// TypeScript Version: 2.8 declare const DepreciatedJimp: DepreciatedJimp; export = DepreciatedJimp; /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface DepreciatedJimp { // Constructors new (path: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; new (urlOptions: URLOptions, cb?: ImageCallback): this; new (image: DepreciatedJimp, cb?: ImageCallback): this; new (data: Buffer | Bitmap, cb?: ImageCallback): this; new (w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; new ( w: number, h: number, background?: number | string, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; // For custom constructors when using Jimp.appendConstructorOption new (...args: any[]): this; prototype: this; // Constants AUTO: -1; // supported mime types MIME_PNG: "image/png"; MIME_TIFF: "image/tiff"; MIME_JPEG: "image/jpeg"; MIME_JGD: "image/jgd"; MIME_BMP: "image/bmp"; MIME_X_MS_BMP: "image/x-ms-bmp"; MIME_GIF: "image/gif"; // PNG filter types PNG_FILTER_AUTO: -1; PNG_FILTER_NONE: 0; PNG_FILTER_SUB: 1; PNG_FILTER_UP: 2; PNG_FILTER_AVERAGE: 3; PNG_FILTER_PATH: 4; // resize methods RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: "nearestNeighbor"; RESIZE_BILINEAR: "bilinearInterpolation"; RESIZE_BICUBIC: "bicubicInterpolation"; RESIZE_HERMITE: "hermiteInterpolation"; RESIZE_BEZIER: "bezierInterpolation"; // blend modes BLEND_SOURCE_OVER: string; BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER: string; BLEND_MULTIPLY: string; BLEND_SCREEN: string; BLEND_OVERLAY: string; BLEND_DARKEN: string; BLEND_LIGHTEN: string; BLEND_HARDLIGHT: string; BLEND_DIFFERENCE: string; BLEND_EXCLUSION: string; // Align modes for cover, contain, bit masks HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT: 1; HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER: 2; HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT: 4; VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP: 8; VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE: 16; VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: 32; // Font locations FONT_SANS_8_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_10_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_12_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_14_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_16_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_32_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_64_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_128_BLACK: string; FONT_SANS_8_WHITE: string; FONT_SANS_16_WHITE: string; FONT_SANS_32_WHITE: string; FONT_SANS_64_WHITE: string; FONT_SANS_128_WHITE: string; // Edge Handling EDGE_EXTEND: 1; EDGE_WRAP: 2; EDGE_CROP: 3; // Properties bitmap: Bitmap; _quality: number; _deflateLevel: number; _deflateStrategy: number; _filterType: number; _rgba: boolean; _background: number; _originalMime: string; // Methods on( event: T, cb: (data: ListenerData) => any ): any; parseBitmap( data: Buffer, path: string | null | undefined, cb?: ImageCallback ): void; hasAlpha(): boolean; getHeight(): number; getWidth(): number; inspect(): string; toString(): string; getMIME(): string; getExtension(): string; distanceFromHash(hash: string): number; write(path: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; writeAsync(path: string): Promise; deflateLevel(l: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; deflateStrategy(s: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; colorType(s: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; filterType(f: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; rgba(bool: boolean, cb?: ImageCallback): this; quality(n: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; getBase64(mime: string, cb: GenericCallback): this; getBase64Async(mime: string): Promise; hash(cb?: GenericCallback): string; hash( base: number | null | undefined, cb?: GenericCallback ): string; getBuffer(mime: string, cb: GenericCallback): this; getBufferAsync(mime: string): Promise; getPixelIndex( x: number, y: number, cb?: GenericCallback ): number; getPixelIndex( x: number, y: number, edgeHandling: number, cb?: GenericCallback ): number; getPixelColor( x: number, y: number, cb?: GenericCallback ): number; getPixelColour( x: number, y: number, cb?: GenericCallback ): number; setPixelColor(hex: number, x: number, y: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; setPixelColour(hex: number, x: number, y: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; clone(cb?: ImageCallback): this; cloneQuiet(cb?: ImageCallback): this; background(hex: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; backgroundQuiet(hex: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; scan( x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, f: (this: this, x: number, y: number, idx: number) => any, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; scanQuiet( x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, f: (this: this, x: number, y: number, idx: number) => any, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; scanIterator( x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number ): IterableIterator<{ x: number; y: number; idx: number; image: DepreciatedJimp; }>; crop(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; cropQuiet( x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; // Color methods brightness(val: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; contrast(val: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; posterize(n: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; greyscale(cb?: ImageCallback): this; grayscale(cb?: ImageCallback): this; opacity(f: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; sepia(cb?: ImageCallback): this; fade(f: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; convolution(kernel: number[][], cb?: ImageCallback): this; convolution( kernel: number[][], edgeHandling: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; opaque(cb?: ImageCallback): this; pixelate(size: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; pixelate( size: number, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; convolute(kernel: number[][], cb?: ImageCallback): this; convolute( kernel: number[][], x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; color(actions: ColorAction[], cb?: ImageCallback): this; colour(actions: ColorAction[], cb?: ImageCallback): this; // Shape methods rotate(deg: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; rotate(deg: number, mode: string | boolean, cb?: ImageCallback): this; flip(horizontal: boolean, vertical: boolean, cb?: ImageCallback): this; mirror(horizontal: boolean, vertical: boolean, cb?: ImageCallback): this; resize(w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; resize(w: number, h: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; cover(w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; cover(w: number, h: number, alignBits?: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; cover( w: number, h: number, alignBits?: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; contain(w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; contain(w: number, h: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; contain(w: number, h: number, alignBits?: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; contain( w: number, h: number, alignBits?: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; scale(f: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; scale(f: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; scaleToFit(w: number, h: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; scaleToFit(w: number, h: number, mode?: string, cb?: ImageCallback): this; displace(map: DepreciatedJimp, offset: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; autocrop(tolerance?: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; autocrop(cropOnlyFrames?: boolean, cb?: ImageCallback): this; autocrop( tolerance?: number, cropOnlyFrames?: boolean, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; autocrop( options: { tolerance?: number; cropOnlyFrames?: boolean; cropSymmetric?: boolean; leaveBorder?: number; }, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; // Text methods print( font: Font, x: number, y: number, text: PrintableText, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; print( font: Font, x: number, y: number, text: PrintableText, maxWidth?: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; print( font: Font, x: number, y: number, text: PrintableText, maxWidth?: number, maxHeight?: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; // Effect methods blur(r: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; dither565(cb?: ImageCallback): this; dither16(cb?: ImageCallback): this; histogram(): { r: number[]; g: number[]; b: number[]; }; normalize(cb?: ImageCallback): this; invert(cb?: ImageCallback): this; gaussian(r: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; composite( src: DepreciatedJimp, x: number, y: number, options?: BlendMode, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; blit(src: DepreciatedJimp, x: number, y: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; blit( src: DepreciatedJimp, x: number, y: number, srcx: number, srcy: number, srcw: number, srch: number, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; mask(src: this, x: number, y: number, cb?: ImageCallback): this; // Functions /** * I'd like to make `Args` generic and used in `run` and `test` but alas, * it's not possible RN: * https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/26113 */ appendConstructorOption( name: string, test: (...args: any[]) => boolean, run: ( this: this, resolve: (jimp?: this) => any, reject: (reason: Error) => any, ...args: any[] ) => any ): void; read(path: string, cb?: ImageCallback): Promise; read(image: this, cb?: ImageCallback): Promise; read(data: Buffer, cb?: ImageCallback): Promise; read( w: number, h: number, background?: number | string, cb?: ImageCallback ): Promise; create(path: string): Promise; create(image: this): Promise; create(data: Buffer): Promise; create(w: number, h: number, background?: number | string): Promise; rgbaToInt( r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number, cb: GenericCallback ): number; intToRGBA(i: number, cb?: GenericCallback): RGBA; cssColorToHex(cssColor: string): number; limit255(n: number): number; diff( img1: this, img2: this, threshold?: number ): { percent: number; image: DepreciatedJimp; }; distance(img1: this, img2: this): number; compareHashes(hash1: string, hash2: string): number; colorDiff(rgba1: RGB, rgba2: RGB): number; colorDiff(rgba1: RGBA, rgba2: RGBA): number; loadFont(file: string): Promise; loadFont(file: string, cb: GenericCallback): Promise; measureText(font: Font, text: PrintableText): number; measureTextHeight(font: Font, text: PrintableText, maxWidth: number): number; circle( options?: { radius: number; x: number; y: number; }, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; circle(cb?: ImageCallback): this; fishEye(opts?: { r: number }, cb?: ImageCallback): this; fishEye(cb?: ImageCallback): this; shadow( options?: { size?: number; opacity?: number; x?: number; y?: number; }, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; shadow(cb?: ImageCallback): this; threshold( opts: { max: number; replace?: number; autoGreyscale?: boolean; }, cb?: ImageCallback ): this; } type GenericCallback = ( this: TThis, err: Error | null, value: T ) => U; type ImageCallback = ( this: DepreciatedJimp, err: Error | null, value: DepreciatedJimp, coords: { x: number; y: number; } ) => U; type ColorActionName = | "mix" | "tint" | "shade" | "xor" | "red" | "green" | "blue" | "hue"; type ColorAction = { apply: ColorActionName; params: any; }; type BlendMode = { mode: string; opacitySource: number; opacityDest: number; }; type ChangeName = "background" | "scan" | "crop"; type ListenableName = | "any" | "initialized" | "before-change" | "changed" | "before-clone" | "cloned" | ChangeName; type ListenerData = T extends "any" ? any : T extends ChangeName ? { eventName: "before-change" | "changed"; methodName: T; [key: string]: any; } : { eventName: T; methodName: T extends "initialized" ? "constructor" : T extends "before-change" | "changed" ? ChangeName : T extends "before-clone" | "cloned" ? "clone" : any; }; type PrintableText = | any | { text: string; alignmentX: number; alignmentY: number; }; type URLOptions = { url: string; compression?: boolean; headers: { [key: string]: any; }; }; /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface Bitmap { data: Buffer; width: number; height: number; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface RGB { r: number; g: number; b: number; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface RGBA { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface FontChar { id: number; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; xoffset: number; yoffset: number; xadvance: number; page: number; chnl: number; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface FontInfo { face: string; size: number; bold: number; italic: number; charset: string; unicode: number; stretchH: number; smooth: number; aa: number; padding: [number, number, number, number]; spacing: [number, number]; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface FontCommon { lineHeight: number; base: number; scaleW: number; scaleH: number; pages: number; packed: number; alphaChnl: number; redChnl: number; greenChnl: number; blueChnl: number; } /** * @deprecated Jimp typings for TS <3.1 are being depreciated. Please upgrade your TypeScript version */ interface Font { chars: { [char: string]: FontChar; }; kernings: { [firstString: string]: { [secondString: string]: number; }; }; pages: string[]; common: FontCommon; info: FontInfo; }