerOptions extends ServerOptions, https.ServerOptions { } declare class HttpsServer extends https.Server { constructor(server: Server, options?: HttpsServerOptions); } interface TcpServerOptions extends ServerOptions { } declare class TcpServer extends net.Server { constructor(server: Server, options?: TcpServerOptions); } interface TlsServerOptions extends tls.TlsOptions { } declare class TlsServer extends tls.Server { constructor(server: Server, options?: TlsServerOptions); } declare type JSONParseReviver = (key: string, value: any) => any; declare type JSONStringifyReplacer = (key: string, value: any) => any; declare type IDGenerator = () => string; interface ClientOptions { version?: number; reviver?: JSONParseReviver; replacer?: JSONStringifyReplacer; generator?: IDGenerator; } interface HttpClientOptions extends ClientOptions, http.RequestOptions { } declare class HttpClient extends Client { constructor(options?: HttpClientOptions); } interface TlsClientOptions extends ClientOptions, tls.ConnectionOptions { } declare class TlsClient extends Client { constructor(options?: TlsClientOptions); } interface TcpClientOptions extends ClientOptions, net.TcpSocketConnectOpts { } declare class TcpClient extends Client { constructor(options?: TcpClientOptions); } interface HttpsClientOptions extends ClientOptions, https.RequestOptions { } declare class HttpsClient extends Client { constructor(options?: HttpsClientOptions); } type ClientRequestShouldCall = JSONRPCCallbackType | false; declare class Client extends events.EventEmitter { constructor(server: Server, options?: ClientOptions); constructor(options: ClientOptions); static http(options?: HttpClientOptions): HttpClient; static https(options?: HttpsClientOptions): HttpsClient; static tcp(options?: TcpClientOptions): TcpClient; static tls(options?: TlsClientOptions): TlsClient; request(method: string, params: RequestParamsLike, id?: string, callback?: JSONRPCCallbackType): JSONRPCRequest; request(method: string, params: RequestParamsLike, callback?: JSONRPCCallbackType): JSONRPCRequest; // request(method: string, params: RequestParamsLike, id: string, callback: ClientRequestShouldCall): JSONRPCRequest; // request(method: Array): Promise; request(method: Array, callback: JSONRPCCallbackTypeBatch): Array; }