// The following definitions have been copied (almost) as-is from: // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/hapi__joi // // Note: This file is expected to change dramatically in the next major release and have been // imported here to make migrating back to the "joi" module name simpler. It include known bugs // and other issues. It does not include some new features included in version 17.2.0 or newer. // // TypeScript Version: 2.8 // TODO express type of Schema in a type-parameter (.default, .valid, .example etc) declare namespace Joi { type Types = | 'any' | 'alternatives' | 'array' | 'boolean' | 'binary' | 'date' | 'function' | 'link' | 'number' | 'object' | 'string' | 'symbol'; type BasicType = boolean | number | string | any[] | object | null; type LanguageMessages = Record>; type PresenceMode = 'optional' | 'required' | 'forbidden'; interface ErrorFormattingOptions { /** * when true, error message templates will escape special characters to HTML entities, for security purposes. * * @default false */ escapeHtml?: boolean; /** * defines the value used to set the label context variable. */ label?: 'path' | 'key' | false; /** * The preferred language code for error messages. * The value is matched against keys at the root of the messages object, and then the error code as a child key of that. * Can be a reference to the value, global context, or local context which is the root value passed to the validation function. * * Note that references to the value are usually not what you want as they move around the value structure relative to where the error happens. * Instead, either use the global context, or the absolute value (e.g. `Joi.ref('/variable')`) */ language?: keyof LanguageMessages; /** * when false, skips rendering error templates. Useful when error messages are generated elsewhere to save processing time. * * @default true */ render?: boolean; /** * when true, the main error will possess a stack trace, otherwise it will be disabled. * Defaults to false for performances reasons. Has no effect on platforms other than V8/node.js as it uses the Stack trace API. * * @default false */ stack?: boolean; /** * overrides the way values are wrapped (e.g. `[]` around arrays, `""` around labels). * Each key can be set to a string with one (same character before and after the value) or two characters (first character * before and second character after), or `false` to disable wrapping. */ wrap?: { /** * the characters used around `{#label}` references. Defaults to `'"'`. * * @default '"' */ label?: string | false, /** * the characters used around array values. Defaults to `'[]'` * * @default '[]' */ array?: string | false /** * the characters used around array string values. Defaults to no wrapping. * * @default false */ string?: string | false }; } interface BaseValidationOptions { /** * when true, stops validation on the first error, otherwise returns all the errors found. * * @default true */ abortEarly?: boolean; /** * when true, allows object to contain unknown keys which are ignored. * * @default false */ allowUnknown?: boolean; /** * when true, return artifacts alongside the value. * * @default false */ artifacts?: boolean; /** * when true, schema caching is enabled (for schemas with explicit caching rules). * * @default false */ cache?: boolean; /** * provides an external data set to be used in references */ context?: Context; /** * when true, attempts to cast values to the required types (e.g. a string to a number). * * @default true */ convert?: boolean; /** * sets the string format used when converting dates to strings in error messages and casting. * * @default 'iso' */ dateFormat?: 'date' | 'iso' | 'string' | 'time' | 'utc'; /** * when true, valid results and throw errors are decorated with a debug property which includes an array of the validation steps used to generate the returned result. * * @default false */ debug?: boolean; /** * error formatting settings. */ errors?: ErrorFormattingOptions; /** * if false, the external rules set with `any.external()` are ignored, which is required to ignore any external validations in synchronous mode (or an exception is thrown). * * @default true */ externals?: boolean; /** * when true, do not apply default values. * * @default false */ noDefaults?: boolean; /** * when true, inputs are shallow cloned to include non-enumerable properties. * * @default false */ nonEnumerables?: boolean; /** * sets the default presence requirements. Supported modes: 'optional', 'required', and 'forbidden'. * * @default 'optional' */ presence?: PresenceMode; /** * when true, ignores unknown keys with a function value. * * @default false */ skipFunctions?: boolean; /** * remove unknown elements from objects and arrays. * - when true, all unknown elements will be removed * - when an object: * - objects - set to true to remove unknown keys from objects * * @default false */ stripUnknown?: boolean | { arrays?: boolean; objects?: boolean }; } interface ValidationOptions extends BaseValidationOptions { /** * overrides individual error messages. Defaults to no override (`{}`). * Messages use the same rules as templates. * Variables in double braces `{{var}}` are HTML escaped if the option `errors.escapeHtml` is set to true. * * @default {} */ messages?: LanguageMessages; } interface AsyncValidationOptions extends ValidationOptions { /** * when true, artifacts are returned alongside the value (i.e. `{ value, artifacts }`) * * @default false */ artifacts?: boolean; /** * when true, warnings are returned alongside the value (i.e. `{ value, warning }`). * * @default false */ warnings?: boolean; } interface LanguageMessageTemplate { source: string; rendered: string; } interface ErrorValidationOptions extends BaseValidationOptions { messages?: Record; } interface RenameOptions { /** * if true, does not delete the old key name, keeping both the new and old keys in place. * * @default false */ alias?: boolean; /** * if true, allows renaming multiple keys to the same destination where the last rename wins. * * @default false */ multiple?: boolean; /** * if true, allows renaming a key over an existing key. * * @default false */ override?: boolean; /** * if true, skip renaming of a key if it's undefined. * * @default false */ ignoreUndefined?: boolean; } interface TopLevelDomainOptions { /** * - `true` to use the IANA list of registered TLDs. This is the default value. * - `false` to allow any TLD not listed in the `deny` list, if present. * - A `Set` or array of the allowed TLDs. Cannot be used together with `deny`. */ allow?: Set | string[] | boolean; /** * - A `Set` or array of the forbidden TLDs. Cannot be used together with a custom `allow` list. */ deny?: Set | string[]; } interface HierarchySeparatorOptions { /** * overrides the default `.` hierarchy separator. Set to false to treat the key as a literal value. * * @default '.' */ separator?: string | false; } interface DependencyOptions extends HierarchySeparatorOptions { /** * overrides the default check for a present value. * * @default (resolved) => resolved !== undefined */ isPresent?: (resolved: any) => boolean; } interface EmailOptions { /** * if `true`, domains ending with a `.` character are permitted * * @default false */ allowFullyQualified?: boolean; /** * If `true`, Unicode characters are permitted * * @default true */ allowUnicode?: boolean; /** * if `true`, ignore invalid email length errors. * * @default false */ ignoreLength?: boolean; /** * if true, allows multiple email addresses in a single string, separated by , or the separator characters. * * @default false */ multiple?: boolean; /** * when multiple is true, overrides the default , separator. String can be a single character or multiple separator characters. * * @default ',' */ separator?: string | string[]; /** * Options for TLD (top level domain) validation. By default, the TLD must be a valid name listed on the [IANA registry](http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt) * * @default { allow: true } */ tlds?: TopLevelDomainOptions | false; /** * Number of segments required for the domain. Be careful since some domains, such as `io`, directly allow email. * * @default 2 */ minDomainSegments?: number; /** * The maximum number of domain segments (e.g. `x.y.z` has 3 segments) allowed. Defaults to no limit. * * @default Infinity */ maxDomainSegments?: number; } interface DomainOptions { /** * if `true`, domains ending with a `.` character are permitted * * @default false */ allowFullyQualified?: boolean; /** * If `true`, Unicode characters are permitted * * @default true */ allowUnicode?: boolean; /** * Options for TLD (top level domain) validation. By default, the TLD must be a valid name listed on the [IANA registry](http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt) * * @default { allow: true } */ tlds?: TopLevelDomainOptions | false; /** * Number of segments required for the domain. * * @default 2 */ minDomainSegments?: number; /** * The maximum number of domain segments (e.g. `x.y.z` has 3 segments) allowed. Defaults to no limit. * * @default Infinity */ maxDomainSegments?: number; } interface HexOptions { /** * hex decoded representation must be byte aligned. * @default false */ byteAligned?: boolean; /** * controls whether the prefix `0x` or `0X` is allowed (or required) on hex strings. * When `true`, the prefix must be provided. * When `false`, the prefix is forbidden. * When `optional`, the prefix is allowed but not required. * * @default false */ prefix?: boolean | 'optional'; } interface IpOptions { /** * One or more IP address versions to validate against. Valid values: ipv4, ipv6, ipvfuture */ version?: string | string[]; /** * Used to determine if a CIDR is allowed or not. Valid values: optional, required, forbidden */ cidr?: PresenceMode; } type GuidVersions = 'uuidv1' | 'uuidv2' | 'uuidv3' | 'uuidv4' | 'uuidv5' | 'uuidv6' | 'uuidv7' | 'uuidv8'; interface GuidOptions { version?: GuidVersions[] | GuidVersions; separator?: boolean | '-' | ':'; } interface UriOptions { /** * Specifies one or more acceptable Schemes, should only include the scheme name. * Can be an Array or String (strings are automatically escaped for use in a Regular Expression). */ scheme?: string | RegExp | Array; /** * Allow relative URIs. * * @default false */ allowRelative?: boolean; /** * Restrict only relative URIs. * * @default false */ relativeOnly?: boolean; /** * Allows unencoded square brackets inside the query string. * This is NOT RFC 3986 compliant but query strings like abc[]=123&abc[]=456 are very common these days. * * @default false */ allowQuerySquareBrackets?: boolean; /** * Validate the domain component using the options specified in `string.domain()`. */ domain?: DomainOptions; /** * Encode URI before validation. * * @default false */ encodeUri?: boolean; } interface DataUriOptions { /** * optional parameter defaulting to true which will require `=` padding if true or make padding optional if false * * @default true */ paddingRequired?: boolean; } interface Base64Options extends Pick { /** * if true, uses the URI-safe base64 format which replaces `+` with `-` and `\` with `_`. * * @default false */ urlSafe?: boolean; } interface SwitchCases { /** * the required condition joi type. */ is: SchemaLike; /** * the alternative schema type if the condition is true. */ then: SchemaLike; } interface SwitchDefault { /** * the alternative schema type if no cases matched. * Only one otherwise statement is allowed in switch as the last array item. */ otherwise: SchemaLike; } interface WhenOptions { /** * the required condition joi type. */ is?: SchemaLike; /** * the negative version of `is` (`then` and `otherwise` have reverse * roles). */ not?: SchemaLike; /** * the alternative schema type if the condition is true. Required if otherwise or switch are missing. */ then?: SchemaLike; /** * the alternative schema type if the condition is false. Required if then or switch are missing. */ otherwise?: SchemaLike; /** * the list of cases. Required if then is missing. Required if then or otherwise are missing. */ switch?: Array; /** * whether to stop applying further conditions if the condition is true. */ break?: boolean; } interface WhenSchemaOptions { /** * the alternative schema type if the condition is true. Required if otherwise is missing. */ then?: SchemaLike; /** * the alternative schema type if the condition is false. Required if then is missing. */ otherwise?: SchemaLike; } interface Cache { /** * Add an item to the cache. * * Note that key and value can be anything including objects, array, etc. */ set(key: any, value: any): void; /** * Retrieve an item from the cache. * * Note that key and value can be anything including objects, array, etc. */ get(key: any): any; } interface CacheProvisionOptions { /** * number of items to store in the cache before the least used items are dropped. * * @default 1000 */ max: number; } interface CacheConfiguration { /** * Provisions a simple LRU cache for caching simple inputs (`undefined`, `null`, strings, numbers, and booleans). */ provision(options?: CacheProvisionOptions): void; } interface CompileOptions { /** * If true and the provided schema is (or contains parts) using an older version of joi, will return a compiled schema that is compatible with the older version. * If false, the schema is always compiled using the current version and if older schema components are found, an error is thrown. */ legacy: boolean; } interface IsSchemaOptions { /** * If true, will identify schemas from older versions of joi, otherwise will throw an error. * * @default false */ legacy: boolean; } interface ReferenceOptions extends HierarchySeparatorOptions { /** * a function with the signature `function(value)` where `value` is the resolved reference value and the return value is the adjusted value to use. * Note that the adjust feature will not perform any type validation on the adjusted value and it must match the value expected by the rule it is used in. * Cannot be used with `map`. * * @example `(value) => value + 5` */ adjust?: (value: any) => any; /** * an array of array pairs using the format `[[key, value], [key, value]]` used to maps the resolved reference value to another value. * If the resolved value is not in the map, it is returned as-is. * Cannot be used with `adjust`. */ map?: Array<[any, any]>; /** * overrides default prefix characters. */ prefix?: { /** * references to the globally provided context preference. * * @default '$' */ global?: string; /** * references to error-specific or rule specific context. * * @default '#' */ local?: string; /** * references to the root value being validated. * * @default '/' */ root?: string; }; /** * If set to a number, sets the reference relative starting point. * Cannot be combined with separator prefix characters. * Defaults to the reference key prefix (or 1 if none present) */ ancestor?: number; /** * creates an in-reference. */ in?: boolean; /** * when true, the reference resolves by reaching into maps and sets. */ iterables?: boolean; /** * when true, the value of the reference is used instead of its name in error messages * and template rendering. Defaults to false. */ render?: boolean; } interface StringRegexOptions { /** * optional pattern name. */ name?: string; /** * when true, the provided pattern will be disallowed instead of required. * * @default false */ invert?: boolean; } interface RuleOptions { /** * if true, the rules will not be replaced by the same unique rule later. * * For example, `Joi.number().min(1).rule({ keep: true }).min(2)` will keep both `min()` rules instead of the later rule overriding the first. * * @default false */ keep?: boolean; /** * a single message string or a messages object where each key is an error code and corresponding message string as value. * * The object is the same as the messages used as an option in `any.validate()`. * The strings can be plain messages or a message template. */ message?: string | LanguageMessages; /** * if true, turns any error generated by the ruleset to warnings. */ warn?: boolean; } interface ErrorReport extends Error { code: string; flags: Record; path: string[]; prefs: ErrorValidationOptions; messages: LanguageMessages; state: State; value: any; local: any; } interface ValidationError extends Error { name: 'ValidationError'; isJoi: boolean; /** * array of errors. */ details: ValidationErrorItem[]; /** * function that returns a string with an annotated version of the object pointing at the places where errors occurred. * * NOTE: This method does not exist in browser builds of Joi * * @param stripColors - if truthy, will strip the colors out of the output. */ annotate(stripColors?: boolean): string; _original: any; } interface ValidationErrorItem { message: string; path: Array; type: string; context?: Context; } type ValidationErrorFunction = (errors: ErrorReport[]) => string | ValidationErrorItem | Error | ErrorReport[]; interface ValidationWarning { message: string; details: ValidationErrorItem[]; } type ValidationResult = { error: undefined; warning?: ValidationError; value: TSchema; } | { error: ValidationError; warning?: ValidationError; value: any; } interface CreateErrorOptions { flags?: boolean; messages?: LanguageMessages; } interface ModifyOptions { each?: boolean; once?: boolean; ref?: boolean; schema?: boolean; } interface MutateRegisterOptions { family?: any; key?: any; } interface SetFlagOptions { clone: boolean; } interface CustomHelpers { schema: ExtensionBoundSchema; state: State; prefs: ValidationOptions; original: V; warn: (code: string, local?: Context) => void; error: (code: string, local?: Context, localState?: State) => ErrorReport; message: (messages: LanguageMessages, local?: Context) => ErrorReport; } type CustomValidator = (value: V, helpers: CustomHelpers) => R | ErrorReport; interface ExternalHelpers { schema: ExtensionBoundSchema; linked: ExtensionBoundSchema | null; state: State; prefs: ValidationOptions; original: V; warn: (code: string, local?: Context) => void; error: (code: string, local?: Context) => ErrorReport; message: (messages: LanguageMessages, local?: Context) => ErrorReport; } type ExternalValidationFunction = (value: V, helpers: ExternalHelpers) => R | undefined; type SchemaLikeWithoutArray = string | number | boolean | null | Schema | SchemaMap; type SchemaLike = SchemaLikeWithoutArray | object; type NullableType = undefined | null | T type IsPrimitiveSubset = [T] extends [string] ? true : [T] extends [number] ? true : [T] extends [bigint] ? true : [T] extends [boolean] ? true : [T] extends [symbol] ? true : [T] extends [null] ? true : [T] extends [undefined] ? true : false; type IsUnion = T extends unknown ? [U] extends [T] ? false : true : false; type IsNonPrimitiveSubsetUnion = true extends IsUnion ? true extends IsPrimitiveSubset ? false : true : false; type ObjectPropertiesSchema = true extends IsNonPrimitiveSubsetUnion> ? Joi.AlternativesSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.StringSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.NumberSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.NumberSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.BooleanSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.DateSchema : T extends NullableType ? Joi.BinarySchema : T extends NullableType> ? Joi.ArraySchema : T extends NullableType ? (StrictSchemaMap | ObjectSchema) : never type PartialSchemaMap = { [key in keyof TSchema]?: SchemaLike | SchemaLike[]; } type StrictSchemaMap = { [key in keyof TSchema]-?: ObjectPropertiesSchema }; type SchemaMap = isStrict extends true ? StrictSchemaMap : PartialSchemaMap type Schema

= | AnySchema

| ArraySchema

| AlternativesSchema

| BinarySchema

| BooleanSchema

| DateSchema

| FunctionSchema

| NumberSchema

| ObjectSchema

| StringSchema

| LinkSchema

| SymbolSchema

; type SchemaFunction = (schema: Schema) => Schema; interface AddRuleOptions { name: string; args?: { [key: string]: any; }; } interface GetRuleOptions { args?: Record; method?: string; name: string; operator?: string; } interface SchemaInternals { /** * Parent schema object. */ $_super: Schema; /** * Terms of current schema. */ $_terms: Record; /** * Adds a rule to current validation schema. */ $_addRule(rule: string | AddRuleOptions): Schema; /** * Internally compiles schema. */ $_compile(schema: SchemaLike, options?: CompileOptions): Schema; /** * Creates a joi error object. */ $_createError( code: string, value: any, context: Context, state: State, prefs: ValidationOptions, options?: CreateErrorOptions, ): Err; /** * Get value from given flag. */ $_getFlag(name: string): any; /** * Retrieve some rule configuration. */ $_getRule(name: string): GetRuleOptions | undefined; $_mapLabels(path: string | string[]): string; /** * Returns true if validations runs fine on given value. */ $_match(value: any, state: State, prefs: ValidationOptions): boolean; $_modify(options?: ModifyOptions): Schema; /** * Resets current schema. */ $_mutateRebuild(): this; $_mutateRegister(schema: Schema, options?: MutateRegisterOptions): void; /** * Get value from given property. */ $_property(name: string): any; /** * Get schema at given path. */ $_reach(path: string[]): Schema; /** * Get current schema root references. */ $_rootReferences(): any; /** * Set flag to given value. */ $_setFlag(flag: string, value: any, options?: SetFlagOptions): void; /** * Runs internal validations against given value. */ $_validate(value: any, state: State, prefs: ValidationOptions): ValidationResult; } interface AnySchema extends SchemaInternals { /** * Flags of current schema. */ _flags: Record; /** * Starts a ruleset in order to apply multiple rule options. The set ends when `rule()`, `keep()`, `message()`, or `warn()` is called. */ $: this; /** * Starts a ruleset in order to apply multiple rule options. The set ends when `rule()`, `keep()`, `message()`, or `warn()` is called. */ ruleset: this; type?: Types | string; /** * Whitelists a value */ allow(...values: any[]): this; /** * Assign target alteration options to a schema that are applied when `any.tailor()` is called. * @param targets - an object where each key is a target name, and each value is a function that takes an schema and returns an schema. */ alter(targets: Record Schema>): this; /** * Assigns the schema an artifact id which is included in the validation result if the rule passed validation. * @param id - any value other than undefined which will be returned as-is in the result artifacts map. */ artifact(id: any): this; /** * By default, some Joi methods to function properly need to rely on the Joi instance they are attached to because * they use `this` internally. * So `Joi.string()` works but if you extract the function from it and call `string()` it won't. * `bind()` creates a new Joi instance where all the functions relying on `this` are bound to the Joi instance. */ bind(): this; /** * Adds caching to the schema which will attempt to cache the validation results (success and failures) of incoming inputs. * If no cache is passed, a default cache is provisioned by using `cache.provision()` internally. */ cache(cache?: Cache): this; /** * Casts the validated value to the specified type. */ cast(to: 'map' | 'number' | 'set' | 'string'): this; /** * Returns a new type that is the result of adding the rules of one type to another. */ concat(schema: this): this; /** * Adds a custom validation function. */ custom(fn: CustomValidator, description?: string): this; /** * Sets a default value if the original value is `undefined` where: * @param value - the default value. One of: * - a literal value (string, number, object, etc.) * - a [references](#refkey-options) * - a function which returns the default value using the signature `function(parent, helpers)` where: * - `parent` - a clone of the object containing the value being validated. Note that since specifying a * `parent` argument performs cloning, do not declare format arguments if you are not using them. * - `helpers` - same as those described in [`any.custom()`](anycustomermethod_description) * * When called without any `value` on an object schema type, a default value will be automatically generated * based on the default values of the object keys. * * Note that if value is an object, any changes to the object after `default()` is called will change the * reference and any future assignment. */ default(value?: BasicType | Reference | ((parent: any, helpers: CustomHelpers) => BasicType | Reference)): this; /** * Returns a plain object representing the schema's rules and properties */ describe(): Description; /** * Annotates the key */ description(desc: string): this; /** * Disallows values. */ disallow(...values: any[]): this; /** * Considers anything that matches the schema to be empty (undefined). * @param schema - any object or joi schema to match. An undefined schema unsets that rule. */ empty(schema?: SchemaLike): this; /** * Adds the provided values into the allowed whitelist and marks them as the only valid values allowed. */ equal(...values: any[]): this; /** * Overrides the default joi error with a custom error if the rule fails where: * @param err - can be: * an instance of `Error` - the override error. * a `function(errors)`, taking an array of errors as argument, where it must either: * return a `string` - substitutes the error message with this text * return a single ` object` or an `Array` of it, where: * `type` - optional parameter providing the type of the error (eg. `number.min`). * `message` - optional parameter if `template` is provided, containing the text of the error. * `template` - optional parameter if `message` is provided, containing a template string, using the same format as usual joi language errors. * `context` - optional parameter, to provide context to your error if you are using the `template`. * return an `Error` - same as when you directly provide an `Error`, but you can customize the error message based on the errors. * * Note that if you provide an `Error`, it will be returned as-is, unmodified and undecorated with any of the * normal joi error properties. If validation fails and another error is found before the error * override, that error will be returned and the override will be ignored (unless the `abortEarly` * option has been set to `false`). */ error(err: Error | ValidationErrorFunction): this; /** * Annotates the key with an example value, must be valid. */ example(value: any, options?: { override: boolean }): this; /** * Marks a key as required which will not allow undefined as value. All keys are optional by default. */ exist(): this; /** * Adds an external validation rule. * * Note that external validation rules are only called after the all other validation rules for the entire schema (from the value root) are checked. * This means that any changes made to the value by the external rules are not available to any other validation rules during the non-external validation phase. * If schema validation failed, no external validation rules are called. */ external(method: ExternalValidationFunction, description?: string): this; /** * Returns a sub-schema based on a path of object keys or schema ids. * * @param path - a dot `.` separated path string or a pre-split array of path keys. The keys must match the sub-schema id or object key (if no id was explicitly set). */ extract(path: string | string[]): Schema; /** * Sets a failover value if the original value fails passing validation. * * @param value - the failover value. value supports references. value may be assigned a function which returns the default value. * * If value is specified as a function that accepts a single parameter, that parameter will be a context object that can be used to derive the resulting value. * Note that if value is an object, any changes to the object after `failover()` is called will change the reference and any future assignment. * Use a function when setting a dynamic value (e.g. the current time). * Using a function with a single argument performs some internal cloning which has a performance impact. * If you do not need access to the context, define the function without any arguments. */ failover(value: any): this; /** * Marks a key as forbidden which will not allow any value except undefined. Used to explicitly forbid keys. */ forbidden(): this; /** * Returns a new schema where each of the path keys listed have been modified. * * @param key - an array of key strings, a single key string, or an array of arrays of pre-split key strings. * @param adjuster - a function which must return a modified schema. */ fork(key: string | string[] | string[][], adjuster: SchemaFunction): this; /** * Sets a schema id for reaching into the schema via `any.extract()`. * If no id is set, the schema id defaults to the object key it is associated with. * If the schema is used in an array or alternatives type and no id is set, the schema in unreachable. */ id(name?: string): this; /** * Disallows values. */ invalid(...values: any[]): this; /** * Same as `rule({ keep: true })`. * * Note that `keep()` will terminate the current ruleset and cannot be followed by another rule option. * Use `rule()` to apply multiple rule options. */ keep(): this; /** * Overrides the key name in error messages. */ label(name: string): this; /** * Same as `rule({ message })`. * * Note that `message()` will terminate the current ruleset and cannot be followed by another rule option. * Use `rule()` to apply multiple rule options. */ message(message: string): this; /** * Same as `any.prefs({ messages })`. * Note that while `any.message()` applies only to the last rule or ruleset, `any.messages()` applies to the entire schema. */ messages(messages: LanguageMessages): this; /** * Attaches metadata to the key. */ meta(meta: object): this; /** * Disallows values. */ not(...values: any[]): this; /** * Annotates the key */ note(...notes: string[]): this; /** * Requires the validated value to match of the provided `any.allow()` values. * It has not effect when called together with `any.valid()` since it already sets the requirements. * When used with `any.allow()` it converts it to an `any.valid()`. */ only(): this; /** * Marks a key as optional which will allow undefined as values. Used to annotate the schema for readability as all keys are optional by default. */ optional(): this; /** * Overrides the global validate() options for the current key and any sub-key. */ options(options: ValidationOptions): this; /** * Overrides the global validate() options for the current key and any sub-key. */ prefs(options: ValidationOptions): this; /** * Overrides the global validate() options for the current key and any sub-key. */ preferences(options: ValidationOptions): this; /** * Sets the presence mode for the schema. */ presence(mode: PresenceMode): this; /** * Outputs the original untouched value instead of the casted value. */ raw(enabled?: boolean): this; /** * Marks a key as required which will not allow undefined as value. All keys are optional by default. */ required(): this; /** * Applies a set of rule options to the current ruleset or last rule added. * * When applying rule options, the last rule (e.g. `min()`) is used unless there is an active ruleset defined (e.g. `$.min().max()`) * in which case the options are applied to all the provided rules. * Once `rule()` is called, the previous rules can no longer be modified and any active ruleset is terminated. * * Rule modifications can only be applied to supported rules. * Most of the `any` methods do not support rule modifications because they are implemented using schema flags (e.g. `required()`) or special * internal implementation (e.g. `valid()`). * In those cases, use the `any.messages()` method to override the error codes for the errors you want to customize. */ rule(options: RuleOptions): this; /** * Registers a schema to be used by descendants of the current schema in named link references. */ shared(ref: Schema): this; /** * Sets the options.convert options to false which prevent type casting for the current key and any child keys. */ strict(isStrict?: boolean): this; /** * Marks a key to be removed from a resulting object or array after validation. Used to sanitize output. * @param [enabled=true] - if true, the value is stripped, otherwise the validated value is retained. Defaults to true. */ strip(enabled?: boolean): this; /** * Annotates the key */ tag(...tags: string[]): this; /** * Applies any assigned target alterations to a copy of the schema that were applied via `any.alter()`. */ tailor(targets: string | string[]): Schema; /** * Annotates the key with an unit name. */ unit(name: string): this; /** * Adds the provided values into the allowed whitelist and marks them as the only valid values allowed. */ valid(...values: any[]): this; /** * Validates a value using the schema and options. */ validate(value: any, options?: ValidationOptions): ValidationResult; /** * Validates a value using the schema and options. */ validateAsync( value: any, options?: TOpts ): Promise< TOpts extends { artifacts: true } | { warnings: true } ? { value: TSchema } & (TOpts extends { artifacts: true } ? { artifacts: Map } : {}) & (TOpts extends { warnings: true } ? { warning: ValidationWarning } : {}) : TSchema >; /** * Same as `rule({ warn: true })`. * Note that `warn()` will terminate the current ruleset and cannot be followed by another rule option. * Use `rule()` to apply multiple rule options. */ warn(): this; /** * Generates a warning. * When calling `any.validateAsync()`, set the `warning` option to true to enable warnings. * Warnings are reported separately from errors alongside the result value via the warning key (i.e. `{ value, warning }`). * Warning are always included when calling `any.validate()`. */ warning(code: string, context: Context): this; /** * Converts the type into an alternatives type where the conditions are merged into the type definition where: */ when(ref: string | Reference, options: WhenOptions | WhenOptions[]): this; /** * Converts the type into an alternatives type where the conditions are merged into the type definition where: */ when(ref: Schema, options: WhenSchemaOptions): this; } interface Description { type?: Types | string; label?: string; description?: string; flags?: object; notes?: string[]; tags?: string[]; metas?: any[]; example?: any[]; valids?: any[]; invalids?: any[]; unit?: string; options?: ValidationOptions; [key: string]: any; } interface Context { [key: string]: any; key?: string; label?: string; value?: any; } interface State { key?: string; path?: (string | number)[]; parent?: any; reference?: any; ancestors?: any; localize?(...args: any[]): State; } interface BooleanSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Allows for additional values to be considered valid booleans by converting them to false during validation. * String comparisons are by default case insensitive, * see `boolean.sensitive()` to change this behavior. * @param values - strings, numbers or arrays of them */ falsy(...values: Array): this; /** * Allows the values provided to truthy and falsy as well as the "true" and "false" default conversion * (when not in `strict()` mode) to be matched in a case insensitive manner. */ sensitive(enabled?: boolean): this; /** * Allows for additional values to be considered valid booleans by converting them to true during validation. * String comparisons are by default case insensitive, see `boolean.sensitive()` to change this behavior. * @param values - strings, numbers or arrays of them */ truthy(...values: Array): this; } interface NumberSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Specifies that the value must be greater than limit. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ greater(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Requires the number to be an integer (no floating point). */ integer(): this; /** * Specifies that the value must be less than limit. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ less(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the maximum value. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ max(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the minimum value. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ min(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies that the value must be a multiple of base. */ multiple(base: number | Reference): this; /** * Requires the number to be negative. */ negative(): this; /** * Requires the number to be a TCP port, so between 0 and 65535. */ port(): this; /** * Requires the number to be positive. */ positive(): this; /** * Specifies the maximum number of decimal places where: * @param limit - the maximum number of decimal places allowed. */ precision(limit: number): this; /** * Requires the number to be negative or positive. */ sign(sign: 'positive' | 'negative'): this; /** * Allows the number to be outside of JavaScript's safety range (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER & Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER). */ unsafe(enabled?: any): this; } interface StringSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Requires the string value to only contain a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. */ alphanum(): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid base64 string; does not check the decoded value. */ base64(options?: Base64Options): this; /** * Sets the required string case. */ case(direction: 'upper' | 'lower'): this; /** * Requires the number to be a credit card number (Using Luhn Algorithm). */ creditCard(): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid data URI string. */ dataUri(options?: DataUriOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid domain. */ domain(options?: DomainOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid email address. */ email(options?: EmailOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid GUID. */ guid(options?: GuidOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid hexadecimal string. */ hex(options?: HexOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid hostname as per RFC1123. */ hostname(): this; /** * Allows the value to match any whitelist of blacklist item in a case insensitive comparison. */ insensitive(): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid ip address. */ ip(options?: IpOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be in valid ISO 8601 date format. */ isoDate(): this; /** * Requires the string value to be in valid ISO 8601 duration format. */ isoDuration(): this; /** * Specifies the exact string length required * @param limit - the required string length. It can also be a reference to another field. * @param encoding - if specified, the string length is calculated in bytes using the provided encoding. */ length(limit: number | Reference, encoding?: string): this; /** * Requires the string value to be all lowercase. If the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), the string will be forced to lowercase. */ lowercase(): this; /** * Specifies the maximum number of string characters. * @param limit - the maximum number of string characters allowed. It can also be a reference to another field. * @param encoding - if specified, the string length is calculated in bytes using the provided encoding. */ max(limit: number | Reference, encoding?: string): this; /** * Specifies the minimum number string characters. * @param limit - the minimum number of string characters required. It can also be a reference to another field. * @param encoding - if specified, the string length is calculated in bytes using the provided encoding. */ min(limit: number | Reference, encoding?: string): this; /** * Requires the string value to be in a unicode normalized form. If the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), the string will be normalized. * @param [form='NFC'] - The unicode normalization form to use. Valid values: NFC [default], NFD, NFKC, NFKD */ normalize(form?: 'NFC' | 'NFD' | 'NFKC' | 'NFKD'): this; /** * Defines a regular expression rule. * @param pattern - a regular expression object the string value must match against. * @param options - optional, can be: * Name for patterns (useful with multiple patterns). Defaults to 'required'. * An optional configuration object with the following supported properties: * name - optional pattern name. * invert - optional boolean flag. Defaults to false behavior. If specified as true, the provided pattern will be disallowed instead of required. */ pattern(pattern: RegExp, options?: string | StringRegexOptions): this; /** * Defines a regular expression rule. * @param pattern - a regular expression object the string value must match against. * @param options - optional, can be: * Name for patterns (useful with multiple patterns). Defaults to 'required'. * An optional configuration object with the following supported properties: * name - optional pattern name. * invert - optional boolean flag. Defaults to false behavior. If specified as true, the provided pattern will be disallowed instead of required. */ regex(pattern: RegExp, options?: string | StringRegexOptions): this; /** * Replace characters matching the given pattern with the specified replacement string where: * @param pattern - a regular expression object to match against, or a string of which all occurrences will be replaced. * @param replacement - the string that will replace the pattern. */ replace(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: string): this; /** * Requires the string value to only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore _. */ token(): this; /** * Requires the string value to contain no whitespace before or after. If the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), the string will be trimmed. * @param [enabled=true] - optional parameter defaulting to true which allows you to reset the behavior of trim by providing a falsy value. */ trim(enabled?: any): this; /** * Specifies whether the string.max() limit should be used as a truncation. * @param [enabled=true] - optional parameter defaulting to true which allows you to reset the behavior of truncate by providing a falsy value. */ truncate(enabled?: boolean): this; /** * Requires the string value to be all uppercase. If the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), the string will be forced to uppercase. */ uppercase(): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid RFC 3986 URI. */ uri(options?: UriOptions): this; /** * Requires the string value to be a valid GUID. */ uuid(options?: GuidOptions): this; } interface SymbolSchema extends AnySchema { // TODO: support number and symbol index map(iterable: Iterable<[string | number | boolean | symbol, symbol]> | { [key: string]: symbol }): this; } interface ArraySortOptions { /** * @default 'ascending' */ order?: 'ascending' | 'descending'; by?: string | Reference; } interface ArrayUniqueOptions extends HierarchySeparatorOptions { /** * if true, undefined values for the dot notation string comparator will not cause the array to fail on uniqueness. * * @default false */ ignoreUndefined?: boolean; } type ComparatorFunction = (a: any, b: any) => boolean; interface ArraySchema extends AnySchema { /** * Verifies that an assertion passes for at least one item in the array, where: * `schema` - the validation rules required to satisfy the assertion. If the `schema` includes references, they are resolved against * the array item being tested, not the value of the `ref` target. */ has(schema: SchemaLike): this; /** * List the types allowed for the array values. * If a given type is .required() then there must be a matching item in the array. * If a type is .forbidden() then it cannot appear in the array. * Required items can be added multiple times to signify that multiple items must be found. * Errors will contain the number of items that didn't match. * Any unmatched item having a label will be mentioned explicitly. * * @param type - a joi schema object to validate each array item against. */ items(...types: SchemaLikeWithoutArray[]): this; /** * Specifies the exact number of items in the array. */ length(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the maximum number of items in the array. */ max(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the minimum number of items in the array. */ min(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Lists the types in sequence order for the array values where: * @param type - a joi schema object to validate against each array item in sequence order. type can be multiple values passed as individual arguments. * If a given type is .required() then there must be a matching item with the same index position in the array. * Errors will contain the number of items that didn't match. * Any unmatched item having a label will be mentioned explicitly. */ ordered(...types: SchemaLikeWithoutArray[]): this; /** * Allow single values to be checked against rules as if it were provided as an array. * enabled can be used with a falsy value to go back to the default behavior. */ single(enabled?: any): this; /** * Sorts the array by given order. */ sort(options?: ArraySortOptions): this; /** * Allow this array to be sparse. * enabled can be used with a falsy value to go back to the default behavior. */ sparse(enabled?: any): this; /** * Requires the array values to be unique. * Remember that if you provide a custom comparator function, * different types can be passed as parameter depending on the rules you set on items. * Be aware that a deep equality is performed on elements of the array having a type of object, * a performance penalty is to be expected for this kind of operation. */ unique(comparator?: string | ComparatorFunction, options?: ArrayUniqueOptions): this; } interface ObjectPatternOptions { fallthrough?: boolean; matches: SchemaLike | Reference; } interface ObjectSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Defines an all-or-nothing relationship between keys where if one of the peers is present, all of them are required as well. * * Optional settings must be the last argument. */ and(...peers: Array): this; /** * Appends the allowed object keys. If schema is null, undefined, or {}, no changes will be applied. */ append(schema?: SchemaMap): this; append(schema?: SchemaMap): ObjectSchema /** * Verifies an assertion where. */ assert(ref: string | Reference, schema: SchemaLike, message?: string): this; /** * Requires the object to be an instance of a given constructor. * * @param constructor - the constructor function that the object must be an instance of. * @param name - an alternate name to use in validation errors. This is useful when the constructor function does not have a name. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types instance(constructor: Function, name?: string): this; /** * Sets or extends the allowed object keys. */ keys(schema?: SchemaMap): this; /** * Specifies the exact number of keys in the object. */ length(limit: number): this; /** * Specifies the maximum number of keys in the object. */ max(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the minimum number of keys in the object. */ min(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Defines a relationship between keys where not all peers can be present at the same time. * * Optional settings must be the last argument. */ nand(...peers: Array): this; /** * Defines a relationship between keys where one of the peers is required (and more than one is allowed). * * Optional settings must be the last argument. */ or(...peers: Array): this; /** * Defines an exclusive relationship between a set of keys where only one is allowed but none are required. * * Optional settings must be the last argument. */ oxor(...peers: Array): this; /** * Specify validation rules for unknown keys matching a pattern. * * @param pattern - a pattern that can be either a regular expression or a joi schema that will be tested against the unknown key names * @param schema - the schema object matching keys must validate against */ pattern(pattern: RegExp | SchemaLike, schema: SchemaLike, options?: ObjectPatternOptions): this; /** * Requires the object to be a Joi reference. */ ref(): this; /** * Requires the object to be a `RegExp` object. */ regex(): this; /** * Renames a key to another name (deletes the renamed key). */ rename(from: string | RegExp, to: string, options?: RenameOptions): this; /** * Requires the object to be a Joi schema instance. */ schema(type?: SchemaLike): this; /** * Overrides the handling of unknown keys for the scope of the current object only (does not apply to children). */ unknown(allow?: boolean): this; /** * Requires the presence of other keys whenever the specified key is present. */ with(key: string, peers: string | string[], options?: DependencyOptions): this; /** * Forbids the presence of other keys whenever the specified is present. */ without(key: string, peers: string | string[], options?: DependencyOptions): this; /** * Defines an exclusive relationship between a set of keys. one of them is required but not at the same time. * * Optional settings must be the last argument. */ xor(...peers: Array): this; } interface BinarySchema extends AnySchema { /** * Sets the string encoding format if a string input is converted to a buffer. */ encoding(encoding: string): this; /** * Specifies the minimum length of the buffer. */ min(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the maximum length of the buffer. */ max(limit: number | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the exact length of the buffer: */ length(limit: number | Reference): this; } interface DateSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Specifies that the value must be greater than date. * Notes: 'now' can be passed in lieu of date so as to always compare relatively to the current date, * allowing to explicitly ensure a date is either in the past or in the future. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ greater(date: 'now' | Date | number | string | Reference): this; /** * Requires the string value to be in valid ISO 8601 date format. */ iso(): this; /** * Specifies that the value must be less than date. * Notes: 'now' can be passed in lieu of date so as to always compare relatively to the current date, * allowing to explicitly ensure a date is either in the past or in the future. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ less(date: 'now' | Date | number | string | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the oldest date allowed. * Notes: 'now' can be passed in lieu of date so as to always compare relatively to the current date, * allowing to explicitly ensure a date is either in the past or in the future. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ min(date: 'now' | Date | number | string | Reference): this; /** * Specifies the latest date allowed. * Notes: 'now' can be passed in lieu of date so as to always compare relatively to the current date, * allowing to explicitly ensure a date is either in the past or in the future. * It can also be a reference to another field. */ max(date: 'now' | Date | number | string | Reference): this; /** * Requires the value to be a timestamp interval from Unix Time. * @param type - the type of timestamp (allowed values are unix or javascript [default]) */ timestamp(type?: 'javascript' | 'unix'): this; } interface FunctionSchema extends ObjectSchema { /** * Specifies the arity of the function where: * @param n - the arity expected. */ arity(n: number): this; /** * Requires the function to be a class. */ class(): this; /** * Specifies the minimal arity of the function where: * @param n - the minimal arity expected. */ minArity(n: number): this; /** * Specifies the minimal arity of the function where: * @param n - the minimal arity expected. */ maxArity(n: number): this; } interface AlternativesSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Adds a conditional alternative schema type, either based on another key value, or a schema peeking into the current value. */ conditional(ref: string | Reference, options: WhenOptions | WhenOptions[]): this; conditional(ref: Schema, options: WhenSchemaOptions): this; /** * Requires the validated value to match a specific set of the provided alternative.try() schemas. * Cannot be combined with `alternatives.conditional()`. */ match(mode: 'any' | 'all' | 'one'): this; /** * Adds an alternative schema type for attempting to match against the validated value. */ try(...types: SchemaLikeWithoutArray[]): this; } interface LinkSchema extends AnySchema { /** * Same as `any.concat()` but the schema is merged after the link is resolved which allows merging with schemas of the same type as the resolved link. * Will throw an exception during validation if the merged types are not compatible. */ concat(schema: Schema): this; /** * Initializes the schema after constructions for cases where the schema has to be constructed first and then initialized. * If `ref` was not passed to the constructor, `link.ref()` must be called prior to usage. */ ref(ref: string): this; } interface Reference extends Exclude { depth: number; type: string; key: string; root: string; path: string[]; display: string; toString(): string; } type ExtensionBoundSchema = Schema & SchemaInternals; interface RuleArgs { name: string; ref?: boolean; assert?: ((value: any) => boolean) | AnySchema; message?: string; /** * Undocumented properties */ normalize?(value: any): any; } type RuleMethod = (...args: any[]) => any; interface ExtensionRule { /** * alternative name for this rule. */ alias?: string; /** * whether rule supports multiple invocations. */ multi?: boolean; /** * Dual rule: converts or validates. */ convert?: boolean; /** * list of arguments accepted by `method`. */ args?: Array; /** * rule body. */ method?: RuleMethod | false; /** * validation function. */ validate?(value: any, helpers: any, args: Record, options: any): any; /** * undocumented flags. */ priority?: boolean; manifest?: boolean; } interface CoerceResult { errors?: ErrorReport[]; value?: any; } type CoerceFunction = (value: any, helpers: CustomHelpers) => CoerceResult; interface CoerceObject { method: CoerceFunction; from?: string | string[]; } interface ExtensionFlag { setter?: string; default?: any; } interface ExtensionTermManifest { mapped: { from: string; to: string; }; } interface ExtensionTerm { init: any[] | null; register?: any; manifest?: Record; } interface Extension { type: string | RegExp; args?(...args: SchemaLike[]): Schema; base?: Schema; coerce?: CoerceFunction | CoerceObject; flags?: Record; manifest?: { build?(obj: ExtensionBoundSchema, desc: Record): any; }; messages?: LanguageMessages | string; modifiers?: Record any>; overrides?: Record Schema>; prepare?(value: any, helpers: CustomHelpers): any; rebuild?(schema: ExtensionBoundSchema): void; rules?: Record>; terms?: Record; validate?(value: any, helpers: CustomHelpers): any; /** * undocumented options */ cast?: Record; properties?: Record; } type ExtensionFactory = (joi: Root) => Extension; interface Err { toString(): string; } // --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- interface Root { /** * Current version of the joi package. */ version: string; ValidationError: new (message: string, details: ValidationErrorItem[], original: any) => ValidationError; /** * Generates a schema object that matches any data type. */ any(): AnySchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches an array data type. */ array(): ArraySchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a boolean data type (as well as the strings 'true', 'false', 'yes', and 'no'). Can also be called via boolean(). */ bool(): BooleanSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a boolean data type (as well as the strings 'true', 'false', 'yes', and 'no'). Can also be called via bool(). */ boolean(): BooleanSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a Buffer data type (as well as the strings which will be converted to Buffers). */ binary(): BinarySchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a date type (as well as a JavaScript date string or number of milliseconds). */ date(): DateSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a function type. */ func(): FunctionSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a function type. */ function(): FunctionSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a number data type (as well as strings that can be converted to numbers). */ number(): NumberSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches an object data type (as well as JSON strings that have been parsed into objects). */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-generics object(schema?: SchemaMap): ObjectSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches a string data type. Note that empty strings are not allowed by default and must be enabled with allow(''). */ string(): StringSchema; /** * Generates a schema object that matches any symbol. */ symbol(): SymbolSchema; /** * Generates a type that will match one of the provided alternative schemas */ alternatives(types: SchemaLike[]): AlternativesSchema; alternatives(...types: SchemaLike[]): AlternativesSchema; /** * Alias for `alternatives` */ alt(types: SchemaLike[]): AlternativesSchema; alt(...types: SchemaLike[]): AlternativesSchema; /** * Links to another schema node and reuses it for validation, typically for creative recursive schemas. * * @param ref - the reference to the linked schema node. * Cannot reference itself or its children as well as other links. * Links can be expressed in relative terms like value references (`Joi.link('...')`), * in absolute terms from the schema run-time root (`Joi.link('/a')`), * or using schema ids implicitly using object keys or explicitly using `any.id()` (`Joi.link('#a.b.c')`). */ link(ref?: string): LinkSchema; /** * Validates a value against a schema and throws if validation fails. * * @param value - the value to validate. * @param schema - the schema object. * @param message - optional message string prefix added in front of the error message. may also be an Error object. */ assert(value: any, schema: Schema, options?: ValidationOptions): void; assert(value: any, schema: Schema, message: string | Error, options?: ValidationOptions): void; /** * Validates a value against a schema, returns valid object, and throws if validation fails. * * @param value - the value to validate. * @param schema - the schema object. * @param message - optional message string prefix added in front of the error message. may also be an Error object. */ attempt(value: any, schema: TSchema, options?: ValidationOptions): TSchema extends Schema ? Value : never; attempt(value: any, schema: TSchema, message: string | Error, options?: ValidationOptions): TSchema extends Schema ? Value : never; cache: CacheConfiguration; /** * Converts literal schema definition to joi schema object (or returns the same back if already a joi schema object). */ compile(schema: SchemaLike, options?: CompileOptions): Schema; /** * Checks if the provided preferences are valid. * * Throws an exception if the prefs object is invalid. * * The method is provided to perform inputs validation for the `any.validate()` and `any.validateAsync()` methods. * Validation is not performed automatically for performance reasons. Instead, manually validate the preferences passed once and reuse. */ checkPreferences(prefs: ValidationOptions): void; /** * Creates a custom validation schema. */ custom(fn: CustomValidator, description?: string): Schema; /** * Creates a new Joi instance that will apply defaults onto newly created schemas * through the use of the fn function that takes exactly one argument, the schema being created. * * @param fn - The function must always return a schema, even if untransformed. */ defaults(fn: SchemaFunction): Root; /** * Generates a dynamic expression using a template string. */ expression(template: string, options?: ReferenceOptions): any; /** * Creates a new Joi instance customized with the extension(s) you provide included. */ extend(...extensions: Array): any; /** * Creates a reference that when resolved, is used as an array of values to match against the rule. */ in(ref: string, options?: ReferenceOptions): Reference; /** * Checks whether or not the provided argument is an instance of ValidationError */ isError(error: any): error is ValidationError; /** * Checks whether or not the provided argument is an expression. */ isExpression(expression: any): boolean; /** * Checks whether or not the provided argument is a reference. It's especially useful if you want to post-process error messages. */ isRef(ref: any): ref is Reference; /** * Checks whether or not the provided argument is a joi schema. */ isSchema(schema: any, options?: CompileOptions): schema is AnySchema; /** * A special value used with `any.allow()`, `any.invalid()`, and `any.valid()` as the first value to reset any previously set values. */ override: symbol; /** * Generates a reference to the value of the named key. */ ref(key: string, options?: ReferenceOptions): Reference; /** * Returns an object where each key is a plain joi schema type. * Useful for creating type shortcuts using deconstruction. * Note that the types are already formed and do not need to be called as functions (e.g. `string`, not `string()`). */ types(): { alternatives: AlternativesSchema; any: AnySchema; array: ArraySchema; binary: BinarySchema; boolean: BooleanSchema; date: DateSchema; function: FunctionSchema; link: LinkSchema; number: NumberSchema; object: ObjectSchema; string: StringSchema; symbol: SymbolSchema; }; /** * Generates a dynamic expression using a template string. */ x(template: string, options?: ReferenceOptions): any; // --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- // Below are undocumented APIs. use at your own risk // --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- /** * Whitelists a value */ allow(...values: any[]): Schema; /** * Adds the provided values into the allowed whitelist and marks them as the only valid values allowed. */ valid(...values: any[]): Schema; equal(...values: any[]): Schema; /** * Blacklists a value */ invalid(...values: any[]): Schema; disallow(...values: any[]): Schema; not(...values: any[]): Schema; /** * Marks a key as required which will not allow undefined as value. All keys are optional by default. */ required(): Schema; /** * Alias of `required`. */ exist(): Schema; /** * Marks a key as optional which will allow undefined as values. Used to annotate the schema for readability as all keys are optional by default. */ optional(): Schema; /** * Marks a key as forbidden which will not allow any value except undefined. Used to explicitly forbid keys. */ forbidden(): Schema; /** * Overrides the global validate() options for the current key and any sub-key. */ preferences(options: ValidationOptions): Schema; /** * Overrides the global validate() options for the current key and any sub-key. */ prefs(options: ValidationOptions): Schema; /** * Converts the type into an alternatives type where the conditions are merged into the type definition where: */ when(ref: string | Reference, options: WhenOptions | WhenOptions[]): AlternativesSchema; when(ref: Schema, options: WhenSchemaOptions): AlternativesSchema; /** * Unsure, maybe alias for `compile`? */ build(...args: any[]): any; /** * Unsure, maybe alias for `preferences`? */ options(...args: any[]): any; /** * Unsure, maybe leaked from `@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize` */ trace(...args: any[]): any; untrace(...args: any[]): any; } } declare const Joi: Joi.Root; export = Joi;