{ "maxerr": 50, "curly": "Require {} for every new block or scope", "curly": true, "immed": "Require immediate invocations to be wrapped in parens e.g. `(function () { } ());`", "immed": true, "newcap": "Require capitalization of all constructor functions e.g. `new F()`", "newcap": true, "noarg": "Prohibit use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`", "noarg": true, "sub": "Tolerate using `[]` notation when it can still be expressed in dot notation", "sub": true, "boss": "Tolerate assignments where comparisons would be expected", "boss": true, "eqnull": "Tolerate use of `== null`", "eqnull": true, "globals": {}, // additional predefined global variables "strict": false, "node": true, "predef": [] }