import * as Jimp from "jimp"; const jimpInst: Jimp = new Jimp("test"); // Main Jimp export should already have all of these already applied"Test"); jimpInst.displace(jimpInst, 2); jimpInst.resize(40, 40); // $ExpectType 0 jimpInst.PNG_FILTER_NONE; // $ExpectError jimpInst.test; // $ExpectError jimpInst.func(); // Main Jimp export should already have all of these already applied"Test"); Jimp.displace(Jimp, 2); Jimp.shadow((err, val, coords) => {}); Jimp.resize(40, 40); // $ExpectType 0 Jimp.PNG_FILTER_NONE; // $ExpectError Jimp.test; // $ExpectError Jimp.func(); test("can clone properly", async () => { const baseImage = await"filename"); const cloneBaseImage = baseImage.clone(); // $ExpectType -1 cloneBaseImage.PNG_FILTER_AUTO; test("can handle `this` returns on the core type properly", () => { // $ExpectType -1 cloneBaseImage.diff(jimpInst, jimpInst).image.PNG_FILTER_AUTO; }); test("can handle `this` returns properly", () => { cloneBaseImage .resize(1, 1) .crop(0, 0, 0, 0) .mask(cloneBaseImage, 2, 2) .print("a" as any, 2, 2, "a" as any) .resize(1, 1) .quality(1) .deflateLevel(2).PNG_FILTER_AUTO; }); test("can handle imageCallbacks `this` properly", () => { cloneBaseImage.rgba(false, (_, jimpCBIn) => {"Test"); jimpCBIn.displace(jimpInst, 2); jimpCBIn.resize(40, 40); // $ExpectType 0 jimpCBIn.PNG_FILTER_NONE; // $ExpectError jimpCBIn.test; // $ExpectError jimpCBIn.func(); }); }); }); test("Can handle callback with constructor", () => { const myBmpBuffer: Buffer = {} as any;, (err, cbJimpInst) => {"Test"); cbJimpInst.displace(jimpInst, 2); cbJimpInst.resize(40, 40); // $ExpectType 0 cbJimpInst.PNG_FILTER_NONE; // $ExpectError cbJimpInst.test; // $ExpectError cbJimpInst.func(); }); }); test("Can handle appendConstructorOption", () => { Jimp.appendConstructorOption( "Name of Option", (args) => args.hasSomeCustomThing, function (resolve, reject, args) { // $ExpectError this.bitmap = 3; Jimp.resize(2, 2); resolve(); } ); });