/// // TypeScript Version: 3.6 import { KeyObject, PrivateKeyInput, PublicKeyInput } from 'crypto'; export type use = 'sig' | 'enc'; export type keyOperation = 'sign' | 'verify' | 'encrypt' | 'decrypt' | 'wrapKey' | 'unwrapKey' | 'deriveKey'; export interface BasicParameters { alg?: string; use?: use; kid?: string; key_ops?: keyOperation[]; } export interface KeyParameters extends BasicParameters { x5c?: string[]; x5t?: string; 'x5t#S256'?: string; } export type ECCurve = 'P-256' | 'secp256k1' | 'P-384' | 'P-521'; export type OKPCurve = 'Ed25519' | 'Ed448' | 'X25519' | 'X448'; export type Curves = OKPCurve | ECCurve; export type keyType = 'RSA' | 'EC' | 'OKP' | 'oct'; export type asymmetricKeyObjectTypes = 'private' | 'public'; export type keyObjectTypes = asymmetricKeyObjectTypes | 'secret'; export type JWTProfiles = 'id_token' | 'at+JWT' | 'logout_token'; export type KeyInput = PrivateKeyInput | PublicKeyInput | string | Buffer; export type ProduceKeyInput = JWK.Key | KeyObject | KeyInput | JWKOctKey | JWKRSAKey | JWKECKey | JWKOKPKey; export type ConsumeKeyInput = ProduceKeyInput | JWKS.KeyStore; export type NoneKey = JWK.NoneKey; export type EmbeddedJWK = JWK.EmbeddedJWK; export type EmbeddedX5C = JWK.EmbeddedX5C; export type EmbeddedVerifyKeys = EmbeddedJWK | EmbeddedX5C; export type ProduceKeyInputWithNone = ProduceKeyInput | NoneKey; export type ConsumeKeyInputWithNone = ConsumeKeyInput | NoneKey; export interface JWKOctKey extends BasicParameters { // no x5c kty: 'oct'; k?: string; } export interface JWKECKey extends KeyParameters { kty: 'EC'; crv: ECCurve; x: string; y: string; d?: string; } export interface JWKOKPKey extends KeyParameters { kty: 'OKP'; crv: OKPCurve; x: string; d?: string; } export interface JWKRSAKey extends KeyParameters { kty: 'RSA'; e: string; n: string; d?: string; p?: string; q?: string; dp?: string; dq?: string; qi?: string; } export type JSONWebKey = JWKRSAKey | JWKOKPKey | JWKECKey | JWKOctKey; export interface JSONWebKeySet { keys: JSONWebKey[]; } export interface ImportOptions { calculateMissingRSAPrimes?: boolean; } export namespace JWK { interface pemEncodingOptions { type?: string; cipher?: string; passphrase?: string; } interface Key { readonly private: boolean; readonly public: boolean; readonly secret: boolean; readonly type: keyObjectTypes; readonly kty: keyType; readonly alg?: string; readonly use?: use; readonly key_ops?: ReadonlyArray; readonly kid: string; readonly thumbprint: string; readonly x5c?: ReadonlyArray; readonly x5t?: string; readonly 'x5t#S256'?: string; readonly keyObject: KeyObject; readonly crv?: ECCurve | OKPCurve; readonly d?: string; readonly dp?: string; readonly dq?: string; readonly e?: string; readonly k?: string; readonly n?: string; readonly p?: string; readonly q?: string; readonly qi?: string; readonly x?: string; readonly y?: string; toPEM(private?: boolean, encoding?: pemEncodingOptions): string; algorithms(operation?: keyOperation): Set; } interface RSAKey extends Key { readonly secret: false; readonly type: asymmetricKeyObjectTypes; readonly kty: 'RSA'; readonly e: string; readonly n: string; readonly d?: string; readonly p?: string; readonly q?: string; readonly dp?: string; readonly dq?: string; readonly qi?: string; readonly crv: undefined; readonly k: undefined; readonly x: undefined; readonly y: undefined; toJWK(private?: boolean): JWKRSAKey; } interface ECKey extends Key { readonly secret: false; readonly type: asymmetricKeyObjectTypes; readonly kty: 'EC'; readonly crv: ECCurve; readonly x: string; readonly y: string; readonly d?: string; readonly dp: undefined; readonly dq: undefined; readonly e: undefined; readonly k: undefined; readonly n: undefined; readonly p: undefined; readonly q: undefined; readonly qi: undefined; toJWK(private?: boolean): JWKECKey; } interface OKPKey extends Key { readonly secret: false; readonly type: asymmetricKeyObjectTypes; readonly kty: 'OKP'; readonly crv: OKPCurve; readonly x: string; readonly d?: string; readonly dp: undefined; readonly dq: undefined; readonly e: undefined; readonly k: undefined; readonly n: undefined; readonly p: undefined; readonly q: undefined; readonly qi: undefined; readonly y: undefined; toJWK(private?: boolean): JWKOKPKey; } interface OctKey extends Key { readonly private: false; readonly public: false; readonly secret: true; readonly type: 'secret'; readonly kty: 'oct'; readonly k?: string; readonly crv: undefined; readonly d: undefined; readonly dp: undefined; readonly dq: undefined; readonly e: undefined; readonly n: undefined; readonly p: undefined; readonly q: undefined; readonly qi: undefined; readonly x: undefined; readonly y: undefined; toJWK(private?: boolean): JWKOctKey; } interface NoneKey { readonly type: 'unsecured'; readonly alg: 'none'; algorithms(operation?: keyOperation): Set; } const None: NoneKey; interface EmbeddedJWK { readonly type: 'embedded'; algorithms(operation?: keyOperation): Set; } const EmbeddedJWK: EmbeddedJWK; interface EmbeddedX5C { readonly type: 'embedded'; algorithms(operation?: keyOperation): Set; } const EmbeddedX5C: EmbeddedX5C; function isKey(object: any): boolean; function asKey(key: KeyObject | KeyInput, parameters?: KeyParameters): RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | OctKey; function asKey(jwk: JWKOctKey): OctKey; function asKey(jwk: JWKRSAKey, options?: ImportOptions): RSAKey; function asKey(jwk: JWKECKey): ECKey; function asKey(jwk: JWKOKPKey): OKPKey; /* * @deprecated in favor of asKey */ function importKey(key: KeyObject | KeyInput, parameters?: KeyParameters): RSAKey | ECKey | OKPKey | OctKey; function importKey(jwk: JWKOctKey): OctKey; function importKey(jwk: JWKRSAKey): RSAKey; function importKey(jwk: JWKECKey): ECKey; function importKey(jwk: JWKOKPKey): OKPKey; function generate(kty: keyType, crvOrSize?: Curves | number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; function generate(kty: 'EC', crv?: ECCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; function generate(kty: 'OKP', crv?: OKPCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; function generate(kty: 'RSA', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; function generate(kty: 'oct', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters): Promise; function generateSync(kty: keyType, crvOrSize?: Curves | number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): JWK.Key; function generateSync(kty: 'EC', crv?: ECCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): ECKey; function generateSync(kty: 'OKP', crv?: OKPCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): OKPKey; function generateSync(kty: 'RSA', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): RSAKey; function generateSync(kty: 'oct', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters): OctKey; } export namespace JWKS { interface KeyQuery extends BasicParameters { kty?: keyType; x5t?: string; 'x5t#S256'?: string; crv?: string; thumbprint?: string; } class KeyStore { constructor(keys?: JWK.Key[]); readonly size: number; add(key: JWK.Key): void; remove(key: JWK.Key): void; all(parameters?: KeyQuery): JWK.Key[]; get(parameters?: KeyQuery): JWK.Key; toJWKS(private?: boolean): JSONWebKeySet; generate(kty: keyType, crvOrSize?: Curves | number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; generate(kty: 'EC', crv?: ECCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; generate(kty: 'OKP', crv?: OKPCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; generate(kty: 'RSA', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): Promise; generate(kty: 'oct', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters): Promise; generateSync(kty: keyType, crvOrSize?: Curves | number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): void; generateSync(kty: 'EC', crv?: ECCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): void; generateSync(kty: 'OKP', crv?: OKPCurve, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): void; generateSync(kty: 'RSA', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters, private?: boolean): void; generateSync(kty: 'oct', bitlength?: number, parameters?: BasicParameters): void; /* * @deprecated in favor of JWKS.asKeyStore */ static fromJWKS(jwks: JSONWebKeySet): KeyStore; } interface JWKSImportOptions extends ImportOptions { ignoreErrors?: boolean; } function asKeyStore(jwks: JSONWebKeySet, options?: JWKSImportOptions): KeyStore; } export namespace JWS { interface JWSJSON { payload: string; } interface JWSRecipient { signature: string; protected?: string; header?: object; } interface FlattenedJWS extends JWSRecipient, JWSJSON {} interface GeneralJWS extends JWSJSON { signatures: JWSRecipient[]; } class Sign { constructor(payload: string | Buffer | object); recipient(key: ProduceKeyInputWithNone, protected?: object, header?: object): void; sign(serialization: 'compact'): string; sign(serialization: 'flattened'): FlattenedJWS; sign(serialization: 'general'): GeneralJWS; } function sign(payload: string | Buffer | object, key: ProduceKeyInputWithNone, protected?: object): string; namespace sign { function flattened(payload: string | Buffer | object, key: ProduceKeyInputWithNone, protected?: object, header?: object): FlattenedJWS; function general(payload: string | Buffer | object, key: ProduceKeyInputWithNone, protected?: object, header?: object): GeneralJWS; } interface VerifyOptions { complete?: komplet; parse?: parse; encoding?: BufferEncoding; crit?: string[]; algorithms?: string[]; } interface completeVerification { payload: T; key: T2; protected?: object; header?: object; } function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): string | object; function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): Buffer; function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): completeVerification; function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): completeVerification; function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: NoneKey, options?: VerifyOptions): completeVerification; function verify(jws: string | FlattenedJWS | GeneralJWS, key: NoneKey, options?: VerifyOptions): completeVerification; } export namespace JWE { interface JWEJSON { protected?: string; unprotected?: object; ciphertext: string; tag: string; iv: string; aad?: string; } interface JWERecipient { header?: object; encrypted_key: string; } interface FlattenedJWE extends JWERecipient, JWEJSON {} interface GeneralJWE extends JWEJSON { recipients: JWERecipient[]; } class Encrypt { constructor(cleartext: string | Buffer, protected?: object, unprotected?: object, aad?: string); recipient(key: ProduceKeyInput, header?: object): void; encrypt(serialization: 'compact'): string; encrypt(serialization: 'flattened'): FlattenedJWE; encrypt(serialization: 'general'): GeneralJWE; } function encrypt(payload: string | Buffer, key: ProduceKeyInput, protected?: object): string; namespace encrypt { function flattened(payload: string | Buffer, key: ProduceKeyInput, protected?: object, header?: object, aad?: string): FlattenedJWE; function general(payload: string | Buffer, key: ProduceKeyInput, protected?: object, header?: object, aad?: string): GeneralJWE; } interface DecryptOptions { complete?: komplet; crit?: string[]; algorithms?: string[]; } interface completeDecrypt { cleartext: Buffer; key: JWK.Key; cek: JWK.OctKey; aad?: string; header?: object; unprotected?: object; protected?: object; } function decrypt(jwe: string | FlattenedJWE | GeneralJWE, key: ConsumeKeyInput, options?: DecryptOptions): Buffer; function decrypt(jwe: string | FlattenedJWE | GeneralJWE, key: ConsumeKeyInput, options?: DecryptOptions): completeDecrypt; } export namespace JWT { interface completeResult { payload: object; header: object; signature: string; key: T; } interface DecodeOptions { complete?: komplet; } function decode(jwt: string, options?: DecodeOptions): object; function decode(jwt: string, options?: DecodeOptions): completeResult; interface VerifyOptions { complete?: komplet; ignoreExp?: boolean; ignoreNbf?: boolean; ignoreIat?: boolean; maxTokenAge?: string; subject?: string; issuer?: string; maxAuthAge?: string; jti?: string; clockTolerance?: string; audience?: string | string[]; algorithms?: string[]; nonce?: string; typ?: string; now?: Date; crit?: string[]; profile?: JWTProfiles; } function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): object; function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options?: VerifyOptions): completeResult; function verify(jwt: string, key: NoneKey, options?: VerifyOptions): completeResult; interface SignOptions { iat?: boolean; kid?: boolean; subject?: string; issuer?: string; audience?: string | string[]; header?: object; algorithm?: string; expiresIn?: string; notBefore?: string; jti?: string; nonce?: string; now?: Date; } function sign(payload: object, key: ProduceKeyInputWithNone, options?: SignOptions): string; interface VerifyProfileOptions { issuer: string; audience: string | string[]; profile?: profile; } namespace IdToken { function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'id_token'>): object; function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'id_token'>): completeResult; function verify(jwt: string, key: NoneKey, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'id_token'>): completeResult; } namespace LogoutToken { function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'logout_token'>): object; function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'logout_token'>): completeResult; function verify(jwt: string, key: NoneKey, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'logout_token'>): completeResult; } namespace AccessToken { function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInputWithNone | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'at+JWT'>): object; function verify(jwt: string, key: ConsumeKeyInput | EmbeddedVerifyKeys, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'at+JWT'>): completeResult; function verify(jwt: string, key: NoneKey, options: VerifyOptions & VerifyProfileOptions<'at+JWT'>): completeResult; } } export namespace errors { class JOSEError extends Error { code: T; } class JOSEInvalidEncoding extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_INVALID_ENCODING'> {} class JOSEMultiError extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_MULTIPLE_ERRORS'> {} class JOSEAlgNotWhitelisted extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_ALG_NOT_WHITELISTED'> {} class JOSECritNotUnderstood extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_CRIT_NOT_UNDERSTOOD'> {} class JOSENotSupported extends JOSEError<'ERR_JOSE_NOT_SUPPORTED'> {} class JWEDecryptionFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWE_DECRYPTION_FAILED'> {} class JWEInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWE_INVALID'> {} class JWKImportFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_IMPORT_FAILED'> {} class JWKInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_INVALID'> {} class JWKKeySupport extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWK_KEY_SUPPORT'> {} class JWKSNoMatchingKey extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWKS_NO_MATCHING_KEY'> {} class JWSInvalid extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWS_INVALID'> {} class JWSVerificationFailed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWS_VERIFICATION_FAILED'> {} class JWTClaimInvalid extends JOSEError { constructor(message?: string, claim?: string, reason?: string); claim: string; reason: 'prohibited' | 'missing' | 'invalid' | 'check_failed' | 'unspecified'; } class JWTExpired extends JWTClaimInvalid<'ERR_JWT_EXPIRED'> {} class JWTMalformed extends JOSEError<'ERR_JWT_MALFORMED'> {} }